Violent Pro Trump Fascists Storming New York City

What did you expect to happen...........
You had the advantage: Violent Left, Non-Violent Right. At least comparatively. That's a huge advantage.

Now you've pissed it away.

What we're left with is two ends of the political spectrum who can't simply control their emotions. Like children.
What did you expect to happen...........
You had the advantage: Violent Left, Non-Violent Right. At least comparatively. That's a huge advantage.

Now you've pissed it away.

What we're left with is two ends of the political spectrum who can't simply control their emotions. Like children.

When grown adults threaten violence to other grown adults for just going to a rally........Adults WILL ANSWER.........

Nations go to War over issues when they can no longer peacefully talk to each other to settle their differences..........Now people are attacked physically because of their views..............People will FIGHT BACK.......

That is human nature.............ANTIFA and BLM kept pushing the envelope.........and they opened Pandora's box...........

The Police should have nipped this in the bud right off the soon as they started bringing weapons to these events..........Jail time and community a price for it..........then it will stop when they know they will go to jail and there will be LEGAL CONSEQUENCES to their actions.

But cities have just let it happen............done nothing when they show up with weapons when they should have taken the dang things down IMMEDIATELY.

You claim CHILDISH.........Adults will fight back when threatened............and for a very long time the left has gotten away with this............Some Americans are just fed up and giving them a taste of their own medicine.

People like Maxine need to be fired for fanning the flames...............telling them to harass........hold them accountable.

If we don't............there will be blood on the streets before this ends.
What did you expect to happen...........
You had the advantage: Violent Left, Non-Violent Right. At least comparatively. That's a huge advantage.

Now you've pissed it away.

What we're left with is two ends of the political spectrum who can't simply control their emotions. Like children.

When grown adults threaten violence to other grown adults for just going to a rally........Adults WILL ANSWER.........

Nations go to War over issues when they can no longer peacefully talk to each other to settle their differences..........Now people are attacked physically because of their views..............People will FIGHT BACK.......

That is human nature.............ANTIFA and BLM kept pushing the envelope.........and they opened Pandora's box...........

The Police should have nipped this in the bud right off the soon as they started bringing weapons to these events..........Jail time and community a price for it..........then it will stop when they know they will go to jail and there will be LEGAL CONSEQUENCES to their actions.

But cities have just let it happen............done nothing when they show up with weapons when they should have taken the dang things down IMMEDIATELY.

You claim CHILDISH.........Adults will fight back when threatened............and for a very long time the left has gotten away with this............Some Americans are just fed up and giving them a taste of their own medicine.

People like Maxine need to be fired for fanning the flames...............telling them to harass........hold them accountable.

If we don't............there will be blood on the streets before this ends.
I know. Okay, pound away. I'm sure it will improve things.
Proud............hardly...........we see violent protest and fights becoming the norm.........protesters allowed to have weapons at the rallies.....

They need to be taken down hard by the POLICE............and ARREST anyone who carries a weapon to these events.........

Anyone carrying a pipe............will be ARRESTED ON SIGHT............signs are ok.........metal pipes ........shields......YOU GO TO JAIL DO NOT PASS GO.
Why waste time and money. All that will happen is that George Soros will post bail, and those shitbrains will be back on the streets. A good frag grenade should do the trick. If you know what I mean.
Not a waste if the weapons stop going to protests..............It is illegal to carry metal pipes with the intent to cause harm on another citizen. ANTIFA has been doing this too long..................

That is when you call in the Guard to RESTORE ORDER...........and take these weapons away and ARREST THEM..........When they start doing time for causing a riot..........they will stop.........

On the current path............people will start dying before this is over.
It is illegal to show up at a protest that you having been permitted to protest. Liberals don't follow the law which is why BLM and ANTIFA always break the law. Only way to stop them, as I said previously, is to have concealed permit holders show up and when "THREATENED" by the left and their violence, you just put a few down. Chicken shit liberals always run away from the gunfire, while the POLICE, that the left hate, run towards it.
So far it's been fists...............not guns.............escalate it and the entire situation what end............

