
the driver didn't do it you mongoloid incest bred bastard

thos coming from the MAJIC BULLET THEORIST who says oswald did it all by himself.:lmao: oh when you find one of those magic bullets,please show me one:rofl:.:lmao::fu:

oh and nice job of evading the facts that Kennedy did not get us into vietnam changing the topic.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

you haven't proved other wise fucktard and never will


as always,all you can do is show off the child you are,whine and throw insults when cornered instead of trying to refute the facts and change the subject wanting to get a flame contest going.:clap2::clap2: not going to play your game kid.last chance troll,discuss the topic or find someone else to troll with.
At first the people protesting the war (like in 64, 65 or so) were mostly old ladies (vestiges of the antinuke/folkies/beatnik movements)

Then the hippies took up the cause. (after all we were draftable)

Eventually (by about 69 or 70) it was just normal people that objected to the war because they saw what a complete wasted effort it was, what load of BS the domino theory was, and then too, the body bags came home.

That war was complete waste of life and resources brought to us by?


And then followed up by?



The MASTERS wanted war, it made some of the VERY VERY WEALTHY.


so says the paid troll who believes in magic bullets.hee hee,as usual,you evade facts and change the subject when cornered.well done.hee hee.


see your acting like a child with editic instead with me now cause all i was doing was prais his post and your just flipping me off cause I did clearly are just a're definetely not a paid troll like I thought,your just a child in denial seeking attention..
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LBJ and Nixon tried to kill me, because niether wanted to go down in history as being the first president to lose a war.

May they both rot in hell.
thos coming from the MAJIC BULLET THEORIST who says oswald did it all by himself.:lmao: oh when you find one of those magic bullets,please show me one:rofl:.:lmao::fu:

oh and nice job of evading the facts that Kennedy did not get us into vietnam changing the topic.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

you haven't proved other wise fucktard and never will


as always,all you can do is show off the child you are,whine and throw insults when cornered instead of trying to refute the facts and change the subject wanting to get a flame contest going.:clap2::clap2: not going to play your game kid.last chance troll,discuss the topic or find someone else to troll with.

new evidence says LBJ pulled the gun and shot JFK..prove me wrong :D:D not gonna play??? that's what you been doin' all along child. don't go away mad just go away. BTY the magic bullet was debunked shit for brains
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you haven't proved other wise fucktard and never will


as always,all you can do is show off the child you are,whine and throw insults when cornered instead of trying to refute the facts and change the subject wanting to get a flame contest going.:clap2::clap2: not going to play your game kid.last chance troll,discuss the topic or find someone else to troll with.

new evidence says LBJ pulled the gun and shot JFK..prove me wrong :D:D not gonna play??? that's what you been doin' all along child. don't go away mad just go away. BTY the magic bullet was debunked shit for brains

so says the child who runs off when shown facts that there were multiple bullets found and photographed that day that could not be traced back to oswalds rifle such as the one in the windshield police officers said came from the front,the one in the doorframe as seen in photos,the one seen in photos on the street an FBI plain clothesman is seen picking up putting in his pocket walking away.

like everyone should listen to a troll who changes the subject when cornered with facts he cant refute that there were multiple shooters that day and wont talk about the topic of this thread.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

sorry to break your heart kid,but it hasnt been debunked in your fairly tale land you live in.

again your not even on the topic of this thread kid and evading the facts aboput vietnam,how johnson got us into it so nobody here is going to listen to you.

like I said before,even that nitwit whitehall who used to be an idiot like you,has finally wised up and doesnt believe the fairy tale warren commission anymore and understand LBJ got us into vietnam.

"He" USED to be as stupid as you but unlike you,he is awake now and not scared of the truth anymore unlike you.:clap2::fu:

yep,thats you,shit for brains,someone who believes in magic bullets.comedy gold.:D:lmao::lmao::rofl:
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I lived through the war in Vietnam. MY brother fought there, and I knew the faces and names of men that died in Vietnam and who's names are on the wall in DC. We believed the "war" was right because we believed the government wouldn't ever deceive us. Kennedy and his lap dog, R. McNamara that led this country down the road to perdition. I had a flash back in 2003 with GW Bush and D.Cheney. We repeat the same mistakes over again.
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as always,all you can do is show off the child you are,whine and throw insults when cornered instead of trying to refute the facts and change the subject wanting to get a flame contest going.:clap2::clap2: not going to play your game kid.last chance troll,discuss the topic or find someone else to troll with.

new evidence says LBJ pulled the gun and shot JFK..prove me wrong :D:D not gonna play??? that's what you been doin' all along child. don't go away mad just go away. BTY the magic bullet was debunked shit for brains

so says the child who runs off when shown facts that there were multiple bullets found and photographed that day that could not be traced back to oswalds rifle such as the one in the windshield police officers said came from the front,the one in the doorframe as seen in photos,the one seen in photos on the street an FBI plain clothesman is seen picking up putting in his pocket walking away.

like everyone should listen to a troll who changes the subject when cornered with facts he cant refute that there were multiple shooters that day and wont talk about the topic of this thread.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

sorry to break your heart kid,but it hasnt been debunked in your fairly tale land you live in.

again your not even on the topic of this thread kid and evading the facts aboput vietnam,how johnson got us into it so nobody here is going to listen to you.

like I said before,even that nitwit whitehall who used to be an idiot like you,has finally wised up and doesnt believe the fairy tale warren commission anymore and understand LBJ got us into vietnam.

