Virus Panic Crowd: Stop Citing Italy. The Numbers are Skewed.

Plus Italy has the euro version of Medicare For All that America is not yet cursed with

You mean people can actually GET into a hospital, even if they are poor?
Noone is denied here, if they are sick. But here is Italy for you-

Medical personnel works inside one of the emergency structures that were set up to ease procedures outside the hospital of Brescia, Northern Italy, Tuesday, March 10, 2020. For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. (Claudio Furlan/LaPresse via AP)(Claudio Furlan/LaPresse/AP)

weeks ago, according to yer president - 'anybody who wants a test can have one ' & that was a lie.

weeks ago, according to the bible thumper - ' millions of tests will be available at the end of the week' that was a lie.
The “Bible thumper?”

Is it faith in God that chaps your ass?


i think that if anyone put out incorrect information it was the result of chaos not intentional deceit

first of all - i am a christian. but i also believe in science. real hard core factual science.

ya - the buble thumper - when he was governor of indiana wrote an op/ed declaring that tobacco & its use didn't kill.... & when it had an HIV outbreak, he closed down the one & only planned parenthood clinic that tested for the disease & when the EXPERTS were pleading for a needle exchange program to be implemented because the vast majority of the cases were from IV drug use - pence refused & instead wanted to 'pray on it'. when the numbers were still rising depite his draconian answer to combat it - he finally relented, signing an order for needle exchange & the numvbers immediatley started to go down.

I highly doubt you are actually a professing Christian but okay

lol... i see you didn't refudiate anything about the thumper..... thoughts & prayers suzy thoughts & prayers he & 'mother' weren't exposed....:113:

I know Trump occupies every one of your brain cells sweetheart but he doesn't mine. Notice the thread was SUPPOSED to be about COVID in Italy before those of you afflicted with TDS couldn't help yourselves

didn't you hear? a staff member of the thumper tested positive for COVID, so the VP & 'mother' were tested. we'll know in a couple days if they are ok ... you do know what TDS really stands for don't you?

trump devotion syndrome. you got it bad suze... these threads you have posted may not have trump in the title - but they are allllllllllll about donny, if you were honest. <---- HA!

anyhoo, it crystal clear all the whining you're doing & the back door defending of donny by saying the rest of us critical thinking bipeds that listen to the real experts & their science are overreacting; deep down you know donny won't survive this politically. he can't CONtrol the narrative with this shitstorm & it's his base that seem to be panicking over that.

you are still basically going with donny's 'hunch '. tell me Q-Q .... do you also believe president dotard is a stable genous too? :heehee:
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Iran is closely linked to china also and its dying from the wuhan virus only slightly slower than italy

And all the other countries closely linked to China?
NOt as close as italy


Several much more closely, Captain Transparent.
... italy is VERY closely tied to china through trade, ....

At least 65 nations could say the same.
Thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative italy has a special relationship with china

Thanks to the same initiative, so do many other nations. Try to use reason once in a while and not just your emotional hatred for Chinese people.

I have no hatred for Chinese people or any Asian people. .....

I wasn't responding to you.

I know I'm just making clear that I do think China actually does have responsibility in this because those markets are a hotbed for poor hygiene and food sanitation. I know South Koreans eat some different foods, if your comparison is American foods, which is fine. Just prepare them safely so we don't have viruses jumping from animals to humans.
I know I'm just making clear that I do think China actually does have responsibility in this because those markets are a hotbed for poor hygiene and food sanitation. I know South Koreans eat some different foods, if your comparison is American foods, which is fine. Just prepare them safely so we don't have viruses jumping from animals to humans.

How dare those poor people of color be poor people of color!
the chinese dictatorship is responsible for throwing the entire world into chaos and all you can do is cry phony tears chinese people
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.
Not only is Italy's population significantly older, sicker and more dense than ours in the US, but the way they report death in hospitals is different than ours.

Except in isolated, urban areas where the virus is very bad, America needs to get back to work and school, and we need to do it SOON. Before the economy cannot be fixed!

But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?
Plus Italy has the euro version of Medicare For All that America is not yet cursed with

There might be hope. My Dem gov, who was one of the first to close all schools, bars and restaurants state-wide, still has not pulled the trigger on a "stay at home" plan. Nor should this happen, as cases are most confined to urban areas.

This is a good sign that maybe even thick-headed Dems are seeing that the economic devastation is not worth the "safety measures"

My republican governor ordered our lockdown to start at midnight.

