Video shows white cops performing roadside cavity search of black man

The cavity search was illegal, there was no probable cause to justify it and even had there been, no exigent circumstances to conduct it there in public.

If the officers had legitimate probable cause (they didn't) then the proper course of action was to arrest the individual get a search warrant and transport him to an authorized and trained medical professional.

Some people feel the need to justify the most egregious and unprofessional conduct usually because they were dirty themselves...

ACLU and NAACP should have a field day.
Video shows white cops performing roadside cavity search of black man

Here’s what happened: Lakeya Hicks and Elijah Pontoon were in Hicks’s car just a couple of blocks from downtown Aiken when they were pulled over by Officer Chris Medlin of the Aiken Department of Public Safety. Hicks was driving. She had recently purchased the car, so it still had temporary tags.

In the video, Medlin asks Hicks to get out, then tells her that he stopped her because of the “paper tag” on her car. This already is a problem. There’s no law against temporary tags in South Carolina, so long as they haven’t expired.

Medlin then asks Pontoon for identification. Since he was in the passenger seat, Pontoon wouldn’t have been required to provide ID even if the stop had been legitimate. Still, he provides his driver’s license to Medlin. A couple of minutes later, Medlin tells Hicks that her license and tags check out. (You can see the time stamp in the lower left corner of the video.) This should be the end of the stop — which, again, should never have happened in the first place.

Instead, Medlin orders Pontoon out of the vehicle and handcuffs him. He also orders Hicks out of the car. Pontoon then asks Medlin what’s happening. Medlin ignores him. Pontoon asks again. Medlin responds that he’ll “explain it all in a minute.” Several minutes later, a female officers appears. Medlin then tells Pontoon, “Because of your history, I’ve got a dog coming in here. Gonna walk a dog around the car.” About 30 seconds later, he adds, “You gonna pay for this one, boy.”

Moments later, an officer named Clark Smith arrives with a police dog. He walks around the car with his dog. A fourth police officer then shows up. The four officers then spend the next 15 minutes conducting a thorough search of the car. Early into the search, Medlin exclaims, “Uh-huh!” as if he has found something incriminating. But nothing comes of it.

After the search of the car comes up empty, Medlin tells the female officer to “search her real good,” referring to Hicks. The personal search of Hicks is conducted off camera, but according to the complaint filed by Phillips, it allegedly involved exposing Hicks’s breasts on the side of the road in a populated area. The complaint also alleges that this was all done in direct view of the three male officers. That search, too, produced no contraband.

The officers then turn their attention to Pontoon. Medlin asks Pontoon to get out of the car. He cuffs him and begins to pat him down. Toward the end of the first video, at about the 12:46:30 mark, he tells Pontoon: “You’ve got something here right between your legs. There’s something hard right there between your legs.” Medlin says that he’s going to “put some gloves on.”

The anal probe happens out of direct view of the camera, but the audio leaves little doubt about what’s happening. Pontoon at one point says that one of the officers is grabbing his hemorrhoids. Medlin appears to reply, “I’ve had hemorrhoids, and they ain’t that hard.” At about 12:47:15 in the video, the audio actually suggests that two officers may have inserted fingers into Pontoon’s rectum, as one asks, “What are you talking about, right here?” The other replies, “Right straight up in there.”

Pontoon then again tells the officers that they’re pushing on a hemorrhoid. One officer responds, “If that’s a hemorrhoid, that’s a hemorrhoid, all right? But that don’t feel like no hemorrhoid to me.”

The officers apparently continue to search Pontoon’s rectum for another three minutes. They found no contraband. At 12:50:25, Medlin tells Pontoon to turn around and explains that he suspects him because he recognized him from when he worked narcotics. “Now I know you from before, from when I worked dope. I seen you. That’s why I put a dog on the car.”

Again, I ask the bootlickers. What is an unlawful request from Police? I hope this guy gets paid and they get fired for their made up laws and reasoning

Some cops are pigs. Hopefully they are reprimanded in some way.

