Vivek Ramaswamy interview with Stossel

What violent attack on the Capital? Unarmed citizens were allowed in by capital police. You keep on pushing this myth of an insurrection when most of us realize that it wasn't. Quit bringing up the constitution as you have no clue what it is. How about the unarmed woman killed in cold blood?
You know what violent attack. Don't play stupid as most of us watched it on TV as it played out. My understanding, is superior to yours, most any day. What about her. Would she have died, if not defying the order to stay out and not breach the doors, she and others had just smashed in, and kept coming when ordered to stop, with the follow on violent mob at her back? No. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I guess she could not believe they meant it, or she was not entitled to ignore. Strange how the follow on attackers seemed to determine it best they not continue the assault. She probably saved many lives.
You know what violent attack. Don't play stupid as most of us watched it on TV as it played out. My understanding, is superior to yours, most any day. What about her. Would she have died, if not defying the order to stay out and not breach the doors, she and others had just smashed in, and kept coming when ordered to stop, with the follow on violent mob at her back? No. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I guess she could not believe they meant it, or she was not entitled to ignore. Strange how the follow on attackers seemed to determine it best they not continue the assault. She probably saved many lives.
Your understanding is not superior to mine. You just parrot the talking points of most liberals. I guess you consider unarmed citizens a threat. Babbitt didn't try to smash down any doors and was just standing in the hall when a cowardly security guard murdered her. That shitbag should be brought to justice but is being protected by our corrupt DOJ.
Your understanding is not superior to mine. You just parrot the talking points of most liberals. I guess you consider unarmed citizens a threat. Babbitt didn't try to smash down any doors and was just standing in the hall when a cowardly security guard murdered her. That shitbag should be brought to justice but is being protected by our corrupt DOJ.
Sometimes unarmed citizens are indeed a threat. Ask anybody that has been mugged, not at gun or knifepoint. She assisted in smashing through the decorative security glazed door lites and then determined to be the first one through, leading the way of the mob. It was not the best decision making available to her at the time, by any means.
Sometimes unarmed citizens are indeed a threat. Ask anybody that has been mugged, not at gun or knifepoint. She assisted in smashing through the decorative security glazed door lites and then determined to be the first one through, leading the way of the mob. It was not the best decision making available to her at the time, by any means.
Your recollection of events is not accurate. Unarmed people going against heavily armed capital police is not a threat. I'm not a partisan like you so my recollection is not shaded by politics.
we have a better chance with him than you do of Biden not shitting himself today.
Vote for him, then. I won't, but do not care if you do. He is unacceptable to me. Maybe you would like it to be ok for a small minority to attempt to overthrow a presidential election after losing at the polls, all recounts, administrative election challenges and lawsuits in the allotted timelines allowed by our laws and Constitution. I don't and it is of key importance, to what the man stands for.
Vote for him, then. I won't, but do not care if you do. He is unacceptable to me. Maybe you would like it to be ok for a small minority to attempt to overthrow a presidential election after losing at the polls, all recounts, administrative election challenges and lawsuits in the allotted timelines allowed by our laws and Constitution. I don't and it is of key importance, to what the man stands for.
You will most likely vote for senile Joe. This skould disqualify you from voting. :D
You will most likely vote for senile Joe. This skould disqualify you from voting. :D
You most likely favor the Anti-Constitution anarchist de jure, though you profess to be conservative. This should disqualify you from voting.:cool:
You most likely favor the Anti-Constitution anarchist de jure. This should disqualify you from voting.:cool:
I am not republican or democrat and usually vote 3rd party. Both major parties have hurt Americans and contributed to our huge debt.
Maybe he will change views and reject present promises to support those that did and would participate in violent attacks on the capital of our government, when he matures, gaining a sense of what is important vs what destroys our constitutional framework, but it is too late for this election cycle.
When you mature and acknowledge that bed wetting freaks of your political sphere of influence, rampaged across DC and cities around the country looting businesses, burning down businesses, KILLING PEOPLE, trying to kill people, and set up zones that openly asserted were no longer US territory we might give your faux "outrage" over a few hundred thousand people finally dipping their toes in the cesspool you criminal sociopaths soak in. You assholes terrorized the entire country for months because a fuckin looser died of an overdose while being arrested for attempted counterfeiting. If he was wearing a Trump hat though, you cock suckers would be pissed if the cops didn't beat him to death.

Rest assured though, millions more people like them are getting sicker and sicker of pieces of shit like you and the next time they just might come back with rifles, and some of them might be in uniform.
When you mature and acknowledge that bed wetting freaks of your political sphere of influence, rampaged across DC and cities around the country looting businesses, burning down businesses, KILLING PEOPLE, trying to kill people, and set up zones that openly asserted were no longer US territory we might give your faux "outrage" over a few hundred thousand people finally dipping their toes in the cesspool you criminal sociopaths soak in. You assholes terrorized the entire country for months because a fuckin looser died of an overdose while being arrested for attempted counterfeiting. If he was wearing a Trump hat though, you cock suckers would be pissed if the cops didn't beat him to death.

Rest assured though, millions more people like them are getting sicker and sicker of pieces of shit like you and the next time they just might come back with rifles, and some of them might be in uniform.
You know why I seldom read your posts?

They are way too "busy" what with the blue text and whatever the fuck that Christmas lights lookin' thing is for your sig line.

Police that shit up.
He supports the attack on The Capital, and those attempting to overthrow the election. Fuck him, just another rich Anti-American swine wanting the office for his own benefit.
No attempt was made to overthrow anything. The election was legally contested and is still being LEGALLY contested.
I am not republican or democrat and usually vote 3rd party. Both major parties have hurt Americans and contributed to our huge debt.
I'm forced to vote GOP many times, because the criminal syndicate's whore needs to be defeated. Libertarians need to move the GOP kicking and screaming out of the collectivist elite's country clubs and force them to advance freedom. It takes involvement and attention, just like any other pimp job. All politicians are whores to one degree or another. Kameltoe being the current queen now that hitlery appears to be retired.

You know why I seldom read your posts?

They are way too "busy" what with the blue text and whatever the fuck that Christmas lights lookin' thing is for your sig line.

Police that shit up.
You be you dude.
When you mature and acknowledge that bed wetting freaks of your political sphere of influence, rampaged across DC and cities around the country looting businesses, burning down businesses, KILLING PEOPLE, trying to kill people, and set up zones that openly asserted were no longer US territory we might give your faux "outrage" over a few hundred thousand people finally dipping their toes in the cesspool you criminal sociopaths soak in. You assholes terrorized the entire country for months because a fuckin looser died of an overdose while being arrested for attempted counterfeiting. If he was wearing a Trump hat though, you cock suckers would be pissed if the cops didn't beat him to death.

Rest assured though, millions more people like them are getting sicker and sicker of pieces of shit like you and the next time they just might come back with rifles, and some of them might be in uniform.
My, what big, cheap political rhetoric, you have grandma. So your support for a candidate hinges on supposed bed wetting? You believe him to be the answer to riots and burning down businesses, from a demonstrated ability, handling that at a city or state level in the past? You think he will do something to liberate your hero who held a man down, until dead, though people told him, he was killing that man, when he could have put him in the car instead of the actions that led to the man's death? Your partisanship oozes from every poor, more important than any concepts of law, constitution of responsibility of the enforcement side of government, only important if you become a victim. It people like you, that is why the Republican party is no longer linked to actual conservative thought.

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