Henny Penny DeWine
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?
he’s not

democrats are insane with anti trump partisanship
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.
Trump led the world since America was the first country to ban flights from china
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.
Trump led the world since America was the first country to ban flights from china

i actually don't begrudge that. that was the only thing he did right in a timely manner, however- it was already here b4 he did that & everything else he has done ranges from sub par to cray cray lies.
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.

Then calling it the Trump virus is incorrect.
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Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.

Then it calling it the Trump virus is incorrect.

i wouldn't be too CONcerned about that - after all donny blaming a lot of things on other people & not taking responsibility for most of his actions far outweighs that attribution.
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.
Trump led the world since America was the first country to ban flights from china

i actually don't begrudge that. that was the only thing he did right in a timely manner, however- it was already here b4 he did that & everything else he has done ranges from sub par to cray cray lies.

What other countries banned flights from China before we did?
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?
If Trump isn't responsible for his incompetence why does he keeping lying?
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.

Then it calling it the Trump virus is incorrect.

i wouldn't be too CONcerned about that - after all donny blaming a lot of things on other people & not taking responsibility for most of his actions far outweighs that attribution.

Of course you wouldn't be too concerned about it since evidently you don't value accuracy more than you value political motives.

Good thing you're not president.
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.
Trump led the world since America was the first country to ban flights from china

i actually don't begrudge that. that was the only thing he did right in a timely manner, however- it was already here b4 he did that & everything else he has done ranges from sub par to cray cray lies.
It was all over the world thanks to china covering it up for 6 weeks
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?
If Trump isn't responsible for his incompetence why does he keeping lying?

Wait, you're the guy who defended naming the virus after someone who has no responsibility for its creation.

Why would you care about lying?
No he didn't. Liberal news outlets incorrectly reported on the travel ban. It never included American citizens trying to get home.

No, but you are an American, you are going to wait for the ban to go into effect.

Okay, check this out, dummy. We stop people from flying in on Tuesday. After Tuesday, MAYBE you can get a flight, but they were will be a lot less of them.

I'm sure you're hoping the US is worse than Italy. Can you be anymore transparent on your hate for America and it's citizens?

I'm a realist. Trump fucked this up so badly, WE KNOW it's going to be worse. Sometimes you reap what you sow. We knew for 4 years Trump was unfit for office. Now it's costing us. Maybe next time we'll take the problem seriously.

I'm a realist a well. We both know if Trump cured cancer tomorrow you would bitch and whine about that and call Trump a bigot for stealing people's cancer. Trump has done as well as any leader possibly could in this world wide crisis. But you lost the 2016 election to him so you will bash him every chance you get. You're not fooling anyone. This pandemic is exactly what Democrats needed to try and take Trump down. Russian collusion didn't work. Ukraine lies didn't work. Racism lies haven't worked. So here comes a world wide pandemic that is crippling the entire world. Let's pin this on Trump, right? You and people of your ilk are sick.
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.
Trump led the world since America was the first country to ban flights from china

i actually don't begrudge that. that was the only thing he did right in a timely manner, however- it was already here b4 he did that & everything else he has done ranges from sub par to cray cray lies.

What other countries banned flights from China before we did?
None that I know of
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.
Trump led the world since America was the first country to ban flights from china

i actually don't begrudge that. that was the only thing he did right in a timely manner, however- it was already here b4 he did that & everything else he has done ranges from sub par to cray cray lies.

What other countries banned flights from China before we did?
Trump's virus will eventually go away. There is a good chance it will lower and reduce Social Security rolls. Always look at the bright side.
It is not Trumps virus, goofball.

The USA will have far fewer deaths per capita than Europe or most major nations around the globe, and most of you Dimocrats obstructed his efforts to respond every step of the way.
Trump virus is the proper name for calling the virus Trump is responsible for. The only things that obstructed Trump's efforts were his ego and incompetence.

How is Trump responsible for this virus?

he's not responsible for the virus - only how it was incompetently handled from the start. it was too little, too late.
Trump led the world since America was the first country to ban flights from china

i actually don't begrudge that. that was the only thing he did right in a timely manner, however- it was already here b4 he did that & everything else he has done ranges from sub par to cray cray lies.

What other countries banned flights from China before we did?
Actually both were issued at or about the same time

i do remember the anti trumpers calling it racist so thank God trump was president instead of some politically correct liberal

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