Violent Pro Trump Fascists Storming New York City

You keep saying your a moderate...
Line two of my sig addresses that lie.

I know, I know: You and your tribe have all the answers, and the other tribe is Hitler.

I get it, I get it.
For a very long time the Conservative groups just ignored the crazies on the left..........wasn't til the Tea Party that counter protest really got going..........but the Tea Party compared to leftist BS riots and protests aren't even what did the left do in response.............they escalated and became more violent.............

That is on them...............they created this........and you know it.
Yes they did. And why you're so willing to get in the mud with them and act just like those you loathe is a mystery.
Maybe because of those innocent kids who were shot up at the CW event. I guess a few thousand more innocent people must die before you get a spine?
Okay, go kick their ass. Go get 'em.
You keep saying your a moderate...
Line two of my sig addresses that lie.

I know, I know: You and your tribe have all the answers, and the other tribe is Hitler.

I get it, I get it.
For a very long time the Conservative groups just ignored the crazies on the left..........wasn't til the Tea Party that counter protest really got going..........but the Tea Party compared to leftist BS riots and protests aren't even what did the left do in response.............they escalated and became more violent.............

That is on them...............they created this........and you know it.
Yes they did. And why you're so willing to get in the mud with them and act just like those you loathe is a mystery.
Maybe because of those innocent kids who were shot up at the CW event. I guess a few thousand more innocent people must die before you get a spine?
Okay, go kick their ass. Go get 'em.
How about you demand your side stop fanning the damned flames............Fire them..........

Again.......we didn't start this..........Your side did..........people being threatened just for going to see a dang political speech........and they are gonna sit there with a fucker waving a dang metal pipe at him for just going to listen to people speak..........You have got to be kidding me that you don't think people will eventually hit them back.

Again.......put the dang animals on a leash.

The dang leaders of these cities allowing this need to be fired as do the State leaders..........As soon as these weapons are seen at a rally they should be arrested on the spot..............and end this.
Ah, poor little bitches, you started the fight by going into the gutter, now that we have entered those gutters and whipped your pansy ass fagot asses, you as typical of a liberal, start whining about the punishment.

Old reliable about liberals again.

"Well you started it".

Grade school playground thinking. Another example of how similar the two ends can be.


So we're just supposed to sit there and take it?

It really is depressing to see that some think that there are only two choices: One or the other. Do absolutely nothing, or act just like those you hate.

I really don't know what to tell you.

Bull Crap!
If the authorities refuse to act the victims have no other choice than to take matters into their own hands.
This shit is purely the fault of liberal leftist politicians who refuse to rein these fuckers in.
How about you demand your side stop fanning the damned flames............Fire them..........

Again.......we didn't start this..........Your side did..........people being threatened just for going to see a dang political speech........and they are gonna sit there with a fucker waving a dang metal pipe at him for just going to listen to people speak..........You have got to be kidding me that you don't think people will eventually hit them back.

Again.......put the dang animals on a leash.

The dang leaders of these cities allowing this need to be fired as do the State leaders..........As soon as these weapons are seen at a rally they should be arrested on the spot..............and end this.
Mac isn't on the side fanning the flames....He's a dispassionate observer....Not his circus, not his monkeys.
Yes. And they're violent and counter-productive.
How is being prepared to meet proactive violence and protecting yourself counter-productive?
The thread is about the "Proud Boys", a right wing group with violent proclivities.

The thread contains many posts from right wingers who are defending and justifying the violence.

No one is being forced into violence. This is a choice. And like children, many can't seem to control themselves.
Yes. And they're violent and counter-productive.
How is being prepared to meet proactive violence and protecting yourself counter-productive?
The thread is about the "Proud Boys", a right wing group with violent proclivities.

The thread contains many posts from right wingers who are defending and justifying the violence.

