Violent anti gun film maker attacks pro gun film maker.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...for some reason the anti gun people are...well...violent...when you disagree with them....of course this is the usual tactic of leftists this case, a film maker who made a pro gun documentary was invited to talk with an anti gun film maker....and was attacked at the meeting...physically....

Anti-Gun Filmmaker Assaults Robs Pro-Gun Journalist - The Truth About Guns

Details of the entire meeting and attack are included below by the eyewitness, Chris Cochran so we will not repeat them here. We will comment however; this brutal attack is just a sample of what we in the pro-gun movement has said all along. Gun owners seem to show more responsibility and restraint, while the anti-gun movement has repeatedly shown a violent streak.

The victim of this latest attack, Mr. Saunderson, is currently undergoing surgery on his left arm which was seriously (and potentially permanently) injured. His upper arm is broken in 3 places with the ball broken completely off and shoulder dislocated. The doctor says he will be lucky if he recovers 80% use.....

Reports from an eyewitness state that the claim that someone pulled their gun and caused the fracas is a complete fabrication. The local police department states that there was no evidence of any firearms at the scene whatsoever. It looks like Skye is attempting to garner support for himself and his shiny new multiple felony charges by attempting to spin the situation into one of self defense against a crazy concealed carry guy. That may play for the emotion-driven gun control crowd, but isn’t much of a defense in the face of overwhelming factual evidence.

I think I see a trend here. Gun owners and gun rights folks tend to be calm, cool, and collected. They might appear threatening, what with open carrying scary-looking guns, but actual cases of gun rights folks hurting even a fly are rarer than a lightly used airworthy SR-71 for sale. As for gun control activists, what you see is what you get.

here is a breakdown ofthe attack


So, I arrive at sharis first and am waiting for them both to show up. Skye shows up next, and William shortly after. Skye sat on the bench opposite from william and I. We started to have a normal and calm conversation. Nothing bizarre. Then we start to bring up our concerns about the bias of the film. He gets very edgy and defensive.

Skye asks, "are you bias, Chris?"

I answer, "of course I am."

He then asks William, "are you bias?"

William answers, "yes, but Im not the one telling people that I am creating a neutral documentary."

All this time, William has his camera sitting on the table right in front of him. Recording...which is completely legal.

Skye asks, "are you recording?"

William says "yes."

Skye responds, "You need to turn that off and stop recording me."

William replies, "no, Im not going to do that."

Skye reaches over the table to grab the camera from William. William grabs the camera back away from him. Skye lunges over the table and grabs both of Williams’s cameras. They get in a small brawl inside the sharis. The manager tells them that they need to leave. So, Skye walks out and William follows him while on the phone with 911, telling them what happened, and that Skye stole his equipment.

William follows Skye to the parking lot, where Skye tackles William to the ground, which is what ended up breaking his arm and shoulder. Skye takes Williams cameras and throws them into the front seat of the car and gets in. William stands behind the car to try to stop him from leaving, then Skye starts his car and backs up, almost running over William. Skye then sped away down the street, and has not been seen since.

The police came and took statements from myself, sharis staff, and William. They followed him to the hospital where they could talk more.

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