Yeah they were punished with keeping their jobs. :2up:
Get this...a cop pulled them over for no reason, requested ID for no reason, called a drug dog on suspicion of "I recognize him I think", and then 2 cops shove fingers in the guys ass for no reason or at least the reason was "I think I know you".

Bux total answer consists of "eww gross, but they can do what they like"
The cavity search was illegal, there was no probable cause to justify it and even had there been, no exigent circumstances to conduct it there in public.

If the officers had legitimate probable cause (they didn't) then the proper course of action was to arrest the individual get a search warrant and transport him to an authorized and trained medical professional.

Some people feel the need to justify the most egregious and unprofessional conduct usually because they were dirty themselves...

ACLU and NAACP should have a field day.

They wont. Because you dont know WTF you're talking about.

You said "arrest the person" then get a search warrant...for the hard object in his pants? What if it was a weapon? You don't need a search warrant to search someone you arrest. And...what would they arrest him for to do such a thing your propose?

Your knowledge of the law is too bad to have this discussion .
The cavity search was illegal, there was no probable cause to justify it and even had there been, no exigent circumstances to conduct it there in public.

If the officers had legitimate probable cause (they didn't) then the proper course of action was to arrest the individual get a search warrant and transport him to an authorized and trained medical professional.

Some people feel the need to justify the most egregious and unprofessional conduct usually because they were dirty themselves...

ACLU and NAACP should have a field day.

They wont. Because you dont know WTF you're talking about.

You said "arrest the person" then get a search warrant...for the hard object in his pants? What if it was a weapon? You don't need a search warrant to search someone you arrest. And...what would they arrest him for to do such a thing your propose?

Your knowledge of the law is too bad to have this discussion .

I understand that you were probably a mall cop or an illiterate southern hick pseudo cop, either way your stupidity is no excuse, please stop parading your stupidity for the world to see.

Now for those that can read above a third grade level, let's recap...

If the officers had legitimate probable cause

arrest the individual get a search warrant

You get the search warrant to have a qualified medical person conduct the cavity search instead of a bunch of medically untrained road side perverts.

Some people feel the need to justify the most egregious and unprofessional conduct usually because they were dirty themselves...
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A weapon? In his asshole? Mmm, okay

He'll reply in a moment, he just saw someone with a badge...

Former Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Kelly Helleson was sentenced to a year in jail, which was suspended. She is serving two years of supervised probation and must pay $1,000 for each of the two convictions for illegal body searches.


Since the incident, Angel and her niece received a settlement of $185,000 in a federal civil rights case. Three years later, Angel is working with legislators on House Bill 4071, which will require that a peace officer obtain a search warrant before conducting a body cavity search.

I managed to learn through the course of the investigation there were at least 30 other women she had done this to. I knew it was too routine for the officers, it was like they had been roadside raping citizens for years.

Late last month, the Texas House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill that requires police to obtain search warrants before searching the genital cavities of drivers or passengers during roadside stops. How can others help such legislation succeed in Texas and elsewhere?

ANGEL DOBBS: People need to contact their Representatives and Senators, inform them about the issue, and explain to them that it needs to be legislative priority. House Bill 4071 is currently at the Calendars Committee we need support with people calling to ask it be sent for a floor vote by May 14th 2015.

Maybe that stupid ass will vacate the board for awhile until he picks his jaw off the ground.

Police pull over and rape 2 cooperative innocents; they're just too motivated! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I can't believe it!

What rape? They searched a suspect and obviously an unusual object was found. I for one never would have gone that far because it's fucking gross.

Taken as a whole....considering the guys past is as a drug dealer...I bet most people would've thought he was hiding drugs.

Still....the story makes me want to vomit.
Wow so your fascist little brain supports on demand cavity searches on innocent citizens. Unbelievable.
And the problem with the cavity search is...what?

Police pull over and rape 2 cooperative innocents; they're just too motivated! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I can't believe it!

