Violent criminals are just a myth, until they aren't and you need a gun to stop them.

And yet, that isn't true...did it hurt pulling that out of your ass? Since it has no basis in fact, truth or we have seen over the last 25 years of increased gun ownership....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
17 million people carrying guns

How sad that so many Americans live in fear

How many people wear seat belts?

I guess they live in fear too

My 87 year old mother goes about her life without packing a gun. Why are you afraid?

Not afraid prepared

I;m sure these 2 elderly people that were the victims of a home invasion didn't think they needed a gun either....... until they did

There many many more instances of this happening all over the country that you think it can't happen to you is naive to the point of mental retardation

That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit you are a coward. It's obvious no matter what you might say or not say.

Just like you don't admit you're a fucking idiot but we all know you are because of what you say
No, you're the hypocritical moron who likes to simultaneously shriek that we need to ban guns because they make the world too dangerous AND that we need to ban guns because the world isn't dangerous enough to need them.

Why you think your standards of "masculinity" are anything anyone aspires to is beyond me.

Where did I "shriek that we need to ban guns"?

Oh, spare me. Why is it that every left-leaning twat on this board thinks he can run his gums about whatever pops into his lint-ridden mind, and then when he gets called on it, pretend that it never happened?

Okay, Sparky, you're a Second Amendment fan. In line to be the next head of the NRA. Whatever fantasy keeps you from looking in the mirror and then killing yourself.

Yes.... they all have guns, and support the 2nd Amendment....but they want every gun law ever created so that getting a gun is not possible for anyone but the rich and the politically connected...but they support the 2nd Amendment.....

Yeah, they don't want to ban guns. No one's coming for our guns. How do we know? By utterly ignoring everything they do, and just listening to them TELL us that's how it is.

Actions speak louder than words, though.
When you discuss gun self defense here on U.S.messageboard, the anti gunners call anyone who carries a gun for self defense cowards, and various other names...."What, you can't go outside without a gun, what kind of wimp, coward, are you." And then you get the " no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of crime so no one should ever be allowed to carry or own a gun for self defense since because no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of any crime, it is obvious that no one ever, anywhere in this country needs a gun for self defense...."

And then something like this happens.....

Video: Armed citizen effectively defends family in Houston

Investigators said it all started when the man’s wife pulled into their driveway Tuesday night. Then the two armed suspects jumped out and tried to rob her.

First, they took her purse, and then they tried to force her into the house. However, that is when her husband showed up.

He heard the commotion from inside, grabbed his gun and ended up exchanging gunfire with the intruders. Fortunately, the couple weren’t hit, but one of the suspects was hit in the head, police said. The other suspect took off running.

“One can only imagine what was going through their mind,” Choi added. I’d guess it was something along the lines of thank goodness we could effectively defend ourselves. The victims should be thankful to live in a state that doesn’t go out of its way to interfere with that right, too.

A good guy with a gun not only stopped a bad guy with a gun, but he almost certainly saved lives, starting with his own. Opponents of the individual right to bear arms usually dismiss these scenarios as improbable, if not entirely theoretical. That’s why it’s well worth highlighting such incidents when they occur, even if they largely speak for themselves.

And with guns, the US is a more violent place.

Then why does the UK have twice as many rape and assault victims per capita than the US?

According to Politifact:
Social media post says U.K. has far higher violent crime rate than U.S. does
The meme said "there are over 2,000 crimes recorded per 100,000 population in the U.K.," compared to "466 violent crimes per 100,000" in the United States. Our preliminary attempt to make an apples-to-apples comparison shows a much smaller difference in violent crime rates between the two countries, but criminologists say differences in how the statistics are collected make it impossible to produce a truly valid comparison. We rate the claim False.

It's pretty well known in the US that less than half of all rapes are not reported. I won't go as far as one report that claimed it was as low as one in 4 but it's pretty low. There is no way of us knowing how many rapes in Britain go unreported. But if it follows the assault reports, it's going to be a much higher percentage than the US. Reason comes into play here. I doubt if there really is much difference in the rate between the two countries and there is no real way to prove one way or the other.

Equivocation at its best

Post editing at it's worst.
I didn't edit anything

Unlike you lying sacks of shit I always quote the entire post I respond to
17 million people carrying guns

How sad that so many Americans live in fear

How many people wear seat belts?

I guess they live in fear too

My 87 year old mother goes about her life without packing a gun. Why are you afraid?

