Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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Yes... all 10 white supremacists will be driving in a small prius to get there........

Meanwhile, don't look at the chicago, baltimore, st. louis, D.C. gun murder rate........ democrats aren't responsible no matter how many decades they run those cities....
I look forward to you starting a thread on the topic of the gun murder rate in those states...


Nope, the truth.... white supremacists are a joke, and you morons only pretend they are important in an attempt to smear republicans...who have nothing to do with them.....

How dare White people wish to preserve their existence.

How do 16mil Jews impact their existence? Do tell.

How do these Jews listed below help White - Christian, or even Jewish existence?

US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic party

1,000 American rabbis sign letter welcoming Syrian refugees

Who runs Hollywood? C'mon

Mark Zuckerberg - Wikipedia

Sergey Brin - Wikipedia

Jeff Zucker - Wikipedia

Les Moonves - Wikipedia

Aviv Nevo - Wikipedia

Sumner Redstone - Wikipedia

Ralph J. Roberts - Wikipedia

Ben Sherwood - Wikipedia

Bob Iger - Wikipedia

Susan N. Herman - Wikipedia

And? They really impact the white race? LOL Stop it.
What made you think I believed Black racism is ok? We dont need the head start whites had legislated for them for centuries.

You said you hate all white people and that white Jews weren't real Jews. LMAO. Are you drunk?
Nope. I said I dislike white people. Big difference. Correct white fake jews are not the real Jews. No I dont drink.
Why would you use a blanket racist term like “I dislike white people” you don’t have one white friend? Really?

And if you really feel that way then you should understand and excuse others for feeling that way about other races, including your race... is that right?
No I have a couple of white friends and even some family members. I'm not going to keep qualifying my remarks because someone wants me to be specific.

I cant understand their reasons nor excuse them. All Blacks have ever done is educate whites and this is how whites repay us?

You don't speak for all black people. Shut your racist mouth. Dummy.
Hey dummy. I am speaking for myself. Make me shut my mouth. Youre getting emotional again.
Nope. I said I dislike white people. Big difference. Correct white fake jews are not the real Jews. No I dont drink.

You do realize you sound like a total moron, right? Are you anti gay too? Do you treat women as 2nd class citizens? Real Gem you are.
I dont worry about what other people think I sound like. Its none of my business. I have no problem with you being gay. I even support your right to get married. I love women. I think they should be in charge to be honest. way love really hurts. I am not gay. Stop hitting on me.
You dont have to go into the closet. I just said I support your right to be gay and married. We're on the internet so I cant be hitting you.

LOL. Thanks. Unlike Islam, where women dress like beach umbrellas, I am a Jew and like attractive women. You should try it. I know its not same as goats and sheep.
Youre not a real Jew. Youre a fake jew. Didnt you say you were white?
Then move.
Why should he move? Just to please you?

Because he is unhappy. You should move to Boston. That would please me.
Boston is a racist city. Why would someone purposely move there?

You don't live in Boston and you're the biggest racist I have met on these boards. He should come here to fight racism like the good zombie that he is. Are you scared of Boston? Need protection?
You said you hate all white people and that white Jews weren't real Jews. LMAO. Are you drunk?
Nope. I said I dislike white people. Big difference. Correct white fake jews are not the real Jews. No I dont drink.
Why would you use a blanket racist term like “I dislike white people” you don’t have one white friend? Really?

And if you really feel that way then you should understand and excuse others for feeling that way about other races, including your race... is that right?
No I have a couple of white friends and even some family members. I'm not going to keep qualifying my remarks because someone wants me to be specific.

I cant understand their reasons nor excuse them. All Blacks have ever done is educate whites and this is how whites repay us?

You don't speak for all black people. Shut your racist mouth. Dummy.
Hey dummy. I am speaking for myself. Make me shut my mouth.

What are we in 2nd grade? Make me? LOL. Fight after lunch? Weak sauce. Plus in real life it would not go well for you, hot dog vendor.
I get it. Youre one of those losers that actually like being told when to be sick and when you can take a vacation? Sorry buddy. When you run your own business you can come and go as you please.

Actually you cannot. You work more when you run your own business as I do. You're batting 1.000.
Sounds like you dont know how to delegate or you are a rookie.

I do delegate. What I do cannot always be delegated. Then again, I am a white Jew, so I must be inferior to you, the African American Muslim. Right?
You just claimed I couldnt come and go as I pleased. Evidently you dont know how to delegate and dont have the skills to develop the people under you to do what needs to be done. I dont know if you are inferior to me or not. You sure seem dumb but I dont think that has anything to do with you being a fake jew.