What rape? They searched a suspect and obviously an unusual object was found. I for one never would have gone that far because it's fucking gross.

Taken as a whole....considering the guys past is as a drug dealer...I bet most people would've thought he was hiding drugs.

Still....the story makes me want to vomit.
Wow so your fascist little brain supports on demand cavity searches on innocent citizens. Unbelievable.
And the problem with the cavity search is...what?

When was the last time you requested one? And if you havent, why not?
Awww Bux, the master of taking one extreme situation and presenting it as something common. Nice try

Former Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Kelly Helleson was sentenced to a year in jail, which was suspended. She is serving two years of supervised probation and must pay $1,000 for each of the two convictions for illegal body searches.


Since the incident, Angel and her niece received a settlement of $185,000 in a federal civil rights case. Three years later, Angel is working with legislators on House Bill 4071, which will require that a peace officer obtain a search warrant before conducting a body cavity search.

I managed to learn through the course of the investigation there were at least 30 other women she had done this to. I knew it was too routine for the officers, it was like they had been roadside raping citizens for years.

Late last month, the Texas House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill that requires police to obtain search warrants before searching the genital cavities of drivers or passengers during roadside stops. How can others help such legislation succeed in Texas and elsewhere?

ANGEL DOBBS: People need to contact their Representatives and Senators, inform them about the issue, and explain to them that it needs to be legislative priority. House Bill 4071 is currently at the Calendars Committee we need support with people calling to ask it be sent for a floor vote by May 14th 2015.

Maybe that stupid ass will vacate the board for awhile until he picks his jaw off the ground.

You just proved yourself wrong. Why the need to pass a bill banning roadside cavity searches?? Because they're LEGAL...IF there is reasonable cause that weapons MIGHT BE hidden there. add....MANY police departments have internal policies banning cavity searches unless "emergency safety concerns" are present so they don't happen most places.

But they are legal if there's reason to believe a weapon may be hidden.

And yes....people hide guns in their assholes. Usually animals and savages like you.
New Jersey man hides stolen .25-caliber gun in anus: cops
Awww Bux, the master of taking one extreme situation and presenting it as something common. Nice try

Aww....ClosedCaption shocked that something he thought couldn't happen....happens. Criminals have hidden guns and knives in their assholes plenty of times. Cops have died sometimes from it too. Sorry if that busted your bubble. A simple Google search before you comment would save you lots of embarrassment.

Former Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Kelly Helleson was sentenced to a year in jail, which was suspended. She is serving two years of supervised probation and must pay $1,000 for each of the two convictions for illegal body searches.


Since the incident, Angel and her niece received a settlement of $185,000 in a federal civil rights case. Three years later, Angel is working with legislators on House Bill 4071, which will require that a peace officer obtain a search warrant before conducting a body cavity search.

I managed to learn through the course of the investigation there were at least 30 other women she had done this to. I knew it was too routine for the officers, it was like they had been roadside raping citizens for years.

Late last month, the Texas House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill that requires police to obtain search warrants before searching the genital cavities of drivers or passengers during roadside stops. How can others help such legislation succeed in Texas and elsewhere?

ANGEL DOBBS: People need to contact their Representatives and Senators, inform them about the issue, and explain to them that it needs to be legislative priority. House Bill 4071 is currently at the Calendars Committee we need support with people calling to ask it be sent for a floor vote by May 14th 2015.

Maybe that stupid ass will vacate the board for awhile until he picks his jaw off the ground.

You just proved yourself wrong. Why the need to pass a bill banning roadside cavity searches?? Because they're LEGAL...IF there is reasonable cause that weapons MIGHT BE hidden there. add....MANY police departments have internal policies banning cavity searches unless "emergency safety concerns" are present so they don't happen most places.

But they are legal if there's reason to believe a weapon may be hidden.

