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Hillary says there is no evidence her system was hacked.

So why does Julian Assange have thousands of her e-mails?


The hacker "Guccifer," whose real name is Marcel Lehel Lazar, hacked the email account of longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal - and claimed he broke into the server Clinton used when she was secretary of State.

But those claims were bogus, Comey told the House Oversight Committee during his testimony on the investigation into Clinton's use of a personal email server.

"He did not [gain access to Clinton's server], he admitted that was a lie," Comey said in response to questions from Rep.Blake Farenthold (R-Texas).
Because the State Department had all of her e-mails. And that is what was hacked, not her server.
If you watched that hour and think Trump came away better off than when he might be a retard.

If you thought that one word out of Crooked Hillary's mouth was the truth then you might be a Gruberidiot. You know, the Americans that Jonathan Gruber said were stupid enough to believe anything the filthy ass Democrats told them.
Hillary says there is no evidence her system was hacked.

So why does Julian Assange have thousands of her e-mails?
maybe in one of her brain damaged moments, he asked her for the emails, and she thought it ok to just send them to him.
See, nothing hacked.
Feel free to post evidence of any authority involved in this investigation asserting that there is evidence of Clinton's server being hacked.
Trump distaster

Wow. He bombed that. He didn't have an answer for most of the questions. I think he had about 2 answers that could be seen as good and the rest he totally flopped.

Night and day on knowing the issues between the two.
Hillary says there is no evidence her system was hacked.

So why does Julian Assange have thousands of her e-mails?
maybe in one of her brain damaged moments, he asked her for the emails, and she thought it ok to just send them to him.
See, nothing hacked.
Feel free to post evidence of any authority involved in this investigation asserting that there is evidence of Clinton's server being hacked.
kinda hard when all of those in authority are holding back the actual words saying it. However, if it was not hacked, then she willingly handed over the classified information to someone that was not cleared to receive it. Which is worse? Its one or the other.
Hillary says there is no evidence her system was hacked.

So why does Julian Assange have thousands of her e-mails?
maybe in one of her brain damaged moments, he asked her for the emails, and she thought it ok to just send them to him.
See, nothing hacked.
Feel free to post evidence of any authority involved in this investigation asserting that there is evidence of Clinton's server being hacked.
kinda hard when all of those in authority are holding back the actual words saying it. However, if it was not hacked, then she willingly handed over the classified information to someone that was not cleared to receive it. Which is worse? Its one or the other.

Who would that "someone" be and when was that done?

Or, maybe, just maybe, it really wasn't hacked at all and you've been fooled yet again.
Hillary says there is no evidence her system was hacked.

So why does Julian Assange have thousands of her e-mails?
maybe in one of her brain damaged moments, he asked her for the emails, and she thought it ok to just send them to him.
See, nothing hacked.
Feel free to post evidence of any authority involved in this investigation asserting that there is evidence of Clinton's server being hacked.
kinda hard when all of those in authority are holding back the actual words saying it. However, if it was not hacked, then she willingly handed over the classified information to someone that was not cleared to receive it. Which is worse? Its one or the other.

Who would that "someone" be and when was that done?

Or, maybe, just maybe, it really wasn't hacked at all and you've been fooled yet again.
Go back to sleep Rip VanWinkle, your 20 years isn't up yet.

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