Vietnam War was unwinnable

More often than not the isolationist position is the better alternative to being the global police. Granted, at times it cannot be helped, but the war profiteers are too quick to beat their drums.
We turned what should have been considered a Civil War into a Cold War
Even though the cost was high, we did win in a way. Vietnam seems to have become more capitalist over the years. They manufacture alot of the stuff sold in Walmart, and they've become a tourist attraction.

I mean, compared to North Korea.
..isn't that bad for the US? same with SKorea? since we are competing with them now?
More often than not the isolationist position is the better alternative to being the global police. Granted, at times it cannot be helped, but the war profiteers are too quick to beat their drums.
We turned what should have been considered a Civil War into a Cold War
..they were supposed to have elections and the US did not agree to that
More often than not the isolationist position is the better alternative to being the global police. Granted, at times it cannot be helped, but the war profiteers are too quick to beat their drums.
We turned what should have been considered a Civil War into a Cold War
..they were supposed to have elections and the US did not agree to that

We promised elections within three years
We changed our minds when it was obvious Ho Chi Minh would win
You mean they are a source of cheap labor? How did we win anything?

Your leftist comrades won. Surely you're pleased about that outcome. After all, we wouldn't want a South Vietnam that resembles a thriving, capitalist South Korea, correct?
The Vietnam War was American's biggest foreign-policy mistake of the 20th century. The cost to our country in terms of blood and treasure was/is staggering.

The mindset of the time was the "Domino" theory and that one nation after another would tumble and turn into a communist state.

What the American brain trust didn't realize is that the Vietnamese were very nationalist and could have easily aligned with us had we told the French to get out. You may recall that China and Vietnam went to war for a short time in 1979, and the Chinese got their asses kicked "teaching Vietnam a lesson", or so they said.

It seems that the South Vietnamese people lacked the will to fight their northern brothers. I don't blame them.
Not our fight

This is you.

Now your stuff is made in communist China.

That's true. The free world shouldn't trade with them, aside from selling them food for humanitarian purposes.
I don´t have a problem with trade with them but with western products having to be transported to us. That´s not exactly trade. The result is that China will take over our markets after taking over our industry.
I don´t have a problem with trade with them but with western products having to be transported to us. That´s not exactly trade. The result is that China will take over our markets after taking over our industry.

They are a corrupt, totalitarian regime and we are funding their war against freedom both in and out of their own nation.
Our President would have gladly fought but he had bone spurs
He knew more than the Generals

I don't blame anyone for doing whatever they had to do to avoid that deathtrap.

You're just happy that Vietnam didn't turn out like South Korea, seeing as how you despise free-market capitalism.
Our President would have gladly fought but he had bone spurs
He knew more than the Generals

I don't blame anyone for doing whatever they had to do to avoid that deathtrap.

You're just happy that Vietnam didn't turn out like South Korea, seeing as how you despise free-market capitalism.
South Korea fought for its sovereignty
South Vietnam was a corrupt, inept government soaking the US for aid and protection
Our President would have gladly fought but he had bone spurs
He knew more than the Generals

I don't blame anyone for doing whatever they had to do to avoid that deathtrap.

You're just happy that Vietnam didn't turn out like South Korea, seeing as how you despise free-market capitalism.
South Korea fought for its sovereignty
South Vietnam was a corrupt, inept government soaking the US for aid and protection

You keep dodging. Be honest. You wish that South Korea was under a left-wing totalitarian regime.
..we are talking REALITY--not nuking anyone....not invading the north like the Russians and US did to Germany --that wasn't going to happen--even if they did invade the North, they couldn't stay there forever.....
..first--the French lost--and after we gave them MILLIONS$ and with all their '''advantages'' ....this should've been a lesson
......a big problem was the Vietnamese government [ and military ] = for a long time it was corrupt/unstable/etc = they had 3 heads of state changes in less than 2 years--one with a MURDER..with many attempted coups before and after......that mess was still there after Thieu took over
...N Vietnam did not have to even beat the US ......
.......the US could cut off Korea because it was peninsula--where as NV could bring troops/etc to the South over land
Actually if one looks at the ACTUAL facts of the military objectives we DID win in Vietnam and if we had aided South Vietnam in 75 we would still have 2 Vietnam's. The GOAL of the US was to PREVENT an insurgency from taking over South Vietnam. South Vietnam never fell to insurgency they were invaded by 25 Divisions of North Vietnamese Troops and the Democrats refused to sell South Vietnam parts materials or ammo to fight the INVASION. South Vietnam was so stable the North had to INVADE to conquer them all aided and abetted by the Democrats in the US Congress.
Even though the cost was high, we did win in a way. Vietnam seems to have become more capitalist over the years. They manufacture alot of the stuff sold in Walmart, and they've become a tourist attraction.

I mean, compared to North Korea.
That alone was worth the 40,000 American lives that were lost because of this insane war.
..we are talking REALITY--not nuking anyone....not invading the north like the Russians and US did to Germany --that wasn't going to happen--even if they did invade the North, they couldn't stay there forever.....
..first--the French lost--and after we gave them MILLIONS$ and with all their '''advantages'' ....this should've been a lesson
......a big problem was the Vietnamese government [ and military ] = for a long time it was corrupt/unstable/etc = they had 3 heads of state changes in less than 2 years--one with a MURDER..with many attempted coups before and after......that mess was still there after Thieu took over
...N Vietnam did not have to even beat the US ......
.......the US could cut off Korea because it was peninsula--where as NV could bring troops/etc to the South over land
Actually if one looks at the ACTUAL facts of the military objectives we DID win in Vietnam and if we had aided South Vietnam in 75 we would still have 2 Vietnam's. The GOAL of the US was to PREVENT an insurgency from taking over South Vietnam. South Vietnam never fell to insurgency they were invaded by 25 Divisions of North Vietnamese Troops and the Democrats refused to sell South Vietnam parts materials or ammo to fight the INVASION. South Vietnam was so stable the North had to INVADE to conquer them all aided and abetted by the Democrats in the US Congress.
You sound a lot like Baghdad Bob the way you are spinning the story

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