Vietnam comparison

Not only won't you call her on calling our troops mass murderers and terrorists but you defend her. Par for the course. I suggest you read what was written and COMPREHEND the intent. You are capable of that I assume? Or shall we off on another of your wild games of play the monkey in the tree with words and meanings again?

I was not defending her, I was attacking your comment which was incredibly stupid.

Iraq was and is a WAR. The only way a war becomes ILLEGAL is when one side beats the other and has a trial afterwards. The Invasion of Iraq was totally legal in all aspects of the US laws, customs and Constitution. It continues also legally under all laws and rules regulations and policies of the US, to include the Constitution.

Umm no. There are many ways for a war to be illegal.

posted by dillo
Why waste a bunch of words when I can communicate with just a few. Seriously-if the war is illegal, what penalty does the US have to pay?

The war is illegal, and there will be no official "penalty". For better or worse countries around the globe get away with illegal actions all the time. For the same reasons that other countries who do illegal actions won't get punished, the US won't get punished as well.
LMAO--When was the last time the world ever thought that the US held the moral high ground ? We are capitalistic, degenerate, fat, lazy, greedy pigs as far as they are concerned. Ask Ruby--she had to get the hell outta here it sucks so much.

I take it you haven't spent a lot of time out of the country? It shows.
I was not defending her, I was attacking your comment which was incredibly stupid.

Umm no. There are many ways for a war to be illegal.

The war is illegal, and there will be no official "penalty". For better or worse countries around the globe get away with illegal actions all the time. For the same reasons that other countries who do illegal actions won't get punished, the US won't get punished as well.

LOL, and just who gets to decide what is ILLEGAL for a Nation? Ohh wait, I remember, anyone with the power and ability to use it that can enforce THEIR belief on another nation. According to your definition that makes any nation doing so committing an illegal act.

There is no Power above a nation, save a coalition of nations. And the only power they have is that which they are WILLING to enforce with armed might.
I have been in Sweden and Denmark and Holland and Germany and France and Belgium and Luxemborg and England and Spain and Portugal and Italy and Monaco and Greece and Turkey and Lebanon and Syria and Jordan and Israel and Egypt and Algeria and Kenya and The UAE and India and Sri Lanka and Singapore and Thailand and the Philippines and Hong Kong and Japan and South Korea and Taiwan and Guam to name a few, and nearly everywhere I went, I found people who welcomed me into their countries and their homes and who admired the United States. What the fuck do YOU know about how the world views America?
LOL, and just who gets to decide what is ILLEGAL for a Nation? Ohh wait, I remember, anyone with the power and ability to use it that can enforce THEIR belief on another nation. According to your definition that makes any nation doing so committing an illegal act.

There is no Power above a nation, save a coalition of nations. And the only power they have is that which they are WILLING to enforce with armed might. reject the entire premise of International Law?
Iraq was and is a WAR. The only way a war becomes ILLEGAL is when one side beats the other and has a trial afterwards. The Invasion of Iraq was totally legal in all aspects of the US laws, customs and Constitution. It continues also legally under all laws and rules regulations and policies of the US, to include the Constitution.

Please do be specific, provide one shred of legal evidence under US law , the Constitution or our treaties, that make the invasion of Iraq illegal.

When you manage to raise that UN army and conquer the USA then you can make any ridiculous claim you want.

"Please do be specific, provide one shred of legal evidence under US law , the Constitution or our treaties, that make the invasion of Iraq illegal."

Here you go:

UN Charter, Article 2, paragraph 4:

All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state

Notice the “shall refrain” clause. This is NOT the equivalent of “should” refrain. It is an outright legal Prohibition on aggressive, offensive war. This means its illegal to attack a sovereign state who is a fellow signatory to the UN Charter (like Iraq was). The UN Charter was intended to lay down a legal framework against all war (except in self-defense), because of the devastation of the first two world wars.

An exception to the UN Charter prohibition against war, is when a nation acts in its self defense:

UN Charter Article 51:

“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations”

Obviously, when the US attacked Iraq, we were under no threat of attack, imminent or otherwise, from them. It turns out they didn’t even have the capacity to attack the United States.

Now, some NeoCons will say at this point: “So What? Who cares about the UN Charter? We don’t have to follow it!”

Wrong. The US Constitution requires us to abide by ALL international treaties that we sign. If we don’t like the treaties, we can withdraw. But, we haven’t withdrawn from the UN Charter. We are still a signatory to it, so we must abide by its conditions. Conditions we AGREED to.

