
we have been lied to in our american history textbooks in out corrupt school system.they teach us that Kennedy got us into vietnam and that Johnson was continuing his policys when in fact,it was actually Eisenhower who first got americans involved and started the policys on vietnam that led to esculkating that Kennedy resisted.In Ikes last year in office,he presented a plan of esculation to his joint chiefs that were nearly implemented but werent since it came so late in Ikes presidency only in his last year.

it was well known that Ike was strongly anti communist and had a hard line stance against them.Jfk however believed the war had to be one by the vietnamese and tried to keep american troops out of it.He never sent in combat troops.He only sent in advisors.Jfk resisted the plans that were formulated under Eisenhower to esculate the war and two months before his assassination,signed document # 263 which called for a complete withdrawal from vietnam by 1965.

Johnson got in,and two days later after his assassination,signed document # 273 which REVERSED kennedys policy on vietnam and resulted in the phony gulf of tonkin incident.the commander of that ship has even come out now and said that they fired onto the vietnamese ship unprovoked FIRST.the document LBj signed was the policy of Eisenhowers he drew up in his last year for esculation of the war.

This link explains it all.

the sad truth is it wasnt the NVA or the vietcong that murdered those 58,000 plus americans,it was Johnson and that bastard Dick Nixon.

The myth is that Nixon ended the war but they fail to mention that he COULD have ended the war in 69 if he wanted to but he let it go on another four more bloody years murdering many more thousands of americans in the process.
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How many times do you see crazy statements that "the picture says it all" or "this paragraph says it all" or "this vid says it all". Of course the pictures and the brief statement and the video usually say little but the ignorant and sub-educated need photos and vids because they usually don't have the intelligence or the focus to offer a rational argument.
we have been lied to in our american history textbooks in out corrupt school system.they teach us that Kennedy got us into vietnam and that Johnson was continuing his policys when in fact,it was actually Eisenhower who first got americans involved and started the policys on vietnam that led to esculkating that Kennedy resisted.In Ikes last year in office,he presented a plan of esculation to his joint chiefs that were nearly implemented but werent since it came so late in Ikes presidency only in his last year.

it was well known that Ike was strongly anti communist and had a hard line stance against them.Jfk however believed the war had to be one by the vietnamese and tried to keep american troops out of it.He never sent in combat troops.He only sent in advisors.Jfk resisted the plans that were formulated under Eisenhower to esculate the war and two months before his assassination,signed document # 263 which called for a complete withdrawal from vietnam by 1965.

Johnson got in,and two days later after his assassination,signed document # 273 which REVERSED kennedys policy on vietnam and resulted in the phony gulf of tonkin incident.the commander of that ship has even come out now and said that they fired onto the vietnamese ship unprovoked FIRST.the document LBj signed was the policy of Eisenhowers he drew up in his last year for esculation of the war.

This link explains it all.

The Vietnam War and the Assassination of JFK - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum

the sad truth is it wasnt the NVA or the vietcong that murdered those 58,000 plus americans,it was Johnson and that bastard Dick Nixon.

The myth is that Nixon ended the war but they fail to mention that he COULD have ended the war in 69 if he wanted to but he let it go on another four more bloody years murdering many more thousands of americans in the process.

So what is the name of that school textbook that lied to you? The first text I looked at,
"The United States, A History of the Republic" by Davidson and Lytle say that at all.
LBJ got us into VietNam and democrats and the media supported it simply because LBJ was a democrat.

I think a lot of Democrats objected to Vietnam, even objecting in the streets. And LBJ figured he lost the Democrats so he didn't run again.
But Nixon did promise to end the war and in that regard he had a secret plan, but apparently Nixon misplaced the secret plan because it took him some time to end Vietnam.
Tell liberals to stop starting useless wars of choice and we won't have to review pics and some assholes trying to make it big by singing as they scroll by.

yall do know it was liberals that wanted that war and sent the poor to fight it right?
LBJ got us into VietNam and democrats and the media supported it simply because LBJ was a democrat.

exactly.Im glad to see you are learning and have wised up not falling for lies anymore at least about the kennedy assassination,and understand Johnson got us into vietnam.Not Kennedy.Johnson got us into vietnam and was the one that escualted it with COMBAT troops.Kennedy only sent in advisors.He never sent in combat troops.Johnson got in and unlike Kennedy,did not resist the policys of Eisenhowere that were drawn up in his last year in office and implemented them with the phony gulf of tonkin incident.
LBJ got us into VietNam and democrats and the media supported it simply because LBJ was a democrat.

Our involvement in Viet Nam became inevitable in the 50s, when we supported an unpopular regime in the south and didn't push for a plebiscite to find out what the majority wanted. Democracy lost and 50,000+ Americans died because of that decision.
4. The Conference takes note of the clauses in the agreement on the cessation of hostilities in Viet-Nam prohibiting the introduction into Viet Nam of foreign troops and military personnel as well as of all kinds of arms and munitions...

5. The Conference takes note of the clauses in the agreement on the cessation of hostilities in Viet-Nam to the effect that no military base at the disposition of a foreign state may be established in the regrouping zones of the two parties...

