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Video of Darren Wilson Leaving Hospital....UNSCATHED

The Grand Jury will have all the information including information that message boards do not have. Then the grand jury will come to a decision.

The grand jury has been polluted and should be dismissed because the leaks have been pervasive to the point where people on message boards know the outcome. Google the rules regarding grand juries. Absolute secrecy.

list all these "leaks" and the "sources"..prove they came from the "grand jury"..

Don't just sing it,
Bring it.
I thought the lyin' mo'fo was doing just that...lying about injuries to his face. George Zimmerman at least had a broken nose. This motherfucker doesn't have a scratch.

Video from the hospital when he walked out, two or three camera angles. He's the one in the white t-shirt. Full frontal of his face at :05.

Chickenshit, yellow-bellied pussy.
When the grand jury has gone through the evidence and determined if there is enough to bring charges, then I'll have an opinion.
In the meantime, I don't really give a shit either way.

Too bad, because the race riots in the 1960s started from an incident at a lunch counter that white people just ignored and a black woman who refused to sit in the back of the bus. It's a pity that white Americans have no sense of history and the dangers of repeating it.

any time you're ready, sambo.
Talk is cheap.
I thought the lyin' mo'fo was doing just that...lying about injuries to his face. George Zimmerman at least had a broken nose. This motherfucker doesn't have a scratch.

Video from the hospital when he walked out, two or three camera angles. He's the one in the white t-shirt. Full frontal of his face at :05.

Chickenshit, yellow-bellied pussy.

He shot and killed a thug, best .50 ever spent. We would've supported him in or out of jail for his entire life. Oh yeah, you also lost last Tuesday. Remember? Lol

I thought the lyin' mo'fo was doing just that...lying about injuries to his face. George Zimmerman at least had a broken nose. This motherfucker doesn't have a scratch.

Video from the hospital when he walked out, two or three camera angles. He's the one in the white t-shirt. Full frontal of his face at :05.

Chickenshit, yellow-bellied pussy.

He shot and killed a thug, best .50 ever spent. We would've supported him in or out of jail for his entire life. Oh yeah, you also lost last Tuesday. Remember? Lol
Imagine how much money was saved in future court and incarceration costs.

And Republicans wonder why they will never win the black vote. ROGER TANEY LIVES!!!

"They had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit."

Roger Taney, US Supreme Court Chief Justice.

lincoln felt the same way about negroes...he just used them for leverage and political gain...

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Letter to Horace Greeley
August 22, 1862

"Negro equality! Fudge!! How long, in the government of a God great enough to make and maintain this Universe, shall there continue knave to vend, and fools to gulp, so low a piece of demagoguism as this?"
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Fragments: Notes for Speeches
Sept. 1859 (Vol. III)

"But what shall we do with the Negroes after they are free? I believe that it would be better to export them all to some fertile country with a good climate, which they could have to themselves."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Letter to General Benjamin F. Butler
March 1865 (Vol. VII)

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, (applause from audience) that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people. I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, 4th Debate with Stephan A. Douglas in Illinois
Sept. 1858 (Vol. III)

"Judge Douglas has said to you that he has not been able to get an answer out of me to the question whether I am in favor of Negro citizenship. So far as I know, the Judge never asked me the question before. (applause from audience) He shall have no occasion to ever ask it again, for I tell him very frankly that I am not in favor of Negro citizenship. (renewed applause) If the state of Illinois has the power to grant Negroes citizenship, I shall be opposed to it. (cries of "here, here" and "good, good" from audience) That is all I have to say."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Speech at Sringfield, Illinois
June 1857 (Vol. II)

"In the course of his reply, the Senator remarked that he had always considered this a government made for the white people and not for the Negroes. Why, in point of mere fact, I think so, too."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Speech at Peoria, Illinois
Oct. 1854 (Vol. II)

"I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason why we should at least be separated."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Address on Colonization to a Deputation of
Africans in Washington D.C.
August 1862 (Vol. V)
I'm the racist? To whom? I don't believe a particular person is beneath me or does not deserve the same due process because of the color of their skin. Just because you say it doesn't make it true and doesn't mean you aren't a racist. Nice try though.

You don't get to make up entirely new definitions of words so you can "support" your weak arguments.
No one, except the most disturbed person, actually believes that people don't deserve due process because of "the color of their skin"...
...but you need to portray people that way or your argument collapses....

(negroes, on the other hand, DO think they deserve special privileges because of the color of their skin.)

Here's the real definition of "racism";
Syllabification: rac·ism
Pronunciation: /ˈrāˌsizəm

Definition of racism in English:
belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior:
I thought the lyin' mo'fo was doing just that...lying about injuries to his face. George Zimmerman at least had a broken nose. This motherfucker doesn't have a scratch.

