Violent criminals are just a myth, until they aren't and you need a gun to stop them.

You cherry picked the article. You left out the parts where only Florida actually has signed a law enabling the Schools to be armed. Here in Colorado, one of those 15 states you claim, it's ambiguous and left up to the local school boards. Except none of the school boards have approved their Teachers to be armed. You left out the fact (and it's in your cite) that if a school does allow their teachers to be armed, their Insurance will be dropped. To prove that your claim is false, all I have to do is find one state that doesn't have any school with teachers armed. And that one state is the one I am in and that is Colorado.

Now, to prove your point, name the school systems where the teachers are actually armed. Not the X number in X State but the actual District itself. If you are doing this to deter school shootings one would think you would want the public to know about it so the bad guy could go where there aren't any armed teachers according to your own logic. Here is your chance to either win one or get our ass handed to you once again.

You really are a twit...

Katie Pavlich - Here's a List of School Districts That Already Allow Teachers to Be Armed

Texas, where 110 school districts have armed teachers and administrators:

Guns in school: It's not just an idea. Here's how some states are already doing it

In Texas, some teachers have carried guns to school for years. The state is home to 172 school districts out of 1,023 statewide that have a policy allowing staff to carry firearms, per the Texas Association of School Boards. Most districts made the decision to arm staff after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut that killed 26 people, mostly young children.

Texas school administrators operating under what’s known as the Guardian Plan are allowed to carry handguns on them or keep them locked in a safe. Schools receive stipends under the plan to cover ammunition for practice and annual tactical training. The plan is just one of three ways Texas public schools can arm staff. Others include forming police forces and establishing school marshals. Districts also may contract with security firms and law enforcement to patrol campuses.

Missouri schools have been arming teachers for years, too. Aaron Sydow, the superintendent of the Fairview R-XI School District in West Plains, said when he started in education 20 years ago, he could not have imagined teachers walking the hallways with concealed handguns, but this is a different day and age.


In Utah, anyone with a concealed carry permit may carry a gun in a school if approved by a school administrator. In Southern Utah, at least one shooting range offers a gunfighting course specifically geared toward educators carrying guns in the classroom.

The response has been different in Indiana, a state that allows teachers to be armed. Just one school district in the state has allowed firearms on school grounds. But that could change, as at least one other district is considering the policy.

Arizona teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — state superintendent says

But Arizona may be ahead of this curve. Here teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — according to the state's top education administrator.

State statutes essentially already allow local school boards to give school employees permission to carry guns on a public district or charter school campus, state Superintendent Diane Douglas said Feb. 28 on the Bill Buckmaster Show on KVOI-AM, Tucson, Ariz.


President Trump supports arming teachers; here's how West Texas has done it for years

CHRISTOVAL, Texas — One by one, David Walker placed the arsenal on his desk. A 16-inch AR-15 carbine, a 12-gauge pump shotgun, a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber and a full-size Smith & Wesson M&P .45 handgun.

“The board and I believe that teachers acting as unarmed shields is unrealistic,” said Walker, superintendent at Christoval Independent School District, which educates 526 students at two campuses in the small West Texas town

They wish guns had no place in schools, but they have embraced the need. After the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut killed 26, Christoval became the second district in Texas to arm staff using the Guardian Plan.

In 2013 signs went up on school grounds and entrances warning: Staff are armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students and employees.

You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.
Na, You’re talking out of your ass... you silly little fucker
South Dakota Attorney General

Here we go again. Get a good grip on your ass. Name the districts that have their teachers armed. Not the State that offers the training but the District Numbers. But before you do, be aware that when the Teachers go in armed, the Insurance Companies remove their Liability Insurance.
Not true....

Then name the Districts by number. It does little good to keep saying everything in such general terms. If it's true and it's public, those Districts will be known. IF they aren't known then they don't exist. Simple as that. Get a good grip on your ass. You are getting handed to you.
Oh Really.

2 "good guys with guns" accidentally fired them in schools on Tuesday

Gun-trained teacher accidentally discharges firearm in Calif. classroom, injuring student

Police: Off-duty officer accidentally discharges gun at school wrestling meet

Teachers and cops keep accidentally firing guns in schools

There are a ton of these. In Colorado, NO school has armed Teachers even though they are authorized by the state. But the School boards won't allow it. Instead, the teachers have other methods to combat mass school shootings including armed security guards and lockdown procedures. I have seen the lockdown procedures at work and it works. Even if the bad guy gets into the school grounds he is met with locked doors sooner or later and has to break down metal doors. The students are moved as far from the edges of the buildings as possible. The shooter has no targets to shoot. Meanwhile, Law Enforcement and/or Armed Security is closing in. We had one close call here. The shooter never even made it inside of the school gate before he was swarmed and apprehended. Even then, the school went into a 2 hour lockdown.

