Virginia House-passed voter ID, other changes head to Senate for consideration

NO obstacle should be placed in front of a voter that has already registered to vote. The right to vote is one of the most important rights we have and in your own words you want to place obstacles.

I care less about your arguments. I noted they could provide them when people show up to vote. That isn't what is going to happen is it?
There should be common sense obstacles placed in the way, such as verifying that you are eligible to vote. I mean, the right to free speech has common sense restrictions on it, the right to bear arms has common sense restrictions on it, none of the rights spelled out in the Constitution are held to be completely and totally absolute. Requiring an ID to vote a commonsense restriction.
There should be common sense obstacles placed in the way, such as verifying that you are eligible to vote.

I have a voters registration card.

I mean, the right to free speech has common sense restrictions on it, the right to bear arms has common sense restrictions on it, none of the rights spelled out in the Constitution are held to be completely and totally absolute. Requiring an ID to vote a commonsense restriction.

I have one. I'm told it's not good enough even though it has been since 1980.
I get such a kick out of everyone that claims ID is so hard to get.
Try getting anything done in a Dem run DMV without multiple forms of ID. Hell try getting a fishing license in a Dem state without ID. The hypocrisy and double standards is off the charts. Dems LIE it's that simple.
Meh, I used to support voter ID.

Now, the right continually bitches elections are all stolen because of voter law changes and the left continually bitches that elections are stole because of voter law changes.

All voter law changes seem to give you is a new excuse to bitch about fair elections being unfair.

Fuck ALL voter law changes, I wont support a damn one of them anymore.
OMG people in Virginia have to get ID's?

I question how they've functioned in society without one
Maybe you just don't want people to vote.
I can't speak to WV but when we had voter cards you still had to show a photo ID with the same info on it.

At one time you had to have two forms of ID (one photo) to buy a handgun and your voter card was the "golden ticket". Now it's just a state issued photo ID.

Military folks can use their .mil ID and show proof of residency like car registration or electric bill.
I have a voters registration card.

I have one. I'm told it's not good enough even though it has been since 1980.
I have a voter registration card too. I also have a driver's license and am accustomed to providing ID to function in today's society. I'll ask again, why is it assumed that democrat voters are the ones that can't get photo ID's?
I have a voter registration card too. I also have a driver's license and am accustomed to providing ID to function in today's society. I'll ask again, why is it assumed that democrat voters are the ones that can't get photo ID's?

I am not interested in your partisan arguments. I am not for making voting harder for anyone. Period. That is the argument I am making.
I am not interested in your partisan arguments. I am not for making voting harder for anyone. Period. That is the argument I am making.
Providing an ID to vote in today's world is really not much of a hardship when you consider that the same people for whom you claim this represents a hardship are by and large able to qualify for government services, for which you have to provide such documentation.
If passed it will make for a real mess in Virginia. Someone who is already registered to vote and doesn't have a D.L. is going to get turned away and it's going to cause an expensive lawsuit.

I would do it here in WV. I've been able to use my voters registration card since 1980. If I was then turned away it would cause a problem.

Voter ID is not a DL, it is an actual voter ID that can be substituted for by a DL.

Who are we trying to fool here! If anyone calls their local GOP/DEM people and say I want to vote and I am 1 of you, that group would insure they got their ID, even if they had to send out someone to their home.

Are we/any of us to believe, we can get a vaccine, distribute it to millions upon millions in less than 10 months, but can't get an ID for the small; very small amount of people who do not have one?

I dunno what your smoking or snorting, but a fantasy debate point like the one you put forward is ridiculous!
Sooner or later, photo ID voter verification will happen across the country and people might as well get used to it and focus on making it easier to attain. Like it or not we are a country where you cannot freely do much without proper ID except maybe emergency medical care.
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In near everything we purchase and do, we show Identification. Those papers have been shown for years. Stores can still accept cash. But you can be carded for alcohol even if you are old.
I am not interested in your partisan arguments. I am not for making voting harder for anyone. Period. That is the argument I am making.

Then stop defending every leftist always do, "non partisan"

You're not very observant
In near everything we purchase and do, we show Identification. Those papers have been shown for years. Stores can still accept cash. But you can be carded for alcohol even if you are old.
At my age, that is strange on the cigarettes and liquor. I have a policy. I never show the ID they ask for. When traveling out of state, I have even whipped out my dog tags. Which, obviously has no picture, but never turned down as an ID at a convenience or liquor store in any state.
Providing an ID to vote in today's world is really not much of a hardship when you consider that the same people for whom you claim this represents a hardship are by and large able to qualify for government services, for which you have to provide such documentation.

It gets old trying to discuss things with people who will not be honest. I claimed nothing other than the fact that I should not have to do anything extra to vote just the same as I've done since 1980.
Voter ID is not a DL, it is an actual voter ID that can be substituted for by a DL.

Who are we trying to fool here! If anyone calls their local GOP/DEM people and say I want to vote and I am 1 of you, that group would insure they got their ID, even if they had to send out someone to their home.

Are we/any of us to believe, we can get a vaccine, distribute it to millions upon millions in less than 10 months, but can't get an ID for the small; very small amount of people who do not have one?

I dunno what your smoking or snorting, but a fantasy debate point like the one you put forward is ridiculous!

I am not a (D) or (R) and I'm not going to have to do anything extra to vote. I noted how they could provide an ID at the polling station but that wouldn't restrict anyone so, no go it seems.

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