Virginia Halts Concealed Carry Reciprocity With 25 States


He had that opportunity several times before going to prison. He still chose prison. How is that our fault?

I would joke that we don't shoot Jaywalkers, but then I remember that's exactly what they shot Mike Brown for doing.

Okay, guy, no one needs to go to prison for life for stealing a slice of Pizza. that's fucking crazy. And it's wasteful. Putting PIzza guy in jail for offense #3 means you let Rape-boy out for Offense #1. That's just fucking nuts.

Yeah...and about that pizza slice guy...and the truth about 3 strikes...

Why did you strike all the text out?

Anyway, five years for stealing a slice of pizza is EQUALLY fucking insane. And they wouldn't have let him out at all if someone hadn't pointed out, "Yeah, man, this is crazy! A Slice of Pizza?"

So show me one story of who got locked up for life for stealing a pizza. I'm 55 years old, and I've never been convicted of a misdemeanor yet alone a felony. How is it that others have three?

And even if that were the case, don't you think such a sentence would make his criminal family and friends say Hmmmmm? Maybe I won't do that!!!!

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried. The problem in this country is we don't have strong enough deterrents. Anything close to a strong deterrent is protested by liberals, and then can't figure out why our prison population is so high.

Mike Brown did not get shot because he jaywalked no more that Tayvon Martin got shot for eating Skittles. You liberals tell so many lies it's hard to keep up with them.
Sure it's a concern. How could it not be? Do you know how many ambulance chasers take cases like that?

And again, it's not that the minority has any real chance at getting such a case decided in his or her favor. But if you have nothing better to do, what the hell? It's like buying a lottery ticket. And even if that's not the motivation, getting even with the employer that fired you can be.

I've been in the workplace for 24 years now, and in all that time, I've only seen ONE employee who felt the need to sue an employer (for gender discrimination). So you are kind of making it sound like it's rampant when it really isn't.

Fact is, suing an employer isn't easy at all. It takes up years of time and then your name ends up out there in legal filings for future employees to see. That's why most of the people I've listed as having gotten raw deals generally just got on with their lives.
So show me one story of who got locked up for life for stealing a pizza. I'm 55 years old, and I've never been convicted of a misdemeanor yet alone a felony. How is it that others have three?

Pizza Thief Receives Sentence of 25 Years to Life in Prison : Crime: Judge cites five prior felony convictions in sentencing Jerry Dewayne Williams under 'three strikes' law.

Jerry Dewayne Williams was sentenced to prison for 25 years to life Thursday under the state's "three strikes" law for stealing a slice of pepperoni pizza.

The 27-year-old Williams sat silent as Torrance Superior Court Judge Donald F. Pitts levied the sentence, citing Williams' five prior felony convictions, his habit of finding trouble and the 1994 "three strikes" law as reasons for the punishment. Before announcing the sentence, Pitts had denied a defense motion filed by Williams' attorney, Deputy Public Defender Arnold T. Lester, which argued that a 25-years-to-life sentence for stealing a piece of pizza constituted cruel and unusual punishment.

And even if that were the case, don't you think such a sentence would make his criminal family and friends say Hmmmmm? Maybe I won't do that!!!!

No, guy, it just tells them that we have a racist justice system that lets white people get away with murder.

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried. The problem in this country is we don't have strong enough deterrents. Anything close to a strong deterrent is protested by liberals, and then can't figure out why our prison population is so high.

Again, this is another case of "Let's Pretend the Rest of the World doesn't Exist". Used by Right Wing nuts when discussing health care, gun control or just about anything else America does fucking wrong, but they try to rationalize.

Guy, we lock up 2 million criminals while most of the rest of the G-7 countries lock up less than 100,000. We are one of the last industrialized nations that still practices the barbarity of capital punishment. Maybe we need to rethink what we are doing.

Mike Brown did not get shot because he jaywalked no more that Tayvon Martin got shot for eating Skittles. You liberals tell so many lies it's hard to keep up with them.

Nothing Brown or Martin did justified deadly force.
So show me one story of who got locked up for life for stealing a pizza. I'm 55 years old, and I've never been convicted of a misdemeanor yet alone a felony. How is it that others have three?

Pizza Thief Receives Sentence of 25 Years to Life in Prison : Crime: Judge cites five prior felony convictions in sentencing Jerry Dewayne Williams under 'three strikes' law.

Jerry Dewayne Williams was sentenced to prison for 25 years to life Thursday under the state's "three strikes" law for stealing a slice of pepperoni pizza.