Article VI, US Constitution:

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

This means that we are Constitutionally obligated to abide by the terms of any treaty we sign, until such time as we decide to withdraw from the treaty.

Makes sense. If we just abided by the terms of treaties that we signed, if and when we felt like it - on a whim, if you will - who would ever sign a treaty with us? We would be considered liars and deadbeats. This makes a contractual obligation on us to abide by treaties we sign.

Finally, one of Bush’s own top architects of the war, clearly felt that Bush’s war was illegal:

"International law ... would have required us to leave Saddam Hussein alone, and this would have been morally unacceptable“ - RICHARD PERLE, Nov. 2003


Here, Perle admits Bush’s war was illegal under international
"Please do be specific, provide one shred of legal evidence under US law , the Constitution or our treaties, that make the invasion of Iraq illegal."

Here you go:

Notice the “shall refrain” clause. This is NOT the equivalent of “should” refrain. It is an outright legal Prohibition on aggressive, offensive war. This means its illegal to attack a sovereign state who is a fellow signatory to the UN Charter (like Iraq was). The UN Charter was intended to lay down a legal framework against all war (except in self-defense), because of the devastation of the first two world wars.

An exception to the UN Charter prohibition against war, is when a nation acts in its self defense:

Obviously, when the US attacked Iraq, we were under no threat of attack, imminent or otherwise, from them. It turns out they didn’t even have the capacity to attack the United States.

Now, some NeoCons will say at this point: “So What? Who cares about the UN Charter? We don’t have to follow it!”

Wrong. The US Constitution requires us to abide by ALL international treaties that we sign. If we don’t like the treaties, we can withdraw. But, we haven’t withdrawn from the UN Charter. We are still a signatory to it, so we must abide by its conditions. Conditions we AGREED to.

This means that we are Constitutionally obligated to abide by the terms of any treaty we sign, until such time as we decide to withdraw from the treaty.

Makes sense. If we just abided by the terms of treaties that we signed, if and when we felt like it - on a whim, if you will - who would ever sign a treaty with us? We would be considered liars and deadbeats. This makes a contractual obligation on us to abide by treaties we sign.

Finally, one of Bush’s own top architects of the war, clearly felt that Bush’s war was illegal:

Here, Perle admits Bush’s war was illegal under international

Ah yes! ....but America’s Christo-Humpty Dumpty morals - `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less"- ALWAYS negates International law! :eusa_naughty:
"Please do be specific, provide one shred of legal evidence under US law , the Constitution or our treaties, that make the invasion of Iraq illegal."

Here you go:

Notice the “shall refrain” clause. This is NOT the equivalent of “should” refrain. It is an outright legal Prohibition on aggressive, offensive war. This means its illegal to attack a sovereign state who is a fellow signatory to the UN Charter (like Iraq was). The UN Charter was intended to lay down a legal framework against all war (except in self-defense), because of the devastation of the first two world wars.

An exception to the UN Charter prohibition against war, is when a nation acts in its self defense:

Obviously, when the US attacked Iraq, we were under no threat of attack, imminent or otherwise, from them. It turns out they didn’t even have the capacity to attack the United States.

Now, some NeoCons will say at this point: “So What? Who cares about the UN Charter? We don’t have to follow it!”

Wrong. The US Constitution requires us to abide by ALL international treaties that we sign. If we don’t like the treaties, we can withdraw. But, we haven’t withdrawn from the UN Charter. We are still a signatory to it, so we must abide by its conditions. Conditions we AGREED to.

This means that we are Constitutionally obligated to abide by the terms of any treaty we sign, until such time as we decide to withdraw from the treaty.

Makes sense. If we just abided by the terms of treaties that we signed, if and when we felt like it - on a whim, if you will - who would ever sign a treaty with us? We would be considered liars and deadbeats. This makes a contractual obligation on us to abide by treaties we sign.

Finally, one of Bush’s own top architects of the war, clearly felt that Bush’s war was illegal:

Here, Perle admits Bush’s war was illegal under international

Wrong as usual. The justification WAS a threat to the United States. Iraq routinely fired on American Aircraft, THAT is an act of WAR. Iraq failed to meet the requirements of a ceasefire that it agreed to ending the first war. Giving all legal grounds for us to enforce the agreement.

Neither of those conditions violate the UN Treaty. Further the purpose of the war was to eliminate a threat to our country via the leadership of the Country. Aggression and Conquest only be applicable until or unless Saddam Hussein meet the requirements of the ceasefire and all UN mandates against him or surrendered his control of the Country.

