Vladimir Putin ‘has plan to flee to South America if he loses war in Ukraine’


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Claim western MS presstitutes
Why it's a completely stupidity?

Putin is like Zelensky a war criminal and knows too much
The same is about cronies of Zelensky and Putin
Both of them are already dead men, both of them will be 'eliminated' immediately after losing of power
All 'guaranties' given by the West can be flashed down the toilet

Supposedly game is over ( what's difficult to believe) Putin & Co flee to a country hoping to hide themselves
They will be arrested immediately by NATO and the West everywhere
All of them will be dead and arrive never den Hag

Putin knows it and he has no another choice as to nuke Ukraine
Otherwise he will die
Like dozens of his cronies

A simple choice because he can't defeat Ukraine by conventional weapons
He can't let Ukraine exist as a state even without Novorossia
And he and his gang can't lose the war

4 - 5 nukes and Ukraine becomes history

Too sad but no one can do anything

Cornering the rat is always dangerous


Vladimir Putin’s cronies have a secret plan to help him flee to South America if Russia loses the war in Ukraine, a former ally claims.

In the plot, which has been dubbed Operation Noah’s Ark, his family and other close members of his entourage will reportedly flee to Argentina or Venezuela.

Mikhail Kovalchuk, a high profile scientist and supporter of the Russian president, reportedly pitched China as an option but the Kremlin decided against it because ‘the Chinese do not like losers’.

That is according to Abbas Gallyamov, Mr Putin’s speechwriter between 2008 and 2010, who is now based in Israel and is critical of the Kremlin.

He said: ‘Normally I do not share insider stories, but today will be an exception.

‘First of all I really trust the source, and secondly the information is way too racy.

‘The project was about searching for new lands if the situation in the motherland ceased being cosy.

‘His circle believes it is possible he might.’

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Somehow, watching the world die due to the ego and idiocy of one man and his pride, doesn't surprise me at all.
Putin’s cronies have a secret plan to help him flee to South America
I dont think so ...—Vladolf Pootler ´d be killed by own slaves like 50% of Moscow czars were killed in 19-20c.

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
Claim western MS presstitutes
Why it's a completely stupidity?

Putin is like Zelensky a war criminal and knows too much
The same is about cronies of Zelensky and Putin
Both of them are already dead men, both of them will be 'eliminated' immediately after losing of power
All 'guaranties' given by the West can be flashed down the toilet

Supposedly game is over ( what's difficult to believe) Putin & Co flee to a country hoping to hide themselves
They will be arrested immediately by NATO and the West everywhere
All of them will be dead and arrive never den Hag

Putin knows it and he has no another choice as to nuke Ukraine
Otherwise he will die
Like dozens of his cronies

A simple choice because he can't defeat Ukraine by conventional weapons
He can't let Ukraine exist as a state even without Novorossia
And he and his gang can't lose the war

4 - 5 nukes and Ukraine becomes history

Too sad but no one can do anything

Cornering the rat is always dangerous


Vladimir Putin’s cronies have a secret plan to help him flee to South America if Russia loses the war in Ukraine, a former ally claims.

In the plot, which has been dubbed Operation Noah’s Ark, his family and other close members of his entourage will reportedly flee to Argentina or Venezuela.

Mikhail Kovalchuk, a high profile scientist and supporter of the Russian president, reportedly pitched China as an option but the Kremlin decided against it because ‘the Chinese do not like losers’.

That is according to Abbas Gallyamov, Mr Putin’s speechwriter between 2008 and 2010, who is now based in Israel and is critical of the Kremlin.

He said: ‘Normally I do not share insider stories, but today will be an exception.

‘First of all I really trust the source, and secondly the information is way too racy.

‘The project was about searching for new lands if the situation in the motherland ceased being cosy.

‘His circle believes it is possible he might.’

Zelensky won’t be eliminated. He’ll end up with another beach house in Flordia.
This childish level of more recent anti Vlad propaganda is a "thing "of monumental size .

Entirely because he looks and acts so well, considering he is suffering from several cancers , Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

The absurd Langley kids who come up with this garbage are trying to impress Russians back in Russia -- not realising that the average Russian is far more savvy and intelligent than their US counterparts .
And by a distance .
Must be hard for you , Litwin , to see the Russians obliterating the NATO and Nazi forces .

Will you go into hiding when the Russians blitzkrieg through Odessa and up to the Romanian and Moldavian borders ?

What are you going to do with coke addict Zelensky when it is time to try and make a face saving exit ? rofl .
Must be hard for you , Litwin ,
no slave, you are weak loser you lost all wars against bigger guys. ps say slave Chechya is COOL !

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
Has the US won anything in the last 100 years and since the UK held their hands and shepherded them into Berlin ?

Was it Grenada that kicked them out in the eighties, Litwin ?

8000 versus 20 and they still lost . rofl .

As for their latest disaster in Afghanistan -- spelt out the end of effective US terrorism .

When the US and NATO hangers-on are humiliated in Ukey Land, we will move into a new era , not just a new chapter .

Old fogeys like you will be figures of fun and just bleating relics of the bad old days .
See you are determined to become a figure of fun , Litwin , but I must ask you a serious question before you creep away before the US and NATO are humiliated .
Why is the US now hell bent on directly impersonating Russia as it was in the early nineties ?Totally corrupt , bankrupt and with no obvious positive future ?