6. The Conference recognizes that the essential purpose of the agreement relating to Viet-Nam is to settle military questions with a view to ending hostilities and that the military demarcation line should not in any way be interpreted as constituting a political or territorial boundary...

7. The Conference declares that, so far as Viet-Nam is concerned...

general elections shall be held in July 1956, under the supervision of an international commission composed of representatives of the member states of the International Supervisory Commission referred to in the agreement on the cessation of hostilities.
Modern History Sourcebook: The Final Declaration of The Geneva Conference: On Restoring Peace in Indochina, July 21, 1954


Those elections were not held because the United States refused to sign and honor the Geneva Agreement of 1954. This is why:

"I have never talked or corresponded with a person knowledgeable in Indochinese affairs who did not agree that had elections been held as of the time of the fighting, possibly 80 per cent of the population would have voted for the Communist Ho Chi Minh as their leader."

Source: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mandate for Change, 1953-56 (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Compnay, Inc., 1963), p. 372
Tell liberals to stop starting useless wars of choice and we won't have to review pics and some assholes trying to make it big by singing as they scroll by.

yall do know it was liberals that wanted that war and sent the poor to fight it right?

Wrong. Liberals turned against the War. It was conservatives who supported it to the bitter end.

[ame=]ENGLISH - The national anthem of Vietnam (socialist) - YouTube[/ame]
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At first the people protesting the war (like in 64, 65 or so) were mostly old ladies (vestiges of the antinuke/folkies/beatnik movements)

Then the hippies took up the cause. (after all we were draftable)

Eventually (by about 69 or 70) it was just normal people that objected to the war because they saw what a complete wasted effort it was, what load of BS the domino theory was, and then too, the body bags came home.

That war was complete waste of life and resources brought to us by?


And then followed up by?



The MASTERS wanted war, it made some of the VERY VERY WEALTHY.
matter of fact I came across this document just by accident that proves beyond a doubt he was going to pul of of vietnam completely by the end of 1965.

JFK National Security Files

the driver didn't do it you mongoloid incest bred bastard

this coming from the MAGIC BULLET THEORIST troll who says oswald did it all by himself And then runs off when cornered with facts he cant refute that there were multiple shooters .:lmao:

oh when you find one of those magic bullets,please show me one that can do all those miraculous feats allegedly done on nov 22nd 1963:rofl:.:lmao::fu:

oh and nice job of evading the facts that Kennedy did not get us into vietnam changing the topic.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

even nitwit Whitehall has finally seen the light that it was Johnson that got us into vietnam and not Kennedy.
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matter of fact I came across this document just by accident that proves beyond a doubt he was going to pul of of vietnam completely by the end of 1965.

JFK National Security Files

the driver didn't do it you mongoloid incest bred bastard

thos coming from the MAJIC BULLET THEORIST who says oswald did it all by himself.:lmao: oh when you find one of those magic bullets,please show me one:rofl:.:lmao::fu:

oh and nice job of evading the facts that Kennedy did not get us into vietnam changing the topic.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

you haven't proved other wise fucktard and never will

LBJ got us into VietNam and democrats and the media supported it simply because LBJ was a democrat.

Our involvement in Viet Nam became inevitable in the 50s, when we supported an unpopular regime in the south and didn't push for a plebiscite to find out what the majority wanted. Democracy lost and 50,000+ Americans died because of that decision.

Yeah but there would never had been 50,000 plus americans who had died if Kennedy had lived as I proved earlier.

It wasnt the vietcong or the NVA that murdered those 50,000 plus americans,it was those bastards Johnson and DICK Nixon.

Johnson got us into it with the phony gulf of tonkin incident in 65 and Nixon whom americans ignorantly say ended the war,ignore the fact that he sabatoged the paris peace talks to end the war right before his election and did just the opposite of trying to end the war like he said he would by expanding it letting it go on fro another 4 more years instead of ending it like he could have in 69.
At first the people protesting the war (like in 64, 65 or so) were mostly old ladies (vestiges of the antinuke/folkies/beatnik movements)

Then the hippies took up the cause. (after all we were draftable)

Eventually (by about 69 or 70) it was just normal people that objected to the war because they saw what a complete wasted effort it was, what load of BS the domino theory was, and then too, the body bags came home.

That war was complete waste of life and resources brought to us by?


And then followed up by?



The MASTERS wanted war, it made some of the VERY VERY WEALTHY.

At first the people protesting the war (like in 64, 65 or so) were mostly old ladies (vestiges of the antinuke/folkies/beatnik movements)

Then the hippies took up the cause. (after all we were draftable)

Eventually (by about 69 or 70) it was just normal people that objected to the war because they saw what a complete wasted effort it was, what load of BS the domino theory was, and then too, the body bags came home.

That war was complete waste of life and resources brought to us by?


And then followed up by?



The MASTERS wanted war, it made some of the VERY VERY WEALTHY.


so says the paid troll who believes in magic bullets.hee hee,as usual,you evade facts and change the subject when cornered.well done.hee hee.


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