Videos - Who Is the Department Of Homeland Security Getting Ready To Fight?


Dec 23, 2012
Actually its quite simple. Its all about having the latest toys not about real threats. We are stuck in that fighting the last war mode. The enemy is always evolving or morphing while the establishment ... powers that be, are looking at past threats and responding to those, instead of forward thinking.
Granny says dey's gettin' ready...

... fer dem space aliens...

... dat's been flingin' dem asteroids at us.
It's a divide and conquer scheme. There are more anti-government groups than ever before. Since Obama has been in office, the anti-government groups have grown 1000%. There were 90 or so before and now there are 2000 groups and growing. The government is gonna do a false flag like 911 and blame it on these groups. Then, we are third world country like everyone else.
It's a divide and conquer scheme. There are more anti-government groups than ever before. Since Obama has been in office, the anti-government groups have grown 1000%. There were 90 or so before and now there are 2000 groups and growing. The government is gonna do a false flag like 911 and blame it on these groups. Then, we are third world country like everyone else.

I've heard that one kicked around. Does that mean they would then seize the assets of those accused of bogus crimes?
And of course the theory of asset seizure like in Cypress. Be a whole lot of pissed off Americans!
I think Obama feels threatened by the public.

I also feel he's trying to buy up all the good shit making it too expensive for us to buy.

Wonder why this only happens under Democrat rule?
Okay I'll ask the obvious question:

How do we know those are DHS trucks? The US army moves trucks on rail, and they are in the process of getting a lot of equipment back from Afghanistan. You have a video of military trucks (many of which look like large transport trucks) on a train with no evidence of DHS in any way involved and immediately jump to conclusions.

The 2700 MRAP thing has still never been proven by anything, just more speculation that is now being used as fact to fuel this speculation.
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Okay I'll ask the obvious question:

How do we know those are DHS trucks? The US army moves trucks on rail, and they are in the process of getting a lot of equipment back from Afghanistan. You have a video of military trucks (many of which look like large transport trucks) on a train with no evidence of DHS in any way involved and immediately jump to conclusions.

The 2700 MRAP thing has still never been proven by anything, just more speculation that is now being used as fact to fuel this speculation.

At the bottom of the link, there are bigger images of some of the trucks on the train, which clearly read 'Homeland Security' and 'Police'?
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Do bear in mind that some people make SCADS of money selling our government weapons and police toys.

That is WHY the USA has been at war with some nation or its own people my ENTIRE LIFETIME.

Ike warned us about this.

He was spot on correct, too.
It's a divide and conquer scheme. There are more anti-government groups than ever before. Since Obama has been in office, the anti-government groups have grown 1000%. There were 90 or so before and now there are 2000 groups and growing. The government is gonna do a false flag like 911 and blame it on these groups. Then, we are third world country like everyone else.

Exactly right.

They are trying to push every button, but thats the whole ruse......they'll call it a pushback by "those on the right". People like you and me Loud.....we're already on the terror list. You're a gun owner? You're a terorist and a threat to the state.

By the way.....the armored vehicles on that flatbed train had no desert camo colo:up:r.

The government loving whores on this site are amongst the most naive assholes on the planet. They'd buy anything if it was wrapped up all nice......they NEED to trust something. They see ZERO suspicion in anything government.
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Why is the DHS massively arming itself with advanced military equipment, at a time, when the government is desperately attempting to disarm the population?
Why does DHS need vast amounts of military equipment to police the homeland? Is DHS getting ready to fight off a foreign military invasion or the American people?

- » Video: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A couple of years ago I asked a retired Army Major who worked for the Pentagon. He was very pro Obama so I lied to him and told him how brilliant I thought Major Brian Stuckert was in his 61 page report outlining evangelicals as no. 1 problem interfering with United States image in the middle east, etc. He agreed with me that the evangelicals were the biggest problem Obama had to "deal with". I mentioned to him that I believed that was why Obama admin had fully staffed the 800 FEMA Camps - that as the Pentagon had adopted Maj. Stuckerts report and chose to weed out all those evangelical military leaders via "re-education camps / FEMA camps" it looked like he had decided upon the solution. His response? No comment accompanied by a shocked look. Poker definitely wasn't his game. Let's put it that way. -Jeremiah
That's it, nutters. Stay right there in your home searching for things to be outraged about and posting it right here. The more you are occupied by whining here, the less chance you have to go berserk in your community.

It is a good thing that most of these looney tunes are too afraid to act on all of the shit they believe. 2000 anti-government groups? Up from 90?
It's a divide and conquer scheme. There are more anti-government groups than ever before. Since Obama has been in office, the anti-government groups have grown 1000%. There were 90 or so before and now there are 2000 groups and growing. The government is gonna do a false flag like 911 and blame it on these groups. Then, we are third world country like everyone else.

Exactly right.