We established a UN presence in Iraq as soon as they were willing to come, we established supervised and encouraged free open elections for the Iraqis to establish their own Government and only remain to train and equip said Government so that it can take over its responsibility to provide internal and external security.
Wrong as usual. The justification WAS a threat to the United States. Iraq routinely fired on American Aircraft, THAT is an act of WAR. Iraq failed to meet the requirements of a ceasefire that it agreed to ending the first war. Giving all legal grounds for us to enforce the agreement.

Neither of those conditions violate the UN Treaty. Further the purpose of the war was to eliminate a threat to our country via the leadership of the Country. Aggression and Conquest only be applicable until or unless Saddam Hussein meet the requirements of the ceasefire and all UN mandates against him or surrendered his control of the Country.

We established a UN presence in Iraq as soon as they were willing to come, we established supervised and encouraged free open elections for the Iraqis to establish their own Government and only remain to train and equip said Government so that it can take over its responsibility to provide internal and external security.

Does us all a favour, Captain Underpants. Stop getting your facts from your whisky fired seances with that moronic Mormon paedophile, Joseph Smith!

read and learn
Hey guns ... when you get to the part where she's full of shit and not worth arguing with you'll feel MUCH better.:D

Or maybe just admit to being too cowardly to admit you cant refute the FACTS.
Wrong as usual. The justification WAS a threat to the United States. Iraq routinely fired on American Aircraft, THAT is an act of WAR. Iraq failed to meet the requirements of a ceasefire that it agreed to ending the first war. Giving all legal grounds for us to enforce the agreement.

Neither of those conditions violate the UN Treaty. Further the purpose of the war was to eliminate a threat to our country via the leadership of the Country. Aggression and Conquest only be applicable until or unless Saddam Hussein meet the requirements of the ceasefire and all UN mandates against him or surrendered his control of the Country.

We established a UN presence in Iraq as soon as they were willing to come, we established supervised and encouraged free open elections for the Iraqis to establish their own Government and only remain to train and equip said Government so that it can take over its responsibility to provide internal and external security.

Absolutely incorrect which is WHY the UN would NOT sanction an invasion.

Iraq was not a threat and you can keep trying to pretend they were but the world knew it wasnt before AND after the invasion. Trying to cling to lies that have already been clearly debunked just isnt very smart.

The best comedy line of all in your post was the one about how we supervised free open elections for the Iraqi election that contained only options that the US approved of. Elections under foreign occupation? Yea, I just bet you wouldnt view elections supervised by the Chinese while the US was under Chinese occupation after being shocked and awed by the Chinese as even CLOSE to legitimate would ya?
Absolutely incorrect which is WHY the UN would NOT sanction an invasion.

Iraq was not a threat and you can keep trying to pretend they were but the world knew it wasnt before AND after the invasion. Trying to cling to lies that have already been clearly debunked just isnt very smart.

The best comedy line of all in your post was the one about how we supervised free open elections for the Iraqi election that contained only options that the US approved of. Elections under foreign occupation? Yea, I just bet you wouldnt view elections supervised by the Chinese while the US was under Chinese occupation after being shocked and awed by the Chinese as even CLOSE to legitimate would ya?

here you go again with YOUR bald faced lies. The UN APPROVED the election process.... are you now claiming THEY were in on it?
Or maybe just admit to being too cowardly to admit you cant refute the FACTS.

Cowardly? How about I can easily refute ANY of your bullshit. What would be the point? You'll have some dishonest. unrealistic, lying/twisted argument you'll try to sell no matter what I say.

I'm glad you moved out of the US. I just wish everyone like you would follow your lead.
You get upset by what I say but YOU CANT REALLY deal with the supporting facts I GIVE to make my point. I have a basis for what I say and I give it, you cant seem to refute those facts. I guess thats why you keep trying to get someone with intelligence to do it for you and must be why you keep trying to get the liberals to do it for ya huh?

Our invasion of Panama was an aggressive act of war..that makes us terrorists. We overthrew Arbenz in Guatemala...that makes us terrorists. We supported the contras, that makes us terrorists...and there is sooooooo much more.

We staged a coup against Venezuela in 2002 as well..that makes us terrorists. If another nations govt staged a coup against our govt we wouldnt hesitate to call them terrorists would we? If someone invaded our nation to change our regime, we would view them as terrorists who are interferring in our self-determination rights and would feel PERFECTLY justified in resisting, in fact, those cooperating with the invading govt/nation would be viewed as traitors (in a very legal sense).

