Violent criminals are just a myth, until they aren't and you need a gun to stop them.

Just like you don't admit you're a fucking idiot but we all know you are because of what you say

Just because I'm not afraid of my own shadow? You bet.

No because you talk of things you know nothing about

and you are so naive as to think there is no violence in this world

So when violence does find you s it has so many others I'll simply laugh at you even more than I do now

Nope. There is plenty of violence in this world. Lots of it caused by coward gun nut vigilantes who start every morning hoping that "today is the day I get to shoot someone and be a hero"

If that were true, considering more than 17 million people have CCW permits, there would be a lot more violence than there is today
But keep spouting this shit and proving what a fucking idiot you are.

I hope I'm there when you get the shit beat out of you so I can laugh my ass off while you're waiting for the cops to come rescue you

Your numbers are slightly inflated but not enough to worry about. But what you don't take into account is, only about 3 million actually carry even when they have a CCW. It's a real hassle when you go out. What do you do with it when you need to go into a library or someplace that doesn't allow your weapon according to the law? You can't go bar hopping, go into schools to visit your kids and more. So you either leave it home or lock it in your trunk. I wouldn't trust locking it in the glove box since any thief worth his salts can break into there in 4 seconds with a screwdriver. Just having the Permit doesn't mean you go around armed all the time.

Now, stop making shit up.
Concealed Carry Statistics: Quick Facts by State (2017)

New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

So 16.3 million a year ago

17 million is probably a lower number than actual today

unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.

Moron.... if a convicted criminal has a gun....they have committed a felony and can already be arrested.

There is no need for permits for this to happen.

He wasn't a criminal until he killed the cop. But, like you, he had some red flags.

You continue to show you are an idiot.......of those who commit gun murder, 90% of them are convicted criminals who can't legally buy, own or carry a gun.... and for you, as dumb as you are, that means he could not buy, own or carry a gun, under existing law.

They can't get a permit because they are already criminals, you doofus.

And universal background checks would take many of those guns out of their reach.
No they wouldn't

when piece of shit criminal 1 buys a gun from piece of shit criminal 2 you really think piece of shit criminal 2 is going to run a background check?

How hard do you have to try to be so fucking stupid?
We need to fact check your claim. We can only do that if we have the specific District Numbers in the given States. Otherwise, you are just making shit up again.
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.
Firearm ownership is personal... none of the federal governments business

Using your own logic, robbing banks is personal and none of the federal governments business. You advocate criminal activity.

No, dear, owning a firearm is not the same as using a firearm in the commission of a crime. I get that you think simply having a gun is in itself a dangerous act of criminal intent, but it's actually not.

We are a nation of laws. If the Law says we do have to comply then we have to comply. We can elect to change the law but until we do, we comply. We have the right to assemble and voice our dissatisfaction but we don't just ignore the law. What some of these people are saying is that we should ignore the laws that are place that we disagree with. We don't have that option. The only way we can get it to change is to change the law not do a criminal act. I do like what Judge Young said. If you don't like the laws where you are, move to a place where the laws are more to your liking. Not word for word but close enough. Or you can work to get them changed. But until they are changed, you must comply to stay as a law abiding citizen.
Just because I'm not afraid of my own shadow? You bet.

No because you talk of things you know nothing about

and you are so naive as to think there is no violence in this world

So when violence does find you s it has so many others I'll simply laugh at you even more than I do now

Nope. There is plenty of violence in this world. Lots of it caused by coward gun nut vigilantes who start every morning hoping that "today is the day I get to shoot someone and be a hero"

If that were true, considering more than 17 million people have CCW permits, there would be a lot more violence than there is today
But keep spouting this shit and proving what a fucking idiot you are.

I hope I'm there when you get the shit beat out of you so I can laugh my ass off while you're waiting for the cops to come rescue you

Your numbers are slightly inflated but not enough to worry about. But what you don't take into account is, only about 3 million actually carry even when they have a CCW. It's a real hassle when you go out. What do you do with it when you need to go into a library or someplace that doesn't allow your weapon according to the law? You can't go bar hopping, go into schools to visit your kids and more. So you either leave it home or lock it in your trunk. I wouldn't trust locking it in the glove box since any thief worth his salts can break into there in 4 seconds with a screwdriver. Just having the Permit doesn't mean you go around armed all the time.