What business is it? Easy to delegate a hot dog stand. Why do you hate white people and Jews?
Thats none of your business and I dont hate anyone especially Jews.
Actually you cannot. You work more when you run your own business as I do. You're batting 1.000.
Sounds like you dont know how to delegate or you are a rookie.

I do delegate. What I do cannot always be delegated. Then again, I am a white Jew, so I must be inferior to you, the African American Muslim. Right?
You just claimed I couldnt come and go as I pleased. Evidently you dont know how to delegate and dont have the skills to develop the people under you to do what needs to be done. I dont know if you are inferior to me or not. You sure seem dumb but I dont think that has anything to do with you being a fake jew.

What business is it? Easy to delegate a hot dog stand. Why do you hate white people and Jews?
Thats none of your business and I dont hate anyone especially Jews.

You literally said you hate all white people and white Jews. Are you bipolar? I answer your questions. Why are you being so shy?
Why are you convinced that Black racism is okay?
What made you think I believed Black racism is ok? We dont need the head start whites had legislated for them for centuries.

You said you hate all white people and that white Jews weren't real Jews. LMAO. Are you drunk?
Nope. I said I dislike white people. Big difference. Correct white fake jews are not the real Jews. No I dont drink.
Why would you use a blanket racist term like “I dislike white people” you don’t have one white friend? Really?

And if you really feel that way then you should understand and excuse others for feeling that way about other races, including your race... is that right?
No I have a couple of white friends and even some family members. I'm not going to keep qualifying my remarks because someone wants me to be specific.

I cant understand their reasons nor excuse them. All Blacks have ever done is educate whites and this is how whites repay us?
If you have white friends and family then how in the world can you say the term “I dislike white people” don’t you see how that just feeds the problem?

If you are really standing up for the black community and racial justice then you wouldn’t project by making statements like that. It means you are using a similar divisive and racist mindset of the people you are fighting against.

There are many shitty people in this world, they come in all colors. There are many wonderful people in this world, they come in all colors. We shouldn’t be judging one group by any standards, we should be judging the individual by their words and actions.
Nope. I said I dislike white people. Big difference. Correct white fake jews are not the real Jews. No I dont drink.
Why would you use a blanket racist term like “I dislike white people” you don’t have one white friend? Really?

And if you really feel that way then you should understand and excuse others for feeling that way about other races, including your race... is that right?
No I have a couple of white friends and even some family members. I'm not going to keep qualifying my remarks because someone wants me to be specific.

I cant understand their reasons nor excuse them. All Blacks have ever done is educate whites and this is how whites repay us?

You don't speak for all black people. Shut your racist mouth. Dummy.
Hey dummy. I am speaking for myself. Make me shut my mouth.

What are we in 2nd grade? Make me? LOL. Fight after lunch? Weak sauce. Plus in real life it would not go well for you, hot dog vendor.
I thought you were in the 2nd grade when you told me to shut my mouth. Why the idle threats over the internet? You know the only thing that would happen in real life is that you would turn a mottled pink and white in my presence.
I look forward to you starting a thread on the topic of the gun murder rate in those states...


Nope, the truth.... white supremacists are a joke, and you morons only pretend they are important in an attempt to smear republicans...who have nothing to do with them.....

How dare White people wish to preserve their existence.

How do 16mil Jews impact their existence? Do tell.

How do these Jews listed below help White - Christian, or even Jewish existence?

US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic party

1,000 American rabbis sign letter welcoming Syrian refugees

Who runs Hollywood? C'mon

Mark Zuckerberg - Wikipedia

Sergey Brin - Wikipedia

Jeff Zucker - Wikipedia

Les Moonves - Wikipedia

Aviv Nevo - Wikipedia

Sumner Redstone - Wikipedia

Ralph J. Roberts - Wikipedia

Ben Sherwood - Wikipedia

Bob Iger - Wikipedia

Susan N. Herman - Wikipedia

And? They really impact the white race? LOL Stop it.

I just proved that over 1,000 Jewish Rabbis sent a letter welcoming Syrian Refugees, that Democrat funding is 1/2 Jewish, Facebook, Youtube, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, the NYT, the ACLU and Hollywood are all controlled, or owned by Jews, explain how these institutions help, rather than harm the existence of White / Christian peoples, or even Jews themselves?
The opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference.

Attacking only emboldens. Ignoring decreases their power.
Attacking also lets the klowns know they will not be tolerated.

