Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

Lol This guy has a clear history of being a thug we have videos of him being arrested, stealing tv’s, tell cops to F off.

Arbery wasn't even sentenced to any jail time. Wow, a "thug" that has hardly spent a day in jail.

Arbery later pleaded guilty and received first offender status, which mean no jail time and 5 years probation.
Lol This guy has a clear history of being a thug we have videos of him being arrested, stealing tv’s, tell cops to F off.

Arbery wasn't even sentenced to any jail time. Wow, a "thug" that has hardly spent a day in jail.

Arbery later pleaded guilty and received first offender status, which mean no jail time and 5 years probation.
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE
"...IF the offense is a felony AND the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion"
What was the FELONY committed?

Open carry and accosting someone while openly armed are NOT the same things. Using a firearm as a means of coercion is not lawful anywhere that I know of.

And you do realize that this is just someone's opinion based on what they were told by the three individuals who are now the defendants in the case? The author of this document makes reference to "witness statements", this is what I was asking you for previously. So far I've only seen the incident report written by the police officer which is a narrative of what Gregory McMichael told him, but I've seen nothing from Travis who is the actual shooter, I wonder why they haven't published that one unless they think it might harm their case.

I don't recall at any point any one of them stating that they were in fear for their lives, have you?
You’re not living in reality the black man ran from a dwelling that did not belong to him after he was warned to stay off of the property by Travis... why should neighbors continue to see a house continually be trespassed on,, when he was caught he ran in what I believe will be a tool he stole from the property.. but you are right the police report doesn’t say much.. and I don’t think that bodes well for Arbery
Because there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things and grabbing a shotgun, jumping in your truck along with your buddies, chasing down a "suspect", confronting him while armed with a shotgun is the WRONG way to go about resolving the issue.

They could have followed him and kept him in site until the police caught up with them. Why was this not a viable option?

And why are you referring to Arbery as "the black man" when you know his name?
I disagree,, the neighbors were all on high alert, to the point police told English to call McMichaels if it keeps happening. The guns are tool for protection, you can’t infringe on that.. sorry Arbery felt uncomfortable maybe he should have listed to Travis the last time he broke in
You disagree with what?
With what you wrote
You disagree that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things?

And you never responded when I asked previously what felony had been committed, please let me know if you find one.
I think they handled it the American way, we aren’t changing it because your feelings are hurt. And A dwelling occupied unoccupied or vacant if your intentions are to steal you are committing a felony under Georgia law and if you are caught you can B stop by citizens for citizens arrest... Read the fucking law I fucking gave it to you do you have any more fucking stupid questions
That's not the American way and why are you cursing at me?

And why do you think my feelings are hurt? This is the way you attempt to get to know someone?
Any more questions?
Yep, what felony was comittted?
Entering a dwelling with the intent to steal
As evidenced by what? The homeowner has gone on record saying nothing was stolen and I've already pointed out that it's not possible for you or them to know his intent, you can only infer or surmise it and if the physical evidence bears this out then you've made your case. So if this was true, why have we not heard about the police having recovered whatever item Arbery is alleged by you to have stolen?

And have you not seen the video of various people stopping by that house that was under construction and looking around, including some kids? Should they all have been subjected to an armed confrontation, interrogation & citizen's arrest as well? And even with all those other people stopping by to take a look at the construction site, remember, the homeowner said nothing was missing from the site. Additionally the only police report filed in the months preceding the shooting involved the theft of a firearm from one of Gregory McMichael's vehicles. The stupidity of a former law enforcement officer leaving a firearm in his vehicle is deserving of a thread all of it's own.
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE
"...IF the offense is a felony AND the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion"
What was the FELONY committed?

Open carry and accosting someone while openly armed are NOT the same things. Using a firearm as a means of coercion is not lawful anywhere that I know of.