Now, stop making shit up.
Concealed Carry Statistics: Quick Facts by State (2017)

New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

So 16.3 million a year ago

17 million is probably a lower number than actual today

unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about

You are just making shit up and not looking at how many people are actually on the street legally carrying. The figure is less than 2%. It doesn't matter how many CCWs are issued. It's the number that are being exercised at any given time. And the figure for CCW total last year was somewhere between 15.3 and 16.3, they really couldn't nail it down any closer. Has it gone up? It might have gone up. But it also might have gone down. Your lying ass has no way to know.
Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.

Moron.... if a convicted criminal has a gun....they have committed a felony and can already be arrested.

There is no need for permits for this to happen.

He wasn't a criminal until he killed the cop. But, like you, he had some red flags.

You continue to show you are an idiot.......of those who commit gun murder, 90% of them are convicted criminals who can't legally buy, own or carry a gun.... and for you, as dumb as you are, that means he could not buy, own or carry a gun, under existing law.

They can't get a permit because they are already criminals, you doofus.

And universal background checks would take many of those guns out of their reach.
No they wouldn't

when piece of shit criminal 1 buys a gun from piece of shit criminal 2 you really think piece of shit criminal 2 is going to run a background check?

How hard do you have to try to be so fucking stupid?

Mass shootings have all been done by legally owned weapons. No, laws can only slow the Criminals down. Only better law enforcement can fix that problem to any large degree. But when the school shootings have all been done by people under the age of 21 that should tell us something. And the record holders all used the same weapon. That tells us more. We guard against what we can and pray the rest takes care of itself. We don't just throw our hands up and cry that there is nothing we can do.
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.
Firearm ownership is personal... none of the federal governments business

Using your own logic, robbing banks is personal and none of the federal governments business. You advocate criminal activity.

No, dear, owning a firearm is not the same as using a firearm in the commission of a crime. I get that you think simply having a gun is in itself a dangerous act of criminal intent, but it's actually not.

We are a nation of laws. If the Law says we do have to comply then we have to comply. We can elect to change the law but until we do, we comply. We have the right to assemble and voice our dissatisfaction but we don't just ignore the law. What some of these people are saying is that we should ignore the laws that are place that we disagree with. We don't have that option. The only way we can get it to change is to change the law not do a criminal act. I do like what Judge Young said. If you don't like the laws where you are, move to a place where the laws are more to your liking. Not word for word but close enough. Or you can work to get them changed. But until they are changed, you must comply to stay as a law abiding citizen.

Who, exactly, has said, "Ignore the laws?" Could you quote that for me, please? Because all I'm seeing are people saying, "Change the law."

I'm not going to confuse you at this point by getting into the concept of civil disobedience. That's for the AP class.
No because you talk of things you know nothing about

and you are so naive as to think there is no violence in this world

So when violence does find you s it has so many others I'll simply laugh at you even more than I do now

Nope. There is plenty of violence in this world. Lots of it caused by coward gun nut vigilantes who start every morning hoping that "today is the day I get to shoot someone and be a hero"

If that were true, considering more than 17 million people have CCW permits, there would be a lot more violence than there is today
But keep spouting this shit and proving what a fucking idiot you are.

I hope I'm there when you get the shit beat out of you so I can laugh my ass off while you're waiting for the cops to come rescue you

Your numbers are slightly inflated but not enough to worry about. But what you don't take into account is, only about 3 million actually carry even when they have a CCW. It's a real hassle when you go out. What do you do with it when you need to go into a library or someplace that doesn't allow your weapon according to the law? You can't go bar hopping, go into schools to visit your kids and more. So you either leave it home or lock it in your trunk. I wouldn't trust locking it in the glove box since any thief worth his salts can break into there in 4 seconds with a screwdriver. Just having the Permit doesn't mean you go around armed all the time.