We invaded Iraq without ANY wasnt self defense, we werent facing any imminent threat. How many Iraqi civilians have died due to our invasion? Isnt the body count high enough to call it mass murder?
The US as a terror nation? Your defense of totalitarians knows no bounds. You defend Noriega, Chavez, and Saddam, saying they should be safe from terrorist US invasion. Cancer should be safe from medicine. Evil should be allowed free reign. How dare the terror nation intervene? In the "Introductions" thread you said some would consider you a "flaming Liberal." After reading some of your posts, I do not consider you a liberal. Rather, you are an extremist from somewhere far left of Left. It was wise of you to move to gutless Sweden, a nation that did not even have the courage to fight the Nazis in WW2. You should do well there.
The US as a terror nation? Your defense of totalitarians knows no bounds. You defend Noriega, Chavez, and Saddam, saying they should be safe from terrorist US invasion. Cancer should be safe from medicine. Evil should be allowed free reign. How dare the terror nation intervene? In the "Introductions" thread you said some would consider you a "flaming Liberal." After reading some of your posts, I do not consider you a liberal. Rather, you are an extremist from somewhere far left of Left. It was wise of you to move to gutless Sweden, a nation that did not even have the courage to fight the Nazis in WW2. You should do well there.

Having trouble dealing with facts.

The coup that overthrew Allende was a terrorist act.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The CIA is acknowledging for the first time the extent of its deep involvement in Chile, where it dealt with coup-plotters, false propagandists and assassins.

If another nation backed a coup or a kidnapping of any of our govt officials to create a political change THEY WANTED, it would be viewed as terrorism and certainly meets the definition of terrorism according to our own state dept.

Care to tell me why its not terrorism when WE do it but it is when someone else does it?

Our overthrow of Arbenz was a terrorist act as well.

Arbenz was elected President of Guatemala in 1950 to continue a process of socio- economic reforms that the CIA disdainfully refers to in its memoranda as "an intensely nationalistic program of progress colored by the touchy, anti-foreign inferiority complex of the 'Banana Republic.'" The first CIA effort to overthrow the Guatemalan president--a CIA collaboration with Nicaraguan dictator Anastacio Somoza to support a disgruntled general named Carlos Castillo Armas and codenamed Operation PBFORTUNE--was authorized by President Truman in 1952.

Again, if a nation did this to us...we would SCREAM terrorism. It meets the definition of terrorism and terrorist acts...according to OUR OWN DEFINITION.

Then of course we have the school of americas, operation phoenix, operation northwoods, illegal invasion of Panama, illegal invasion of Iraq....

That is a small illustration of acts and patterns that prove the US is a terrorist state...a powerful terrorist state but a terrorist state nonetheless. Just because you have the might to be successful at it dosent change the facts that it is terrorism that we commit. It is not one isolated incident, its decades of them that began in earnest after WW2.

Neg rep me all you want, I honestly dont care and take each one as a compliment because a negative view FROM YOU ....definitely affirms I am doing somthing right.
Cowardly? How about I can easily refute ANY of your bullshit. What would be the point? You'll have some dishonest. unrealistic, lying/twisted argument you'll try to sell no matter what I say.

I'm glad you moved out of the US. I just wish everyone like you would follow your lead.

If you can easily refute the facts, then do so. Tell me why overthrowing others govts to support our own economic policies is ok to do...tell me why it would be ok for another nation to take over our govt and install a dicator to favor their own economic policies. Why would it be ok for them to assisinate our leaders and other govt officials, why would it be ok for them to assisinate americans who opposed their plans for our lives? You seem to think its ok for us to do to others. Keep in mind the information is coming from our own declassified CIA documents.

I wont hold my breath, you will just make excuses on why you wont refute them but assure me that you could if you wanted to.
here you go again with YOUR bald faced lies. The UN APPROVED the election process.... are you now claiming THEY were in on it?

Re-read the post. I said the UN did not sanction the INVASION.

I said that the election was under occupation and to pretend that its really legit is just burying your head in the sand. Its pretty obvious the Iraqi people are not supportive of the govt...our own govt acknowledges this. That govt wouldnt last 24 hours with the US military there holding it hides in the green zone.

The Iraqi govt also knows it, I guess thats why they figure that helping the Iraqi resistance against america is the way to go and get support. They are now turning ON US to try and gain favor with the Iraqi people.