"He" USED to be as stupid as you but unlike you,he is awake now and not scared of the truth anymore unlike you.:clap2::fu:

yep,thats you,shit for brains,someone who believes in magic bullets.comedy gold.:D:lmao::lmao::rofl:

all this proves is why your in the "theory" forum. and alway will be

theory: "an unproved assumption" that's you. ass

oh as far as Nam goes thank you for telling me something i already knew. before you were born. or in your case hatched
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okay i have played your game long enough child.

you have been brainwashed and are afraid of the truth which is normal for a child and just seeking attention which I am not going to give you again,go find someone else to troll with now I have fed you enough as it is. I am going to live by these words below right now and follow this advise with you.

LBJ got us into VietNam and democrats and the media supported it simply because LBJ was a democrat.

I think a lot of Democrats objected to Vietnam, even objecting in the streets. And LBJ figured he lost the Democrats so he didn't run again.
But Nixon did promise to end the war and in that regard he had a secret plan, but apparently Nixon misplaced the secret plan because it took him some time to end Vietnam.

He got out of Vietnam faster than Obama's gotten us out of Iraq:eusa_whistle:
I lived through the war in Vietnam. MY brother fought there, and I knew the faces and names of men that died in Vietnam and who's names are on the wall in DC. We believed the "war" was right because we believed the government wouldn't ever deceive us. Kennedy and his lap dog, R. McNamara that led this country down the road to perdition. I had a flash back in 2003 with GW Bush and D.Cheney. We repeat the same mistakes over again.

Im sorry for what happend to your brother but yeah thats what happened,he was deceived by that war believing in our government but it wasnt his fault because back then,americans didnt question their government and never believed their government could deceive them so badly with the gulf of tonkin incident that Johnson orchestrated.

Kennedy didnt lead us down that road to perdition though,thats another lie the media spins to this day.we know that he was going to completely pull all military personal out of vietnam by 1965.If he had lived,there never would have been a vietnam war.

Thats backed up by facts like when Walter Kronkite interviewed him in the middle of september 1963 two months before his assassination,about vietnam and on the screen it flashes 82 casualtys.

Thats a far cry under the 58,000 that orrured under Johnson and Nixon.Thise bastards Johnson and Nixon murdered those 58,000 americans and yeah,probably Mcnamara as well.

Like I posted earlier in a document that was unearthed from the kennedy administration back in the 60's under a freedom of information act in the 90's,we now know it was Johnson that got us into the war orchestrating the phony gulf of tonkin incidenct in 1965 which was when they started deploying combat troops.

Kennedy resisted the military establishment who wanted combat tropps deployed into vietnam never sending them in.Only advisors.Johnson got in,gave them the war they wanted and sent in combat troops.
LBJ got us into VietNam and democrats and the media supported it simply because LBJ was a democrat.

I think a lot of Democrats objected to Vietnam, even objecting in the streets. And LBJ figured he lost the Democrats so he didn't run again.
But Nixon did promise to end the war and in that regard he had a secret plan, but apparently Nixon misplaced the secret plan because it took him some time to end Vietnam.

He got out of Vietnam faster than Obama's gotten us out of Iraq:eusa_whistle:
and dont forget Buch before

true dat but that STILL doesnt take away the fact that he was a mass murderer along with Johnson when he could have nended it four years earlier if he had WANTED to.

Oh and he put a communist dictater in power as well who murdered millions to boot.If he was alibe today,Obama would tell him how proud he was of his mass murders same as Bush would no doubt,they both learned very well from him I would say.:D:lol:
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okay i have played your game long enough child.

you have been brainwashed and are afraid of the truth which is normal for a child and just seeking attention which I am not going to give you again,go find someone else to troll with now I have fed you enough as it is. I am going to live by these words below right now and follow this advise with you.


what's this running away are we??? go back to your "i don't know shit from shinola" forum. your safer there anyway :cuckoo::cuckoo:
I think a lot of Democrats objected to Vietnam, even objecting in the streets. And LBJ figured he lost the Democrats so he didn't run again.
But Nixon did promise to end the war and in that regard he had a secret plan, but apparently Nixon misplaced the secret plan because it took him some time to end Vietnam.

He got out of Vietnam faster than Obama's gotten us out of Iraq:eusa_whistle:
and dont forget Buch before
true dat but that STILL doesnt take away the fact that he was a mass murderer along with Johnson when he could have nended it four years earlier if he had WANTED to.

Oh and he put a communist dictater in power as well who murdered millions to boot.If he was alibe today,Obama would tell him how proud he was of his mass murders same as Bush would no doubt,they both learned very well from him I would say.:D:lol:

Buch WTF is a Buch :cuckoo:
thank god there is an ignore list which I have just now updated so i dont have to read the rants of a stupid child seeking attention.
[ame=]Bob Dylan - Masters of War (Original) - YouTube[/ame]
thank god there is an ignore list which I have just now updated so i dont have to read the rants of a stupid child seeking attention.

Just go back to the Conspiracy Forum with the rest of the nuts where you belong.

the nuts are the people like you and namvet kid who ignore reality that Johnson got us into vietnam,not Kennedy.:clap2:

you heard him child, so grab your meat and beat it. your niether welcome or wanted here. your just a disease
Robert McNamara realized he made a mistake not long after he convinced JFK and LBJ to commit to the "war in Indochina”. We lost 52K troops in Nam' because we blindly supported the troops. For what? McNamara already knew it was a lost cause years earlier. He said so in his memoirs years later. And here we are now, Geo. W. Bush uses phony pretenses to invade Iraq in 2003 with phony weapons of mass destruction. Then it was called the Bay of Tonkin incident . My brother was on one of those ships in the bay, says he slept through it. But he did load bombs on planes later. Nobody seems to remember the attack on the ships in the bay of Tonkin. Anyone help me here? Might be historic, one way or the other.
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