Police and National Guard need to break heads and arrest.....and they need to do time..........and end this nonsense.
What did you expect to happen...........
You had the advantage: Violent Left, Non-Violent Right. At least comparatively. That's a huge advantage.

Now you've pissed it away.

What we're left with is two ends of the political spectrum who can't simply control their emotions. Like children.

When grown adults threaten violence to other grown adults for just going to a rally........Adults WILL ANSWER.........

Nations go to War over issues when they can no longer peacefully talk to each other to settle their differences..........Now people are attacked physically because of their views..............People will FIGHT BACK.......

That is human nature.............ANTIFA and BLM kept pushing the envelope.........and they opened Pandora's box...........

The Police should have nipped this in the bud right off the soon as they started bringing weapons to these events..........Jail time and community a price for it..........then it will stop when they know they will go to jail and there will be LEGAL CONSEQUENCES to their actions.

But cities have just let it happen............done nothing when they show up with weapons when they should have taken the dang things down IMMEDIATELY.

You claim CHILDISH.........Adults will fight back when threatened............and for a very long time the left has gotten away with this............Some Americans are just fed up and giving them a taste of their own medicine.

People like Maxine need to be fired for fanning the flames...............telling them to harass........hold them accountable.

If we don't............there will be blood on the streets before this ends.
I know. Okay, pound away. I'm sure it will improve things.
You are NAIVE..............Mr. Goody 2 shoes...........

They can't keep harassing Americans for their beliefs without someone hitting back...........

The Tea Party didn't do this.........they didn't need riot police at their rallies........

Conservatives didn't ask to be harassed just for going to hear someone speak.....

Conservatives didn't ask to be attacked or thrown out just for going to a restaurant to eat....

Conservatives didn't ask to be harassed going to a movie.

Conservatives didn't ask to be assaulted and spit on for their beliefs............

Conservatives and the Right............DIDN'T START THIS...........DIDN'T INITIATE THIS.......DIDN'T THROW FUEL ON THE FIRE.........

The left and their VIOLENCE DID THIS..............

The Dems and the animals on the loose caused this..........plain and simple......keep trying fear tactics against Americans with threats of violence.......your eventually gonna be going out horizontally after doing so.

Don't start something you can't finish.

As I said...........the Police and National Guard need to end this shit.............and I don't care if they have to break heads to do it.
What did you expect to happen...........
You had the advantage: Violent Left, Non-Violent Right. At least comparatively. That's a huge advantage.

Now you've pissed it away.

What we're left with is two ends of the political spectrum who can't simply control their emotions. Like children.
You fuckers in the middle sit on your ass, watching the left destroy this great country by fundamentally transforming it, then when more people got mad, voted out the sickly bitch who STOLE the primaries from Socialist Bernie, and went to the guy that women allowed him to touch their vagina, now all of a sudden you think that what is happening is because of the fringe? Get a fucking spine, pick a side, for either you want to be enslaved by Socialists, or you want "Let Freedom Ring". Liberty is not Free...

What did you expect to happen...........
You had the advantage: Violent Left, Non-Violent Right. At least comparatively. That's a huge advantage.

Now you've pissed it away.

What we're left with is two ends of the political spectrum who can't simply control their emotions. Like children.
You fuckers in the middle sit on your ass, watching the left destroy this great country by fundamentally transforming it, then when more people got mad, voted out the sickly bitch who STOLE the primaries from Socialist Bernie, and went to the guy that women allowed him to touch their vagina, now all of a sudden you think that what is happening is because of the fringe? Get a fucking spine, pick a side, for either you want to be enslaved by Socialists, or you want "Let Freedom Ring". Liberty is not Free...

I have picked a side, and it's laid out in the first line of my sig.

