Virginia Senate Passes Bill Scrapping Lee-Jackson Day As A State Holiday

There is no balance here. There is no Abraham Lincoln Parkway or Sherman Pike. There is even a statute of a confederate soldier at a major intersection, but no statute of a Union soldier. It's all one-half history, not history. Whoever was responsible for this wanted to glorify the creeps and nothing more.

Yep, that's the Cult of the Lost Cause. Responsible for all that revisionist-history mythology from "The Clansman" and "Birth of a Nation" to the hundreds of statues to "Gone With the Wind". Including school textbooks,

Only decent folks, people whom Americans can look up to, should be honored in public space. I am not of African heritage, but I wonder what Americans who are of African descent think when they look at this stuff, and how they explain it to their children. Alexandria had a thriving slave market, but there is no monument to those held captive and sold there.

That's exactly the point Wynton Marsalis made to the city's mayor when they were considering taking down Lost Cause monuments.

The point is well taken --- statues are not there to house "history", ergo it's not possible to "erase history" by their nonpresence. Statues and monuments are there to glorify. And that is what gets removed.

Brilliant speech by Mitch Landrieu. We are One People, United.

"we are one people, united" unless you disagree with us, then off to the gulags with you.

Tell me where these "gulags". Is someone dragging you out of your house? Where do you live? Who is doing this? Who is hurting you? Give some specifics. Where are you at? Who is coming to take you away?

Just because you can't do it just yet, doesn't mean you don't want to. Those Bernie supporters weren't outliers, it's how you SJW soi boi's actually think.

So this is not happening and you are lying. Nobody is coming to drag you out of your house and imprison you in a "gulag." You are mentally ill. Sit in your house with your family. Go to the house of worship of your choice. Pray as you wish to whomever you wish. You cannot identify anyone who is stopping you from doing these things. So why are you bitching?
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.


Should Arlington National Cemetery be closed and have those bodies removed?

Why am I asking this question?

The land was donated by Lee family, so why use land that once was owned by a Confederate General?
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.


Should Arlington National Cemetery be closed and have those bodies removed?

Why am I asking this question?

The land was donated by Lee family, so why use land that once was owned by a Confederate General?
That was the Lee family's choice. Robert, a son of the Lee family, then made a very bad decision.
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.


Should Arlington National Cemetery be closed and have those bodies removed?

Why am I asking this question?

The land was donated by Lee family, so why use land that once was owned by a Confederate General?
That was the Lee family's choice. Robert, a son of the Lee family, then made a very bad decision.

Did they?

Still, why use land of a Confederate General to bury our Soldiers on?

I mean in a way you are honoring Lee legacy...

Also when Lee fought in the Blue and Grey war it was more about State Rights vs Federal Government Rights and even back then Lincoln was not out to abolish Slavery in Slave States and only did it to punish the South Insurrection...
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.


Should Arlington National Cemetery be closed and have those bodies removed?

Why am I asking this question?

The land was donated by Lee family, so why use land that once was owned by a Confederate General?
That was the Lee family's choice. Robert, a son of the Lee family, then made a very bad decision.

Did they?

Still, why use land of a Confederate General to bury our Soldiers on?

I mean in a way you are honoring Lee legacy...

Also when Lee fought in the Blue and Grey war it was more about State Rights vs Federal Government Rights and even back then Lincoln was not out to abolish Slavery in Slave States and only did it to punish the South Insurrection...

Silly argument. I don't think that you can look back at history and guarantee that people held in bondage did not work that land. Really, grow up. The Lee family fortune was created by people who were held in slavery and did not share in the wealth that they created. We know Robert E. Lee's name, but we do not know the names of these others, whose labor was stolen.
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.
I think election day being a state holiday is more important than a holiday celebrating traitors...

I think election day should be a federal insures a higher voter turn out -- something that scares Republicans shit less...

Why should election day be a holiday if early voting is allowed?

One or the other, not both.

Better yet --- why should Election Day be on a friggin' Tuesday?

More eighteenth-century technology whose time passed generations ago.
At least one of the southern states is ashamed of its past.
Some still have a long way to go yet. Confederate memorial day?

