Violent Racist Blacks

It gives the police reasons and motive to stop, harass, search, and arrest Blacks on any and every violation no matter how trivial. If you plant in someones mind that a ethnicity is dangerous or criminal they will break their necks to watch the black shopper while the blonde haired blue eye girl robs them blind.

He somewhat has a point. What he's missing, however, is the fact that a store that gets robbed 50 times in a row by blacks has every incentive to keep a close eye on young black customers. I guess he believes that profiling on the objective basis of past trends and behavior is immoral? If that is the case perhaps they should take down the bullet proof glass at the KFC in Washington DC.

Why is the store getting robbed 50 times in a row and how is taking down the glass at KFC have anything to do with profiling and over policing a neighborhood?
Yes I am black and I hate the violence that happens in our communities. Heck I'm called an uncle tom at school sometimes for pointing out issues and telling people to stop crying victim.

Human beings overall are violent creatures. Look at our entire history. Why are we blacks getting singled out and being called savages? Aren't we all?

Having gone to a majority black school I have seen the behavior you speak of as well. However, blacks aren't being singled out. They're setting the standard. See here >>>

He somewhat has a point. What he's missing, however, is the fact that a store that gets robbed 50 times in a row by blacks has every incentive to keep a close eye on young black customers. I guess he believes that profiling on the objective basis of past trends and behavior is immoral? If that is the case perhaps they should take down the bullet proof glass at the KFC in Washington DC.

Why is the store getting robbed 50 times in a row and how is taking down the glass at KFC have anything to do with profiling and over policing a neighborhood?

The only thing worse than over policing a neighborhood is under policing it. See here >>> The Cincinnati Option: What Happened (and will happen again) When Police Stopped Patrolling Black Neighborhoods

Oh, and the KFC in Washington DC is profiling the black neighborhood because they don't use bullet proof glass in white neighborhoods. They do it for the same reason cops profile violent black neighborhoods. Because they're violent, not because they're black.
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OK. Are we talking about black racism driving these "flash robs", or are we talking about white "flash robs" going unreported?

I'm talking about the system that is in place that affects not only Blacks but whites as well. i was always told to follow the money to figure out why things happened a certain way. There is money in making the Black man the dangerous criminal. All the people have to do that run this country is make everyone think Black people are dangerous criminals. This includes other Black people as well.
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He somewhat has a point. What he's missing, however, is the fact that a store that gets robbed 50 times in a row by blacks has every incentive to keep a close eye on young black customers. I guess he believes that profiling on the objective basis of past trends and behavior is immoral? If that is the case perhaps they should take down the bullet proof glass at the KFC in Washington DC.

Why is the store getting robbed 50 times in a row and how is taking down the glass at KFC have anything to do with profiling and over policing a neighborhood?

The only thing worse than over policing a neighborhood is under policing it. See here >>> The Cincinnati Option: What Happened (and will happen again) When Police Stopped Patrolling Black Neighborhoods

Oh, and the KFC in Washington DC is profiling the black neighborhood because they don't use bullet proof glass in white neighborhoods.

I doubt that. The black community was under policed for years until after Civil rights were granted so that theory falls on its face. Once Civil rights were in place they needed another way to legally enslave Blacks. Arresting them for stupid shit was the solutions especially after privatizing the prison system.

Oh and putting bullet proof glass in KFC doesn't result in people being arrested. Cops only can do that.
Objective facts cannot be racist.

Thats correct. Problem is that you claim they are objective. I dispute that.

With no proof, no critique, and no numbers of your own. That's not a dispute. That's simply contradiction. It's no different than calling someone a liar without telling the truth. It's a baseless assumption.

You can call it whatever you like. I used the word dispute because I dispute the validity.

OK. Are we talking about black racism driving these "flash robs", or are we talking about white "flash robs" going unreported?

