Virus Panic Crowd: Stop Citing Italy. The Numbers are Skewed.

The article shows you are completely wrong........and you continue to state the obvious lie......with the article in the same thread....

you really are F*****g stupid...

Point was, we had a Pandemic Response Team. Then Trump and the weird Mustache got there, and we don't now.

Not only is Italy's population significantly older, sicker and more dense than ours in the US, but the way they report death in hospitals is different than ours.

Except in isolated, urban areas where the virus is very bad, America needs to get back to work and school, and we need to do it SOON. Before the economy cannot be fixed!

But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?

Also....they have a huge Chinese migrant population.......due to their allowing China to buy up real estate in their country.....the region where the outbreak is the worst is where the Chinese community lived.....and they frequently travel back and forth from China.....from the very area where the virus outbreak occurred.......

How did Trump "Crash the economy" Honey Boo Boo?

He ignored this crisis for months, called it a hoax, gave stupid orders, and dismantled the agencies to deal with it.

As 2aguy proved, he did not fire the pandemic team, he actually strengthened our response teams through reorganization.
click on times to hear the actual audio. He never declared it a hoax.
He never called the cirus a hoax. Never.-
Rev Transcription Editor

Donald Trump: (05:44)

We are stronger, we are better, but while we are building a great future, the radical left Democrats in Washington are trying to burn it all down. They have spent the last three years, and I can even go further than that, three years since the election, but we go before the election, working to erase your ballots and overthrow our democracy. But with your help, we have exposed the far left’s corruption and defeated their sinister schemes and let’s see what happens in the coming months. Let’s watch. Let’s just watch. Very dishonest people. Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right? Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

Donald Trump: (07:07)

One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was not a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.

December 31: China reports the discovery of the coronavirus to the World Health Organization.

January 6: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a travel notice for Wuhan, China due to the spreading coronavirus.

January 7: The CDC established a coronavirus incident management system to better share and respond to information about the virus.

January 11: The CDC issued a Level I travel health notice for Wuhan, China.

January 17: The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at the 3 U.S. airports that received the most travelers from Wuhan – San Francisco, New York JFK, and Los Angeles.

January 20: Dr. Fauci announces the National Institutes of Health is already working on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus.

January 21: The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to the coronavirus response.

January 23: The CDC sought a “special emergency authorization” from the FDA to allow states to use its newly developed coronavirus test.

January 27: The CDC issued a level III travel health notice urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to China due to the coronavirus.

January 29: The White House announced the formation of the Coronavirus Task Force to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the president.

January 31: The Trump Administration:
  • Declared the coronavirus a public health emergency.
  • Announced Chinese travel restrictions.
  • Suspended entry into the United States for foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the coronavirus.

January 31: The Department of Homeland Security took critical steps to funnel all flights from China into just 7 domestic U.S. airports.

February 3: The CDC had a team ready to travel to China to obtain critical information on the novel coronavirus, but were in the U.S. awaiting permission to enter by the Chinese government.

February 4: President Trump vowed in his State of the Union Address to “take all necessary steps” to protect Americans from the coronavirus.

February 6: The CDC began shipping CDC-Developed test kits for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus to U.S. and international labs.

February 9: The White House Coronavirus Task Force briefed governors from across the nation at the National Governors’ Association Meeting in Washington.

February 11: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) expanded a partnership with Janssen Research & Development to “expedite the development” of a coronavirus vaccine.
Not only is Italy's population significantly older, sicker and more dense than ours in the US, but the way they report death in hospitals is different than ours.

Except in isolated, urban areas where the virus is very bad, America needs to get back to work and school, and we need to do it SOON. Before the economy cannot be fixed!

But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?

Also....they have a huge Chinese migrant population.......due to their allowing China to buy up real estate in their country.....the region where the outbreak is the worst is where the Chinese community lived.....and they frequently travel back and forth from China.....from the very area where the virus outbreak occurred.......