These states are observing Confederate Memorial Day - CNN

Whelp -- I'm in Carolina and spent considerable time in Mississippi with my parents and other relatives, and I never heard of it until this board brought it up. Also the Wiki page about Virginia noted that several communities there stopped observing it a while ago. Looks like another quaint vestige of the past.
There is no balance here. There is no Abraham Lincoln Parkway or Sherman Pike. There is even a statute of a confederate soldier at a major intersection, but no statute of a Union soldier. It's all one-half history, not history. Whoever was responsible for this wanted to glorify the creeps and nothing more.

Yep, that's the Cult of the Lost Cause. Responsible for all that revisionist-history mythology from "The Clansman" and "Birth of a Nation" to the hundreds of statues to "Gone With the Wind". Including school textbooks,

Only decent folks, people whom Americans can look up to, should be honored in public space. I am not of African heritage, but I wonder what Americans who are of African descent think when they look at this stuff, and how they explain it to their children. Alexandria had a thriving slave market, but there is no monument to those held captive and sold there.

That's exactly the point Wynton Marsalis made to the city's mayor when they were considering taking down Lost Cause monuments.

The point is well taken --- statues are not there to house "history", ergo it's not possible to "erase history" by their nonpresence. Statues and monuments are there to glorify. And that is what gets removed.

Brilliant speech by Mitch Landrieu. We are One People, United.

"we are one people, united" unless you disagree with us, then off to the gulags with you.

Tell me where these "gulags". Is someone dragging you out of your house? Where do you live? Who is doing this? Who is hurting you? Give some specifics. Where are you at? Who is coming to take you away?

Just because you can't do it just yet, doesn't mean you don't want to. Those Bernie supporters weren't outliers, it's how you SJW soi boi's actually think.

"Soi boi is"?

Hard to do, four fuckups in three words. That's efficient.

RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.
I think election day being a state holiday is more important than a holiday celebrating traitors...

I think election day should be a federal insures a higher voter turn out -- something that scares Republicans shit less...

Why should election day be a holiday if early voting is allowed?

One or the other, not both.

Better yet --- why should Election Day be on a friggin' Tuesday?

More eighteenth-century technology whose time passed generations ago.

Having elections on a Tuesday is ridiculous. They should be held on weekend days when most are available. Also, no one should be purging voter rolls. To the contrary, more efforts should be made to make sure that everyone eligible to vote is enrolled and votes. These "conservatives" who don't want eligible people to vote are disgusting. They are enemies of democracy.
Yep, that's the Cult of the Lost Cause. Responsible for all that revisionist-history mythology from "The Clansman" and "Birth of a Nation" to the hundreds of statues to "Gone With the Wind". Including school textbooks,

That's exactly the point Wynton Marsalis made to the city's mayor when they were considering taking down Lost Cause monuments.

The point is well taken --- statues are not there to house "history", ergo it's not possible to "erase history" by their nonpresence. Statues and monuments are there to glorify. And that is what gets removed.

Brilliant speech by Mitch Landrieu. We are One People, United.

"we are one people, united" unless you disagree with us, then off to the gulags with you.

Tell me where these "gulags". Is someone dragging you out of your house? Where do you live? Who is doing this? Who is hurting you? Give some specifics. Where are you at? Who is coming to take you away?

Just because you can't do it just yet, doesn't mean you don't want to. Those Bernie supporters weren't outliers, it's how you SJW soi boi's actually think.

So this is not happening and you are lying. Nobody is coming to drag you out of your house and imprison you in a "gulag." You are mentally ill. Sit in your house with your family. Go to the house of worship of your choice. Pray as you wish to whomever you wish. You cannot identify anyone who is stopping you from doing these things. So why are you bitching?


That is the mentality of the SJW left. Just restricting guns will not be enough for them. SJW leftists need complete submission before they are remotely satisfied.

Sorry, I am looking long term here, something lefties like you reverently hope people will not do.
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.
I think election day being a state holiday is more important than a holiday celebrating traitors...

I think election day should be a federal insures a higher voter turn out -- something that scares Republicans shit less...

Why should election day be a holiday if early voting is allowed?