If a school has a mass shooting they don't have procedures in place to protect their students and it won't matter if the teachers are armed or not. A handgun against an AR-15 is a poor match if the shooter is determined. Judging from my links above, I have to agree with the Teachers Organizations and say the students are safer with the Teachers not armed. To date, there has been as many students killed and wounded through accidental discharge on school grounds as there has been mass shootings.

You say 14 states. Newsflash: There are 13 states with pending legislation. Only Florida has passed the bill and signed it into law. It's generally left up to the locals to enact such actions and most are not doing it. Even when the State would pass that law. the local Teachers Organizations want no part of it. One local school passed an ordinance that allowed administrators and coaches to have weapons but the weapons had to be kept in lock boxes. How stupid is that when the shooter is standing in your face.

Around here, the only plan that the Teachers will approve (according to the Teachers Union) is Armed Trained Security Guards but they can't find the funds to pay for them. When you don't even have the funds to pay for paper, pencils and books, where you going to get the funding for X number of fully trained and armed Full Time Security Guards.

Are you going to volunteer to get that training and volunteer your time to be that full time Security Guard for Free?

You don't know what you are talking about....

Here’s all the states where teachers already carry guns in the classroom

Florida is on the verge of becoming the 15th state to arm teachers after Gov. Rick Scott signed an omnibus bill Friday allowing school staff to undergo law enforcement training to carry guns in the classroom.

Although the notion may seem radical, at least 14 states already arm teachers, according to a VICE News review of state laws and interviews with education department officials and school board associations around the country. Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington.

Another 16 states give local school boards the authority to decide whether school staff can carry guns, either explicitly or through legal loopholes, but officials said they didn’t know of any instances of armed teachers in those states.

You cherry picked the article. You left out the parts where only Florida actually has signed a law enabling the Schools to be armed. Here in Colorado, one of those 15 states you claim, it's ambiguous and left up to the local school boards. Except none of the school boards have approved their Teachers to be armed. You left out the fact (and it's in your cite) that if a school does allow their teachers to be armed, their Insurance will be dropped. To prove that your claim is false, all I have to do is find one state that doesn't have any school with teachers armed. And that one state is the one I am in and that is Colorado.

Now, to prove your point, name the school systems where the teachers are actually armed. Not the X number in X State but the actual District itself. If you are doing this to deter school shootings one would think you would want the public to know about it so the bad guy could go where there aren't any armed teachers according to your own logic. Here is your chance to either win one or get our ass handed to you once again.

You really are a twit...

Katie Pavlich - Here's a List of School Districts That Already Allow Teachers to Be Armed

Texas, where 110 school districts have armed teachers and administrators:

Guns in school: It's not just an idea. Here's how some states are already doing it

In Texas, some teachers have carried guns to school for years. The state is home to 172 school districts out of 1,023 statewide that have a policy allowing staff to carry firearms, per the Texas Association of School Boards. Most districts made the decision to arm staff after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut that killed 26 people, mostly young children.

Texas school administrators operating under what’s known as the Guardian Plan are allowed to carry handguns on them or keep them locked in a safe. Schools receive stipends under the plan to cover ammunition for practice and annual tactical training. The plan is just one of three ways Texas public schools can arm staff. Others include forming police forces and establishing school marshals. Districts also may contract with security firms and law enforcement to patrol campuses.

Missouri schools have been arming teachers for years, too. Aaron Sydow, the superintendent of the Fairview R-XI School District in West Plains, said when he started in education 20 years ago, he could not have imagined teachers walking the hallways with concealed handguns, but this is a different day and age.


In Utah, anyone with a concealed carry permit may carry a gun in a school if approved by a school administrator. In Southern Utah, at least one shooting range offers a gunfighting course specifically geared toward educators carrying guns in the classroom.

The response has been different in Indiana, a state that allows teachers to be armed. Just one school district in the state has allowed firearms on school grounds. But that could change, as at least one other district is considering the policy.

Arizona teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — state superintendent says

But Arizona may be ahead of this curve. Here teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — according to the state's top education administrator.

State statutes essentially already allow local school boards to give school employees permission to carry guns on a public district or charter school campus, state Superintendent Diane Douglas said Feb. 28 on the Bill Buckmaster Show on KVOI-AM, Tucson, Ariz.


President Trump supports arming teachers; here's how West Texas has done it for years

CHRISTOVAL, Texas — One by one, David Walker placed the arsenal on his desk. A 16-inch AR-15 carbine, a 12-gauge pump shotgun, a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber and a full-size Smith & Wesson M&P .45 handgun.

“The board and I believe that teachers acting as unarmed shields is unrealistic,” said Walker, superintendent at Christoval Independent School District, which educates 526 students at two campuses in the small West Texas town

They wish guns had no place in schools, but they have embraced the need. After the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut killed 26, Christoval became the second district in Texas to arm staff using the Guardian Plan.

In 2013 signs went up on school grounds and entrances warning: Staff are armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students and employees.

You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.

Moron.... you have the links, and from a left wing are a child.