I'm talking about the system that is in place that affects not only Blacks but whites as well. i was always told to follow the money to figure out why things happened a certain way. There is money in making the Black man the dangerous criminal. All the people have to do that run this country is make everyone think Black people are dangerous criminals. This includes other Black people as well.

That needs to be changed. Any suggestions?
Why is the store getting robbed 50 times in a row and how is taking down the glass at KFC have anything to do with profiling and over policing a neighborhood?

The only thing worse than over policing a neighborhood is under policing it. See here >>> The Cincinnati Option: What Happened (and will happen again) When Police Stopped Patrolling Black Neighborhoods

Oh, and the KFC in Washington DC is profiling the black neighborhood because they don't use bullet proof glass in white neighborhoods.

I doubt that. The black community was under policed for years until after Civil rights were granted so that theory falls on its face. Once Civil rights were in place they needed another way to legally enslave Blacks. Arresting them for stupid shit was the solutions especially after privatizing the prison system.

Oh and putting bullet proof glass in KFC doesn't result in people being arrested. Cops only can do that.

Yeah, no matter how many times you read The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander you're never going to validate that claim with any serious evidence. See how I smelled your argument a mile away? That's because, unlike you, I read books I disagree with in an attempt to keep an open mind. You just ignore anyone with an opposing view outright.
Why is the store getting robbed 50 times in a row and how is taking down the glass at KFC have anything to do with profiling and over policing a neighborhood?

The only thing worse than over policing a neighborhood is under policing it. See here >>> The Cincinnati Option: What Happened (and will happen again) When Police Stopped Patrolling Black Neighborhoods

Oh, and the KFC in Washington DC is profiling the black neighborhood because they don't use bullet proof glass in white neighborhoods.

I doubt that. The black community was under policed for years until after Civil rights were granted so that theory falls on its face. Once Civil rights were in place they needed another way to legally enslave Blacks. Arresting them for stupid shit was the solutions especially after privatizing the prison system.

Oh and putting bullet proof glass in KFC doesn't result in people being arrested. Cops only can do that.

Unfortunately, those in power have found far more efficient ways of enslaving blacks. The victim mentality that has been inculcated in the black community is far more harmful for the community at large, although highly successful for the political hacks who use the black community to further their personal gains.
Thats correct. Problem is that you claim they are objective. I dispute that.

With no proof, no critique, and no numbers of your own. That's not a dispute. That's simply contradiction. It's no different than calling someone a liar without telling the truth. It's a baseless assumption.

You can call it whatever you like. I used the word dispute because I dispute the validity.

You make a claim without justification or any evidence that refutes mine. Dispute away if you like. Just remember, with no argument of your own or evidence to refute mine you might as well not say anything at all.
OK. Are we talking about black racism driving these "flash robs", or are we talking about white "flash robs" going unreported?

I'm talking about the system that is in place that affects not only Blacks but whites as well. i was always told to follow the money to figure out why things happened a certain way. There is money in making the Black man the dangerous criminal. All the people have to do that run this country is make everyone think Black people are dangerous criminals. This includes other Black people as well.

That needs to be changed. Any suggestions?

On the Black side of things Black parants need to be thoroughly educated in their history besides you were slaves and you marched a couple of times. Black children need to be trained in an environment where they are not flooded with images that cause children to have inferiority complexes about themselves. Science, math, arts, reading, and again their history. I dont allow my children more than 1 hour a day of TV and if its more we watch it together and analyse the commercials or shows for the messages it is sending. I also have them read books on interpersonal skills.

I dont know what the answer will be for other people besides Black people being perfect.
Just asking. Do any of you guys find it weird that there is well over 2 million blacks in the penal system?
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Yes, I've read her book, cited it in this thread, and have concluded that her thesis is garbage. The penal system is not the "New Jim Crow. " When you take into account violent crime blacks are over represented as well. But Michelle Alexander can't criticize those arrests so she sticks to drugs.

Of course you would say that. It doesnt agree with your theory. :lol:

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