And yes....people hide guns in their assholes. Usually animals and savages like you.
New Jersey man hides stolen .25-caliber gun in anus: cops
Earlier you advocated for cavity searches without reasonable cause or anything.
Video shows white cops performing roadside cavity search of black man

Here’s what happened: Lakeya Hicks and Elijah Pontoon were in Hicks’s car just a couple of blocks from downtown Aiken when they were pulled over by Officer Chris Medlin of the Aiken Department of Public Safety. Hicks was driving. She had recently purchased the car, so it still had temporary tags.

In the video, Medlin asks Hicks to get out, then tells her that he stopped her because of the “paper tag” on her car. This already is a problem. There’s no law against temporary tags in South Carolina, so long as they haven’t expired.

Medlin then asks Pontoon for identification. Since he was in the passenger seat, Pontoon wouldn’t have been required to provide ID even if the stop had been legitimate. Still, he provides his driver’s license to Medlin. A couple of minutes later, Medlin tells Hicks that her license and tags check out. (You can see the time stamp in the lower left corner of the video.) This should be the end of the stop — which, again, should never have happened in the first place.

Instead, Medlin orders Pontoon out of the vehicle and handcuffs him. He also orders Hicks out of the car. Pontoon then asks Medlin what’s happening. Medlin ignores him. Pontoon asks again. Medlin responds that he’ll “explain it all in a minute.” Several minutes later, a female officers appears. Medlin then tells Pontoon, “Because of your history, I’ve got a dog coming in here. Gonna walk a dog around the car.” About 30 seconds later, he adds, “You gonna pay for this one, boy.”

Moments later, an officer named Clark Smith arrives with a police dog. He walks around the car with his dog. A fourth police officer then shows up. The four officers then spend the next 15 minutes conducting a thorough search of the car. Early into the search, Medlin exclaims, “Uh-huh!” as if he has found something incriminating. But nothing comes of it.

After the search of the car comes up empty, Medlin tells the female officer to “search her real good,” referring to Hicks. The personal search of Hicks is conducted off camera, but according to the complaint filed by Phillips, it allegedly involved exposing Hicks’s breasts on the side of the road in a populated area. The complaint also alleges that this was all done in direct view of the three male officers. That search, too, produced no contraband.

The officers then turn their attention to Pontoon. Medlin asks Pontoon to get out of the car. He cuffs him and begins to pat him down. Toward the end of the first video, at about the 12:46:30 mark, he tells Pontoon: “You’ve got something here right between your legs. There’s something hard right there between your legs.” Medlin says that he’s going to “put some gloves on.”

The anal probe happens out of direct view of the camera, but the audio leaves little doubt about what’s happening. Pontoon at one point says that one of the officers is grabbing his hemorrhoids. Medlin appears to reply, “I’ve had hemorrhoids, and they ain’t that hard.” At about 12:47:15 in the video, the audio actually suggests that two officers may have inserted fingers into Pontoon’s rectum, as one asks, “What are you talking about, right here?” The other replies, “Right straight up in there.”

Pontoon then again tells the officers that they’re pushing on a hemorrhoid. One officer responds, “If that’s a hemorrhoid, that’s a hemorrhoid, all right? But that don’t feel like no hemorrhoid to me.”

The officers apparently continue to search Pontoon’s rectum for another three minutes. They found no contraband. At 12:50:25, Medlin tells Pontoon to turn around and explains that he suspects him because he recognized him from when he worked narcotics. “Now I know you from before, from when I worked dope. I seen you. That’s why I put a dog on the car.”

Again, I ask the bootlickers. What is an unlawful request from Police? I hope this guy gets paid and they get fired for their made up laws and reasoning

Some cops are pigs. Hopefully they are reprimanded in some way.

Yeah they were punished with keeping their jobs. :2up:
If only their victims could afford a decent lawyer

Former Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Kelly Helleson was sentenced to a year in jail, which was suspended. She is serving two years of supervised probation and must pay $1,000 for each of the two convictions for illegal body searches.