Now, stop making shit up.
Concealed Carry Statistics: Quick Facts by State (2017)

New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

So 16.3 million a year ago

17 million is probably a lower number than actual today

unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about

You are just making shit up and not looking at how many people are actually on the street legally carrying. The figure is less than 2%. It doesn't matter how many CCWs are issued. It's the number that are being exercised at any given time. And the figure for CCW total last year was somewhere between 15.3 and 16.3, they really couldn't nail it down any closer. Has it gone up? It might have gone up. But it also might have gone down. Your lying ass has no way to know.

I never claimed to know how many people are carrying at any one time you lying sack of shit

I said 17 million people have concealed carry permits
Moron.... if a convicted criminal has a gun....they have committed a felony and can already be arrested.

There is no need for permits for this to happen.

He wasn't a criminal until he killed the cop. But, like you, he had some red flags.

You continue to show you are an idiot.......of those who commit gun murder, 90% of them are convicted criminals who can't legally buy, own or carry a gun.... and for you, as dumb as you are, that means he could not buy, own or carry a gun, under existing law.

They can't get a permit because they are already criminals, you doofus.

And universal background checks would take many of those guns out of their reach.
No they wouldn't

when piece of shit criminal 1 buys a gun from piece of shit criminal 2 you really think piece of shit criminal 2 is going to run a background check?

How hard do you have to try to be so fucking stupid?

Mass shootings have all been done by legally owned weapons. No, laws can only slow the Criminals down. Only better law enforcement can fix that problem to any large degree. But when the school shootings have all been done by people under the age of 21 that should tell us something. And the record holders all used the same weapon. That tells us more. We guard against what we can and pray the rest takes care of itself. We don't just throw our hands up and cry that there is nothing we can do.

Columbine was committed with straw purchase weapons

And mass shootings account for 1% of all murders that fact that you are irrationally obsessed with 1% of all murders tells me that you don't give a fuck about the murder rate or murder victims in general all you care about is your desire to control other people.
Just because I'm not afraid of my own shadow? You bet.

No because you talk of things you know nothing about

and you are so naive as to think there is no violence in this world

So when violence does find you s it has so many others I'll simply laugh at you even more than I do now

Nope. There is plenty of violence in this world. Lots of it caused by coward gun nut vigilantes who start every morning hoping that "today is the day I get to shoot someone and be a hero"

If that were true, considering more than 17 million people have CCW permits, there would be a lot more violence than there is today
But keep spouting this shit and proving what a fucking idiot you are.

I hope I'm there when you get the shit beat out of you so I can laugh my ass off while you're waiting for the cops to come rescue you

Your numbers are slightly inflated but not enough to worry about. But what you don't take into account is, only about 3 million actually carry even when they have a CCW. It's a real hassle when you go out. What do you do with it when you need to go into a library or someplace that doesn't allow your weapon according to the law? You can't go bar hopping, go into schools to visit your kids and more. So you either leave it home or lock it in your trunk. I wouldn't trust locking it in the glove box since any thief worth his salts can break into there in 4 seconds with a screwdriver. Just having the Permit doesn't mean you go around armed all the time.

Now, stop making shit up.
Concealed Carry Statistics: Quick Facts by State (2017)

New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

So 16.3 million a year ago

17 million is probably a lower number than actual today

unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about

Lots of people will sell a gun to who ever has the cash. Doesn't matter if the purchaser is a crook or not as long as there is no obligation to even care about that, much less the legal obligation to do a background check. Many fewer will do that if they are legally obligated to find out if the purchaser is even allowed to have a gun. No. It won't make all guns unavailable to all crooks, but it will make it harder for them to get a gun. Are you such a twat as to not see that?
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.

Moron.... if a convicted criminal has a gun....they have committed a felony and can already be arrested.

There is no need for permits for this to happen.

He wasn't a criminal until he killed the cop. But, like you, he had some red flags.

You continue to show you are an idiot.......of those who commit gun murder, 90% of them are convicted criminals who can't legally buy, own or carry a gun.... and for you, as dumb as you are, that means he could not buy, own or carry a gun, under existing law.