That's just it, there ARE no links. Not even one. If there were schools that had armed teachers, those schools are known by District Numbers. You need to provide us with those district numbers. For instance, the two districts here are District 50 and 51. Both are authorized to arm the Teachers. Both have had the Teachers refuse to accept being armed. Both also have the ability for Armed Trained Guards but there is no funds available for the Guards. So they have devised a Lockdown Procedure to protect the students. A shooter might get one or two but that's about it. The Schools installed strategically placed steel security doors so they can seal off the center of all major buildings. And even then, we still had some sick puppy try to enter a school yard with an AR-15 and 3 extra 30 round mags. He was bagged outside the school gate. I don't know where you are from, but around here, on a warm and dry day, it's not normal for a person to be wearing a full length rain coat walking down the street. He was 17 and just wanted to shoot up a school using his Dad's weapon.

Now, get those links to with the District Numbers. Otherwise, it's YOU that are spewing crap from fringe sites that are lying out their asses.
You don't know what you are talking about....

Here’s all the states where teachers already carry guns in the classroom

Florida is on the verge of becoming the 15th state to arm teachers after Gov. Rick Scott signed an omnibus bill Friday allowing school staff to undergo law enforcement training to carry guns in the classroom.

Although the notion may seem radical, at least 14 states already arm teachers, according to a VICE News review of state laws and interviews with education department officials and school board associations around the country. Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington.

Another 16 states give local school boards the authority to decide whether school staff can carry guns, either explicitly or through legal loopholes, but officials said they didn’t know of any instances of armed teachers in those states.

You cherry picked the article. You left out the parts where only Florida actually has signed a law enabling the Schools to be armed. Here in Colorado, one of those 15 states you claim, it's ambiguous and left up to the local school boards. Except none of the school boards have approved their Teachers to be armed. You left out the fact (and it's in your cite) that if a school does allow their teachers to be armed, their Insurance will be dropped. To prove that your claim is false, all I have to do is find one state that doesn't have any school with teachers armed. And that one state is the one I am in and that is Colorado.

Now, to prove your point, name the school systems where the teachers are actually armed. Not the X number in X State but the actual District itself. If you are doing this to deter school shootings one would think you would want the public to know about it so the bad guy could go where there aren't any armed teachers according to your own logic. Here is your chance to either win one or get our ass handed to you once again.

You really are a twit...

Katie Pavlich - Here's a List of School Districts That Already Allow Teachers to Be Armed

Texas, where 110 school districts have armed teachers and administrators:

Guns in school: It's not just an idea. Here's how some states are already doing it

In Texas, some teachers have carried guns to school for years. The state is home to 172 school districts out of 1,023 statewide that have a policy allowing staff to carry firearms, per the Texas Association of School Boards. Most districts made the decision to arm staff after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut that killed 26 people, mostly young children.

Texas school administrators operating under what’s known as the Guardian Plan are allowed to carry handguns on them or keep them locked in a safe. Schools receive stipends under the plan to cover ammunition for practice and annual tactical training. The plan is just one of three ways Texas public schools can arm staff. Others include forming police forces and establishing school marshals. Districts also may contract with security firms and law enforcement to patrol campuses.

Missouri schools have been arming teachers for years, too. Aaron Sydow, the superintendent of the Fairview R-XI School District in West Plains, said when he started in education 20 years ago, he could not have imagined teachers walking the hallways with concealed handguns, but this is a different day and age.


In Utah, anyone with a concealed carry permit may carry a gun in a school if approved by a school administrator. In Southern Utah, at least one shooting range offers a gunfighting course specifically geared toward educators carrying guns in the classroom.

The response has been different in Indiana, a state that allows teachers to be armed. Just one school district in the state has allowed firearms on school grounds. But that could change, as at least one other district is considering the policy.

Arizona teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — state superintendent says

But Arizona may be ahead of this curve. Here teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — according to the state's top education administrator.

State statutes essentially already allow local school boards to give school employees permission to carry guns on a public district or charter school campus, state Superintendent Diane Douglas said Feb. 28 on the Bill Buckmaster Show on KVOI-AM, Tucson, Ariz.


President Trump supports arming teachers; here's how West Texas has done it for years

CHRISTOVAL, Texas — One by one, David Walker placed the arsenal on his desk. A 16-inch AR-15 carbine, a 12-gauge pump shotgun, a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber and a full-size Smith & Wesson M&P .45 handgun.

“The board and I believe that teachers acting as unarmed shields is unrealistic,” said Walker, superintendent at Christoval Independent School District, which educates 526 students at two campuses in the small West Texas town

They wish guns had no place in schools, but they have embraced the need. After the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut killed 26, Christoval became the second district in Texas to arm staff using the Guardian Plan.

In 2013 signs went up on school grounds and entrances warning: Staff are armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students and employees.

You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.

Moron.... you have the links, and from a left wing are a child.

