‘Vitriolic coverage’: Study examines why Fox News viewers hate Obama

‘Vitriolic coverage’: Study examines why Fox News viewers hate Obama

Those who think the growing popularity of highly-partisan opinion shows is tearing the United States apart now have some empiric evidence on their side.

Research published in the September issue of Political Research Quarterly has found pundits on political opinion shows influence attitudes toward presidential candidates — and in a way that is entirely negative.

“An increasing number of Americans engage in selective exposure to ideologically consistent news sources. This fact has caused some scholars and pundits to worry that partisan news sources such as Fox News are making their audiences more polarized,” Glen Smith of the University of North Georgia and Kathleen Searles of Augusta State University wrote in their study.

The researchers found Fox News viewers became more favorable of McCain and less favorable of Obama over the course of the 2008 presidential election. Both Fox’s news programs and opinion shows made viewers more favorable of McCain and less favorable of Obama, but the effect was stronger for those who watched the opinion shows. The study also found MSNBC’s opinion shows had the converse effect, viewers became more favorable of Obama and less favorable of McCain.

this one sided study was from 2008.

Why does every other channel fluff obama non-stop?

b/c they are ordered to. that's why, to morons, fox is constantly attacking obama, when in reality, all of them should be crushing obama.

but liberals are cowards, so....
Hazenut seems to be a prime example why the GOP hates uneducated liberal, mainly because the are so disingenuous and full of irrational hate.
Fox & Friends doles out a daily wheel barrel full of hate for the retards who watch them. Losing the 2012 election was the best thing to happen to MurdochTV. Gives them the hate & fear to peddle that their viewers crave. whats their demographic again? :lol: White males over 60 yrs?
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If these right wingers can't lie, they just aren't happy. It's a lack of honor. They don't care they have no honor because they don't know what honor means.
A news outlet holding the administration accountable? The nerve!!

Truth is, that's what news organizations are supposed to do.
poor ObamaBots, they see their Dear leader falling down and can't get up..

so they have to try and LIFT him up with a bunch of whiny Studies
Hazelnut seems to think that the media is supposed to carry Obama's water, and one outlet refuses to do so therefore they're preaching hate against his dear leader.

If hazelnut's mind was any simpler, he'd be an actual hazelnut.
Stay on topic people, this is about Fox making people more hateful and stupid.

No. The study you quote said that partisan shows have a tendancy to play to a partisan audience. Duh. MSNBC has the EXACT same affect as watching some of the commentators on Fox such as Hannity, only their audience is decidely LIBERAL. Duh, again.

Absolute, 100%, FAIL. People watch Fox News because they were tired of getting the liberal line spoon fed to them day after day. When Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley and others were on, you NEVER knew their politcal views. They gave the news, period. You can't find that now anywhere. So, if I have got to listen to someone tell me the news with their political viewpoint, I'm going to seek out one that more closely resembles mine.

I watch Fox News. I watch Bill O'Reilly. I've read some of your posts, and if Fox news makes people more hateful and stupid, you must watch it 24 - 7.
Fox has a self selecting audience.

They come to FOX because they know that what they want to hear, their basic values, will not be challenged there.
Fox has a self selecting audience.

They come to FOX because they know that what they want to hear, their basic values, will not be challenged there.

I see your dishonesty is intact.

Fox always has a liberal offering an opposing point of view.
poor ObamaBots, they see their Dear leader falling down and can't get up..

so they have to try and LIFT him up with a bunch of whiny Studies

Yea, "studies" are whiny. Like "research" and "education". Unneeded and "whiny". Unlike you.
here's the left on fox news

someone should do a study on why liberalism is a MENTAL DISORDER in how they can HATE a news stations and the people who watch it, and actually not be embarrassed to post it for ALL TO SEE...lol
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