They can't get a permit because they are already criminals, you doofus.

And universal background checks would take many of those guns out of their reach.

You keep saying that as if it is true and it isn't true. The 90% of criminals who can't legally buy guns are stealing those guns....making current and universal background checks null and void, or they are using straw buyers, people who can pass current, federal gun background checks which means they will pass any universal background check on the rare occasion they want to buy a gun from a private seller...which they don't, because they are afraid cops will be the ones selling the guns.

So in no way will universal background checks stop all.

As to mass public shooters.... almost all of them already passed current federal background checks to get their guns, which means they can also pass any universal background check for a private sale...and of the ones who didn't get their guns legally, they used straw buyers or stole the guns....

Making your fantasy of universal background checks silly.
He wasn't a criminal until he killed the cop. But, like you, he had some red flags.

You continue to show you are an idiot.......of those who commit gun murder, 90% of them are convicted criminals who can't legally buy, own or carry a gun.... and for you, as dumb as you are, that means he could not buy, own or carry a gun, under existing law.

They can't get a permit because they are already criminals, you doofus.

And universal background checks would take many of those guns out of their reach.
No they wouldn't

when piece of shit criminal 1 buys a gun from piece of shit criminal 2 you really think piece of shit criminal 2 is going to run a background check?

How hard do you have to try to be so fucking stupid?

Mass shootings have all been done by legally owned weapons. No, laws can only slow the Criminals down. Only better law enforcement can fix that problem to any large degree. But when the school shootings have all been done by people under the age of 21 that should tell us something. And the record holders all used the same weapon. That tells us more. We guard against what we can and pray the rest takes care of itself. We don't just throw our hands up and cry that there is nothing we can do.

Columbine was committed with straw purchase weapons

And mass shootings account for 1% of all murders that fact that you are irrationally obsessed with 1% of all murders tells me that you don't give a fuck about the murder rate or murder victims in general all you care about is your desire to control other people.

We can actually get the exact number since it is so small.....except for 2017 when we had the vegas shooting, mass public shootings kill less than 75 people a year...the actual yearly number is here.....

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

I have taken the time and broken down the yearly totals, but you know them already and anyone else can go to the site and count for themselves...

Lawnmowers kill more people every single year, except for 2017, than mass public shooters do...that is a fact. They can't deal with that fact so they lie and emote like a Vulcan in heat....
No because you talk of things you know nothing about

and you are so naive as to think there is no violence in this world

So when violence does find you s it has so many others I'll simply laugh at you even more than I do now

Nope. There is plenty of violence in this world. Lots of it caused by coward gun nut vigilantes who start every morning hoping that "today is the day I get to shoot someone and be a hero"

If that were true, considering more than 17 million people have CCW permits, there would be a lot more violence than there is today
But keep spouting this shit and proving what a fucking idiot you are.

I hope I'm there when you get the shit beat out of you so I can laugh my ass off while you're waiting for the cops to come rescue you

Your numbers are slightly inflated but not enough to worry about. But what you don't take into account is, only about 3 million actually carry even when they have a CCW. It's a real hassle when you go out. What do you do with it when you need to go into a library or someplace that doesn't allow your weapon according to the law? You can't go bar hopping, go into schools to visit your kids and more. So you either leave it home or lock it in your trunk. I wouldn't trust locking it in the glove box since any thief worth his salts can break into there in 4 seconds with a screwdriver. Just having the Permit doesn't mean you go around armed all the time.

Now, stop making shit up.
Concealed Carry Statistics: Quick Facts by State (2017)

New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

So 16.3 million a year ago

17 million is probably a lower number than actual today

unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about

Lots of people will sell a gun to who ever has the cash. Doesn't matter if the purchaser is a crook or not as long as there is no obligation to even care about that, much less the legal obligation to do a background check. Many fewer will do that if they are legally obligated to find out if the purchaser is even allowed to have a gun. No. It won't make all guns unavailable to all crooks, but it will make it harder for them to get a gun. Are you such a twat as to not see that?