And you do realize that this is just someone's opinion based on what they were told by the three individuals who are now the defendants in the case? The author of this document makes reference to "witness statements", this is what I was asking you for previously. So far I've only seen the incident report written by the police officer which is a narrative of what Gregory McMichael told him, but I've seen nothing from Travis who is the actual shooter, I wonder why they haven't published that one unless they think it might harm their case.

I don't recall at any point any one of them stating that they were in fear for their lives, have you?
You’re not living in reality the black man ran from a dwelling that did not belong to him after he was warned to stay off of the property by Travis... why should neighbors continue to see a house continually be trespassed on,, when he was caught he ran in what I believe will be a tool he stole from the property.. but you are right the police report doesn’t say much.. and I don’t think that bodes well for Arbery
Because there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things and grabbing a shotgun, jumping in your truck along with your buddies, chasing down a "suspect", confronting him while armed with a shotgun is the WRONG way to go about resolving the issue.

They could have followed him and kept him in site until the police caught up with them. Why was this not a viable option?

And why are you referring to Arbery as "the black man" when you know his name?
I disagree,, the neighbors were all on high alert, to the point police told English to call McMichaels if it keeps happening. The guns are tool for protection, you can’t infringe on that.. sorry Arbery felt uncomfortable maybe he should have listed to Travis the last time he broke in
You disagree with what?
With what you wrote
You disagree that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things?

And you never responded when I asked previously what felony had been committed, please let me know if you find one.
I think they handled it the American way, we aren’t changing it because your feelings are hurt. And A dwelling occupied unoccupied or vacant if your intentions are to steal you are committing a felony under Georgia law and if you are caught you can B stop by citizens for citizens arrest... Read the fucking law I fucking gave it to you do you have any more fucking stupid questions
That's not the American way and why are you cursing at me?

And why do you think my feelings are hurt? This is the way you attempt to get to know someone?
Any more questions?
Yep, what felony was comittted?
Entering a dwelling with the intent to steal
As evidenced by what? The homeowner has gone on record saying nothing was stolen and I've already pointed out that it's not possible for you or them to know his intent, you can only infer or surmise it and if the physical evidence bears this out then you've made your case. So if this was true, why have we not heard about the police having recovered whatever item Arbery is alleged by you to have stolen?

And have you not seen the video of various people stopping by that house that was under construction and looking around, including some kids? Should they all have been subjected to an armed confrontation, interrogation & citizen's arrest as well? And even with all those other people stopping by to take a look at the construction site, remember, the homeowner said nothing was missing from the site. Additionally the only police report filed in the months preceding the shooting involved the theft of a firearm from one of Gregory McMichael's vehicles. The stupidity of a former law enforcement officer leaving a firearm in his vehicle is deserving of a thread all of it's own.
You are being reported for spamming the keep posting the same crap over and over.
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE
"...IF the offense is a felony AND the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion"
What was the FELONY committed?

Open carry and accosting someone while openly armed are NOT the same things. Using a firearm as a means of coercion is not lawful anywhere that I know of.

And you do realize that this is just someone's opinion based on what they were told by the three individuals who are now the defendants in the case? The author of this document makes reference to "witness statements", this is what I was asking you for previously. So far I've only seen the incident report written by the police officer which is a narrative of what Gregory McMichael told him, but I've seen nothing from Travis who is the actual shooter, I wonder why they haven't published that one unless they think it might harm their case.

I don't recall at any point any one of them stating that they were in fear for their lives, have you?
You’re not living in reality the black man ran from a dwelling that did not belong to him after he was warned to stay off of the property by Travis... why should neighbors continue to see a house continually be trespassed on,, when he was caught he ran in what I believe will be a tool he stole from the property.. but you are right the police report doesn’t say much.. and I don’t think that bodes well for Arbery
Because there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things and grabbing a shotgun, jumping in your truck along with your buddies, chasing down a "suspect", confronting him while armed with a shotgun is the WRONG way to go about resolving the issue.

They could have followed him and kept him in site until the police caught up with them. Why was this not a viable option?