You wingers are killing us. Both ends. Grow up and get over yourselves.
What did you expect to happen...........
You had the advantage: Violent Left, Non-Violent Right. At least comparatively. That's a huge advantage.

Now you've pissed it away.

What we're left with is two ends of the political spectrum who can't simply control their emotions. Like children.

When grown adults threaten violence to other grown adults for just going to a rally........Adults WILL ANSWER.........

Nations go to War over issues when they can no longer peacefully talk to each other to settle their differences..........Now people are attacked physically because of their views..............People will FIGHT BACK.......

That is human nature.............ANTIFA and BLM kept pushing the envelope.........and they opened Pandora's box...........

The Police should have nipped this in the bud right off the soon as they started bringing weapons to these events..........Jail time and community a price for it..........then it will stop when they know they will go to jail and there will be LEGAL CONSEQUENCES to their actions.

But cities have just let it happen............done nothing when they show up with weapons when they should have taken the dang things down IMMEDIATELY.

You claim CHILDISH.........Adults will fight back when threatened............and for a very long time the left has gotten away with this............Some Americans are just fed up and giving them a taste of their own medicine.

People like Maxine need to be fired for fanning the flames...............telling them to harass........hold them accountable.

If we don't............there will be blood on the streets before this ends.
I know. Okay, pound away. I'm sure it will improve things.
When George Zimmerman(concealed carrying Democrat), also son of a Latino woman, was having his head beat against a concrete sidewalk, by a black thug who hated homosexuals, if that was you under Travon, would you just let him continue to beat your head to a pulp? As long as fit ollows "the ends justify the means", I guess you would of died, typical of a stupid liberal.

Trayvon Martin Was The Bigot, Thought Zimmerman Was Gay
What did you expect to happen...........
You had the advantage: Violent Left, Non-Violent Right. At least comparatively. That's a huge advantage.

Now you've pissed it away.

What we're left with is two ends of the political spectrum who can't simply control their emotions. Like children.
You fuckers in the middle sit on your ass, watching the left destroy this great country by fundamentally transforming it, then when more people got mad, voted out the sickly bitch who STOLE the primaries from Socialist Bernie, and went to the guy that women allowed him to touch their vagina, now all of a sudden you think that what is happening is because of the fringe? Get a fucking spine, pick a side, for either you want to be enslaved by Socialists, or you want "Let Freedom Ring". Liberty is not Free...

I have picked a side, and it's laid out in the first line of my sig.

You wingers are killing us. Both ends. Grow up and get over yourselves.
Funny, I don't see Conservatives killing kids at a country western event, or shooting Democrat Congressmen at a baseball practice, or strapping a bomb to themselves to blow up innocent people at the Washington Mall. You keep saying your a moderate, and I say bullshit, because you are a flaming liberal too ashamed to live up to your moniker. A fucking jackass.

What did you expect to happen...........
You had the advantage: Violent Left, Non-Violent Right. At least comparatively. That's a huge advantage.

Now you've pissed it away.

What we're left with is two ends of the political spectrum who can't simply control their emotions. Like children.
You fuckers in the middle sit on your ass, watching the left destroy this great country by fundamentally transforming it, then when more people got mad, voted out the sickly bitch who STOLE the primaries from Socialist Bernie, and went to the guy that women allowed him to touch their vagina, now all of a sudden you think that what is happening is because of the fringe? Get a fucking spine, pick a side, for either you want to be enslaved by Socialists, or you want "Let Freedom Ring". Liberty is not Free...

I have picked a side, and it's laid out in the first line of my sig.

You wingers are killing us. Both ends. Grow up and get over yourselves.
Dems have been taken over by the Far are fucked and you know it...

Take back your party then.............and vote out idiots like Maxine Waterhead ..........who has no business being a leader of anything anymore.

Calling for violence by an elected official and she is not alone..............shows exactly what your party elects now.

Vote them out ...............or WALKAWAY..........retake your party.........or this will continue.........and will escalate.
You keep saying your a moderate...
Line two of my sig addresses that lie.