The 27-year-old Williams sat silent as Torrance Superior Court Judge Donald F. Pitts levied the sentence, citing Williams' five prior felony convictions, his habit of finding trouble and the 1994 "three strikes" law as reasons for the punishment. Before announcing the sentence, Pitts had denied a defense motion filed by Williams' attorney, Deputy Public Defender Arnold T. Lester, which argued that a 25-years-to-life sentence for stealing a piece of pizza constituted cruel and unusual punishment.

And even if that were the case, don't you think such a sentence would make his criminal family and friends say Hmmmmm? Maybe I won't do that!!!!

No, guy, it just tells them that we have a racist justice system that lets white people get away with murder.

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried. The problem in this country is we don't have strong enough deterrents. Anything close to a strong deterrent is protested by liberals, and then can't figure out why our prison population is so high.

Again, this is another case of "Let's Pretend the Rest of the World doesn't Exist". Used by Right Wing nuts when discussing health care, gun control or just about anything else America does fucking wrong, but they try to rationalize.

Guy, we lock up 2 million criminals while most of the rest of the G-7 countries lock up less than 100,000. We are one of the last industrialized nations that still practices the barbarity of capital punishment. Maybe we need to rethink what we are doing.

Mike Brown did not get shot because he jaywalked no more that Tayvon Martin got shot for eating Skittles. You liberals tell so many lies it's hard to keep up with them.

Nothing Brown or Martin did justified deadly force.

Sorry, but attacking a police officer (for the second time) and attacking and physically assaulting a citizen is justifiable use for deadly force.
I agree. Being the right to bear arms is in the Bill of Rights, there should be a national standard, but you're never going to get the blue state representatives to agree to one. They already tried to pass a nation concealed carry bill a few years ago and it died in the Senate because a couple of Republicans wouldn't go along.

How about the standard in the Constitution. You know, the one about a "well-regulated" militia.

You can have a gun if you are in a militia, regularly reporting for duty. That seems reasonable.

The people are the militia. When you try to cite a document you don't understand for your own selfish purposes it only makes you look foolish.
Sorry, but attacking a police officer (for the second time) and attacking and physically assaulting a citizen is justifiable use for deadly force.

Yes, if you are a tiny dicked gun nut who just can't wait to shoot him a darkie, that makes perfect sense.

But you probably thought it was great all these Teabaggers aimed guns at federal officers supporting Cliven Bundy.
The people are the militia. When you try to cite a document you don't understand for your own selfish purposes it only makes you look foolish.

Uh, no, the Militia has a very specific definition in federal law.

But again, this is the 21st century and we have professional Armed forces and police departments. We kind of don't need "militias" like we did back in the days when people wore powdered wigs, shit in chamber pots and raped their slaves.
Sorry, but attacking a police officer (for the second time) and attacking and physically assaulting a citizen is justifiable use for deadly force.

Yes, if you are a tiny dicked gun nut who just can't wait to shoot him a darkie, that makes perfect sense.

But you probably thought it was great all these Teabaggers aimed guns at federal officers supporting Cliven Bundy.

Ah, so you lost that debate and want to start another one?
Virginia GOP is hinting they may unfund the Clinton minion's armed protective detail. And they are going to act on their power to reverse the decision.
I disagree.

Few and far between are the modern mass shooting incidents involving crazy people with money to burn and M-1 tanks.

Somewhere between BB guns and aircraft carriers is a list of weapons that is reasonable for the general public in America to have access to. Negotiating that list has been underway since the explosion of available weapons between the World Wars and We took Tommy-guns away from us in the 1930's and 1940's.
I think that was the relevant point when he stated it was anything that a general infantryman would carry. There is no negotiation in that - it is a fairly clear distinction and is pretty damn reasonable if you ask me. You cannot have a fully automatic grenade launcher. You can, however, carry an M-4. The constant bickering about magazine size and weather or not it can have a bayonet attachment is asinine - such restrictions are meaningless.

Fair enough.

My point is that there are already limits, set by the federal and state governments as to the weaponry that is available to the general public, so arguing that We, The Peeps can't limit the sizes of magazines and the destructive capabilities of weapons is beating a dead horse, and the time has come to start negotiating in earnest a more reasonable list that America can carry safely in to the future.

Americans, as in We, The General Public, have a right to bear arms.

That's a fact.

Because of that fact, America, as in We, The People, have an obligation to our selves to continually come up with a new and reasonable definition for the word 'arms' that is extremely consistent across all fifty states, and relevant for the times.

I disagree.

