Vote Trump' vandalism, fire at Mississippi church a hate crime

Classic false flag...what the left will stoop to to get votes.

Before you start another conspiracy theory - shouldn't you at least wait until the investigation is complete? The OP did not place blame - it just reported the event.
It's not a conspiracy theory its fact....look it up

Oh, so you have "credible" proof that it's a "classic false flag"? Can you please share it with us?
OK I get it dannyboys and cereal_killer
Lakhota is asking for equally documented sources to confirm what DB said that
the fire dept has PICTURES of the church before someone else sprayed it.

So yes, it may have to "wait for the investigation" to be complete before
they can publish more in PUBLIC or else it can HARM the investigation.

For legal reasons, the formal documentation may not be available until after it's fully confirmed.

For as we know, unlike the news sources that can post the rumors as long as they don't NAME
anyone, they can get away with that. But if you are going to PROVE the real person and reason,
who did it and why, then to avoid getting sued it has to be FORMALLY ESTABLISHED.

so yes, that takes "waiting for the formal investigation to be completed"
Lakhota does deserve proof of that, even though this isn't required of the rumors that don't name a specific person as the guilty party
Did 'Pocahontas' post that it's best to wait for the investigation to be complete or did the kunt essentially claim the church was burned by a Trump supporter???????????????
YA FUCKING RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More acts of violence by feral white trump savages

Police are treating the burning of a black church in Mississippi -- during which vandals spray-painted "Vote Trump" on a wall -- as a hate crime, saying it amounts to an act of voter intimidation.

A 911 call reporting the fire at Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville came in at about 9:15 p.m. Tuesday, police said. Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze.
Most of the damage to the 111-year-old church was to the sanctuary, pastor Carolyn Hudson said at a news conference.

'Vote Trump' painted on black church set ablaze in Mississippi -

You hate Christians more than anyone here. Now suddenly we're supposed to believe you are outraged by an attack on a Christian church?

At this point I'd say you are the main suspect.
Hey I say go....go...go with the bomb lobbing efforts by the k00ks at this point. Nobody is caring..........except for the hyperpartisans is smells like dirty politics. The average voter is saying, "Oh.,.,.,.,.,.,.,":bye1::bye1:
More acts of violence by feral white trump savages

Police are treating the burning of a black church in Mississippi -- during which vandals spray-painted "Vote Trump" on a wall -- as a hate crime, saying it amounts to an act of voter intimidation.

A 911 call reporting the fire at Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville came in at about 9:15 p.m. Tuesday, police said. Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze.
Most of the damage to the 111-year-old church was to the sanctuary, pastor Carolyn Hudson said at a news conference.

'Vote Trump' painted on black church set ablaze in Mississippi -

Oh yeah??? where were you around 9:15 ?

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