Videos Of A Woman In L.A. Armed With A Pick-axe While Shoplifting

not surprised. you're always full of piss n vinegar and get as defensive as a runway model eating a piece of chocolate when someone notices.
Also not surprised you can't put together a big girl sentence to answer the question.
The only way to stop a bad woman with a pickaxe is a good guy with a pickaxe?

She is dangerous

Looks no more freakish than anyone with a gun on their hip. Less so, really.
I guess it more the calm way she walks around the store picking up what ever she wants to steal

she knows the cops are powerless to stop her

thats really scary that liberal enclaves within our country have become so morally depraved
I guess it more the calm way she walks around the store picking up what ever she wants to steal

she knows the cops are powerless to stop her

thats really scary that liberal enclaves within our country have become so morally depraved
then threatens anyone who would even try.
then threatens anyone who would even try.
Again, its the lawless attitude of black people today which will be imitated by marginal whites as law and order breaks down completely

but liberals are in total denial
Again, its the lawless attitude of black people today which will be imitated by marginal whites as law and order breaks down completely

but liberals are in total denial
some people only know to speak in insults anymore.

while it's a reflection on them to be sure, it also reflects on a society that got this far off base.

may you live in interesting times.
I believe the "they" she is referencing is white people. "They think their shit don't stink" she said to the one dude who was telling her to just stop. "They don't know nothing...they don't know...."
Just a guess she is referencing white people don't know what it is like to be black. You know... like they to busy going to work and shit to notice
I disagree with her.

White people know black folks all too well.

After all, the best way to truly know someone is by watching their behavior. And this is why most whites with a brain try to stay as far away from blacks as possible. It's the only rational thing to do.

BLM and its supporters spend their time committing every disgusting kind of crime, rioting, destroying neighborhoods, and looting businesses. Then, they have the fucking nerve to blame others for their own decisions and actions.

These are truly sick and worthless sub-humans. And they should be treated as the despicable criminals they CHOOSE to be. Fuck them. Every damn one of them.
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"I guess it more the calm way she walks around the store picking up what ever she wants to steal
she knows the cops are powerless to stop her
thats really scary that liberal enclaves within our country have become so morally depraved"
Kudos for such perceptivity.
Yupper, 'she knows the cops are powerless to stop her", because........well, because there aren't any cops around; nor any that know she is there; nor any that know what she is doing there. So, yeah, those darn cops are powerless.
Until they are not.
But on that day, for those few minutes, she's Queen of Her World.

And we know those days, for folks like her, don't often end well.

True that.
Well we don't have life sentences for shoplifters, even if they are black. Sorry,Cletus. Maybe this is the wrong century for you.
Its easy to tell you are not a retail store owner

if you were you would not be so forgiving of shoplifters
Its easy to tell you are not a retail store owner

if you were you would not be so forgiving of shoplifters
Who said I was forgiving? Oh yeah, you always do this: prop up your little strawman dollies to cover your own poor behavior.

It's not my fault you are this way.
Who said I was forgiving? Oh yeah, you always do this: prop up your little strawman dollies to cover your own poor behavior.

It's not my fault you are this way.
Suggesting that mean conservatives want to execute shoplifters and lib hero’s such as yourself aint gonna let them is the first step towards turning them lose to steal again

with your blessing
Suggesting that mean conservatives want to execute shoplifters
Which I did not do...

See what I mean? You freaks have lost your grip on reality. I could say literally anything, and you delusional fools will just invent something else for your stunted, shriveled minds to argue against.
Which I did not do...

See what I mean? You freaks have lost your grip on reality. I could say literally anything, and you delusional fools will just invent something else for your stunted, shriveled minds to argue against.
My mistake

you only accused conservatives of wanting to lock them ip and throw away the key

not much difference

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