No... it won't. What it does do is create a backdoor gun registry...since any private gun will now have to go through a gun store, and that sale, and the gun and the name of the owner and buyer, will have to be recorded..... that is the reason you want universal background you know where the guns are when you finally get the power to ban and confiscate them.
Moron.... if a convicted criminal has a gun....they have committed a felony and can already be arrested.

There is no need for permits for this to happen.

He wasn't a criminal until he killed the cop. But, like you, he had some red flags.

You continue to show you are an idiot.......of those who commit gun murder, 90% of them are convicted criminals who can't legally buy, own or carry a gun.... and for you, as dumb as you are, that means he could not buy, own or carry a gun, under existing law.

They can't get a permit because they are already criminals, you doofus.

And universal background checks would take many of those guns out of their reach.
No they wouldn't

when piece of shit criminal 1 buys a gun from piece of shit criminal 2 you really think piece of shit criminal 2 is going to run a background check?

How hard do you have to try to be so fucking stupid?

Mass shootings have all been done by legally owned weapons. No, laws can only slow the Criminals down. Only better law enforcement can fix that problem to any large degree. But when the school shootings have all been done by people under the age of 21 that should tell us something. And the record holders all used the same weapon. That tells us more. We guard against what we can and pray the rest takes care of itself. We don't just throw our hands up and cry that there is nothing we can do.

The record holder used a rental truck, a muslim in France and he killed 86 in 5 minutes.

And no, the record holder for guns here was 58, he used a rifle.

The next highest was 32 and he used 2 pistols.

You don't know what you are talking about..
Nope. There is plenty of violence in this world. Lots of it caused by coward gun nut vigilantes who start every morning hoping that "today is the day I get to shoot someone and be a hero"

If that were true, considering more than 17 million people have CCW permits, there would be a lot more violence than there is today
But keep spouting this shit and proving what a fucking idiot you are.

I hope I'm there when you get the shit beat out of you so I can laugh my ass off while you're waiting for the cops to come rescue you

Your numbers are slightly inflated but not enough to worry about. But what you don't take into account is, only about 3 million actually carry even when they have a CCW. It's a real hassle when you go out. What do you do with it when you need to go into a library or someplace that doesn't allow your weapon according to the law? You can't go bar hopping, go into schools to visit your kids and more. So you either leave it home or lock it in your trunk. I wouldn't trust locking it in the glove box since any thief worth his salts can break into there in 4 seconds with a screwdriver. Just having the Permit doesn't mean you go around armed all the time.

Now, stop making shit up.
Concealed Carry Statistics: Quick Facts by State (2017)

New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

So 16.3 million a year ago

17 million is probably a lower number than actual today

unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about

Lots of people will sell a gun to who ever has the cash. Doesn't matter if the purchaser is a crook or not as long as there is no obligation to even care about that, much less the legal obligation to do a background check. Many fewer will do that if they are legally obligated to find out if the purchaser is even allowed to have a gun. No. It won't make all guns unavailable to all crooks, but it will make it harder for them to get a gun. Are you such a twat as to not see that?

No... it won't. What it does do is create a backdoor gun registry...since any private gun will now have to go through a gun store, and that sale, and the gun and the name of the owner and buyer, will have to be recorded..... that is the reason you want universal background you know where the guns are when you finally get the power to ban and confiscate them.

Bullshit. Are background checks for new guns recorded and stored in a gun registry? Nope. By law, the information can't be kept.
Moron.... if a convicted criminal has a gun....they have committed a felony and can already be arrested.

There is no need for permits for this to happen.

He wasn't a criminal until he killed the cop. But, like you, he had some red flags.

You continue to show you are an idiot.......of those who commit gun murder, 90% of them are convicted criminals who can't legally buy, own or carry a gun.... and for you, as dumb as you are, that means he could not buy, own or carry a gun, under existing law.

They can't get a permit because they are already criminals, you doofus.

And universal background checks would take many of those guns out of their reach.
No they wouldn't

when piece of shit criminal 1 buys a gun from piece of shit criminal 2 you really think piece of shit criminal 2 is going to run a background check?