And why are you referring to Arbery as "the black man" when you know his name?
I disagree,, the neighbors were all on high alert, to the point police told English to call McMichaels if it keeps happening. The guns are tool for protection, you can’t infringe on that.. sorry Arbery felt uncomfortable maybe he should have listed to Travis the last time he broke in
You disagree with what?
With what you wrote
You disagree that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things?

And you never responded when I asked previously what felony had been committed, please let me know if you find one.
I think they handled it the American way, we aren’t changing it because your feelings are hurt. And A dwelling occupied unoccupied or vacant if your intentions are to steal you are committing a felony under Georgia law and if you are caught you can B stop by citizens for citizens arrest... Read the fucking law I fucking gave it to you do you have any more fucking stupid questions
That's not the American way and why are you cursing at me?

And why do you think my feelings are hurt? This is the way you attempt to get to know someone?
Any more questions?
Yep, what felony was comittted?
Entering a dwelling with the intent to steal
As evidenced by what? The homeowner has gone on record saying nothing was stolen and I've already pointed out that it's not possible for you or them to know his intent, you can only infer or surmise it and if the physical evidence bears this out then you've made your case. So if this was true, why have we not heard about the police having recovered whatever item Arbery is alleged by you to have stolen?

And have you not seen the video of various people stopping by that house that was under construction and looking around, including some kids? Should they all have been subjected to an armed confrontation, interrogation & citizen's arrest as well? And even with all those other people stopping by to take a look at the construction site, remember, the homeowner said nothing was missing from the site. Additionally the only police report filed in the months preceding the shooting involved the theft of a firearm from one of Gregory McMichael's vehicles. The stupidity of a former law enforcement officer leaving a firearm in his vehicle is deserving of a thread all of it's own.
He’s right you keep repeating the same garbage. The information is out there for you , or it’s been answered.. any more questions?
Time to end this thread............the long lines are starting to appear and the circular arguments are .a waste of board space.

More than enough evidence to convince any potential juror that Travis in defense of his life was entitled to use lethal force. Case Closed run along boys and girls.
Well, maybes the McMichaels will luck out and find some goober attorney willing to represent them pro bono.

If not, they’re looking at giving away their life savings for some stupid stunt.

No sympathy here.
Well, maybes the McMichaels will luck out and find some goober attorney willing to represent them pro bono.

If not, they’re looking at giving away their life savings for some stupid stunt.

No sympathy here.
Looks like they are in for a pay day! From the GBI, cnn, and Arberys mother
Well, maybes the McMichaels will luck out and find some goober attorney willing to represent them pro bono.

If not, they’re looking at giving away their life savings for some stupid stunt.

No sympathy here.

Someone might have been subject to False Arrest, based up a stunt by the liberal media to build up ratings, and all you can say is "tough shit"?
It's not possible for the McMichaels to have known his intentions and no, only the police can lawfully stop someone utilizing force. Or a bounty hunter.
Of course it is, your son warned him days before to stay off the property, then you see him again running away with something in his hand? How many more times is Arbery going to taunt neighbors with his brazen actions? All actions have consequences.. The boys called him while on the phone with the cops and Arbery attacked a man with a shot gun. Why is that ok? Do you want this neighborhood to continue to be terrorized?
Let all things be done decent and in order.

All things here are way out of order.

That's why we have law and supposed order in this country.

All we are getting is hearsay when talk about he said she said, so at this point the law kicks in to get to the bottom of this mess. Speculation is all over the place, but that doesn't wash in a case that is as volital as this one is .
Well just take the video,, it’s shows all we need an attack on a man with a gun
Well let's see if the investigation states that as fact, otherwise to state what led up to the death of Arbery be it this or that.
To me you can charge them with being stupid but Travis had a right to protect him self.
Not sure how it will go. Without all the evidence to review, it's pure speculation outside of the court proceedings.

we see the video
Not enough. Just one part of it.
It’s enough for me. NOT GUILTY
Ok, for you.
If your the jury, based on what you saw, that’s it.. is he guilty of murder?
Who is guilty of murder ?