Are these things you are unfamiliar with?
If you can easily refute the facts, then do so. Tell me why overthrowing others govts to support our own economic policies is ok to do...tell me why it would be ok for another nation to take over our govt and install a dicator to favor their own economic policies. Why would it be ok for them to assisinate our leaders and other govt officials, why would it be ok for them to assisinate americans who opposed their plans for our lives? You seem to think its ok for us to do to others. Keep in mind the information is coming from our own declassified CIA documents.

I wont hold my breath, you will just make excuses on why you wont refute them but assure me that you could if you wanted to.

First off, there is no "our."

Second, why then is it okay for a thug to take over a nation by force, invade two neighboring countries to support his own economic policies, engage in genocidal policies against a race and different sects of a religion, ruthlessly suppressing all, and ruling a nation of people by terror?

The problem here is not WHAT the US does ... it's the fact that it IS the US and no matter what it does, it's wrong, according to you.

I've got NO problem with taking out ruthless dictators of other nations. Only problem I have with it is the way we pick and choose. Unlike you, I think what's happening in nation's like Sudan is a travesty, and it's shameful we ignore it.

But you have no problem ignoring the genocide. You just turn your back, stick youor head in the sand, and pretend it isn't happening, and crticize anyone who tries to help the situation. I shouldn't say anyone ... it appears only the US can do no right in your eyes.
Wrong as usual. The justification WAS a threat to the United States. Iraq routinely fired on American Aircraft, THAT is an act of WAR. Iraq failed to meet the requirements of a ceasefire that it agreed to ending the first war. Giving all legal grounds for us to enforce the agreement.

Neither of those conditions violate the UN Treaty. Further the purpose of the war was to eliminate a threat to our country via the leadership of the Country. Aggression and Conquest only be applicable until or unless Saddam Hussein meet the requirements of the ceasefire and all UN mandates against him or surrendered his control of the Country.

We established a UN presence in Iraq as soon as they were willing to come, we established supervised and encouraged free open elections for the Iraqis to establish their own Government and only remain to train and equip said Government so that it can take over its responsibility to provide internal and external security.

The 1991 ceasefire was between the UN and iraq. NOT the united states and Iraq. The first Gulf war was a UN war, comprised of over 60 nations, and hundreds of thousands of troops from UN member states. Remember? Ergo, only the UN security council had the legal authority to determine if Iraq's compliance or non-compliance with the ceasefire treaty was an adequate reason to invade. You, Bush, or Cheney had no legal standing to determine unilaterally if alleged non-compliance with the UN ceasefire treaty were grounds for an invastion.

One of the architects of the war, indicated the invasion was illegal: Richard Perle.
The 1991 ceasefire was between the UN and iraq. NOT the united states and Iraq. The first Gulf war was a UN war, comprised of over 60 nations, and hundreds of thousands of troops from UN member states. Remember? Ergo, only the UN security council had the legal authority to determine if Iraq's compliance or non-compliance with the ceasefire treaty was an adequate reason to invade. You, Bush, or Cheney had no legal standing to determine unilaterally if alleged non-compliance with the UN ceasefire treaty were grounds for an invastion.

One of the architects of the war, indicated the invasion was illegal: Richard Perle.

Sure thing. Your whole house of cards comes crashing down with one simple point. No US, no first Gulf war. When the UN refuses to enforce its own edicts it falls to member states to do so. There is no Treaty that is a suicide pact that is legal. The UN is NOT a Government. It is a body of member States, a body that barely functions. It has no legal standing save that the members agree to. It has no power save that its members chose to enforce. No treaty that abridges the rights safe guards and defense of the US remains legally binding on the US or for that matter any other nation.

There is no such thing as an Illegal war. Why? Because there is no body that can LEGALLY tell Nation States what they can and can not do. No treaty remains binding when the Congress and the President CHOSE to abridge it. Thats how it works. And the President ask and received the blessing of Congress to ignore any agreement that you claim prevented us from acting. THAT is how it works.

Now if the UN feels agrieved it has options. For one it could make a BINDING UN Edict stating the war was against the UN charter. It has done NO such thing. Once said Edict was issued it could seek sanctions against the US. No such action has occurred. The OPINION of the current "leader" of the UN is worth less then the paper it is written on. It means literally NOTHING.

Get back to me when an OFFICIAL edict is signed and delivered to the US claiming our invasion of Iraq was illegal.Why I will even settle for just it being passed by the Security Council, it doesn't even have to be delivered. Ohh wait, small problem, we have Veto power there.

So much for the claim of illegal war.

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