Not afraid prepared

I;m sure these 2 elderly people that were the victims of a home invasion didn't think they needed a gun either....... until they did

There many many more instances of this happening all over the country that you think it can't happen to you is naive to the point of mental retardation

That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit you are a coward. It's obvious no matter what you might say or not say.

Just like you don't admit you're a fucking idiot but we all know you are because of what you say

Just because I'm not afraid of my own shadow? You bet.
You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.
Na, You’re talking out of your ass... you silly little fucker
South Dakota Attorney General

Here we go again. Get a good grip on your ass. Name the districts that have their teachers armed. Not the State that offers the training but the District Numbers. But before you do, be aware that when the Teachers go in armed, the Insurance Companies remove their Liability Insurance.
Not true....

Then name the Districts by number. It does little good to keep saying everything in such general terms. If it's true and it's public, those Districts will be known. IF they aren't known then they don't exist. Simple as that. Get a good grip on your ass. You are getting handed to you.
Na, it’s voluntary by the teachers...

We need to fact check your claim. We can only do that if we have the specific District Numbers in the given States. Otherwise, you are just making shit up again.
You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.

Moron.... you have the links, and from a left wing are a child.

That's just it, there ARE no links. Not even one. If there were schools that had armed teachers, those schools are known by District Numbers. You need to provide us with those district numbers. For instance, the two districts here are District 50 and 51. Both are authorized to arm the Teachers. Both have had the Teachers refuse to accept being armed. Both also have the ability for Armed Trained Guards but there is no funds available for the Guards. So they have devised a Lockdown Procedure to protect the students. A shooter might get one or two but that's about it. The Schools installed strategically placed steel security doors so they can seal off the center of all major buildings. And even then, we still had some sick puppy try to enter a school yard with an AR-15 and 3 extra 30 round mags. He was bagged outside the school gate. I don't know where you are from, but around here, on a warm and dry day, it's not normal for a person to be wearing a full length rain coat walking down the street. He was 17 and just wanted to shoot up a school using his Dad's weapon.

Now, get those links to with the District Numbers. Otherwise, it's YOU that are spewing crap from fringe sites that are lying out their asses.

The news articles listed the states and number of school districts and you then wanting the exact districts by names shows you are a child.

You really are an idiot.

School districts have numbers. If you don't have those, you are just making shit up again. Get those. Listing the States and the made up number of schools doesn't cut it. If you are correct, give us the District Numbers.

If you can't then you are lying or being duped.

No, they don't necessarily have numbers. They DO always have names, however, and they're typically known by them.

Each county has a District number. And the District determines the policy of all the schools under it. Simple as that. Give us the District Numbers. But if all you have is the specific name of the schools we can use that as well. But no school names have been given either.
You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.

Moron.... you have the links, and from a left wing are a child.

That's just it, there ARE no links. Not even one. If there were schools that had armed teachers, those schools are known by District Numbers. You need to provide us with those district numbers. For instance, the two districts here are District 50 and 51. Both are authorized to arm the Teachers. Both have had the Teachers refuse to accept being armed. Both also have the ability for Armed Trained Guards but there is no funds available for the Guards. So they have devised a Lockdown Procedure to protect the students. A shooter might get one or two but that's about it. The Schools installed strategically placed steel security doors so they can seal off the center of all major buildings. And even then, we still had some sick puppy try to enter a school yard with an AR-15 and 3 extra 30 round mags. He was bagged outside the school gate. I don't know where you are from, but around here, on a warm and dry day, it's not normal for a person to be wearing a full length rain coat walking down the street. He was 17 and just wanted to shoot up a school using his Dad's weapon.

Now, get those links to with the District Numbers. Otherwise, it's YOU that are spewing crap from fringe sites that are lying out their asses.

The news articles listed the states and number of school districts and you then wanting the exact districts by names shows you are a child.

You really are an idiot.

School districts have numbers. If you don't have those, you are just making shit up again. Get those. Listing the States and the made up number of schools doesn't cut it. If you are correct, give us the District Numbers.

If you can't then you are lying or being duped.

Shit stain..... I linked to actual news articles....... Please....try to think before you post.

You want your ass back now? Some, Most, maybe are not words that mean anything. Unless your sources give specifics, it's just some person jawing their fingers off and giving an opinion. I can tell when you are cornered. You start with the insults. You don't have any proof and will not admit it. Here, let me do it for you. You need to stop making shit up.
No, you're the hypocritical moron who likes to simultaneously shriek that we need to ban guns because they make the world too dangerous AND that we need to ban guns because the world isn't dangerous enough to need them.

