Vivek Ramaswamy is afraid of young voters


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024 he should be, because they are huge in numbers and they ain't voting for global warming-denying, gun-loving Republicans. Republicans offer nothing to young voters. They won't even eliminate their student debt, while they promote many times that amount in corporate welfare. 2024 is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans. he should be, because they are huge in numbers and they ain't voting for global warming-denying, gun-loving Republicans. Republicans offer nothing to young voters. They won't even eliminate their student debt, while they promote many times that amount in corporate welfare. 2024 is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans.

Post the video of the interview or question that he answered, or the policy paper/website policy postion he authored where he wrote that he would definitely do this, rather than where it was just pondered as an idea. ..

This sounds like election year smears to me. .. .

Video or campaign literature, or it didn't happen. he should be, because they are huge in numbers and they ain't voting for global warming-denying, gun-loving Republicans. Republicans offer nothing to young voters. They won't even eliminate their student debt, while they promote many times that amount in corporate welfare. 2024 is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans.

Ramaswammy is good.. I like the guy. He would do a hell of a lot more for America than Biden or his puppet masters.
Post the video of the interview or question that he answered, or the policy paper/website policy postion he authored where he wrote that he would definitely do this, rather than where it was just pondered as an idea. ..

This sounds like election year smears to me. .. .

Video or campaign literature, or it didn't happen.
Did he ponder it out loud?

Then it's not a "smear". he should be, because they are huge in numbers and they ain't voting for global warming-denying, gun-loving Republicans. Republicans offer nothing to young voters. They won't even eliminate their student debt, while they promote many times that amount in corporate welfare. 2024 is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans.

Why do liberal college institutions keep raising their ridiculous tuition fees??? If young people were really cared for...and not the profits of fat and lazy tenured professors.. you would see something different.
Oh and yes... winning the votes of college age Americans by litterally handing them free money!! taxpayer money..oh yeah.. thats the American way. Buy votes.

Ramaswamy, the millennial 37-year-old biotech entrepreneur who made a mark in the primary when he polled on par with former Vice President Mike Pence in a CBS survey last week, told POLITICO that in Iowa this week, he’ll call for increasing the automatic voting age to 25, unless a citizen 18 or older is enrolled in the military, works as a first-responder or passes the same civics test given to immigrants seeking American citizenship. Such a change could only be implemented by passing a constitutional amendment.

“There needs to be some civic experience you need to have gone through in order to actually vote,” Ramaswamy said. “That experience could be living seven years as an adult and voting at age 25. That experience could be direct service to the country or some first responder service,” or, he added, passing a civics test.

Oh and yes... winning the votes of college age Americans by litterally handing them free money!! taxpayer money..oh yeah.. thats the American way. Buy votes.
You mean like the way Republicans buy the votes and support of Corporate America by delivering massive tax cuts and lowering the tax rates on the wealthy?

Like that?

You're not smart.

WHY do you call him a Hindu Fascist? you dont like brown people? I think you would be supprised. People will vote for the best ideas and someone they feel is talking straight to them.
I call him a Hindu because he's a Hindu, not a Christian.

I call him a Fascist because he promotes Fascist ideas.

We clear?

Ramaswamy, the millennial 37-year-old biotech entrepreneur who made a mark in the primary when he polled on par with former Vice President Mike Pence in a CBS survey last week, told POLITICO that in Iowa this week, he’ll call for increasing the automatic voting age to 25, unless a citizen 18 or older is enrolled in the military, works as a first-responder or passes the same civics test given to immigrants seeking American citizenship. Such a change could only be implemented by passing a constitutional amendment.

“There needs to be some civic experience you need to have gone through in order to actually vote,” Ramaswamy said. “That experience could be living seven years as an adult and voting at age 25. That experience could be direct service to the country or some first responder service,” or, he added, passing a civics test.

ALL that is actually worth discussion... with the dumbing down of our population. Sounds like he puts a lot of value in the voting process.. raising the voting age should effect political parties pretty equally
Republicans don't. They tried to throw out votes in every state.

There was contention over the election process in 2020.... rules were changed last minute because of the pandemic...and we saw voting anomolies last minute... that we had never seen happen before. We had also been coming out of an administration where the Republican president had been under constant attack from the Left, his entire term and many people had felt THIER votes had been stolen by Democrats for that reason... and we had gone through lawlessness and riots that year previous...

To simply say Republicans tried to throw out votes and they dont value election results is ignoring the effects of dirty politics played by democrats, with no concern for repercussions he should be, because they are huge in numbers and they ain't voting for global warming-denying, gun-loving Republicans. Republicans offer nothing to young voters. They won't even eliminate their student debt, while they promote many times that amount in corporate welfare. 2024 is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans.

Democrats rely on ignorant, emotional voters.

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