That's just it, there ARE no links. Not even one. If there were schools that had armed teachers, those schools are known by District Numbers. You need to provide us with those district numbers. For instance, the two districts here are District 50 and 51. Both are authorized to arm the Teachers. Both have had the Teachers refuse to accept being armed. Both also have the ability for Armed Trained Guards but there is no funds available for the Guards. So they have devised a Lockdown Procedure to protect the students. A shooter might get one or two but that's about it. The Schools installed strategically placed steel security doors so they can seal off the center of all major buildings. And even then, we still had some sick puppy try to enter a school yard with an AR-15 and 3 extra 30 round mags. He was bagged outside the school gate. I don't know where you are from, but around here, on a warm and dry day, it's not normal for a person to be wearing a full length rain coat walking down the street. He was 17 and just wanted to shoot up a school using his Dad's weapon.

Now, get those links to with the District Numbers. Otherwise, it's YOU that are spewing crap from fringe sites that are lying out their asses.

The news articles listed the states and number of school districts and you then wanting the exact districts by names shows you are a child.

You really are an idiot.
You really are a twit...

Katie Pavlich - Here's a List of School Districts That Already Allow Teachers to Be Armed

Texas, where 110 school districts have armed teachers and administrators:

Guns in school: It's not just an idea. Here's how some states are already doing it

In Texas, some teachers have carried guns to school for years. The state is home to 172 school districts out of 1,023 statewide that have a policy allowing staff to carry firearms, per the Texas Association of School Boards. Most districts made the decision to arm staff after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut that killed 26 people, mostly young children.

Texas school administrators operating under what’s known as the Guardian Plan are allowed to carry handguns on them or keep them locked in a safe. Schools receive stipends under the plan to cover ammunition for practice and annual tactical training. The plan is just one of three ways Texas public schools can arm staff. Others include forming police forces and establishing school marshals. Districts also may contract with security firms and law enforcement to patrol campuses.

Missouri schools have been arming teachers for years, too. Aaron Sydow, the superintendent of the Fairview R-XI School District in West Plains, said when he started in education 20 years ago, he could not have imagined teachers walking the hallways with concealed handguns, but this is a different day and age.


In Utah, anyone with a concealed carry permit may carry a gun in a school if approved by a school administrator. In Southern Utah, at least one shooting range offers a gunfighting course specifically geared toward educators carrying guns in the classroom.

The response has been different in Indiana, a state that allows teachers to be armed. Just one school district in the state has allowed firearms on school grounds. But that could change, as at least one other district is considering the policy.

Arizona teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — state superintendent says

But Arizona may be ahead of this curve. Here teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — according to the state's top education administrator.

State statutes essentially already allow local school boards to give school employees permission to carry guns on a public district or charter school campus, state Superintendent Diane Douglas said Feb. 28 on the Bill Buckmaster Show on KVOI-AM, Tucson, Ariz.


President Trump supports arming teachers; here's how West Texas has done it for years

CHRISTOVAL, Texas — One by one, David Walker placed the arsenal on his desk. A 16-inch AR-15 carbine, a 12-gauge pump shotgun, a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber and a full-size Smith & Wesson M&P .45 handgun.

“The board and I believe that teachers acting as unarmed shields is unrealistic,” said Walker, superintendent at Christoval Independent School District, which educates 526 students at two campuses in the small West Texas town

They wish guns had no place in schools, but they have embraced the need. After the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut killed 26, Christoval became the second district in Texas to arm staff using the Guardian Plan.

In 2013 signs went up on school grounds and entrances warning: Staff are armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students and employees.

You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.
Na, You’re talking out of your ass... you silly little fucker
South Dakota Attorney General

Here we go again. Get a good grip on your ass. Name the districts that have their teachers armed. Not the State that offers the training but the District Numbers. But before you do, be aware that when the Teachers go in armed, the Insurance Companies remove their Liability Insurance.
Not true....

Then name the Districts by number. It does little good to keep saying everything in such general terms. If it's true and it's public, those Districts will be known. IF they aren't known then they don't exist. Simple as that. Get a good grip on your ass. You are getting handed to you.

Moron, even the Houston Chronicle can't get the names of the school doofus...

Armed teachers? In some Texas classrooms, the answer is 'yes'

At least 172 of Texas' roughly 1,200 districts have implemented the policies as the nation has re-engaged in debate over whether teachers and other school employees should be armed at work, according to an analysis by the Texas Association of School Boards.

The association declined to release a list of the 172 school districts, but Klein ISD Police Chief David Kimberly, who serves as first vice president of the Texas School District Police Chiefs' Association, said he is unaware of any Houston-area districts that allow staff to carry concealed weapons on campus


And they do name two....

In Holliday ISD, a 1,000-student district about 15 miles southwest of Wichita Falls in north Texas, Superintendent Kevin Dyes said allowing staff members to carry concealed weapons is a low-cost option for protecting students when full-time officers are not on site.

