Video: Workers See for the First Time how Obamacare Affects their Premiums/Deductible

Ladies and gentlemen.

Every one of those people could get a better deal on the exchange. The employer could relieve himself of the burden of administering the benefit. These people are being screwed by the insurance company......and by their employer. Not by the ACA.

Does anyone know how much the employer is contributing to the premiums of the employees? It doesn't sound like he is.

The woman who is going to have premiums of over 1300 per month in that video is making more than $150,000 per year? Is that what we are to believe?

I am sorry that so many of you are so easily influenced by half-journalism. Mostly because it means that we get more of it.

Every one of those people could get a better deal on the exchange.

Prove it.

These people are being screwed by the insurance company......and by their employer. Not by the ACA.

The ACA required the coverage changes that caused the premium jump.

Does anyone know how much the employer is contributing to the premiums of the employees? It doesn't sound like he is.

Conjecture, irrelevant.

The woman who is going to have premiums of over 1300 per month in that video is making more than $150,000 per year? Is that what we are to believe?

Why do you ask?

well his 150,000 dollars is off ... the cut off for her is 95,000 that's for a family of 4 they will pay 680 dollars a month, not 1300 dollars with a 250 dollar emergency room cost with a max payout of 1200 that's it...
so if all those workers qualify for a subsidy

the pyramid inverts even more

with massive numbers of people dependent on the government

with fewer and fewer paying the tab

nothing like making more people dependent

what a bunch of jackasses we have running the country

I realize by your post alone you're not too bright haven't look at the ACA bill ... look where it says how its paid for... some of the cost come from the people who can afford it, the people making over 120,000 dollars ... now mind you 90% of the American people make under 90,000 dollars ... the majority of the money comes from medical corporations paying 2.2% of their gross income ... so you, "the tax payer" aren't getting the whole cost of every body...
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I am not denying it. I think you are lying. I think you have not researched your options.

So far, nobody has proven their claim.

Bullshit! post #17

Your link did not prove anything, sorry.

But....know this.....

Premiums cannot exceed 9.5% of income.

Beginning in 2014 employers with at least 50 full–time employees may be subject to new penalties.

•Full–time employees includes employees working 30 or more hours a week calculated on a monthly basis.
•Full–time equivalents are included for purposes of determining employment size. To calculate these employees aggregate the total monthly hours of part–time workers and divide by 120.

Employer Mandate | AGC - The Associated General Contractors of America
It's only going to get worse.

Dems are already running away from it as fast as they can.

Kinda curious if "you have to pass it in order to read it" will have trouble getting re-elected, even in her ultra-lefty district.
They are supposed to be happy because what they are paying enables poor people to have insurance. It's called redistribution.

It's amazing how not a single one of my company's clients that I've had to inform about their brand-new, never-had-one-before deductibles has said, "Well, thank God I'm paying for other people to have insurance."
I am not denying it. I think you are lying. I think you have not researched your options.

So far, nobody has proven their claim.

Bullshit! post #17

Your link did not prove anything, sorry.

But....know this.....

Premiums cannot exceed 9.5% of income.

And that's the only way that insurance companies charge people, right? Oops, no, sorry. I talk to several people a day who now have spiffy brand-new deductibles and caps on their health insurance that they never did before ACA. Most of them will never hit their yearly deductible because it's so high and they don't have catastrophic illnesses, so they're basically paying for their health care out-of-pocket. Of those who DO have catastrophic, expensive illnesses, THEY get to deal with hitting their caps and not getting jack shit from their insurance. They still get to pay the premiums, though.

Your link did not prove anything, sorry.

But....know this.....

Premiums cannot exceed 9.5% of income.

And that's the only way that insurance companies charge people, right? Oops, no, sorry. I talk to several people a day who now have spiffy brand-new deductibles and caps on their health insurance that they never did before ACA. Most of them will never hit their yearly deductible because it's so high and they don't have catastrophic illnesses, so they're basically paying for their health care out-of-pocket. Of those who DO have catastrophic, expensive illnesses, THEY get to deal with hitting their caps and not getting jack shit from their insurance. They still get to pay the premiums, though.


I never heard a single nutter whine about deductibles until this law came to be. There have always been deductibles....and they have always been hard to pay for people mired in our conservative generated freezing of real wages.