I think the boys and girls here will be happy to contribute toward a nice leaving present for you when Zelensky is suicided or is allowed to crawl to Florida .
Perhaps we can rustle up the fare for you to join him so that two failed comedians can enjoy each others company .
See you are determined to become a figure of fun , Litwin , but I must ask you a serious question before you creep away before the US and NATO are humiliated .
Why is the US now hell bent on directly impersonating Russia as it was in the early nineties ?Totally corrupt , bankrupt and with no obvious positive future ?

I think the boys and girls here will be happy to contribute toward a nice leaving present for you when Zelensky is suicided or is allowed to crawl to Florida .
Perhaps we can rustle up the fare for you to join him so that two failed comedians can enjoy each others company .
How can you get every single thing you post wrong? The US has lived through times like this before under Carter and it’s economy came back stronger than ever. Unlike your kleptocracy, our system is self-correcting and very robust.
Claim western MS presstitutes
Why it's a completely stupidity?

Putin is like Zelensky a war criminal and knows too much
The same is about cronies of Zelensky and Putin
Both of them are already dead men, both of them will be 'eliminated' immediately after losing of power
All 'guaranties' given by the West can be flashed down the toilet

Supposedly game is over ( what's difficult to believe) Putin & Co flee to a country hoping to hide themselves
They will be arrested immediately by NATO and the West everywhere
All of them will be dead and arrive never den Hag

Putin knows it and he has no another choice as to nuke Ukraine
Otherwise he will die
Like dozens of his cronies

A simple choice because he can't defeat Ukraine by conventional weapons
He can't let Ukraine exist as a state even without Novorossia
And he and his gang can't lose the war

4 - 5 nukes and Ukraine becomes history

Too sad but no one can do anything

Cornering the rat is always dangerous


Vladimir Putin’s cronies have a secret plan to help him flee to South America if Russia loses the war in Ukraine, a former ally claims.

In the plot, which has been dubbed Operation Noah’s Ark, his family and other close members of his entourage will reportedly flee to Argentina or Venezuela.

Mikhail Kovalchuk, a high profile scientist and supporter of the Russian president, reportedly pitched China as an option but the Kremlin decided against it because ‘the Chinese do not like losers’.

That is according to Abbas Gallyamov, Mr Putin’s speechwriter between 2008 and 2010, who is now based in Israel and is critical of the Kremlin.

He said: ‘Normally I do not share insider stories, but today will be an exception.

‘First of all I really trust the source, and secondly the information is way too racy.

‘The project was about searching for new lands if the situation in the motherland ceased being cosy.

‘His circle believes it is possible he might.’

IF they were to nuke then the west has to respond. I am not saying they need to use nukes in response but they will have to figure out a response. Russian economy is not that great and politicians there are corrupt. The general public has a low quality of life standard as compared to other countries. The country depends on exporting their resources and if the other countries refuse to buy then they (Russia) will be in deep economic trouble.
This childish level of more recent anti Vlad propaganda is a "thing "of monumental size .

Entirely because he looks and acts so well, considering he is suffering from several cancers , Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

The absurd Langley kids who come up with this garbage are trying to impress Russians back in Russia -- not realising that the average Russian is far more savvy and intelligent than their US counterparts .
And by a distance .
:thankusmile: Indeed.poor op,too dumb and ignorant to realise nato zelensky and lying biden are the ones behind all this disater murdering ukraians demonizing Russia because they Russia is off the dollar pissing off the new world order.
Must be hard for you , Litwin , to see the Russians obliterating the NATO and Nazi forces .

Will you go into hiding when the Russians blitzkrieg through Odessa and up to the Romanian and Moldavian borders ?

What are you going to do with coke addict Zelensky when it is time to try and make a face saving exit ? rofl .
Litwin is a disinfo agent for commie China.
Claim western MS presstitutes
Why it's a completely stupidity?

Putin is like Zelensky a war criminal and knows too much
The same is about cronies of Zelensky and Putin
Both of them are already dead men, both of them will be 'eliminated' immediately after losing of power
All 'guaranties' given by the West can be flashed down the toilet

Supposedly game is over ( what's difficult to believe) Putin & Co flee to a country hoping to hide themselves
They will be arrested immediately by NATO and the West everywhere
All of them will be dead and arrive never den Hag

Putin knows it and he has no another choice as to nuke Ukraine
Otherwise he will die
Like dozens of his cronies

A simple choice because he can't defeat Ukraine by conventional weapons


Vladimir Putin’s cronies have a secret plan to help him flee to South America if Russia loses the war in Ukraine, a former ally claims.

In the plot, which has been dubbed Operation Noah’s Ark, his family and other close members of his entourage will reportedly flee to Argentina or Venezuela.

Mikhail Kovalchuk, a high profile scientist and supporter of the Russian president, reportedly pitched China as an option but the Kremlin decided against it because ‘the Chinese do not like losers’.

That is according to Abbas Gallyamov, Mr Putin’s speechwriter between 2008 and 2010, who is now based in Israel and is critical of the Kremlin.

He said: ‘Normally I do not share insider stories, but today will be an exception.

‘First of all I really trust the source, and secondly the information is way too racy.

‘The project was about searching for new lands if the situation in the motherland ceased being cosy.

‘His circle believes it is possible he might.’

What kind of trash did you post?

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