"The problem is the randomness of it all," Dyes said. "No place is immune."

A Keene ISD staff member, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect the integrity of the district's concealed weapon program, said teachers already run toward screams or if a scuffle erupts in a hallway. An active shooter incident would be no different.
You cherry picked the article. You left out the parts where only Florida actually has signed a law enabling the Schools to be armed. Here in Colorado, one of those 15 states you claim, it's ambiguous and left up to the local school boards. Except none of the school boards have approved their Teachers to be armed. You left out the fact (and it's in your cite) that if a school does allow their teachers to be armed, their Insurance will be dropped. To prove that your claim is false, all I have to do is find one state that doesn't have any school with teachers armed. And that one state is the one I am in and that is Colorado.

Now, to prove your point, name the school systems where the teachers are actually armed. Not the X number in X State but the actual District itself. If you are doing this to deter school shootings one would think you would want the public to know about it so the bad guy could go where there aren't any armed teachers according to your own logic. Here is your chance to either win one or get our ass handed to you once again.

You really are a twit...

Katie Pavlich - Here's a List of School Districts That Already Allow Teachers to Be Armed

Texas, where 110 school districts have armed teachers and administrators:

Guns in school: It's not just an idea. Here's how some states are already doing it

In Texas, some teachers have carried guns to school for years. The state is home to 172 school districts out of 1,023 statewide that have a policy allowing staff to carry firearms, per the Texas Association of School Boards. Most districts made the decision to arm staff after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut that killed 26 people, mostly young children.

Texas school administrators operating under what’s known as the Guardian Plan are allowed to carry handguns on them or keep them locked in a safe. Schools receive stipends under the plan to cover ammunition for practice and annual tactical training. The plan is just one of three ways Texas public schools can arm staff. Others include forming police forces and establishing school marshals. Districts also may contract with security firms and law enforcement to patrol campuses.

Missouri schools have been arming teachers for years, too. Aaron Sydow, the superintendent of the Fairview R-XI School District in West Plains, said when he started in education 20 years ago, he could not have imagined teachers walking the hallways with concealed handguns, but this is a different day and age.


In Utah, anyone with a concealed carry permit may carry a gun in a school if approved by a school administrator. In Southern Utah, at least one shooting range offers a gunfighting course specifically geared toward educators carrying guns in the classroom.

The response has been different in Indiana, a state that allows teachers to be armed. Just one school district in the state has allowed firearms on school grounds. But that could change, as at least one other district is considering the policy.

Arizona teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — state superintendent says

But Arizona may be ahead of this curve. Here teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — according to the state's top education administrator.

State statutes essentially already allow local school boards to give school employees permission to carry guns on a public district or charter school campus, state Superintendent Diane Douglas said Feb. 28 on the Bill Buckmaster Show on KVOI-AM, Tucson, Ariz.


President Trump supports arming teachers; here's how West Texas has done it for years

CHRISTOVAL, Texas — One by one, David Walker placed the arsenal on his desk. A 16-inch AR-15 carbine, a 12-gauge pump shotgun, a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber and a full-size Smith & Wesson M&P .45 handgun.

“The board and I believe that teachers acting as unarmed shields is unrealistic,” said Walker, superintendent at Christoval Independent School District, which educates 526 students at two campuses in the small West Texas town

They wish guns had no place in schools, but they have embraced the need. After the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut killed 26, Christoval became the second district in Texas to arm staff using the Guardian Plan.

In 2013 signs went up on school grounds and entrances warning: Staff are armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students and employees.

You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.

Moron.... you have the links, and from a left wing are a child.

That's just it, there ARE no links. Not even one. If there were schools that had armed teachers, those schools are known by District Numbers. You need to provide us with those district numbers. For instance, the two districts here are District 50 and 51. Both are authorized to arm the Teachers. Both have had the Teachers refuse to accept being armed. Both also have the ability for Armed Trained Guards but there is no funds available for the Guards. So they have devised a Lockdown Procedure to protect the students. A shooter might get one or two but that's about it. The Schools installed strategically placed steel security doors so they can seal off the center of all major buildings. And even then, we still had some sick puppy try to enter a school yard with an AR-15 and 3 extra 30 round mags. He was bagged outside the school gate. I don't know where you are from, but around here, on a warm and dry day, it's not normal for a person to be wearing a full length rain coat walking down the street. He was 17 and just wanted to shoot up a school using his Dad's weapon.

Now, get those links to with the District Numbers. Otherwise, it's YOU that are spewing crap from fringe sites that are lying out their asses.

The news articles listed the states and number of school districts and you then wanting the exact districts by names shows you are a child.

You really are an idiot.

School districts have numbers. If you don't have those, you are just making shit up again. Get those. Listing the States and the made up number of schools doesn't cut it. If you are correct, give us the District Numbers.

If you can't then you are lying or being duped.
You really are a twit...