Video from the hospital when he walked out, two or three camera angles. He's the one in the white t-shirt. Full frontal of his face at :05.

Chickenshit, yellow-bellied pussy.

Horse shit the video is of poor quality and due to such there is no way of making a determination of his injuries, other than the fact that he is not wrapped in bandages. Earlier it was claimed it had a orbital fracture if that is true he it would not require bandages nor be evident from this grainy video.

My guess is the Grand Jury had all evidence presented to them along with hospital records, personally I will wait and take their word form it over a wannbe sleuth with a only a choppy grainy video as evidence
Wilson didn't know at the time that Brown had robbed the convenience store. Educate yourself if you are going to post on the matter. The police radio audio is out now, too. I'd suggest you listen to it.

Secondly, the video proves that the "orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket" is nothing but a fucking lie by the Ferguson PD.

You should educate YOURSELF. Wilson radioed for backup and told the dispatcher that he had a suspect that matched the description of a person involved with an earlier robbery.

Could you provide a link to support that?

From YouTube and the Ferguson PD Chief to your ears and eyes...Just 7 seconds in.

Michael Brown Shooting / Ferguson Police Chief: Cop Who Stopped Brown Did Not Know About Robbery

Than what that tells me is Brown got shot because of his actions after Wilson stopped him? Thanks for clearing that up.

You are welcome.
Wilson didn't know at the time that Brown had robbed the convenience store. Educate yourself if you are going to post on the matter. The police radio audio is out now, too. I'd suggest you listen to it.

Secondly, the video proves that the "orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket" is nothing but a fucking lie by the Ferguson PD.

You should educate YOURSELF. Wilson radioed for backup and told the dispatcher that he had a suspect that matched the description of a person involved with an earlier robbery.

Could you provide a link to support that?

From YouTube and the Ferguson PD Chief to your ears and eyes;

Michael Brown Shooting / Ferguson Police Chief: Cop Who Stopped Brown Did Not Know About Robbery

Obviously WIlson DID know about the robbery, as the radio transcripts proved.

I'm quite sure he did NOT know for a fact that Brown was involved.

And the Ferguson PD chief needs to be replaced with someone who can get their facts straight instead of creating cover ups.

People in this country seem to think manufacturing and service unions are the most powerful, but they are wrong. The policemen's union is by far the biggest and most influential...and of course they are representing Chicken Man and putting pressure on the grand jury. You betcha'.

Sounds like the Obama administration.
I thought the lyin' mo'fo was doing just that...lying about injuries to his face. George Zimmerman at least had a broken nose. This motherfucker doesn't have a scratch.

Video from the hospital when he walked out, two or three camera angles. He's the one in the white t-shirt. Full frontal of his face at :05.

Chickenshit, yellow-bellied pussy.

how retarded are leftist?

retarded enough to look at a video, in which none of the words can be read, the eyes of the people are hard to see and still think they are getting a good enough look to spot injuries

Did all you fucking morans forget about jumping all over the video of GZ?

damn, the ignorance is thick
Sorry, the vidio shows absolutely nothing. His face looks like a big blur. I have no idea how anyone could draw a conclusion from such a poor video.
No one could draw any conclusion as to the existence or extent of any injuries from this vid, however it hasn't stopped the OP from coming across as low information or one who will believe anything they are told
The hospital is lying. All the doctors are lying. All the nurses are lying.

Because Michael Brown is just that special because he's black.

You really believe that?
Why, did he need to be on a stretcher?
Vid. title says "Leaves FOR!!!!!!!!!! Hospital" asshole.

Oh, that's even better!!!!!!! He's leaving the Ferguson police station UNSCATHED, immediately after the incident. Excellent. Thanks for the correction, I took the title from the URL.
We'll see what the Doctors who treated Wilson concluded.
Then you LIB fuck-witts can pee your pants.

^^^^^^ Typical scared white boy.

There's no blood on this shirt, either. Nothing. Then just like you would do, DannyPussy, he ran away and hid instead of standing up and defending himself and being a real man.
Wow, you're fucking insane. There is no evidence here that he was not injured. A grainy barely focused CC video that lasts what? 25 seconds?

Do us all a favor and go and seek help.
Yes, it does appear he committed cold blooded murder.

That his victim was an unarmed, black kid automatically makes him a RW hero.
Only idiots would make an assumption of Brown being a good kid after proof of him comiting strong arm robbery. This video doesn't prove a thing.

So, either Brown is a saint, or he deserves to be shot dead?

Way to binary think. :clap:
It's not just black and white.

He's definitely not a saint. He is definitely violent. I think his youth is a good indication of his experience level and is the primary cause of his death. He felt he could beat anyone up who got in his way, and he discovered too late that that wasn't the case.