When you take a life while engaged in self defense it is not called murder but justifiable homicide.
Yes, in self defence, but the case has not been vetted completely, yet you draw your conclusions on what evidence there is in completion of, if it has not been completed vetted yet ?? I'm not willing to complete the analysis before the completed evidence is all in, and a review of it all is given with court verdicts issued .

Well, you are in for a long wait.
Yes, some cases are drawn out for long periods of time, and this could very well be one of those cases all due to the chaos involved in it all.

In truth it is a very simple case with good evidence available . The chaos is a result of the media attempting to confuse people and spin this case into something it is not. Right off the bat they come out with the outrageous headline of Evil white racist hunt negroes to a effort to stir up and incite the black community to get all agitated and bring political pressure to bear on the politicians in Atlanta to take control and reverse a legitimate investigation by the local authorities. George Zimmerman case all over again.

Thus the real issue or the most important issue of this case is one of corrupt politicians caving into media pressure and a dishonest media performing as usual. Covering up the truth the best they can and constantly spinning and distorting the facts of the case to try and divide America.....that is what really needs to be addressed.
Why the delay of the case for months, and a trial or hearing not set in the normal time period if it is an easy case ?

The political authorities in Atlanta fear riots may break out in this majority black city...thus they want to slow everything down and give the blacks time to cool off as they have been led astray and are agitated due to media propaganda designed to do just that.

Thus they are motivated to slow this case down as much as possible.
That's understandable, but also to get to the truth that lay within every aspect of the case in which is what most are hoping for right ?? A truth that will satisfy all curiosity, and satisfy all the true believers in law and order in every case brought. Do the right thing, and 99.9% of the people are ok with the outcomes.
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE
"...IF the offense is a felony AND the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion"
What was the FELONY committed?

Open carry and accosting someone while openly armed are NOT the same things. Using a firearm as a means of coercion is not lawful anywhere that I know of.

And you do realize that this is just someone's opinion based on what they were told by the three individuals who are now the defendants in the case? The author of this document makes reference to "witness statements", this is what I was asking you for previously. So far I've only seen the incident report written by the police officer which is a narrative of what Gregory McMichael told him, but I've seen nothing from Travis who is the actual shooter, I wonder why they haven't published that one unless they think it might harm their case.

I don't recall at any point any one of them stating that they were in fear for their lives, have you?
You’re not living in reality the black man ran from a dwelling that did not belong to him after he was warned to stay off of the property by Travis... why should neighbors continue to see a house continually be trespassed on,, when he was caught he ran in what I believe will be a tool he stole from the property.. but you are right the police report doesn’t say much.. and I don’t think that bodes well for Arbery
Because there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things and grabbing a shotgun, jumping in your truck along with your buddies, chasing down a "suspect", confronting him while armed with a shotgun is the WRONG way to go about resolving the issue.

They could have followed him and kept him in site until the police caught up with them. Why was this not a viable option?

And why are you referring to Arbery as "the black man" when you know his name?
I disagree,, the neighbors were all on high alert, to the point police told English to call McMichaels if it keeps happening. The guns are tool for protection, you can’t infringe on that.. sorry Arbery felt uncomfortable maybe he should have listed to Travis the last time he broke in
You disagree with what?
With what you wrote
You disagree that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things?

And you never responded when I asked previously what felony had been committed, please let me know if you find one.
I think they handled it the American way, we aren’t changing it because your feelings are hurt. And A dwelling occupied unoccupied or vacant if your intentions are to steal you are committing a felony under Georgia law and if you are caught you can B stop by citizens for citizens arrest... Read the fucking law I fucking gave it to you do you have any more fucking stupid questions
That's not the American way and why are you cursing at me?

And why do you think my feelings are hurt? This is the way you attempt to get to know someone?
Any more questions?
Yep, what felony was comittted?
Entering a dwelling with the intent to steal
As evidenced by what? The homeowner has gone on record saying nothing was stolen and I've already pointed out that it's not possible for you or them to know his intent, you can only infer or surmise it and if the physical evidence bears this out then you've made your case. So if this was true, why have we not heard about the police having recovered whatever item Arbery is alleged by you to have stolen?

