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She apparently didn't watch Hannity last night when the Wikileaks guy held up one of her emails that were hacked with the "Confidential" header on it. :p

And Trump has a secret plan to defeat Isis. Waka waka.
if you plan to whoop my ass, are you going to tell me exactly how, where and when you are going to do this?
I mean, I would appreciate the information, it would mean that I would win that fight.
So, what the nation learned was that both of the men on the stage were completely incompetent and totally unqualified for the jobs they desire.

Clinton, of course, did great, despite the rather shocking anti-Clinton bias of Lauer. That will go down in history as one of the worst media performances ever. Not calling out Trump when he openly lied about opposing the Iraq war? Pathetic.
All the Trump fans seem especially weepy and angry at the moment.

Everyone, it's probably best to lay off of them, lest they possibly injure themselves. Their fantasy about how Trump would destroy Clinton just went down in flames, and they're not taking it well.
Hillary says there is no evidence her system was hacked.

So why does Julian Assange have thousands of her e-mails?
Actually, the Crooked Hillary fans are proving themselves as being delusional idiots. The Donald fans are feeling great.
Hillary says there is no evidence her system was hacked.

So why does Julian Assange have thousands of her e-mails?
maybe in one of her brain damaged moments, he asked her for the emails, and she thought it ok to just send them to him.
See, nothing hacked.
So who came off better in this bullshit. Is it still going on?
who came off better depends on who you ask.
personally I think Donald came out better. Hillary basically patted herself on her back for the way things have been going and promised at least 4 more years (or until her illness kills her) of the same.
Hillary says there is no evidence her system was hacked.

So why does Julian Assange have thousands of her e-mails?


The hacker "Guccifer," whose real name is Marcel Lehel Lazar, hacked the email account of longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal - and claimed he broke into the server Clinton used when she was secretary of State.

But those claims were bogus, Comey told the House Oversight Committee during his testimony on the investigation into Clinton's use of a personal email server.

"He did not [gain access to Clinton's server], he admitted that was a lie," Comey said in response to questions from Rep.Blake Farenthold (R-Texas).
Hillary could of farted and still 40% would of said she was the winner
what if hillary was accidently sitting on her bag, she farts, it suddenly fills with air and flings her face first out of the chair and onto the floor.
or it sprang a leek and that yellow liquid landed right in Matts pants?
that would be golden... LOL Golden, get it?
then the video of a golden stream coming from Hillary and landing on Matts weener area would of gone on you tube,,,and 56 Billion hits a week later.

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