No one is being forced into violence. This is a choice. And like children, many can't seem to control themselves.
I guess you missed the part where one of the ANTIFA fuckers knocked the hat off the proud boy? As I said before, the ANTIFA fucker is lucky it wasn't my hat, or else the prick would of been shot dead... Yeah, a little extreme but that is the measures of today for pricks like you liberals want to bring.
The thread is about the "Proud Boys", a right wing group with violent proclivities.

The thread contains many posts from right wingers who are defending and justifying the violence.

No one is being forced into violence. This is a choice. And like children, many can't seem to control themselves.
No doubt....But there's a distinction between meeting violence and being the cause....In the absence of insane crackpot mobs attacking bystanders and destroying property, what is the Proud Boys other than just another goofy boy's club?
Yes. And they're violent and counter-productive.
How is being prepared to meet proactive violence and protecting yourself counter-productive?
The thread is about the "Proud Boys", a right wing group with violent proclivities.

The thread contains many posts from right wingers who are defending and justifying the violence.

No one is being forced into violence. This is a choice. And like children, many can't seem to control themselves.
Anyone who hasn't seen this coming does not understand human nature.

These guys aren't protecting themselves. They're protecting the children who get their hats yanked off their heads by bullies. They're protecting pregnant women who get kicked in the head by homos. They're protecting the elderly and handicapped who are attacked by these antifa losers.

It's been coming for some time, encouraged by Dem leaders who insist they can't be civil, and now it's here. Feel better?
How about you demand your side stop fanning the damned flames............Fire them..........

Again.......we didn't start this..........Your side did..........people being threatened just for going to see a dang political speech........and they are gonna sit there with a fucker waving a dang metal pipe at him for just going to listen to people speak..........You have got to be kidding me that you don't think people will eventually hit them back.

Again.......put the dang animals on a leash.

The dang leaders of these cities allowing this need to be fired as do the State leaders..........As soon as these weapons are seen at a rally they should be arrested on the spot..............and end this.
Mac isn't on the side fanning the flames....He's a dispassionate observer....Not his circus, not his monkeys.
He's to the left of center but not with the wack jobs......I agree with that.......but he likes attacking us over most everything........with words not steel pipes. LOL

No one on our side asked for this.........they created the current monster........and complain against us and say sit there and take it because they are not getting treated the same way.

Tell me......would they be so moderate if they went to a political rally and the Tea Party started swinging metal pipes at them. He wouldn't be saying the same things he's saying now............that is my opinion...........
The only "storming" republicans engage in is trying to get in to Trump rallies. Democrats wonder why they keep losing elections when they rely on laughable old Alinsky rules for radicals.
Yes. And they're violent and counter-productive.
How is being prepared to meet proactive violence and protecting yourself counter-productive?
The thread is about the "Proud Boys", a right wing group with violent proclivities.

The thread contains many posts from right wingers who are defending and justifying the violence.

No one is being forced into violence. This is a choice. And like children, many can't seem to control themselves.
From a poster who's side hasn't been treated the same ways at their rallies............tell me Mr. Moderate..........what would your side do if the RNC was paying protesters to come be violent at a political rally for an election cycle do.............your side would go bat shit crazy.........well........they are already there.

How about they stop trying to silence Americans with intimidation tactics because they don't agree............bullies get put down one isn't about they stay the hell home and allow Americans to see what candidates have to say without going postal............

Every american has the right of assembly..........their rights don't end where the other's rights begin.
He's to the left of center but not with the wack jobs......I agree with that.......but he likes attacking us over most everything........with words not steel pipes. LOL

No one on our side asked for this.........they created the current monster........and complain against us and say sit there and take it because they are not getting treated the same way.

Tell me......would they be so moderate if they went to a political rally and the Tea Party started swinging metal pipes at them. He wouldn't be saying the same things he's saying now............that is my opinion...........
Meh....He calls it pretty much done the middle....He sees it a little differently and there's nothing wrong with that...Better to direct attention toward the apologists, rather than the pacifists.

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