Katie Pavlich - Here's a List of School Districts That Already Allow Teachers to Be Armed

Texas, where 110 school districts have armed teachers and administrators:

Guns in school: It's not just an idea. Here's how some states are already doing it

In Texas, some teachers have carried guns to school for years. The state is home to 172 school districts out of 1,023 statewide that have a policy allowing staff to carry firearms, per the Texas Association of School Boards. Most districts made the decision to arm staff after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut that killed 26 people, mostly young children.

Texas school administrators operating under what’s known as the Guardian Plan are allowed to carry handguns on them or keep them locked in a safe. Schools receive stipends under the plan to cover ammunition for practice and annual tactical training. The plan is just one of three ways Texas public schools can arm staff. Others include forming police forces and establishing school marshals. Districts also may contract with security firms and law enforcement to patrol campuses.

Missouri schools have been arming teachers for years, too. Aaron Sydow, the superintendent of the Fairview R-XI School District in West Plains, said when he started in education 20 years ago, he could not have imagined teachers walking the hallways with concealed handguns, but this is a different day and age.


In Utah, anyone with a concealed carry permit may carry a gun in a school if approved by a school administrator. In Southern Utah, at least one shooting range offers a gunfighting course specifically geared toward educators carrying guns in the classroom.

The response has been different in Indiana, a state that allows teachers to be armed. Just one school district in the state has allowed firearms on school grounds. But that could change, as at least one other district is considering the policy.

Arizona teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — state superintendent says

But Arizona may be ahead of this curve. Here teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — according to the state's top education administrator.

State statutes essentially already allow local school boards to give school employees permission to carry guns on a public district or charter school campus, state Superintendent Diane Douglas said Feb. 28 on the Bill Buckmaster Show on KVOI-AM, Tucson, Ariz.


President Trump supports arming teachers; here's how West Texas has done it for years

CHRISTOVAL, Texas — One by one, David Walker placed the arsenal on his desk. A 16-inch AR-15 carbine, a 12-gauge pump shotgun, a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber and a full-size Smith & Wesson M&P .45 handgun.

“The board and I believe that teachers acting as unarmed shields is unrealistic,” said Walker, superintendent at Christoval Independent School District, which educates 526 students at two campuses in the small West Texas town

They wish guns had no place in schools, but they have embraced the need. After the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut killed 26, Christoval became the second district in Texas to arm staff using the Guardian Plan.

In 2013 signs went up on school grounds and entrances warning: Staff are armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students and employees.

You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.
Na, You’re talking out of your ass... you silly little fucker
South Dakota Attorney General

Here we go again. Get a good grip on your ass. Name the districts that have their teachers armed. Not the State that offers the training but the District Numbers. But before you do, be aware that when the Teachers go in armed, the Insurance Companies remove their Liability Insurance.
Not true....

Then name the Districts by number. It does little good to keep saying everything in such general terms. If it's true and it's public, those Districts will be known. IF they aren't known then they don't exist. Simple as that. Get a good grip on your ass. You are getting handed to you.
Na, it’s voluntary by the teachers...
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You really are a twit...

Katie Pavlich - Here's a List of School Districts That Already Allow Teachers to Be Armed

Texas, where 110 school districts have armed teachers and administrators:

Guns in school: It's not just an idea. Here's how some states are already doing it

In Texas, some teachers have carried guns to school for years. The state is home to 172 school districts out of 1,023 statewide that have a policy allowing staff to carry firearms, per the Texas Association of School Boards. Most districts made the decision to arm staff after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut that killed 26 people, mostly young children.

Texas school administrators operating under what’s known as the Guardian Plan are allowed to carry handguns on them or keep them locked in a safe. Schools receive stipends under the plan to cover ammunition for practice and annual tactical training. The plan is just one of three ways Texas public schools can arm staff. Others include forming police forces and establishing school marshals. Districts also may contract with security firms and law enforcement to patrol campuses.

Missouri schools have been arming teachers for years, too. Aaron Sydow, the superintendent of the Fairview R-XI School District in West Plains, said when he started in education 20 years ago, he could not have imagined teachers walking the hallways with concealed handguns, but this is a different day and age.


In Utah, anyone with a concealed carry permit may carry a gun in a school if approved by a school administrator. In Southern Utah, at least one shooting range offers a gunfighting course specifically geared toward educators carrying guns in the classroom.

The response has been different in Indiana, a state that allows teachers to be armed. Just one school district in the state has allowed firearms on school grounds. But that could change, as at least one other district is considering the policy.

Arizona teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — state superintendent says

But Arizona may be ahead of this curve. Here teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — according to the state's top education administrator.

State statutes essentially already allow local school boards to give school employees permission to carry guns on a public district or charter school campus, state Superintendent Diane Douglas said Feb. 28 on the Bill Buckmaster Show on KVOI-AM, Tucson, Ariz.