Iran And Italy Are Paying A Hefty Price For Ties With Communist China

The reason these two countries are suffering the most outside China is mainly due to their close ties with Beijing, primarily through the “One Belt and One Road” (OBOR) initiative.

OBOR is Beijing’s foreign policy play disguised as infrastructure investment. Here’s how it works: China and country X agree to do an infrastructure project in country X. Country X has to borrow from a Chinese bank to finance the project. A contract is always awarded to Chinese companies, which then bring supplies and Chinese employees to country X to build the project. Clearly, the country that benefits most from this initiative is China.

As part of the deal, Italy opened an array of sectors to Chinese investment, from infrastructure to transportation, including letting Chinese state-owned companies hold a stake in four major Italian ports. The deal gave communist China a foothold in the heart of Europe, but Conte downplayed it as “no big deal at all.”

Lombardy and Tuscany are the two regions that saw the most Chinese investment. Nearly a year later, the first Wuhan coronavirus infection case in Italy was reported in the Lombardy region on Feb. 21. Today, Italy is experiencing the worst coronavirus outbreak outside China, and Lombardy is the hardest-hit region in the country.
As 2aguy proved, he did not fire the pandemic team, he actually strengthened our response teams through reorganization.
click on times to hear the actual audio. He never declared it a hoax.
He never called the cirus a hoax. Never.-

Yes, he called it a hoax.

Yes, he disbanded the Pandemic Response Team.


Yes, he called it a hoax.

Yes, he disbanded the Pandemic Response Team.

Both of those are lies......easily shown to be lies......since I linked to a Washington Post article, twice, in this thread showing he didn't disband that team........
This thread is not about Donald Trump.

Of course it is.

It's about your morbid fear that after three years of excusing every attrocity with 'Hey, look at the economy", now that the economy has been wrecked, you are looking for other people to blame.

We knew in December this was going to be bad. Trump did nothing until March. Here we are. Locked in our homes...
Don't miss this too: the mayor of Florence actually encouraged Italians to hug Chinese people wearing masks Because Racism. Yes, wonderful Social Distancing. I'm sure all the Virus Shamers here are nevertheless in favor of that right?

Both of those are lies......easily shown to be lies......since I linked to a Washington Post article, twice, in this thread showing he didn't disband that team.......

Sorry, where was the Pandemic Response Team again? Oh, that's right, we didn't have one.


The structure survived during the early part of Trump’s presidency, when the office was headed by Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer. But, after John Bolton became Trump’s third national security adviser, he decided the organizational chart was a mess and led to too many conflicts. He also thought the staff was too large, having swollen to 430 people, including staffers in the pipeline.

Bolton fired Tom Bossert, the homeland security adviser, realigning the post to report directly to him. He eliminated a number of deputy national security advisers so there was just one. And he folded the global health directorate into a new one that focused on counterproliferation and biodefense.

Ziemer departed for a high-level post in the U.S. Agency for International Development, though a former administration official said he was due to leave the NSC anyway. His staff, whom Ziemer had called “the dream team,” remained in place.

Bolton thought there was obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense, the former official said, saying the epidemiology of a biological health emergency is very similar to a bioterrorism attack.

Morrison, who headed the combined office beginning in July 2018, was named a deputy assistant to the president and thus had more bureaucratic clout than Ziemer, who was only a senior director.

Each directorate is housed in its own “vault,” so to speak, so classified information can be left on a person’s desk overnight. “Having those people in the same vault means that they don’t have to walk out of the office, walk down the hall, knock on the door to have someone let them in,” another former administration official said, allowing for easier communication among staff members. A number of major projects that had been stalled in bureaucratic fights, such as a National Biodefense Strategy, finally were completed after the reorganization.

“I did not feel a change” in focus, said a third former administration official, who had worked under Ziemer at the NSC. Bolton “was very dedicated to the issues we had been working on.”

