Virus Panic Crowd: Stop Citing Italy. The Numbers are Skewed.

Iran And Italy Are Paying A Hefty Price For Ties With Communist China

The reason these two countries are suffering the most outside China is mainly due to their close ties with Beijing, primarily through the “One Belt and One Road” (OBOR) initiative.

OBOR is Beijing’s foreign policy play disguised as infrastructure investment. Here’s how it works: China and country X agree to do an infrastructure project in country X. Country X has to borrow from a Chinese bank to finance the project. A contract is always awarded to Chinese companies, which then bring supplies and Chinese employees to country X to build the project. Clearly, the country that benefits most from this initiative is China.

As part of the deal, Italy opened an array of sectors to Chinese investment, from infrastructure to transportation, including letting Chinese state-owned companies hold a stake in four major Italian ports. The deal gave communist China a foothold in the heart of Europe, but Conte downplayed it as “no big deal at all.”

Lombardy and Tuscany are the two regions that saw the most Chinese investment. Nearly a year later, the first Wuhan coronavirus infection case in Italy was reported in the Lombardy region on Feb. 21. Today, Italy is experiencing the worst coronavirus outbreak outside China, and Lombardy is the hardest-hit region in the country.

And the many many other countries that have been working very closely with China as part of this wide-ranging infrastructure program? You may be mistaking correlation for causation.

Belt and Road: past, present and future

Iran for example? I didn't say it was the only is one of a few reason Italy is suffering...and shouldn't be used to compare to the U.S. .....

1) 2nd Oldest population in the world. Only Japan has an older population.

2) Heavy smoking population.

3) Poorly functioning government.

4) Poorly functioning single payer healthcare system.
And its overrun with wuhan chinese

Made in Italy, by Chinese workers | Pictures | Reuters

Will Italy be Overrun by Chinese Workers? EU Minimum Wages Compared with China's Belt and Road Contractors - Silk Road Briefing

And all the other countries where there have been lots of Chinese workers?

And what constitutes “overrun”?
And the many many other countries that have been working very closely with China as part of this wide-ranging infrastructure program? You may be mistaking correlation for causation.

Belt and Road: past, present and future

Iran for example? I didn't say it was the only is one of a few reason Italy is suffering...and shouldn't be used to compare to the U.S. .....

1) 2nd Oldest population in the world. Only Japan has an older population.

2) Heavy smoking population.

3) Poorly functioning government.

4) Poorly functioning single payer healthcare system.
And its overrun with wuhan chinese

Made in Italy, by Chinese workers | Pictures | Reuters

Will Italy be Overrun by Chinese Workers? EU Minimum Wages Compared with China's Belt and Road Contractors - Silk Road Briefing

And all the other countries where there have been lots of Chinese workers?

And what constitutes “overrun”?

Iran for example? I didn't say it was the only is one of a few reason Italy is suffering...and shouldn't be used to compare to the U.S. .....

1) 2nd Oldest population in the world. Only Japan has an older population.

2) Heavy smoking population.

3) Poorly functioning government.

4) Poorly functioning single payer healthcare system.
And the many many other countries that have been working very closely with China as part of this wide-ranging infrastructure program? You may be mistaking correlation for causation.

Belt and Road: past, present and future

Iran for example? I didn't say it was the only is one of a few reason Italy is suffering...and shouldn't be used to compare to the U.S. .....

1) 2nd Oldest population in the world. Only Japan has an older population.

2) Heavy smoking population.

3) Poorly functioning government.

4) Poorly functioning single payer healthcare system.
And its overrun with wuhan chinese

Made in Italy, by Chinese workers | Pictures | Reuters

Will Italy be Overrun by Chinese Workers? EU Minimum Wages Compared with China's Belt and Road Contractors - Silk Road Briefing

And all the other countries where there have been lots of Chinese workers?

And what constitutes “overrun”?
Iran is closely linked to china also and its dying from the wuhan virus only slightly slower than italy
Neither was Trump when he declared a public national emergency and banned travel from China in Jan 31st. Joe Biden called him a xenophobe while Democrats pushed a bogus impeachment. Meanwhile the President was already getting updates from the CDC and taking action in January. If Biden was in charge we'd look like Italy right now.

He was a Xenophobe. He forced thousands of people to rush back here into crowded airports to beat his travel ban, and that spread the infection.

We'll be worse off than Italy in two weeks...