What caps? I think you might be mistaken about caps.
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ACA is already impacting the future 'doctor' pool.

All of a sudden finishing the top of your class in medical school has lost it's shine

ACA is already impacting the future 'doctor' pool.

All of a sudden finishing the top of your class in medical school has lost it's shine


Let's add an anecdote here.

My three kids all attended a regular public school here in central Florida. Nothing special about our demographic. Around 2000 students.

Between the three of them, they have 9 friends who are either in medical school or are going to medical school. All intend to become doctors. I don't think any of them will decide to change their career path because they think they'll make too little money.

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that there is no shortage of young people who will pursue medicine as a career. There would be more if we did what we should do and pay for their education.
Your link did not prove anything, sorry.

But....know this.....

Premiums cannot exceed 9.5% of income.

And that's the only way that insurance companies charge people, right? Oops, no, sorry. I talk to several people a day who now have spiffy brand-new deductibles and caps on their health insurance that they never did before ACA. Most of them will never hit their yearly deductible because it's so high and they don't have catastrophic illnesses, so they're basically paying for their health care out-of-pocket. Of those who DO have catastrophic, expensive illnesses, THEY get to deal with hitting their caps and not getting jack shit from their insurance. They still get to pay the premiums, though.


I never heard a single nutter whine about deductibles until this law came to be. There have always been deductibles....and they have always been hard to pay for people mired in our conservative generated freezing of real wages.

What caps? I think you might be mistaken about caps.

"*sigh*" Do you work in the insurance field? The healthcare field? No? They why the fuck would you EXPECT to hear "nutters whine" about deductibles, you ignorant pusbag?

On the other hand, those of us who DO work in those fields HAVE heard people complain about such things in the past, AND have observed a marked upswing in it to match the increase in deductibles and such being added to plans. And I would say "Excuse me" for having increased YOUR hearing of "whining" about them - aka actually fucking informing you about what's going on in the world outside the sphincter you have your head so firmly planted in - except that I'm not sorry, since you're so woefully fucking overdue to wake up and become aware of something other than the liberal fantasyland you live your life in.

Anytime you just can't stand to "hear nutters whine", feel free to take your amazingly, breathtakingly useless presence elsewhere. God knows, it's so much easier to be a leftist if you run away from anything that might even hint at real diversity or tolerance.
ACA is already impacting the future 'doctor' pool.

All of a sudden finishing the top of your class in medical school has lost it's shine


Let's add an anecdote here.

Let's don't. It adds nothing to the discussion, and quite frankly, no one here gives a shit about your personal life. Save it for your therapist.

My three kids all attended a regular public school here in central Florida. Nothing special about our demographic. Around 2000 students.

Between the three of them, they have 9 friends who are either in medical school or are going to medical school. All intend to become doctors. I don't think any of them will decide to change their career path because they think they'll make too little money.

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that there is no shortage of young people who will pursue medicine as a career. There would be more if we did what we should do and pay for their education.

I was right. It added fuck-all to the discussion, and was incredibly dull.
Huh, and I got called a liar by [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION] went I said ours went up 44%. He was saying everyone was lying who was claiming these outrageous increase.

heres the problem that you don't seem to get or understand ... you're being lie to ... you are quoting your cost that came from your health care company under the currant plan you have lonelaugher was trying to tell you this... but you did get it, or you too stupid to understand ...

which ever it is none of you mention if you got your subsidy or not ... neither did the video ... you just blurted out a percentage just like the video did ... if you are a family of 4 and make less then 94,000 dollars a year you will get a subsidy on the average of 400 dollars or more ... the single mother working at a auto repair shop paying 1300 dollars a month ??? give me a break ... if you want to be lied to fine ... but don't sit here and try to blow smoke up every bodies ass until you go to the web site you look up ,what it will cost you... then come back here and tell us the real truth... we might then believe your lies

here's are the facts... most people working at a auto shop, unless they are mechanic, are making between 10 and 15 dollars an hour... this woman isn't making more the 94,000 dollars a year you can bet on that ... more then likely she is maybe making the most ,30,000 dollars a year at best... she would almost qualify for medicaid or the cheapest cost for health care ...