That is a lot of speculation and conjecture. Wait for actual evidence.
But you're not going to believe "actual evidence". Neither are thousands of Tree Dwellers b/c they don't want to.
To say: "OK. The GJ looked at all the scientific evidence and found BM attacked and committed felony assault on a police officer then ran at the police officer as many negro witnesses attest to and the police officer shot and killed BM in self defense and now I'm satisfied justice has been served". No negro will ever publicly admit to the endemic negro culture of violence. That would be saying negroes do not have the mental ability to live peaceful, successful lives. And THAT reality is the ten ton gorilla in the room NO ONE will EVER admit to.
Why do liberals stick up for criminal thugs like Michael Broen? (We have video proving that.) I think they want their vote.

Are you saying that all "thugs" (as you define them) deserve to be shot dead?
In the commission of a crime where they refuse to surrender to the legal authority of the police. Charging Officer Wilson was stupid. Try charging the next police officer you find. The outcome won't be pretty and it won't matter is your ass is black or white.

Right. IF he charged the police officer. IF he grabbed for the officer's gun.

IF, IF, IF......

Stop acting like these things are established fact.
At least SIX negro eye witnesses have testified before the GJ that in fact BM did stop walking away then turned, then began to taunt Wilson claiming Wilson "didn't have the guts" to shoot, BM began to walk then run towards Wilson. Wilson began firing at the same time backing up to distance himself from BM. When Wilson had fired the last shot there were two shell casings from Wilson's gun BEHIND BM. This proves that Wilson was backing up as he was firing.
OR you Tree Dwellers can claim that later a cop "planted" the shell casings behind BM.
You 'Special Needs' Tree Dwellers will always be on the wrong side of everything.
I have bought extra 'mints' to offer the 'Special Needs' members here after the GJ releases it's findings. Just 'axe' me for some. HAAA HAAA!
Why do liberals stick up for criminal thugs like Michael Broen? (We have video proving that.) I think they want their vote.

Are you saying that all "thugs" (as you define them) deserve to be shot dead?
In the commission of a crime where they refuse to surrender to the legal authority of the police. Charging Officer Wilson was stupid. Try charging the next police officer you find. The outcome won't be pretty and it won't matter is your ass is black or white.

Right. IF he charged the police officer. IF he grabbed for the officer's gun.

IF, IF, IF......

Stop acting like these things are established fact.
At least SIX negro eye witnesses have testified before the GJ that in fact BM did stop walking away then turned, then began to taunt Wilson claiming Wilson "didn't have the guts" to shoot, BM began to walk then run towards Wilson. Wilson began firing at the same time backing up to distance himself from BM. When Wilson had fired the last shot there were two shell casings from Wilson's gun BEHIND BM. This proves that Wilson was backing up as he was firing.
OR you Tree Dwellers can claim that later a cop "planted" the shell casings behind BM.
You 'Special Needs' Tree Dwellers will always be on the wrong side of everything.
I have bought extra 'mints' to offer the 'Special Needs' members here after the GJ releases it's findings. Just 'axe' me for some. HAAA HAAA!

Got a link to that story?
I thought the lyin' mo'fo was doing just that...lying about injuries to his face. George Zimmerman at least had a broken nose. This motherfucker doesn't have a scratch.

Video from the hospital when he walked out, two or three camera angles. He's the one in the white t-shirt. Full frontal of his face at :05.

Chickenshit, yellow-bellied pussy.

You are a liar & this entire thread is a huge fail! That is not a video of Wilson leaving the hospital. That video is from inside the police station.
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Yes, it does appear he committed cold blooded murder.

That his victim was an unarmed, black kid automatically makes him a RW hero.

Talk about sanctimonious, self serving bullshit .... you haven't seen the evidence, and you have the temerity to presume that you know more than the grand jury who has?

Get over yourself ...
I thought the lyin' mo'fo was doing just that...lying about injuries to his face. George Zimmerman at least had a broken nose. This motherfucker doesn't have a scratch.

Video from the hospital when he walked out, two or three camera angles. He's the one in the white t-shirt. Full frontal of his face at :05.

Chickenshit, yellow-bellied pussy.

Yes you can clearly diagnose injury from that distance and from a bad video

Can you also leap tall buildings in a single bound?
I thought the lyin' mo'fo was doing just that...lying about injuries to his face. George Zimmerman at least had a broken nose. This motherfucker doesn't have a scratch.

Video from the hospital when he walked out, two or three camera angles. He's the one in the white t-shirt. Full frontal of his face at :05.

Chickenshit, yellow-bellied pussy.

Just like the tampered Zimmerman tape. You liberal scumbags have no honor.

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