Few and far between are the modern mass shooting incidents involving crazy people with money to burn and M-1 tanks.

Somewhere between BB guns and aircraft carriers is a list of weapons that is reasonable for the general public in America to have access to. Negotiating that list has been underway since the explosion of available weapons between the World Wars and We took Tommy-guns away from us in the 1930's and 1940's.
I think that was the relevant point when he stated it was anything that a general infantryman would carry. There is no negotiation in that - it is a fairly clear distinction and is pretty damn reasonable if you ask me. You cannot have a fully automatic grenade launcher. You can, however, carry an M-4. The constant bickering about magazine size and weather or not it can have a bayonet attachment is asinine - such restrictions are meaningless.
But not un-Constitutional.

Second Amendment jurisprudence is in its infancy, currently evolving, and it will continue to evolve for decades to come.

In time these and other restrictions will come before the Supreme Court for review and a final determination as to which restrictions comport with the Second Amendment and which do not.

Until these rulings are made by the High Court, however, states and local jurisdictions are at liberty to enact such restrictions consistent with current Second Amendment case law.
Ah, so you lost that debate and want to start another one?

Uh, no guy, just pointing your hypocrisy.

Cops who shoot UNARMED BLACK CHILDREN are justified to you guys.

Guys who point WEAPONS AT FEDERAL AGENTS are rugged individualists.

OH, yeah, two of those fucking mutants who supported Bundy went on to SHOOT TWO POLICE OFFICERS AND A CIVILIAN. But they were white.


So these two assholes point weapons at Federal Officers, and don't get shot.

Dylan Roof shoots 9 people, but they take him into custody and take him out to Burger King.

James Holmes (another guy who thought he was the Joker) shoots 12 people, and the cops take him into custody without shooting him.

But Trayvon was beating Zimmerman's fat ass? SHOOT THAT N****R!!!!

Mike Brown was looking menacing? SHOOT THAT N****R!!!!

Laquan McDonald was confused when they told him to put down that knife. SHOOT THAT N****R!!!
Ah, so you lost that debate and want to start another one?

Uh, no guy, just pointing your hypocrisy.

Cops who shoot UNARMED BLACK CHILDREN are justified to you guys.

Guys who point WEAPONS AT FEDERAL AGENTS are rugged individualists.

OH, yeah, two of those fucking mutants who supported Bundy went on to SHOOT TWO POLICE OFFICERS AND A CIVILIAN. But they were white.


So these two assholes point weapons at Federal Officers, and don't get shot.

Dylan Roof shoots 9 people, but they take him into custody and take him out to Burger King.

James Holmes (another guy who thought he was the Joker) shoots 12 people, and the cops take him into custody without shooting him.

But Trayvon was beating Zimmerman's fat ass? SHOOT THAT N****R!!!!

Mike Brown was looking menacing? SHOOT THAT N****R!!!!

Laquan McDonald was confused when they told him to put down that knife. SHOOT THAT N****R!!!

Do you always talk out of your behind…..because it is obvious you don't pay attention to the actual facts around these shootings…..

In each one, the ones taken alive…surrendered and cooperated. Martin…was in the process of beating Zimmermans head against concrete when he was shot. Brown, the gentle giant, had just punched a cop and fought him for his gun, and when told to stop, turned around and charged the police officer, and laquan…again, running around with a knife and did not stop moving…..

Here is a clue twit….when a cop says stop, put your hands up, the best way to survive the encounter is to stop and put your hands up.
Do you always talk out of your behind…..because it is obvious you don't pay attention to the actual facts around these shootings…..

In each one, the ones taken alive…surrendered and cooperated. Martin…was in the process of beating Zimmermans head against concrete when he was shot. Brown, the gentle giant, had just punched a cop and fought him for his gun, and when told to stop, turned around and charged the police officer, and laquan…again, running around with a knife and did not stop moving…..

Here is a clue twit….when a cop says stop, put your hands up, the best way to survive the encounter is to stop and put your hands up.

The problem with those narratives is we ONLY have the shooter's word for them. And in some cases, they LIED.

So lets review- White guys who did some pretty serious shit, the cops will take alive and talk into surrendering.

Scary Negroes? Shoot them before they gets to the children!
the pizza guy was out in 5 years.

ONLY after everyone screamed bloody murder.

Yeah……3 felonies and I could care less…...

Of course you can't. You'll throw a guy in prison for life for a slice of Pizza but excuse a Wall Street Banker who steals millions.

Youre the biggest tool in the box.
Why arent you complaining about that? Hypocrite.

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