No he didn't. Liberal news outlets incorrectly reported on the travel ban. It never included American citizens trying to get home. I'm sure you're hoping the US is worse than Italy. Can you be anymore transparent on your hate for America and it's citizens?
Iran for example? I didn't say it was the only is one of a few reason Italy is suffering...and shouldn't be used to compare to the U.S. .....

1) 2nd Oldest population in the world. Only Japan has an older population.

2) Heavy smoking population.

3) Poorly functioning government.

4) Poorly functioning single payer healthcare system.
And its overrun with wuhan chinese

Made in Italy, by Chinese workers | Pictures | Reuters

Will Italy be Overrun by Chinese Workers? EU Minimum Wages Compared with China's Belt and Road Contractors - Silk Road Briefing

And all the other countries where there have been lots of Chinese workers?

And what constitutes “overrun”?
Iran is closely linked to china also and its dying from the wuhan virus only slightly slower than italy

And all the other countries closely linked to China?
They can get medical care in America also

but thanks to the private sector we have better hospitals

also italy is chinas first bitch in europe and has a large number of chinese living and working there

Again, we are going to surpass Italy in the number of Covid-19 cases pretty soon. Up to 26K this morning.
Yeah, you’re a democrat. Totally math-challenged.
Look at rate. Have a non-democrat explain it to you.
Iran is closely linked to china also and its dying from the wuhan virus only slightly slower than italy

And all the other countries closely linked to China?
NOt as close as italy

although the west coast and NYC are pretty closely tied to china also

and they have high rates of infection also
They would had come up with a “plan” to screen people, but not actually screen people.

That’s exactly what I said the CDC does, they “plan” and give recommendations. They don’t do very much of anything to prevent an outbreak or immediately contain it.

There was no “test” for the US to use from WHO. All they did was tell countries to test people. We developed our own testing just like most other countries.

Stop watching Fox News, it's making you stupid.

WHO had a test. Trump refused to use it.

Trump health officials deny that US rejected WHO diagnostic test

The WHO test, which adopted a German test as its model, was developed soon after Chinese researchers publicly posted the genome of the coronavirus in January. It shipped millions of tests to countries around the world, but generally only those without the capability to develop their own.

The U.S. developed its own test around the same time, but manufacturing and quality control issues soon set it well behind the WHO.
No he didn't. Liberal news outlets incorrectly reported on the travel ban. It never included American citizens trying to get home.

No, but you are an American, you are going to wait for the ban to go into effect.

Okay, check this out, dummy. We stop people from flying in on Tuesday. After Tuesday, MAYBE you can get a flight, but they were will be a lot less of them.

I'm sure you're hoping the US is worse than Italy. Can you be anymore transparent on your hate for America and it's citizens?

I'm a realist. Trump fucked this up so badly, WE KNOW it's going to be worse. Sometimes you reap what you sow. We knew for 4 years Trump was unfit for office. Now it's costing us. Maybe next time we'll take the problem seriously.
Iran is closely linked to china also and its dying from the wuhan virus only slightly slower than italy

And all the other countries closely linked to China?
NOt as close as italy


Several much more closely, Captain Transparent.
Even the huffington post has heard of the chinese invasion of italy

This Is China, Not Italy | HuffPost

“Invasion!” “Overrun!”

Do you really think the true motivation for using these hysterical, loaded terms isn’t perfectly clear?
I hope its clear


What it really stems from is perfectly clear.
Enlighten us oh liberal one

Who are you talking to?
How did Trump "Crash the economy" Honey Boo Boo?

He ignored this crisis for months, called it a hoax, gave stupid orders, and dismantled the agencies to deal with it.


He called it a hoax? Proof? Not what snopes says:

Did President Trump Refer to the Coronavirus as a 'Hoax'?

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax."
Even the huffington post has heard of the chinese invasion of italy

This Is China, Not Italy | HuffPost

“Invasion!” “Overrun!”

Do you really think the true motivation for using these hysterical, loaded terms isn’t perfectly clear?
I hope its clear


What it really stems from is perfectly clear.
Enlighten us oh liberal one

Who are you talking to?

you are hinting at something so just say it
Iran is closely linked to china also and its dying from the wuhan virus only slightly slower than italy

And all the other countries closely linked to China?
NOt as close as italy


Several much more closely, Captain Transparent.
You may not know that italy is VERY closely tied to china through trade, chinese workers and the Belt And Road Initiative

it is quite dependent on china

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