How hard do you have to try to be so fucking stupid?

Mass shootings have all been done by legally owned weapons. No, laws can only slow the Criminals down. Only better law enforcement can fix that problem to any large degree. But when the school shootings have all been done by people under the age of 21 that should tell us something. And the record holders all used the same weapon. That tells us more. We guard against what we can and pray the rest takes care of itself. We don't just throw our hands up and cry that there is nothing we can do.

Mass shootings have all been done by legally owned weapons.

You mean except for Columbine...right? You mean except for Sandy Hook...right?

If that were true, considering more than 17 million people have CCW permits, there would be a lot more violence than there is today
But keep spouting this shit and proving what a fucking idiot you are.

I hope I'm there when you get the shit beat out of you so I can laugh my ass off while you're waiting for the cops to come rescue you

Your numbers are slightly inflated but not enough to worry about. But what you don't take into account is, only about 3 million actually carry even when they have a CCW. It's a real hassle when you go out. What do you do with it when you need to go into a library or someplace that doesn't allow your weapon according to the law? You can't go bar hopping, go into schools to visit your kids and more. So you either leave it home or lock it in your trunk. I wouldn't trust locking it in the glove box since any thief worth his salts can break into there in 4 seconds with a screwdriver. Just having the Permit doesn't mean you go around armed all the time.

Now, stop making shit up.
Concealed Carry Statistics: Quick Facts by State (2017)

New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

So 16.3 million a year ago

17 million is probably a lower number than actual today

unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about

Lots of people will sell a gun to who ever has the cash. Doesn't matter if the purchaser is a crook or not as long as there is no obligation to even care about that, much less the legal obligation to do a background check. Many fewer will do that if they are legally obligated to find out if the purchaser is even allowed to have a gun. No. It won't make all guns unavailable to all crooks, but it will make it harder for them to get a gun. Are you such a twat as to not see that?

No... it won't. What it does do is create a backdoor gun registry...since any private gun will now have to go through a gun store, and that sale, and the gun and the name of the owner and buyer, will have to be recorded..... that is the reason you want universal background you know where the guns are when you finally get the power to ban and confiscate them.

Bullshit. Are background checks for new guns recorded and stored in a gun registry? Nope. By law, the information can't be kept.

If you have to do background checks for private sales you have to keep a record of who the seller is and who the buyer is to confirm that a background check was done for the sale, you twit. Otherwise, any two people can just say they did a background twit.
If that were true, considering more than 17 million people have CCW permits, there would be a lot more violence than there is today
But keep spouting this shit and proving what a fucking idiot you are.

I hope I'm there when you get the shit beat out of you so I can laugh my ass off while you're waiting for the cops to come rescue you

Your numbers are slightly inflated but not enough to worry about. But what you don't take into account is, only about 3 million actually carry even when they have a CCW. It's a real hassle when you go out. What do you do with it when you need to go into a library or someplace that doesn't allow your weapon according to the law? You can't go bar hopping, go into schools to visit your kids and more. So you either leave it home or lock it in your trunk. I wouldn't trust locking it in the glove box since any thief worth his salts can break into there in 4 seconds with a screwdriver. Just having the Permit doesn't mean you go around armed all the time.

Now, stop making shit up.
Concealed Carry Statistics: Quick Facts by State (2017)

New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

So 16.3 million a year ago

17 million is probably a lower number than actual today

unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about

Lots of people will sell a gun to who ever has the cash. Doesn't matter if the purchaser is a crook or not as long as there is no obligation to even care about that, much less the legal obligation to do a background check. Many fewer will do that if they are legally obligated to find out if the purchaser is even allowed to have a gun. No. It won't make all guns unavailable to all crooks, but it will make it harder for them to get a gun. Are you such a twat as to not see that?

No... it won't. What it does do is create a backdoor gun registry...since any private gun will now have to go through a gun store, and that sale, and the gun and the name of the owner and buyer, will have to be recorded..... that is the reason you want universal background you know where the guns are when you finally get the power to ban and confiscate them.