President Trump supports arming teachers; here's how West Texas has done it for years

CHRISTOVAL, Texas — One by one, David Walker placed the arsenal on his desk. A 16-inch AR-15 carbine, a 12-gauge pump shotgun, a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber and a full-size Smith & Wesson M&P .45 handgun.

“The board and I believe that teachers acting as unarmed shields is unrealistic,” said Walker, superintendent at Christoval Independent School District, which educates 526 students at two campuses in the small West Texas town

They wish guns had no place in schools, but they have embraced the need. After the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut killed 26, Christoval became the second district in Texas to arm staff using the Guardian Plan.

In 2013 signs went up on school grounds and entrances warning: Staff are armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students and employees.

You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.

Moron.... you have the links, and from a left wing are a child.

That's just it, there ARE no links. Not even one. If there were schools that had armed teachers, those schools are known by District Numbers. You need to provide us with those district numbers. For instance, the two districts here are District 50 and 51. Both are authorized to arm the Teachers. Both have had the Teachers refuse to accept being armed. Both also have the ability for Armed Trained Guards but there is no funds available for the Guards. So they have devised a Lockdown Procedure to protect the students. A shooter might get one or two but that's about it. The Schools installed strategically placed steel security doors so they can seal off the center of all major buildings. And even then, we still had some sick puppy try to enter a school yard with an AR-15 and 3 extra 30 round mags. He was bagged outside the school gate. I don't know where you are from, but around here, on a warm and dry day, it's not normal for a person to be wearing a full length rain coat walking down the street. He was 17 and just wanted to shoot up a school using his Dad's weapon.

Now, get those links to with the District Numbers. Otherwise, it's YOU that are spewing crap from fringe sites that are lying out their asses.

The news articles listed the states and number of school districts and you then wanting the exact districts by names shows you are a child.

You really are an idiot.

School districts have numbers. If you don't have those, you are just making shit up again. Get those. Listing the States and the made up number of schools doesn't cut it. If you are correct, give us the District Numbers.

If you can't then you are lying or being duped.

Shit stain..... I linked to actual news articles....... Please....try to think before you post.
Hey, 2aguy, I'm curious. How many gun fights you been in?

Me, zero.... that is why I read and listen to the experts.....those who have been in gun fights, and those who research gun should do the same....
You really are a twit...

Katie Pavlich - Here's a List of School Districts That Already Allow Teachers to Be Armed

Texas, where 110 school districts have armed teachers and administrators:

Guns in school: It's not just an idea. Here's how some states are already doing it

In Texas, some teachers have carried guns to school for years. The state is home to 172 school districts out of 1,023 statewide that have a policy allowing staff to carry firearms, per the Texas Association of School Boards. Most districts made the decision to arm staff after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut that killed 26 people, mostly young children.

Texas school administrators operating under what’s known as the Guardian Plan are allowed to carry handguns on them or keep them locked in a safe. Schools receive stipends under the plan to cover ammunition for practice and annual tactical training. The plan is just one of three ways Texas public schools can arm staff. Others include forming police forces and establishing school marshals. Districts also may contract with security firms and law enforcement to patrol campuses.

Missouri schools have been arming teachers for years, too. Aaron Sydow, the superintendent of the Fairview R-XI School District in West Plains, said when he started in education 20 years ago, he could not have imagined teachers walking the hallways with concealed handguns, but this is a different day and age.


In Utah, anyone with a concealed carry permit may carry a gun in a school if approved by a school administrator. In Southern Utah, at least one shooting range offers a gunfighting course specifically geared toward educators carrying guns in the classroom.

The response has been different in Indiana, a state that allows teachers to be armed. Just one school district in the state has allowed firearms on school grounds. But that could change, as at least one other district is considering the policy.

Arizona teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — state superintendent says

But Arizona may be ahead of this curve. Here teachers already can carry guns in school — with permission — according to the state's top education administrator.

State statutes essentially already allow local school boards to give school employees permission to carry guns on a public district or charter school campus, state Superintendent Diane Douglas said Feb. 28 on the Bill Buckmaster Show on KVOI-AM, Tucson, Ariz.


President Trump supports arming teachers; here's how West Texas has done it for years

CHRISTOVAL, Texas — One by one, David Walker placed the arsenal on his desk. A 16-inch AR-15 carbine, a 12-gauge pump shotgun, a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber and a full-size Smith & Wesson M&P .45 handgun.

“The board and I believe that teachers acting as unarmed shields is unrealistic,” said Walker, superintendent at Christoval Independent School District, which educates 526 students at two campuses in the small West Texas town

They wish guns had no place in schools, but they have embraced the need. After the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut killed 26, Christoval became the second district in Texas to arm staff using the Guardian Plan.

In 2013 signs went up on school grounds and entrances warning: Staff are armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students and employees.

You didn't list the Districts. Not a single one. If this were true, then you would have the school district numbers. Now list them or hand me your ass one more time. Hope you have it velcroed on this time so it won't be quite so painful. In case you don't know, arming the Teachers negates their Liability Insurance.