As far as we can determine, the positions that made up the old unit still are filled within the NSC, most in the nonproliferation directorate; one was moved to another directorate. Morrison worked closely with Bolton and could get things quickly to his attention; he eventually moved to a different position and then left the government.

“During the summer of 2018, NSC merged three directorates into one to reduce the seam between those preparing for biological threats whether they are man-made or naturally occurring,” said NSC spokesman John Ullyot. “No director-level positions were eliminated during this process, and the organization retained its subject matter expertise under a different organizational structure.” He added that under Bolton’s replacement, Robert C. O’Brien, “no NSC biodefense director positions were eliminated under right-sizing.”
The structure survived during the early part of Trump’s presidency, when the office was headed by Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer. But, after John Bolton became Trump’s third national security adviser, he decided the organizational chart was a mess and led to too many conflicts. He also thought the staff was too large, having swollen to 430 people, including staffers in the pipeline.

Bolton fired Tom Bossert, the homeland security adviser, realigning the post to report directly to him. He eliminated a number of deputy national security advisers so there was just one. And he folded the global health directorate into a new one that focused on counterproliferation and biodefense.

Yes- HE GOT RID OF THE PANDEMIC RESPONSE TEAM! That's the whole fucking point, stupid.

Bolton, being the kind of person who thinks there's a commie and an Muslim making out under his bed, never could get his tiny mind around that a pandemic MIGHT occur naturally, and just didn't consider it a big deal.

Not only is Italy's population significantly older, sicker and more dense than ours in the US, but the way they report death in hospitals is different than ours.

Except in isolated, urban areas where the virus is very bad, America needs to get back to work and school, and we need to do it SOON. Before the economy cannot be fixed!

But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?
Plus Italy has the euro version of Medicare For All that America is not yet cursed with

There might be hope. My Dem gov, who was one of the first to close all schools, bars and restaurants state-wide, still has not pulled the trigger on a "stay at home" plan. Nor should this happen, as cases are most confined to urban areas.

This is a good sign that maybe even thick-headed Dems are seeing that the economic devastation is not worth the "safety measures"

uh-huh - - - that's right - 'cause there aren't any cars or mass transit that will transport infected persons from one part of a state to another part of the state or another state altogether ...

that germ can stay active & alive & very much contagious on surfaces up to 3 days. soooooooooooo............ someone who coughed - spraying spittle, or sneezed snot on - say a restaurant chair or any given door handle or a corner of the bar days b4, can transmit it to someone a day - 2 days - 3 days later who picks that germ up, bringing it home or work, & then exposing others.
Last edited:
Not only is Italy's population significantly older, sicker and more dense than ours in the US, but the way they report death in hospitals is different than ours.

Except in isolated, urban areas where the virus is very bad, America needs to get back to work and school, and we need to do it SOON. Before the economy cannot be fixed!

But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?
Plus Italy has the euro version of Medicare For All that America is not yet cursed with

There might be hope. My Dem gov, who was one of the first to close all schools, bars and restaurants state-wide, still has not pulled the trigger on a "stay at home" plan. Nor should this happen, as cases are most confined to urban areas.

This is a good sign that maybe even thick-headed Dems are seeing that the economic devastation is not worth the "safety measures"

uh-huh - - - that's right - 'cause there aren't any cars or mass transit that will transport infected persons from one part of a state to another part of the state or another state altogether ...

that germ can stay active & alive & very much contagious on surfaces up to 3 days. soooooooooooo............ someone who coughed spraying spittle or sneezed snot on - say a restaurant chair or any given door handle or a corner of the bar days b4 can still pick that germ up, bringing it home or work, exposing others.


Still not worth entirely crashing our economy for.

After this 15 days is up, believe me--the majority of Americans will agree.
As 2aguy proved, he did not fire the pandemic team, he actually strengthened our response teams through reorganization.
click on times to hear the actual audio. He never declared it a hoax.
He never called the cirus a hoax. Never.-

Yes, he called it a hoax.

Yes, he disbanded the Pandemic Response Team.

