Virginia House-passed voter ID, other changes head to Senate for consideration

It gets old trying to discuss things with people who will not be honest. I claimed nothing other than the fact that I should not have to do anything extra to vote just the same as I've done since 1980.
If by "anything extra" you mean you have to show a driver's license that you already have with you because you drove to the poll, I don't think that's an undue burden.
Then stop defending every leftist always do, "non partisan"

You're not very observant

I'm defending my rights. That you can't actually address that means you have to resort to your canned arguments.
If by "anything extra" you mean you have to show a driver's license that you already have with you because you drove to the poll, I don't think that's an undue burden.

You have no idea whether I have a D.L. or not and even if I do, others do not. BTW, I can walk to my poling station as it's two blocks away.
I'm defending my rights. That you can't actually address that means you have to resort to your canned arguments.

Nothing wrong with showing valid ID to vote. In fact SCOTUS has ruled so

Whip it out or shut up you fake asshole

Nonconpoop: "crap she included content,. I can't scream for mod help"

We know
I am not a (D) or (R) and I'm not going to have to do anything extra to vote. I noted how they could provide an ID at the polling station but that wouldn't restrict anyone so, no go it seems.
And again (third time now), why do you assume that the people who won't have IDs are going to vote democrat?
You have no idea whether I have a D.L. or not and even if I do, others do not. BTW, I can walk to my poling station as it's two blocks away.
What's stopping you from getting a state supplied photo ID if you don't have a DL? And again, why do you assume it's democrats who will be stopped from voting?
It gets old trying to discuss things with people who will not be honest. I claimed nothing other than the fact that I should not have to do anything extra to vote just the same as I've done since 1980.
The real funny thing is that I have always had and kept a voter ID card issued by the state, ever since I registered to vote, but not only is it not asked for, it is not accepted as valid voter ID, under the law.
Nothing wrong with showing valid ID to vote. In fact SCOTUS has ruled so

Whip it out or shut up you fake asshole

Nonconpoop: "crap she included content,. I can't scream for mod help"

We know

My voters registration card is a valid voters ID.
And again (third time now), why do you assume that the people who won't have IDs are going to vote democrat?

I'm not assuming anything. I never mentioned any voter in particular. My position goes for anyone.
The real funny thing is that I have always had and kept a voter ID card issued by the state, ever since I registered to vote, but not only is it not asked for, it is not accepted as valid voter ID, under the law.

Odd, I always use mine.
Odd, I always use mine.
Here they never ask, though I have always kept it, plasticizing it, myself as my wallets have always been prone to getting wet in rivers. It will not allow me to vote here. I must show a government picture ID card, of which I have a variety.

The Virginia House of Delegates passed a voter identification bill and several other bills that would change voting rules in the commonwealth, which will now head to the Senate for consideration.

Each of the bills narrowly passed on 52-48 party-line votes with every Republican supporting the measures and every Democrat opposing the measures. The bills could have trouble getting through Senate committees or being passed on the Senate floor because Democrats narrowly control the Senate.

It will be interesting to see if the couple of semi-blue dog dems in the Virginia Senate will "play ball" in a effort to protect their seats in 2023.....Hope springs eternal.

Actually Democrats should take a lesson from 2 House Democrats who beat Republican incumbents in 2019 and won again in 2021. One was a Jewish Democrat who was the target of a anti-semitic Republican attack and a lesbian. They ran grassroots campaigns and went door to door and talked with voters. They increased their victory margins in 2021. That should be the blueprint for every Democrat campaign.
Actually Democrats should take a lesson from 2 House Democrats who beat Republican incumbents in 2019 and won again in 2021. One was a Jewish Democrat who was the target of a anti-semitic Republican attack and a lesbian. They ran grassroots campaigns and went door to door and talked with voters. They increased their victory margins in 2021. That should be the blueprint for every Democrat campaign.
Thankfully most are too lazy to put in the work.....They feel that they are owed their seat because.....Reasons.
There should be common sense obstacles placed in the way, such as verifying that you are eligible to vote. I mean, the right to free speech has common sense restrictions on it, the right to bear arms has common sense restrictions on it, none of the rights spelled out in the Constitution are held to be completely and totally absolute. Requiring an ID to vote a commonsense restriction.

Voters can sign a legal document stating this is who they are. Red states have had this in place over the years.

The Virginia House of Delegates passed a voter identification bill and several other bills that would change voting rules in the commonwealth, which will now head to the Senate for consideration.

Each of the bills narrowly passed on 52-48 party-line votes with every Republican supporting the measures and every Democrat opposing the measures. The bills could have trouble getting through Senate committees or being passed on the Senate floor because Democrats narrowly control the Senate.

It will be interesting to see if the couple of semi-blue dog dems in the Virginia Senate will "play ball" in a effort to protect their seats in 2023.....Hope springs eternal.
Where it will die.

All don't hail the empty red sweater.

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