And have you not seen the video of various people stopping by that house that was under construction and looking around, including some kids? Should they all have been subjected to an armed confrontation, interrogation & citizen's arrest as well? And even with all those other people stopping by to take a look at the construction site, remember, the homeowner said nothing was missing from the site. Additionally the only police report filed in the months preceding the shooting involved the theft of a firearm from one of Gregory McMichael's vehicles. The stupidity of a former law enforcement officer leaving a firearm in his vehicle is deserving of a thread all of it's own.
You are being reported for spamming the keep posting the same crap over and over.
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE
"...IF the offense is a felony AND the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion"
What was the FELONY committed?

Open carry and accosting someone while openly armed are NOT the same things. Using a firearm as a means of coercion is not lawful anywhere that I know of.

And you do realize that this is just someone's opinion based on what they were told by the three individuals who are now the defendants in the case? The author of this document makes reference to "witness statements", this is what I was asking you for previously. So far I've only seen the incident report written by the police officer which is a narrative of what Gregory McMichael told him, but I've seen nothing from Travis who is the actual shooter, I wonder why they haven't published that one unless they think it might harm their case.

I don't recall at any point any one of them stating that they were in fear for their lives, have you?
You’re not living in reality the black man ran from a dwelling that did not belong to him after he was warned to stay off of the property by Travis... why should neighbors continue to see a house continually be trespassed on,, when he was caught he ran in what I believe will be a tool he stole from the property.. but you are right the police report doesn’t say much.. and I don’t think that bodes well for Arbery
Because there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things and grabbing a shotgun, jumping in your truck along with your buddies, chasing down a "suspect", confronting him while armed with a shotgun is the WRONG way to go about resolving the issue.

They could have followed him and kept him in site until the police caught up with them. Why was this not a viable option?

And why are you referring to Arbery as "the black man" when you know his name?
I disagree,, the neighbors were all on high alert, to the point police told English to call McMichaels if it keeps happening. The guns are tool for protection, you can’t infringe on that.. sorry Arbery felt uncomfortable maybe he should have listed to Travis the last time he broke in
You disagree with what?
With what you wrote
You disagree that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things?

And you never responded when I asked previously what felony had been committed, please let me know if you find one.
I think they handled it the American way, we aren’t changing it because your feelings are hurt. And A dwelling occupied unoccupied or vacant if your intentions are to steal you are committing a felony under Georgia law and if you are caught you can B stop by citizens for citizens arrest... Read the fucking law I fucking gave it to you do you have any more fucking stupid questions
That's not the American way and why are you cursing at me?

And why do you think my feelings are hurt? This is the way you attempt to get to know someone?
Any more questions?
Yep, what felony was comittted?
Entering a dwelling with the intent to steal
As evidenced by what? The homeowner has gone on record saying nothing was stolen and I've already pointed out that it's not possible for you or them to know his intent, you can only infer or surmise it and if the physical evidence bears this out then you've made your case. So if this was true, why have we not heard about the police having recovered whatever item Arbery is alleged by you to have stolen?

And have you not seen the video of various people stopping by that house that was under construction and looking around, including some kids? Should they all have been subjected to an armed confrontation, interrogation & citizen's arrest as well? And even with all those other people stopping by to take a look at the construction site, remember, the homeowner said nothing was missing from the site. Additionally the only police report filed in the months preceding the shooting involved the theft of a firearm from one of Gregory McMichael's vehicles. The stupidity of a former law enforcement officer leaving a firearm in his vehicle is deserving of a thread all of it's own.
You are being reported for spamming the keep posting the same crap over and over.
LOL that's really funny. And some serious projection you've got going on there.
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE
"...IF the offense is a felony AND the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion"
What was the FELONY committed?

Open carry and accosting someone while openly armed are NOT the same things. Using a firearm as a means of coercion is not lawful anywhere that I know of.