Why you think your standards of "masculinity" are anything anyone aspires to is beyond me.

Where did I "shriek that we need to ban guns"?

Oh, spare me. Why is it that every left-leaning twat on this board thinks he can run his gums about whatever pops into his lint-ridden mind, and then when he gets called on it, pretend that it never happened?

Okay, Sparky, you're a Second Amendment fan. In line to be the next head of the NRA. Whatever fantasy keeps you from looking in the mirror and then killing yourself.

Yes.... they all have guns, and support the 2nd Amendment....but they want every gun law ever created so that getting a gun is not possible for anyone but the rich and the politically connected...but they support the 2nd Amendment.....

Yeah, they don't want to ban guns. No one's coming for our guns. How do we know? By utterly ignoring everything they do, and just listening to them TELL us that's how it is.

Actions speak louder than words, though.

You may go out into your yard and be attacked by a hungry Shark when you least expect it. We don't know it won't happen. We have no proof it won't happen so we put up Shark Nets just in case.
Na, You’re talking out of your ass... you silly little fucker
South Dakota Attorney General

Here we go again. Get a good grip on your ass. Name the districts that have their teachers armed. Not the State that offers the training but the District Numbers. But before you do, be aware that when the Teachers go in armed, the Insurance Companies remove their Liability Insurance.
Not true....

Then name the Districts by number. It does little good to keep saying everything in such general terms. If it's true and it's public, those Districts will be known. IF they aren't known then they don't exist. Simple as that. Get a good grip on your ass. You are getting handed to you.
Na, it’s voluntary by the teachers...

We need to fact check your claim. We can only do that if we have the specific District Numbers in the given States. Otherwise, you are just making shit up again.
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...
Here we go again. Get a good grip on your ass. Name the districts that have their teachers armed. Not the State that offers the training but the District Numbers. But before you do, be aware that when the Teachers go in armed, the Insurance Companies remove their Liability Insurance.
Not true....

Then name the Districts by number. It does little good to keep saying everything in such general terms. If it's true and it's public, those Districts will be known. IF they aren't known then they don't exist. Simple as that. Get a good grip on your ass. You are getting handed to you.
Na, it’s voluntary by the teachers...

We need to fact check your claim. We can only do that if we have the specific District Numbers in the given States. Otherwise, you are just making shit up again.
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.
Not true....

Then name the Districts by number. It does little good to keep saying everything in such general terms. If it's true and it's public, those Districts will be known. IF they aren't known then they don't exist. Simple as that. Get a good grip on your ass. You are getting handed to you.
Na, it’s voluntary by the teachers...

We need to fact check your claim. We can only do that if we have the specific District Numbers in the given States. Otherwise, you are just making shit up again.
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.
Firearm ownership is personal... none of the federal governments business
Then name the Districts by number. It does little good to keep saying everything in such general terms. If it's true and it's public, those Districts will be known. IF they aren't known then they don't exist. Simple as that. Get a good grip on your ass. You are getting handed to you.
Na, it’s voluntary by the teachers...

We need to fact check your claim. We can only do that if we have the specific District Numbers in the given States. Otherwise, you are just making shit up again.
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.
Firearm ownership is personal... none of the federal governments business

Using your own logic, robbing banks is personal and none of the federal governments business. You advocate criminal activity.
You might wish you had one. And soon.

Don’t need one

I have a Big Stick with a Nail in it
Nobody fuks with me

Let's hope your cavewoman approach beats modern technology.
Everyone runs and comes right winger with his big stick!
Your last thought will be, "I brought a stick to a gunfight."
You would regret fighting my stick with a nail in it

You could get a nasty infection
I could pull the trigger 7 times before you lifted up your stick to infect me.
Na, it’s voluntary by the teachers...

We need to fact check your claim. We can only do that if we have the specific District Numbers in the given States. Otherwise, you are just making shit up again.
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.
Firearm ownership is personal... none of the federal governments business

Using your own logic, robbing banks is personal and none of the federal governments business. You advocate criminal activity.
Innocent until proven guilty
Don’t need one

I have a Big Stick with a Nail in it
Nobody fuks with me

Let's hope your cavewoman approach beats modern technology.
Everyone runs and comes right winger with his big stick!
Your last thought will be, "I brought a stick to a gunfight."
You would regret fighting my stick with a nail in it

You could get a nasty infection
I could pull the trigger 7 times before you lifted up your stick to infect me.