I wish the KKK, White supremists, Arian nation... all that would just go away. They WERE being marginalized more and more over the years and Most sane people want nothing to do with them. Meeting them with ridicule is fine but I would be very careful about falling into a new cycle of violence. All this does is suck in impressionable kids from both sides but probably more so the white supremist side... who would have otherwise not been involved in these organizations. As people get older they can look back and figure these things out. Your supposed to be an elder correct? You dont seem to show leadership qualities when you call for violence among fellow American citizens. IMHO
I disagree. As I pointed out earlier I agree with Einstein when he said racism was a disease that white people catch. I believe it shows extreme leadership for me to show the people I mentor that its important to stand up to these cowards. If no one stands up to them then they grow larger in number.

Standing up to them is fine. I"m sure attacking them would feel good as well but being smarter than them is more important. You do know that their recruiters use things such as tearing down of monuments and street confrontations and the use of social media as a primary way to grow their ranks right? Funny how as the violence in the last few years has grown slightly.. so have their numbers. Challenging them to open debates... bringing them out into the light for what they really are... defeating them with class.. would be much more decisive in the court of public opinion. of course violence always feels more satisfying.
Why would you use a blanket racist term like “I dislike white people” you don’t have one white friend? Really?

And if you really feel that way then you should understand and excuse others for feeling that way about other races, including your race... is that right?
No I have a couple of white friends and even some family members. I'm not going to keep qualifying my remarks because someone wants me to be specific.

I cant understand their reasons nor excuse them. All Blacks have ever done is educate whites and this is how whites repay us?

You don't speak for all black people. Shut your racist mouth. Dummy.
Hey dummy. I am speaking for myself. Make me shut my mouth.

What are we in 2nd grade? Make me? LOL. Fight after lunch? Weak sauce. Plus in real life it would not go well for you, hot dog vendor.
I thought you were in the 2nd grade when you told me to shut my mouth. Why the idle threats over the internet? You know the only thing that would happen in real life is that you would turn a mottled pink and white in my presence.

Maybe or it may be a real bad result for you. One day we may find out.
Notice how the assumed black members of the board only post threads about skin color?...and the racists are whom?
What made you think I believed Black racism is ok? We dont need the head start whites had legislated for them for centuries.

You said you hate all white people and that white Jews weren't real Jews. LMAO. Are you drunk?
Nope. I said I dislike white people. Big difference. Correct white fake jews are not the real Jews. No I dont drink.
Why would you use a blanket racist term like “I dislike white people” you don’t have one white friend? Really?

And if you really feel that way then you should understand and excuse others for feeling that way about other races, including your race... is that right?
No I have a couple of white friends and even some family members. I'm not going to keep qualifying my remarks because someone wants me to be specific.

I cant understand their reasons nor excuse them. All Blacks have ever done is educate whites and this is how whites repay us?
If you have white friends and family then how in the world can you say the term “I dislike white people” don’t you see how that just feeds the problem?

If you are really standing up for the black community and racial justice then you wouldn’t project by making statements like that. It means you are using a similar divisive and racist mindset of the people you are fighting against.

There are many shitty people in this world, they come in all colors. There are many wonderful people in this world, they come in all colors. We shouldn’t be judging one group by any standards, we should be judging the individual by their words and actions.
My white friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.
Nope, the truth.... white supremacists are a joke, and you morons only pretend they are important in an attempt to smear republicans...who have nothing to do with them.....

How dare White people wish to preserve their existence.

How do 16mil Jews impact their existence? Do tell.

How do these Jews listed below help White - Christian, or even Jewish existence?

US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic party

1,000 American rabbis sign letter welcoming Syrian refugees

Who runs Hollywood? C'mon

Mark Zuckerberg - Wikipedia

Sergey Brin - Wikipedia

Jeff Zucker - Wikipedia

Les Moonves - Wikipedia

Aviv Nevo - Wikipedia

Sumner Redstone - Wikipedia

Ralph J. Roberts - Wikipedia

Ben Sherwood - Wikipedia

Bob Iger - Wikipedia

Susan N. Herman - Wikipedia

And? They really impact the white race? LOL Stop it.

I just proved that over 1,000 Jewish Rabbis sent a letter welcoming Syrian Refugees, that Democrat funding is 1/2 Jewish, Facebook, Youtube, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, the NYT, the ACLU and Hollywood are all controlled, or owned by Jews, explain how these institutions help, rather than harm the existence of White / Christian peoples, or even Jews themselves?