And you do realize that this is just someone's opinion based on what they were told by the three individuals who are now the defendants in the case? The author of this document makes reference to "witness statements", this is what I was asking you for previously. So far I've only seen the incident report written by the police officer which is a narrative of what Gregory McMichael told him, but I've seen nothing from Travis who is the actual shooter, I wonder why they haven't published that one unless they think it might harm their case.

I don't recall at any point any one of them stating that they were in fear for their lives, have you?
You’re not living in reality the black man ran from a dwelling that did not belong to him after he was warned to stay off of the property by Travis... why should neighbors continue to see a house continually be trespassed on,, when he was caught he ran in what I believe will be a tool he stole from the property.. but you are right the police report doesn’t say much.. and I don’t think that bodes well for Arbery
Because there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things and grabbing a shotgun, jumping in your truck along with your buddies, chasing down a "suspect", confronting him while armed with a shotgun is the WRONG way to go about resolving the issue.

They could have followed him and kept him in site until the police caught up with them. Why was this not a viable option?

And why are you referring to Arbery as "the black man" when you know his name?
I disagree,, the neighbors were all on high alert, to the point police told English to call McMichaels if it keeps happening. The guns are tool for protection, you can’t infringe on that.. sorry Arbery felt uncomfortable maybe he should have listed to Travis the last time he broke in
You disagree with what?
With what you wrote
You disagree that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things?

And you never responded when I asked previously what felony had been committed, please let me know if you find one.
I think they handled it the American way, we aren’t changing it because your feelings are hurt. And A dwelling occupied unoccupied or vacant if your intentions are to steal you are committing a felony under Georgia law and if you are caught you can B stop by citizens for citizens arrest... Read the fucking law I fucking gave it to you do you have any more fucking stupid questions
That's not the American way and why are you cursing at me?

And why do you think my feelings are hurt? This is the way you attempt to get to know someone?
Any more questions?
Yep, what felony was comittted?
Entering a dwelling with the intent to steal
As evidenced by what? The homeowner has gone on record saying nothing was stolen and I've already pointed out that it's not possible for you or them to know his intent, you can only infer or surmise it and if the physical evidence bears this out then you've made your case. So if this was true, why have we not heard about the police having recovered whatever item Arbery is alleged by you to have stolen?

And have you not seen the video of various people stopping by that house that was under construction and looking around, including some kids? Should they all have been subjected to an armed confrontation, interrogation & citizen's arrest as well? And even with all those other people stopping by to take a look at the construction site, remember, the homeowner said nothing was missing from the site. Additionally the only police report filed in the months preceding the shooting involved the theft of a firearm from one of Gregory McMichael's vehicles. The stupidity of a former law enforcement officer leaving a firearm in his vehicle is deserving of a thread all of it's own.
He’s right you keep repeating the same garbage. The information is out there for you , or it’s been answered.. any more questions?
None at the moment that you have the ability to answer. Or refute, but let me think on it a bit, I might be able to come up with something although I doubt you all will like them any better than my other ones.
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE
"...IF the offense is a felony AND the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion"
What was the FELONY committed?

Open carry and accosting someone while openly armed are NOT the same things. Using a firearm as a means of coercion is not lawful anywhere that I know of.

And you do realize that this is just someone's opinion based on what they were told by the three individuals who are now the defendants in the case? The author of this document makes reference to "witness statements", this is what I was asking you for previously. So far I've only seen the incident report written by the police officer which is a narrative of what Gregory McMichael told him, but I've seen nothing from Travis who is the actual shooter, I wonder why they haven't published that one unless they think it might harm their case.

I don't recall at any point any one of them stating that they were in fear for their lives, have you?
You’re not living in reality the black man ran from a dwelling that did not belong to him after he was warned to stay off of the property by Travis... why should neighbors continue to see a house continually be trespassed on,, when he was caught he ran in what I believe will be a tool he stole from the property.. but you are right the police report doesn’t say much.. and I don’t think that bodes well for Arbery
Because there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things and grabbing a shotgun, jumping in your truck along with your buddies, chasing down a "suspect", confronting him while armed with a shotgun is the WRONG way to go about resolving the issue.