I had a peculiar situtation when I was performing in a Club in South Dakota. I had an off duty cop steal my Stetson off the stage. He took it out to his car and came back in. Someone saw him take it. I confronted him. I knew he was armed. At first he denied it. I didn't call him a liar. I only stated that he was going to return my hat. In case you don't know, that type of Stetson, in the early 80s cost about 300 bucks. He finally said he would get it out of his car and return with it. I told him he was to send one of his buddies to retrieve it. He thought about that one for a few seconds and then sent his buddy for the hat. The Cop made a very bad tactical mistake. He was within 5 feet of me without his gun drawn. When he backed away, I closed the distance every time. He knew I was Military but didn't know my background so he didn't wish to take the chance. One of the first things I learned was not to rely strictly on a weapon. And I taught that in a class. He didn't like the odds. When he was handed the hat back, he threw it at me. I picked it up and walked off, turning my back on him. Was I afraid? No, I was in a zone. Was he afraid, probably since he didn't control the situation. I worked on controlling the situation and it was much more effective than a firearm. He came to the conclusion I was either the baddest MF he had ever met or the craziest. Either way, he didn't want to gamble on which one. And I will never tell which one. His buddies were also cops. I can bet he never lived that one down. But the Bikers gave me a new found respect after that. I got the adrenaline shakes later in private.

You only get the first shot if you get the chance. I can draw a knife and deliver it faster than you can draw, take your safety off and fire. If I am within 5 feet of you I can close your larynx faster than you can draw your weapon much less take off the safety and fire it. If a person is withing striking distance for a club, your gun is pretty well worthless since his weapon is faster. You, the person with the gun, must make sure the conditions are correct before you go for your gun. If it's not already out, almost any other weapon is just as deadly. Hell, a toaster is sometimes more deadly if used properly.

So don't get too cocky.
We need to fact check your claim. We can only do that if we have the specific District Numbers in the given States. Otherwise, you are just making shit up again.
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.
Firearm ownership is personal... none of the federal governments business

Using your own logic, robbing banks is personal and none of the federal governments business. You advocate criminal activity.
Innocent until proven guilty

Guilty until Caught. You criminals never intend to get caught and all criminals are innocent.
Na, Concealed carry is anonymous for a reason...

Then you support criminals. Thought so. There is a bill being hammered out right now to look into people like you after the last cop wqas killed by a mentally imballanced taht sounded just like you and had 16 guns. In most states, if you do not have a CCW type license, you are a criminal if you carry concealed. No wonder you support the things you do, most criminals don't want firearms laws since it gives the cops a reason to arrest them.
Firearm ownership is personal... none of the federal governments business

Using your own logic, robbing banks is personal and none of the federal governments business. You advocate criminal activity.
Innocent until proven guilty

Guilty until Caught. You criminals never intend to get caught and all criminals are innocent.
Too bad I’m not a criminal
My father had guns in our suburban neighborhood in Jersey. He kept them in leather cases with locks on them. He had a bullet trap in the basement, where I first fired a gun, which he sighted for me and let me pull the trigger. But what is this hysteria about? Hoodlums climbing in through the windows? NOT! There is no need in the U.S. to keep a loaded gun handy at all times, even when it might fall into the hands of a young child, an angry spouse/lover, a disturbed teenager.
My father had guns in our suburban neighborhood in Jersey. He kept them in leather cases with locks on them. He had a bullet trap in the basement, where I first fired a gun, which he sighted for me and let me pull the trigger. But what is this hysteria about? Hoodlums climbing in through the windows? NOT! There is no need in the U.S. to keep a loaded gun handy at all times, even when it might fall into the hands of a young child, an angry spouse/lover, a disturbed teenager.
Says a Control freak...
How many people wear seat belts?

I guess they live in fear too

My 87 year old mother goes about her life without packing a gun. Why are you afraid?

Not afraid prepared

I;m sure these 2 elderly people that were the victims of a home invasion didn't think they needed a gun either....... until they did

There many many more instances of this happening all over the country that you think it can't happen to you is naive to the point of mental retardation

That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit you are a coward. It's obvious no matter what you might say or not say.

Just like you don't admit you're a fucking idiot but we all know you are because of what you say

Just because I'm not afraid of my own shadow? You bet.

No because you talk of things you know nothing about

and you are so naive as to think there is no violence in this world

So when violence does find you s it has so many others I'll simply laugh at you even more than I do now

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