One or the other, not both.

Better yet --- why should Election Day be on a friggin' Tuesday?

More eighteenth-century technology whose time passed generations ago.

Better a weekday than a weekend. if you want to go with one day voting you want mass transit and other things to be on a weekday schedule.
Good luck getting transit unions to agree to that though.
Yep, that's the Cult of the Lost Cause. Responsible for all that revisionist-history mythology from "The Clansman" and "Birth of a Nation" to the hundreds of statues to "Gone With the Wind". Including school textbooks,

That's exactly the point Wynton Marsalis made to the city's mayor when they were considering taking down Lost Cause monuments.

The point is well taken --- statues are not there to house "history", ergo it's not possible to "erase history" by their nonpresence. Statues and monuments are there to glorify. And that is what gets removed.

Brilliant speech by Mitch Landrieu. We are One People, United.

"we are one people, united" unless you disagree with us, then off to the gulags with you.

Tell me where these "gulags". Is someone dragging you out of your house? Where do you live? Who is doing this? Who is hurting you? Give some specifics. Where are you at? Who is coming to take you away?

Just because you can't do it just yet, doesn't mean you don't want to. Those Bernie supporters weren't outliers, it's how you SJW soi boi's actually think.

"Soi boi is"?

Hard to do, four fuckups in three words. That's efficient.


Engineer, not an english major.
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.
I think election day being a state holiday is more important than a holiday celebrating traitors...

I think election day should be a federal insures a higher voter turn out -- something that scares Republicans shit less...

Why should election day be a holiday if early voting is allowed?

One or the other, not both.

Better yet --- why should Election Day be on a friggin' Tuesday?

More eighteenth-century technology whose time passed generations ago.

Having elections on a Tuesday is ridiculous. They should be held on weekend days when most are available. Also, no one should be purging voter rolls. To the contrary, more efforts should be made to make sure that everyone eligible to vote is enrolled and votes. These "conservatives" who don't want eligible people to vote are disgusting. They are enemies of democracy.

Weekends have limited mass transit, and getting people out to vote during them when they have more fun things to do would be difficult.

Voting should be on a weekday, and the weekday should be a partial holiday, with only government workers required for transit and voting exempt.
And voting should be only one day, with temp ballots and absentee ballots due on election day, and not sent more than 5 days before the election.
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.

Good. The whole nation should have that day as a holiday so that it's easier to vote.
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill that would scrap the state's Lee-Jackson holiday, celebrating two Confederate generals, has passed the Virginia Senate. Governor Ralph Northam has also proposed to make Election Day a state holiday so that every Virginian has the time and opportunity to cast their ballot.

Senate votes to scrap Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, make Election Day state holiday

Times are changing fast boys and girls.
I think election day being a state holiday is more important than a holiday celebrating traitors...

I think election day should be a federal insures a higher voter turn out -- something that scares Republicans shit less...

Why should election day be a holiday if early voting is allowed?

One or the other, not both.

Better yet --- why should Election Day be on a friggin' Tuesday?

More eighteenth-century technology whose time passed generations ago.

Better a weekday than a weekend. if you want to go with one day voting you want mass transit and other things to be on a weekday schedule.
Good luck getting transit unions to agree to that though.

"Mass transit"? :laughing0301:

You're suddenly concerned about the city vote now?
Brilliant speech by Mitch Landrieu. We are One People, United.

"we are one people, united" unless you disagree with us, then off to the gulags with you.

Tell me where these "gulags". Is someone dragging you out of your house? Where do you live? Who is doing this? Who is hurting you? Give some specifics. Where are you at? Who is coming to take you away?

Just because you can't do it just yet, doesn't mean you don't want to. Those Bernie supporters weren't outliers, it's how you SJW soi boi's actually think.

"Soi boi is"?

Hard to do, four fuckups in three words. That's efficient.


Engineer, not an english major.

Language IS engineering. And not all of them are linguistic anyway. For one thing the poster you addressed is female.

Oh btw I'm an engineer too. They're not mutually exclusive. Matter of fact I never pursued English as a course. Other languages but not English. Wasn't necessary.
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