Since the incident, Angel and her niece received a settlement of $185,000 in a federal civil rights case. Three years later, Angel is working with legislators on House Bill 4071, which will require that a peace officer obtain a search warrant before conducting a body cavity search.

I managed to learn through the course of the investigation there were at least 30 other women she had done this to. I knew it was too routine for the officers, it was like they had been roadside raping citizens for years.

Late last month, the Texas House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill that requires police to obtain search warrants before searching the genital cavities of drivers or passengers during roadside stops. How can others help such legislation succeed in Texas and elsewhere?

ANGEL DOBBS: People need to contact their Representatives and Senators, inform them about the issue, and explain to them that it needs to be legislative priority. House Bill 4071 is currently at the Calendars Committee we need support with people calling to ask it be sent for a floor vote by May 14th 2015.

Maybe that stupid ass will vacate the board for awhile until he picks his jaw off the ground.

You just proved yourself wrong. Why the need to pass a bill banning roadside cavity searches?? Because they're LEGAL...IF there is reasonable cause that weapons MIGHT BE hidden there. add....MANY police departments have internal policies banning cavity searches unless "emergency safety concerns" are present so they don't happen most places.

But they are legal if there's reason to believe a weapon may be hidden.

And yes....people hide guns in their assholes. Usually animals and savages like you.
New Jersey man hides stolen .25-caliber gun in anus: cops
Earlier you advocated for cavity searches without reasonable cause or anything.

No I didnt. ANY search is illegal without just cause. 4th Amendment. Terry vs Ohio allows searches for possible weapons.

Former Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Kelly Helleson was sentenced to a year in jail, which was suspended. She is serving two years of supervised probation and must pay $1,000 for each of the two convictions for illegal body searches.


Since the incident, Angel and her niece received a settlement of $185,000 in a federal civil rights case. Three years later, Angel is working with legislators on House Bill 4071, which will require that a peace officer obtain a search warrant before conducting a body cavity search.

I managed to learn through the course of the investigation there were at least 30 other women she had done this to. I knew it was too routine for the officers, it was like they had been roadside raping citizens for years.

Late last month, the Texas House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill that requires police to obtain search warrants before searching the genital cavities of drivers or passengers during roadside stops. How can others help such legislation succeed in Texas and elsewhere?

ANGEL DOBBS: People need to contact their Representatives and Senators, inform them about the issue, and explain to them that it needs to be legislative priority. House Bill 4071 is currently at the Calendars Committee we need support with people calling to ask it be sent for a floor vote by May 14th 2015.

Maybe that stupid ass will vacate the board for awhile until he picks his jaw off the ground.

You just proved yourself wrong. Why the need to pass a bill banning roadside cavity searches?? Because they're LEGAL...IF there is reasonable cause that weapons MIGHT BE hidden there. add....MANY police departments have internal policies banning cavity searches unless "emergency safety concerns" are present so they don't happen most places.

But they are legal if there's reason to believe a weapon may be hidden.

And yes....people hide guns in their assholes. Usually animals and savages like you.
New Jersey man hides stolen .25-caliber gun in anus: cops
Earlier you advocated for cavity searches without reasonable cause or anything.

No I didnt. ANY search is illegal without just cause. 4th Amendment. Terry vs Ohio allows searches for possible weapons.
What was the reasonable suspicion in the OP's link?
Awww Bux, the master of taking one extreme situation and presenting it as something common. Nice try

Aww....ClosedCaption shocked that something he thought couldn't happen....happens.

Once again, Bux takes something that was never said and tries to apply it to me. I said you take one extreme and act as if weapons in assholes is a common occurence. And its not.

Criminals have hidden guns and knives in their assholes plenty of times. Cops have died sometimes from it too. Sorry if that busted your bubble. A simple Google search before you comment would save you lots of embarrassment.

No one said they could NOT hide weapons in their asshole. I said you presenting it as something common enough to warrant a roadside anus check without cause is fine.

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