No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
The structure survived during the early part of Trump’s presidency, when the office was headed by Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer. But, after John Bolton became Trump’s third national security adviser, he decided the organizational chart was a mess and led to too many conflicts. He also thought the staff was too large, having swollen to 430 people, including staffers in the pipeline.

Bolton fired Tom Bossert, the homeland security adviser, realigning the post to report directly to him. He eliminated a number of deputy national security advisers so there was just one. And he folded the global health directorate into a new one that focused on counterproliferation and biodefense.

Yes- HE GOT RID OF THE PANDEMIC RESPONSE TEAM! That's the whole fucking point, stupid.

Bolton, being the kind of person who thinks there's a commie and an Muslim making out under his bed, never could get his tiny mind around that a pandemic MIGHT occur naturally, and just didn't consider it a big deal.

View attachment 314021

Again.....try reading slowly, sounding out the will help with your reading comprehension.......

The structure survived during the early part of Trump’s presidency, when the office was headed by Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer. But, after John Bolton became Trump’s third national security adviser, he decided the organizational chart was a mess and led to too many conflicts. He also thought the staff was too large, having swollen to 430 people, including staffers in the pipeline.

Bolton fired Tom Bossert, the homeland security adviser, realigning the post to report directly to him. He eliminated a number of deputy national security advisers so there was just one. And he folded the global health directorate into a new one that focused on counterproliferation and biodefense.

Ziemer departed for a high-level post in the U.S. Agency for International Development, though a former administration official said he was due to leave the NSC anyway. His staff, whom Ziemer had called “the dream team,” remained in place.

Bolton thought there was obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense, the former official said, saying the epidemiology of a biological health emergency is very similar to a bioterrorism attack.

Morrison, who headed the combined office beginning in July 2018, was named a deputy assistant to the president and thus had more bureaucratic clout than Ziemer, who was only a senior director.

Each directorate is housed in its own “vault,” so to speak, so classified information can be left on a person’s desk overnight. “Having those people in the same vault means that they don’t have to walk out of the office, walk down the hall, knock on the door to have someone let them in,” another former administration official said, allowing for easier communication among staff members. A number of major projects that had been stalled in bureaucratic fights, such as a National Biodefense Strategy, finally were completed after the reorganization.

“I did not feel a change” in focus, said a third former administration official, who had worked under Ziemer at the NSC. Bolton “was very dedicated to the issues we had been working on.”

As far as we can determine, the positions that made up the old unit still are filled within the NSC, most in the nonproliferation directorate; one was moved to another directorate. Morrison worked closely with Bolton and could get things quickly to his attention; he eventually moved to a different position and then left the government.

“During the summer of 2018, NSC merged three directorates into one to reduce the seam between those preparing for biological threats whether they are man-made or naturally occurring,” said NSC spokesman John Ullyot. “No director-level positions were eliminated during this process, and the organization retained its subject matter expertise under a different organizational structure.” He added that under Bolton’s replacement, Robert C. O’Brien, “no NSC biodefense director positions were eliminated under right-sizing.”

Moron, he didn't ignore the crises for months and stopped Travel to china immediately......and the democrats said he was being a racist and a xenophobe for doing the time....

you moron.

He was being a racist and xenophobe. That action probably made matters worse, as all the Americans living and working in China rushed back in a panic and weren't screened or isolated when they came back.

But as recently as March 9, Trump was bragging about how we were beating this thing and how good the stock market was doing.


Trump is done, buddy. .

donny is quoted saying ' we have TREMENDOUS control '.
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.

Still not worth entirely crashing our economy for.

After this 15 days is up, believe me--the majority of Americans will agree.

If we get past the next 15 days, it will be because local officials ignored Trump's sloth and took action.

Again.....try reading slowly, sounding out the will help with your reading comprehension.......

Uh, guy, we had a Pandemic Response Team before Trump got there. It's how we dealt with all the threats that happened under Obama.

Now we don't have one, and this shit is going down.


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