Videos Of A Woman In L.A. Armed With A Pick-axe While Shoplifting

Such a rich, vibrant culture with a quaint and curious tribal language. :laughing0301:

'I'm not fucking around,' she says as an employee tries to ask her to stop as she makes a grab for beauty products.

'I don't want to smell like shit when I'm knocking these bitches out,' she adds as she drops a spray into the basket.

Before leaving, she tells everyone at the store, 'Don't say shit. Shut the fuck up. Be quiet and follow suit.'

A simple solution would be to make her brandish the pick axe at gunpoint and then botox her forehead with a .380 Hornady Critical Defense hollowpoint round.
'I don't want to smell like shit when I'm knocking these bitches out,' she adds as she drops a spray into the basket.
I'm just guessing here, but I doubt that anything on Earth could stop this disgusting pig from "smelling like shit."

They should make it legal to shoot these worthless animals as soon as they enter a store. Nothing will ever civilize these hideous creatures.
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I'm just guessing here, but I doubt that anything could stop this disgusting pig from "smelling like shit."

They should make it legal to shoot these worthless animals as soon as they enter a store. Nothing will civilized these nasty creatures.

In the late '60's we used to shoot looters and no one thought nothing of it!
It was like, well....., next.
It stopped that shit from spreadin' in an Acme minute!!
In the past I've done a yoeman's work with a mattock handle. We kept a half-dozen or so in a old wooden nail keg in our control center. When the convicts would get all rowdy in the cell-house we would wade into them with mattock handles a flyin'. Best thing ever to break a collar bone with.

LOL....You would hear the convicts yell out, "oh shit, here they come with those mad-axe handles".

But yeah, I'm too old for that type of "fun" anymore, best to just shoot someone like that if they come at you if you are backed into a tight spot.

Of course ol dumb me would be asking if that was a Council Tool mattock and go on at length about the benefits of hand forging vs drop forging. ;)
I think Clint likes mattocks handles.
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A black woman was videoed in a Los Angeles Rite Aid shoplifting while armed with a pick-axe.

View attachment 579438

Looks no more freakish than anyone with a gun on their hip. Less so, really.
Correct, in a civil society. That is why I carry concealed, so I don't scare the straights. ;)
It doesn't scare me. I have my own license. You just would look freakish to me. No different than some slob with samurai swords crossed on his back and a 4-foot spiked metal club in his hand.
Should be chargeable as Armed Robbery.
Maybe in LA it's illegal to garden without makeup. We should be sensitive to the needs of black cultural standards. We don't know the whole story here. Why should helping themselves to stuff that is legal in SF be illegal in LA?
I wonder if the woman was truly stupid enough to return. Unless I overlooked something, the write up doesn't say.

God bless you always!!!

That is a BT-1000 DSE (Black Terminatrix Dark Skinned Edition)

I believe the "they" she is referencing is white people. "They think their shit don't stink" she said to the one dude who was telling her to just stop. "They don't know nothing...they don't know...."
Just a guess she is referencing white people don't know what it is like to be black. You know... like they to busy going to work and shit to notice

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