Bullshit. Are background checks for new guns recorded and stored in a gun registry? Nope. By law, the information can't be kept.

Here ....someone who knows what they are actually talking about..

Gun Control Won't Stop Crime

“Universal” Background Checks
Part of the genius of the Bloomberg gun control system is how it creates prohibitions indirectly. Bloomberg’s so-called “universal” background check scheme is a prime example. These bills are never just about having background checks on the private sales of firearms. That aspect is the part that the public is told about. Yet when you read the Bloomberg laws, you find that checks on private sales are the tip of a very large iceberg of gun prohibition.

First, the bills criminalize a vast amount of innocent activity. Suppose you are an nra Certified Instructor teaching an introductory safety class. Under your supervision, students will handle a variety of unloaded firearms. They will learn how different guns have different safeties, and they will learn the safe way to hand a firearm to another person. But thanks to Bloomberg, these classroom firearm lessons are now illegal in Washington state, unless the class takes place at a shooting range.

It’s now also illegal to lend a gun to your friend, so that you can shoot together at a range on your own property. Or to lend a firearm for a week to your neighbor who is being stalked.

Under the Bloomberg system, gun loans are generally forbidden, unless the gun owner and the borrower both go to a gun store first. The store must process the loan as if the store were selling the gun out of its inventory.

Then, when your friend wants to return your gun to you, both of you must go to the gun store again. This time, the store will process that transaction as if you were buying the gun from the store’s inventory. For both the loan and the return of the gun, you will have to pay whatever fees the store charges, and whatever fees the government might charge. The gun store will have to keep a permanent record of you, your friend and the gun, including the gun’s serial number. Depending on the state or city, the government might also keep a permanent record.

In other words, the “background check” law is really a law to expand gun registration—and registration lists are used for confiscation.

Consider New York City. In 1967, violent crime in the city was out of control. So the City Council and Mayor John Lindsay required registration of all long guns. The criminals, obviously, did not comply. Thanks to the 1911 Sullivan Act, New York City already had established registration lists for handgun owners.

Then, in 1991, the City Council decided that many lawfully registered firearms were now illegal “assault weapons.” The New York Police Department used the registration lists to ensure that the guns were either surrendered to the government or moved out of the city. When he was mayor of New York City, Bloomberg did the same, after the “assault weapon” law was expanded to cover any rifle or shotgun with an ammunition capacity greater than five rounds.

In Australia and Great Britain—which are often cited as models for the U.S. to follow—registration lists were used for gun confiscation. In Great Britain, this included all handguns; in Australia, handguns over .38 caliber. Both countries banned all semi-automatic or pump-action long guns.

Most American jurisdictions don’t have a comprehensive gun registration system. But even if your state legislature has outlawed gun registration, firearm stores must keep records. Those records could be harvested for future confiscations. Under the Bloomberg system, the store’s list would include not just the guns that the store actually sold, but all the guns (and their owners) that the store processed, for friends or relatives borrowing guns.
Your numbers are slightly inflated but not enough to worry about. But what you don't take into account is, only about 3 million actually carry even when they have a CCW. It's a real hassle when you go out. What do you do with it when you need to go into a library or someplace that doesn't allow your weapon according to the law? You can't go bar hopping, go into schools to visit your kids and more. So you either leave it home or lock it in your trunk. I wouldn't trust locking it in the glove box since any thief worth his salts can break into there in 4 seconds with a screwdriver. Just having the Permit doesn't mean you go around armed all the time.

Now, stop making shit up.
Concealed Carry Statistics: Quick Facts by State (2017)

New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

So 16.3 million a year ago

17 million is probably a lower number than actual today

unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about

Lots of people will sell a gun to who ever has the cash. Doesn't matter if the purchaser is a crook or not as long as there is no obligation to even care about that, much less the legal obligation to do a background check. Many fewer will do that if they are legally obligated to find out if the purchaser is even allowed to have a gun. No. It won't make all guns unavailable to all crooks, but it will make it harder for them to get a gun. Are you such a twat as to not see that?