Everything here is your opinion, nothing more.

You go an on about proof, yet you provide none.....all you have is "It helped me therefore it will help everyone".

That is silly.

you're still stuck in the stupid mode I see ...


  • $insurance-tax-subsidy-chart-253x300.png
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lets try this again click on the chart and you will see what you will pay for a silver plan


  • $insurance-tax-subsidy-chart.png
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Great. Too much multiplied by two is even more that they can't afford. Thanks for pointing that out.
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And that's the only way that insurance companies charge people, right? Oops, no, sorry. I talk to several people a day who now have spiffy brand-new deductibles and caps on their health insurance that they never did before ACA. Most of them will never hit their yearly deductible because it's so high and they don't have catastrophic illnesses, so they're basically paying for their health care out-of-pocket. Of those who DO have catastrophic, expensive illnesses, THEY get to deal with hitting their caps and not getting jack shit from their insurance. They still get to pay the premiums, though.


I never heard a single nutter whine about deductibles until this law came to be. There have always been deductibles....and they have always been hard to pay for people mired in our conservative generated freezing of real wages.

What caps? I think you might be mistaken about caps.

"*sigh*" Do you work in the insurance field? The healthcare field? No? They why the fuck would you EXPECT to hear "nutters whine" about deductibles, you ignorant pusbag?

On the other hand, those of us who DO work in those fields HAVE heard people complain about such things in the past, AND have observed a marked upswing in it to match the increase in deductibles and such being added to plans. And I would say "Excuse me" for having increased YOUR hearing of "whining" about them - aka actually fucking informing you about what's going on in the world outside the sphincter you have your head so firmly planted in - except that I'm not sorry, since you're so woefully fucking overdue to wake up and become aware of something other than the liberal fantasyland you live your life in.

Anytime you just can't stand to "hear nutters whine", feel free to take your amazingly, breathtakingly useless presence elsewhere. God knows, it's so much easier to be a leftist if you run away from anything that might even hint at real diversity or tolerance.

You seem upset. Maybe you should do something about that. It must be terribly frustrating to be so sure about things.....only to have the nation decide to ignore you.
The video in the OP is a set up. The news station was complicit.

The agent in the video is a right wing nut job who has written negative articles about the ACA at American Thinker.

Don't believe me? Check it out: Articles: ObamaCare: Designed for Failure

How about this article: 'I Am The Guilty Man'
lol. Complete with simmering Ayn Rand quotes and hating liberals with every fiber of his being.

Now, he just happens participate in a news report that paints the ACA in a negative light. Riiiiiiight. Just Coincidence, I'm sure.
The video in the OP is a set up. The news station was complicit.

The agent in the video is a right wing nut job who has written negative articles about the ACA at American Thinker.

Don't believe me? Check it out: Articles: ObamaCare: Designed for Failure

How about this article: 'I Am The Guilty Man'
lol. Complete with simmering Ayn Rand quotes and hating liberals with every fiber of his being.

Now, he just happens participate in a news report that paints the ACA in a negative light. Riiiiiiight. Just Coincidence, I'm sure.

Nicely done. It was only a meter of time.

That video has been posted in the forums here at least a dozen times. It hit the echo chamber last week and caught on fire.

It is great nutter porn.
lets try this again click on the chart and you will see what you will pay for a si;ver plan

Per person idiot!

Why don't you supply links to your graphs?

heres the web site

My post that you challenged me with, where you're saying I was full of it post was based on per person... ME, I even said my cost is 250 a month ... there are other charts the show a family of 4 making less the 94,000... I've showed you that one too where it shows a family of 4 pays 680 dollars a month ... and I posted that web site which was the ACA web site ... Where you went silent ... now you coming back again trying to prove WHAT ???? you're poving that they ones who claim that they have these
outrageous cost for health care haven't even gone to the ACA web site.... If I remembere correctly you found out that your software was out dated and that's why you coulnd't get on... and if I'm wrong my question to you is how come you have gone to the web site to see what you would pay ...

Finally one of the reason I don't post web sites are you people on the right always say "well that's a liberal site so it doesn't count... so why would I waste my time just to here you say well that's a liberal site it doesn't count ... here's a though... prove me wrong in my statement ... prove that I lied

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