I know, I know: You and your tribe have all the answers, and the other tribe is Hitler.

I get it, I get it.
For a very long time the Conservative groups just ignored the crazies on the left..........wasn't til the Tea Party that counter protest really got going..........but the Tea Party compared to leftist BS riots and protests aren't even what did the left do in response.............they escalated and became more violent.............

That is on them...............they created this........and you know it.
You keep saying your a moderate...
Line two of my sig addresses that lie.

I know, I know: You and your tribe have all the answers, and the other tribe is Hitler.

I get it, I get it.
For a very long time the Conservative groups just ignored the crazies on the left..........wasn't til the Tea Party that counter protest really got going..........but the Tea Party compared to leftist BS riots and protests aren't even what did the left do in response.............they escalated and became more violent.............

That is on them...............they created this........and you know it.
Yes they did. And why you're so willing to get in the mud with them and act just like those you loathe is a mystery.
Ah, poor little bitches, you started the fight by going into the gutter, now that we have entered those gutters and whipped your pansy ass fagot asses, you as typical of a liberal, start whining about the punishment.

Old reliable about liberals again.

"Well you started it".

Grade school playground thinking. Another example of how similar the two ends can be.


So we're just supposed to sit there and take it?
"Both Bachom and Horse told HuffPost they believed the altercation began when three anti-fascist protesters knocked a red “Make America Great Again” hat off a Proud Boy member’s head."
I did not say that Antifa never did anything inappropriate. The point is the basic nature of the groups, what they stand for, and their purpose for exising
You will never, ever, get that message through to these people. We know it, but they'll never admit to it. A lot of them are still at that point in their development where the only response they can think of to conflict is slamming someone in the mouth. The rest are just glad to beat the snot out of us with whatever excuse they can find.
Ah, poor little bitches, you started the fight by going into the gutter, now that we have entered those gutters and whipped your pansy ass fagot asses, you as typical of a liberal, start whining about the punishment.

Old reliable about liberals again.

"Well you started it".

Grade school playground thinking. Another example of how similar the two ends can be.


So we're just supposed to sit there and take it?

It really is depressing to see that some think that there are only two choices: One or the other. Do absolutely nothing, or act just like those you hate.

I really don't know what to tell you.
You keep saying your a moderate...
Line two of my sig addresses that lie.

I know, I know: You and your tribe have all the answers, and the other tribe is Hitler.

I get it, I get it.
For a very long time the Conservative groups just ignored the crazies on the left..........wasn't til the Tea Party that counter protest really got going..........but the Tea Party compared to leftist BS riots and protests aren't even what did the left do in response.............they escalated and became more violent.............

That is on them...............they created this........and you know it.
Yes they did. And why you're so willing to get in the mud with them and act just like those you loathe is a mystery.
I'm not in the mud with them Mr Naive...............but I don't give a rats ass when I see a Antifa punk get his lights turned off for being an asshole.........

We didn't start the want to end it...........Put your DAMN LUNATICS from the left on a dang leash..........and elect reps that don't encourage it.

I don't spark violence..............but if some asshole comes at me with a dang metal pipe because I go to hear someone speak........I am going to put him on his ass............

Say it's childish..........I really don't care........Dems need to stop their BS.........and groups like the Proud Boys will fade away......
You keep saying your a moderate...
Line two of my sig addresses that lie.

I know, I know: You and your tribe have all the answers, and the other tribe is Hitler.

I get it, I get it.
For a very long time the Conservative groups just ignored the crazies on the left..........wasn't til the Tea Party that counter protest really got going..........but the Tea Party compared to leftist BS riots and protests aren't even what did the left do in response.............they escalated and became more violent.............

That is on them...............they created this........and you know it.
Yes they did. And why you're so willing to get in the mud with them and act just like those you loathe is a mystery.
Maybe because of those innocent kids who were shot up at the CW event. I guess a few thousand more innocent people must die before you get a spine?

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