Moron.... you have the links, and from a left wing are a child.

That's just it, there ARE no links. Not even one. If there were schools that had armed teachers, those schools are known by District Numbers. You need to provide us with those district numbers. For instance, the two districts here are District 50 and 51. Both are authorized to arm the Teachers. Both have had the Teachers refuse to accept being armed. Both also have the ability for Armed Trained Guards but there is no funds available for the Guards. So they have devised a Lockdown Procedure to protect the students. A shooter might get one or two but that's about it. The Schools installed strategically placed steel security doors so they can seal off the center of all major buildings. And even then, we still had some sick puppy try to enter a school yard with an AR-15 and 3 extra 30 round mags. He was bagged outside the school gate. I don't know where you are from, but around here, on a warm and dry day, it's not normal for a person to be wearing a full length rain coat walking down the street. He was 17 and just wanted to shoot up a school using his Dad's weapon.

Now, get those links to with the District Numbers. Otherwise, it's YOU that are spewing crap from fringe sites that are lying out their asses.

The news articles listed the states and number of school districts and you then wanting the exact districts by names shows you are a child.

You really are an idiot.

School districts have numbers. If you don't have those, you are just making shit up again. Get those. Listing the States and the made up number of schools doesn't cut it. If you are correct, give us the District Numbers.

If you can't then you are lying or being duped.

No, they don't necessarily have numbers. They DO always have names, however, and they're typically known by them.
Me, zero.... that is why I read and listen to the experts.....those who have been in gun fights, and those who research gun should do the same....

The experts?

You mean like James Bond?
Me, zero.... that is why I read and listen to the experts.....those who have been in gun fights, and those who research gun should do the same....

The experts?

You mean like James Bond?

So... you don't think that shootings have been studied over the decades? Are you really that stupid? Did you take a stupid pill? You should stop.
So... you don't think that shootings have been studied over the decades? Are you really that stupid? Did you take a stupid pill? You should stop.

I'm not the scared little snowflake who feels the need to schlep around a gun with me everywhere I go.
So... you don't think that shootings have been studied over the decades? Are you really that stupid? Did you take a stupid pill? You should stop.

I'm not the scared little snowflake who feels the need to schlep around a gun with me everywhere I go.

No, you're the hypocritical moron who likes to simultaneously shriek that we need to ban guns because they make the world too dangerous AND that we need to ban guns because the world isn't dangerous enough to need them.

Why you think your standards of "masculinity" are anything anyone aspires to is beyond me.
No, you're the hypocritical moron who likes to simultaneously shriek that we need to ban guns because they make the world too dangerous AND that we need to ban guns because the world isn't dangerous enough to need them.

Why you think your standards of "masculinity" are anything anyone aspires to is beyond me.

Where did I "shriek that we need to ban guns"?
So... you don't think that shootings have been studied over the decades? Are you really that stupid? Did you take a stupid pill? You should stop.

I'm not the scared little snowflake who feels the need to schlep around a gun with me everywhere I go.

So... I showed you have no idea what you are talking you have no reply.
No, you're the hypocritical moron who likes to simultaneously shriek that we need to ban guns because they make the world too dangerous AND that we need to ban guns because the world isn't dangerous enough to need them.

Why you think your standards of "masculinity" are anything anyone aspires to is beyond me.

Where did I "shriek that we need to ban guns"?

Oh, spare me. Why is it that every left-leaning twat on this board thinks he can run his gums about whatever pops into his lint-ridden mind, and then when he gets called on it, pretend that it never happened?

Okay, Sparky, you're a Second Amendment fan. In line to be the next head of the NRA. Whatever fantasy keeps you from looking in the mirror and then killing yourself.
No, you're the hypocritical moron who likes to simultaneously shriek that we need to ban guns because they make the world too dangerous AND that we need to ban guns because the world isn't dangerous enough to need them.

Why you think your standards of "masculinity" are anything anyone aspires to is beyond me.

Where did I "shriek that we need to ban guns"?

Oh, spare me. Why is it that every left-leaning twat on this board thinks he can run his gums about whatever pops into his lint-ridden mind, and then when he gets called on it, pretend that it never happened?

Okay, Sparky, you're a Second Amendment fan. In line to be the next head of the NRA. Whatever fantasy keeps you from looking in the mirror and then killing yourself.

Yes.... they all have guns, and support the 2nd Amendment....but they want every gun law ever created so that getting a gun is not possible for anyone but the rich and the politically connected...but they support the 2nd Amendment.....
Oh, spare me. Why is it that every left-leaning twat on this board thinks he can run his gums about whatever pops into his lint-ridden mind, and then when he gets called on it, pretend that it never happened?

Okay, Sparky, you're a Second Amendment fan. In line to be the next head of the NRA. Whatever fantasy keeps you from looking in the mirror and then killing yourself.

Killing myself?

Wow, you really are quite the asshole.

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