They are trying to push every button, but thats the whole ruse......they'll call it a pushback by "those on the right". People like you and me Loud.....we're already on the terror list. You're a gun owner? You're a terorist and a threat to the state.

By the way.....the armored vehicles on that flatbed train had no desert camo colo:up:r.

The government loving whores on this site are amongst the most naive assholes on the planet. They'd buy anything if it was wrapped up all nice......they NEED to trust something. They see ZERO suspicion in anything government.

Actually they call the evangelicals the no. 1 threat, if you are a veteran and an evangelical then your name is definitely on their list. If you are a member of the tea party you are enemy no. 1, if you fly a flag in your yard, you are a target, if you attend church you're a target, if you believe in the constitution and the bill of rights you are to be treated as the enemy. Basically this is the day they spoke of long ago when men would call evil good and good evil and that very thing will send many to hell. It was never a choice between heaven and hell you know? It is a choice between heaven and this world. The progressive liberals have chosen this world and the rest of us have chosen heaven. Good news for those who chose heaven. You have something wonderful to look forward to. As for the other guys? They better enjoy every second they have here on this earth because after this? It's hell for all eternity. By the way, Happy Easter, everyone! - Jeremiah
Why is the DHS massively arming itself with advanced military equipment, at a time, when the government is desperately attempting to disarm the population?
Why does DHS need vast amounts of military equipment to police the homeland? Is DHS getting ready to fight off a foreign military invasion or the American people?

- » Video: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A couple of years ago I asked a retired Army Major who worked for the Pentagon. He was very pro Obama so I lied to him and told him how brilliant I thought Major Brian Stuckert was in his 61 page report outlining evangelicals as no. 1 problem interfering with United States image in the middle east, etc. He agreed with me that the evangelicals were the biggest problem Obama had to "deal with". I mentioned to him that I believed that was why Obama admin had fully staffed the 800 FEMA Camps - that as the Pentagon had adopted Maj. Stuckerts report and chose to weed out all those evangelical military leaders via "re-education camps / FEMA camps" it looked like he had decided upon the solution. His response? No comment accompanied by a shocked look. Poker definitely wasn't his game. Let's put it that way. -Jeremiah

Oh My Gosh! When you put it that way, we have no choice but to fortify our homes and businesses! I always knew they should teach those young officers how to play pinochle instead of poker!
That's it, nutters. Stay right there in your home searching for things to be outraged about and posting it right here. The more you are occupied by whining here, the less chance you have to go berserk in your community.

It is a good thing that most of these looney tunes are too afraid to act on all of the shit they believe. 2000 anti-government groups? Up from 90?

That is the liberals job, Loner. You people get paid NOT to work. Remember? Carry on...
That's it, nutters. Stay right there in your home searching for things to be outraged about and posting it right here. The more you are occupied by whining here, the less chance you have to go berserk in your community.

It is a good thing that most of these looney tunes are too afraid to act on all of the shit they believe. 2000 anti-government groups? Up from 90?

That is the liberals job, Loner. You people get paid NOT to work. Remember? Carry on...

Yes. That is 100% accurate. Liberals do not work. We don't like to work. We all live off of the backs of good patriots like you. Thanks, bro.
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My my how things change.

I recall how the right cheered the creation of Homeland Security. Keep us safe.
See how Bush is keeping us safe, those wimpy Demoncrats would not keep us safe...
Why is the DHS massively arming itself with advanced military equipment, at a time, when the government is desperately attempting to disarm the population?
Why does DHS need vast amounts of military equipment to police the homeland? Is DHS getting ready to fight off a foreign military invasion or the American people?

- » Video: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A couple of years ago I asked a retired Army Major who worked for the Pentagon. He was very pro Obama so I lied to him and told him how brilliant I thought Major Brian Stuckert was in his 61 page report outlining evangelicals as no. 1 problem interfering with United States image in the middle east, etc. He agreed with me that the evangelicals were the biggest problem Obama had to "deal with". I mentioned to him that I believed that was why Obama admin had fully staffed the 800 FEMA Camps - that as the Pentagon had adopted Maj. Stuckerts report and chose to weed out all those evangelical military leaders via "re-education camps / FEMA camps" it looked like he had decided upon the solution. His response? No comment accompanied by a shocked look. Poker definitely wasn't his game. Let's put it that way. -Jeremiah

Oh My Gosh! When you put it that way, we have no choice but to fortify our homes and businesses! I always knew they should teach those young officers how to play pinochle instead of poker!

You didn't teach the communists inside the Pentagon a thing. They get their education from commie think tanks like RAND and Kissinger & Assoc. running DOJ these days... as for playing pinocle that was the game you guys were playing back when commies were busy using CFR ( An NGO ) to install their communist agenda - via CIA - still doing it today - I'd say your speed is more like Old Maid these days. A blind one at that. -Jeremiah

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