They could have followed him and kept him in site until the police caught up with them. Why was this not a viable option?

And why are you referring to Arbery as "the black man" when you know his name?
I disagree,, the neighbors were all on high alert, to the point police told English to call McMichaels if it keeps happening. The guns are tool for protection, you can’t infringe on that.. sorry Arbery felt uncomfortable maybe he should have listed to Travis the last time he broke in
You disagree with what?
With what you wrote
You disagree that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things?

And you never responded when I asked previously what felony had been committed, please let me know if you find one.
I think they handled it the American way, we aren’t changing it because your feelings are hurt. And A dwelling occupied unoccupied or vacant if your intentions are to steal you are committing a felony under Georgia law and if you are caught you can B stop by citizens for citizens arrest... Read the fucking law I fucking gave it to you do you have any more fucking stupid questions
That's not the American way and why are you cursing at me?

And why do you think my feelings are hurt? This is the way you attempt to get to know someone?
Any more questions?
Yep, what felony was comittted?
Entering a dwelling with the intent to steal
As evidenced by what? The homeowner has gone on record saying nothing was stolen and I've already pointed out that it's not possible for you or them to know his intent, you can only infer or surmise it and if the physical evidence bears this out then you've made your case. So if this was true, why have we not heard about the police having recovered whatever item Arbery is alleged by you to have stolen?

And have you not seen the video of various people stopping by that house that was under construction and looking around, including some kids? Should they all have been subjected to an armed confrontation, interrogation & citizen's arrest as well? And even with all those other people stopping by to take a look at the construction site, remember, the homeowner said nothing was missing from the site. Additionally the only police report filed in the months preceding the shooting involved the theft of a firearm from one of Gregory McMichael's vehicles. The stupidity of a former law enforcement officer leaving a firearm in his vehicle is deserving of a thread all of it's own.
He’s right you keep repeating the same garbage. The information is out there for you , or it’s been answered.. any more questions?
None at the moment that you have the ability to answer. Or refute, but let me think on it a bit, I might be able to come up with something although I doubt you all will like them any better than my other ones.
Your just circling,, the video is clear, ran from a house when caught, attacked when confronted
#1 Displaying weapons in Georgia is LEGAL. Its called open carry. At least try to pretend you've read up on the law.

yes, but you cannot commit simple assault with your weapon.

It was simple assault when the three white men committed an act which placed a black man who was jogging in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.” Right here is all the video evidence required to press charges for simple assault in Georgia.

Simple assault becomes a felony, (aggravated assault) when a firearms are displayed when trying to stop a jogger from running his intended route.

and when the victim of aggravated assault is killed it automatically becomes murder because it occurred during a felony. The intent, motive and question of self-defense is not relevant in this case. Arbery’s visit on Private property just before he was killed is not relevant to the crimes of aggravated assault and murder during the commission of a felony.
Well, maybes the McMichaels will luck out and find some goober attorney willing to represent them pro bono.

If not, they’re looking at giving away their life savings for some stupid stunt.

No sympathy here.

Zimmerman had no problem getting donations for his defense team....neither will the McMichaels fact they should find it easier as they are more of a reputable family....father being former lawer enforcement.

I doubt if you have followed the discussion but the fact is the police had made the father the go to connection to those complaing about tresspassers in that neighborhood.

Any good citizen should be motivated to protect their neighborhood....the father sees the dude hauling ass down the street right in front of his house, recognizes him and calls the police to inform them and then begins the chase of the suspect.....something any good citizen should do....see a suspect and try and help the police catch him.

It is puzzling to me why some seem to think that is not a good thing. Especially since the father was a former policeman devoted to caching ignoring them.

Exactly why do you think trying to apprehend a criminal suspect is not a good thing to do?

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