No... it won't. What it does do is create a backdoor gun registry...since any private gun will now have to go through a gun store, and that sale, and the gun and the name of the owner and buyer, will have to be recorded..... that is the reason you want universal background you know where the guns are when you finally get the power to ban and confiscate them.

Bullshit. Are background checks for new guns recorded and stored in a gun registry? Nope. By law, the information can't be kept.

If you have to do background checks for private sales you have to keep a record of who the seller is and who the buyer is to confirm that a background check was done for the sale, you twit. Otherwise, any two people can just say they did a background twit.

How is that different from a gun shop sale?

Lots of people will sell a gun to who ever has the cash. Doesn't matter if the purchaser is a crook or not as long as there is no obligation to even care about that, much less the legal obligation to do a background check. Many fewer will do that if they are legally obligated to find out if the purchaser is even allowed to have a gun. No. It won't make all guns unavailable to all crooks, but it will make it harder for them to get a gun. Are you such a twat as to not see that?

No... it won't. What it does do is create a backdoor gun registry...since any private gun will now have to go through a gun store, and that sale, and the gun and the name of the owner and buyer, will have to be recorded..... that is the reason you want universal background you know where the guns are when you finally get the power to ban and confiscate them.

Bullshit. Are background checks for new guns recorded and stored in a gun registry? Nope. By law, the information can't be kept.

If you have to do background checks for private sales you have to keep a record of who the seller is and who the buyer is to confirm that a background check was done for the sale, you twit. Otherwise, any two people can just say they did a background twit.

How is that different from a gun shop sale?

Because it catches all the guns that aren't sold in gun creates new registries and expands the old one....and the only reason you want that is so that, down the road, you can collect those guns that no one knew about before.
Let's hope your cavewoman approach beats modern technology.
Everyone runs and comes right winger with his big stick!
Your last thought will be, "I brought a stick to a gunfight."
You would regret fighting my stick with a nail in it

You could get a nasty infection
I could pull the trigger 7 times before you lifted up your stick to infect me.

I had a peculiar situtation when I was performing in a Club in South Dakota. I had an off duty cop steal my Stetson off the stage. He took it out to his car and came back in. Someone saw him take it. I confronted him. I knew he was armed. At first he denied it. I didn't call him a liar. I only stated that he was going to return my hat. In case you don't know, that type of Stetson, in the early 80s cost about 300 bucks. He finally said he would get it out of his car and return with it. I told him he was to send one of his buddies to retrieve it. He thought about that one for a few seconds and then sent his buddy for the hat. The Cop made a very bad tactical mistake. He was within 5 feet of me without his gun drawn. When he backed away, I closed the distance every time. He knew I was Military but didn't know my background so he didn't wish to take the chance. One of the first things I learned was not to rely strictly on a weapon. And I taught that in a class. He didn't like the odds. When he was handed the hat back, he threw it at me. I picked it up and walked off, turning my back on him. Was I afraid? No, I was in a zone. Was he afraid, probably since he didn't control the situation. I worked on controlling the situation and it was much more effective than a firearm. He came to the conclusion I was either the baddest MF he had ever met or the craziest. Either way, he didn't want to gamble on which one. And I will never tell which one. His buddies were also cops. I can bet he never lived that one down. But the Bikers gave me a new found respect after that. I got the adrenaline shakes later in private.

You only get the first shot if you get the chance. I can draw a knife and deliver it faster than you can draw, take your safety off and fire. If I am within 5 feet of you I can close your larynx faster than you can draw your weapon much less take off the safety and fire it. If a person is withing striking distance for a club, your gun is pretty well worthless since his weapon is faster. You, the person with the gun, must make sure the conditions are correct before you go for your gun. If it's not already out, almost any other weapon is just as deadly. Hell, a toaster is sometimes more deadly if used properly.

So don't get too cocky.
I wasn't home, but I've heard the story plenty of times.

Our guns are always loaded with the safety on and a round chambered. We could try an experiment where you rush at me from across the room and see if you could hit me with a stick before I shot you dead.

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