You need to use the naked eye test. You have food, running water, entertainment, freedom, medicine. Your life is good. Your hate is just misplaced and stupid. 1000 rabbis compared to 1.6bn Islamists of which even of only 10% are radical and we know the number is closer to 30%, that equates to 160 million radicals who want us all dead. A much higher threat than what you laid out. Think before you post.
No I have a couple of white friends and even some family members. I'm not going to keep qualifying my remarks because someone wants me to be specific.

I cant understand their reasons nor excuse them. All Blacks have ever done is educate whites and this is how whites repay us?

You don't speak for all black people. Shut your racist mouth. Dummy.
Hey dummy. I am speaking for myself. Make me shut my mouth.

What are we in 2nd grade? Make me? LOL. Fight after lunch? Weak sauce. Plus in real life it would not go well for you, hot dog vendor.
I thought you were in the 2nd grade when you told me to shut my mouth. Why the idle threats over the internet? You know the only thing that would happen in real life is that you would turn a mottled pink and white in my presence.

Maybe or it may be a real bad result for you. One day we may find out.
I seriously doubt both statements. Youre selling wolf tickets over the internet. You white boys always disappoint in person. You never live up to all the tough talk.
Notice how the assumed black members of the board only post threads about skin color?...and the racists are whom?
There are still plenty of racial problems going on in the USA. I have no problem with people standing up for the rights of the oppressed and disadvantaged if that how they feel. Neither should you.
You said you hate all white people and that white Jews weren't real Jews. LMAO. Are you drunk?
Nope. I said I dislike white people. Big difference. Correct white fake jews are not the real Jews. No I dont drink.
Why would you use a blanket racist term like “I dislike white people” you don’t have one white friend? Really?

And if you really feel that way then you should understand and excuse others for feeling that way about other races, including your race... is that right?
No I have a couple of white friends and even some family members. I'm not going to keep qualifying my remarks because someone wants me to be specific.

I cant understand their reasons nor excuse them. All Blacks have ever done is educate whites and this is how whites repay us?
If you have white friends and family then how in the world can you say the term “I dislike white people” don’t you see how that just feeds the problem?

If you are really standing up for the black community and racial justice then you wouldn’t project by making statements like that. It means you are using a similar divisive and racist mindset of the people you are fighting against.

There are many shitty people in this world, they come in all colors. There are many wonderful people in this world, they come in all colors. We shouldn’t be judging one group by any standards, we should be judging the individual by their words and actions.
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Disliking someone for something they cannot control is the epitome of racism and being an A Hole. Congrats.
You don't speak for all black people. Shut your racist mouth. Dummy.
Hey dummy. I am speaking for myself. Make me shut my mouth.

What are we in 2nd grade? Make me? LOL. Fight after lunch? Weak sauce. Plus in real life it would not go well for you, hot dog vendor.
I thought you were in the 2nd grade when you told me to shut my mouth. Why the idle threats over the internet? You know the only thing that would happen in real life is that you would turn a mottled pink and white in my presence.

Maybe or it may be a real bad result for you. One day we may find out.
I seriously doubt both statements. Youre selling wolf tickets over the internet. You white boys always disappoint in person. You never live up to all the tough talk.

You're right. Please don't beat me up. I am so scared....
Nope. I said I dislike white people. Big difference. Correct white fake jews are not the real Jews. No I dont drink.
Why would you use a blanket racist term like “I dislike white people” you don’t have one white friend? Really?

And if you really feel that way then you should understand and excuse others for feeling that way about other races, including your race... is that right?
No I have a couple of white friends and even some family members. I'm not going to keep qualifying my remarks because someone wants me to be specific.

I cant understand their reasons nor excuse them. All Blacks have ever done is educate whites and this is how whites repay us?
If you have white friends and family then how in the world can you say the term “I dislike white people” don’t you see how that just feeds the problem?

If you are really standing up for the black community and racial justice then you wouldn’t project by making statements like that. It means you are using a similar divisive and racist mindset of the people you are fighting against.

There are many shitty people in this world, they come in all colors. There are many wonderful people in this world, they come in all colors. We shouldn’t be judging one group by any standards, we should be judging the individual by their words and actions.
My friends and family understand where I am coming from and some share the dislike I have for whites.

I disagree. The way I see it me disliking whites in general has more to do with survival. Whites have zero reason to be racist.

I can only go on past history to predict future behavior. I'll be polite until I figure out if youre one of the whites I dislike.

Disliking someone for something they cannot control is the epitome of racism and being an A Hole. Congrats.
Whites can totally control their racism or are you saying its a genetic thing?
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