Voter Fraud - Ohio Poll Voter admits to voting Twice, helping others.

With the Romney's owning voting machines in Ohio, to see widespread GOP voter fraud isn't a surprise,...

remember when the guy who owned DIEBOLD promised the election to Bush?

he did it right in public

the right knows their party cheats.

they just dont care about democracy or the country

they only care about party
I think you may have posted in the wrong thread dude

If you knew through court documented evidence that your party could only win elections by cheating would you still support them?

It really depends on the other side.

If you knew that government benefit programs were engineered to create dependency on government would you support politicians that expand them?
With the Romney's owning voting machines in Ohio, to see widespread GOP voter fraud isn't a surprise,...

remember when the guy who owned DIEBOLD promised the election to Bush?

he did it right in public

the right knows their party cheats.

they just dont care about democracy or the country

they only care about party

There is no evidence of a conspiracy to rig voting machines. That would require quite a widespread conspiracy that could not possible go undetected.

Operator error is to blame for the erroneous results. And errors have occurred which favored both sides.

You have little old ladies operating these things. They don't know how to work their voicemail much less these complex machines.

They receive little to no training on them, and poor training when they do.
I think you may have posted in the wrong thread dude

If you knew through court documented evidence that your party could only win elections by cheating would you still support them?

It really depends on the other side.

If you knew that government benefit programs were engineered to create dependency on government would you support politicians that expand them?

Are we talking about the massive expansion of defense spending since 9/11? That sure has created a dependency on the government by the defense industry.
I think you may have posted in the wrong thread dude

If you knew through court documented evidence that your party could only win elections by cheating would you still support them?

It really depends on the other side.

If you knew that government benefit programs were engineered to create dependency on government would you support politicians that expand them?

Are we talking about the massive expansion of defense spending since 9/11? That sure has created a dependency on the government by the defense industry.


Note TDM won't answer.
Shame people have so little confidence in the system. They need to get the absentee system organized.
With the Romney's owning voting machines in Ohio, to see widespread GOP voter fraud isn't a surprise,...

remember when the guy who owned DIEBOLD promised the election to Bush?

he did it right in public

the right knows their party cheats.

they just dont care about democracy or the country

they only care about party

There is no evidence of a conspiracy to rig voting machines. That would require quite a widespread conspiracy that could not possible go undetected.

Operator error is to blame for the erroneous results. And errors have occurred which favored both sides.

You have little old ladies operating these things. They don't know how to work their voicemail much less these complex machines.

They receive little to no training on them, and poor training when they do.


they were com,pletely un regulated and all the companies were owned by right wing clowns.


exit polls that did match the results

Exit polls are to detect fraud.

they detected the fraud and then were trashed by the media.

some left wing media
[ame=]VoteFlipping -- Election Fraud - YouTube[/ame]
remember when the guy who owned DIEBOLD promised the election to Bush?

he did it right in public

the right knows their party cheats.

they just dont care about democracy or the country

they only care about party

There is no evidence of a conspiracy to rig voting machines. That would require quite a widespread conspiracy that could not possible go undetected.

Operator error is to blame for the erroneous results. And errors have occurred which favored both sides.

You have little old ladies operating these things. They don't know how to work their voicemail much less these complex machines.

They receive little to no training on them, and poor training when they do.


they were com,pletely un regulated and all the companies were owned by right wing clowns.


exit polls that did match the results

Exit polls are to detect fraud.

they detected the fraud and then were trashed by the media.

some left wing media

As I said, your conspiracy would require an army of operatives around the country to achieve the desired result. Such a massive conspiracy would not go undetected.

Exit polls are just that. Exit polls. They are not an exact science.
and they are the best detector of election fraud.

they have been since their inception
Exit poll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exit polls are also used to collect demographic data about voters and to find out why they voted as they did. Since actual votes are cast anonymously, polling is the only way of collecting this information.

Exit polls have historically and throughout the world been used as a check against and rough indicator of the degree of election fraud. Some examples of this include the Venezuelan recall referendum, 2004, and the Ukrainian presidential election, 2004.
Anyone else feel like TM is perhaps the worst example of a Human Being ever? well Maybe slightly better than say Hitler?

how about trying to absorb the court documented facts provided you fool

You mean the post after post of Deflection you keep making to keep us from talking about this case in hand?


Like I said, Horrible excuse for a Human Being You are.
TM is practicing an age old Message board tactic. She is Flooding the thread with post after post of shit not related to the topic because she does not want to talk about it lol.

For gods sake she is like 3/4's of all the post on this thread now.
and they are the best detector of election fraud.

they have been since their inception

Report Acknowledges Inaccuracies in 2004 Exit Polls

Interviewing for the 2004 exit polls was the most inaccurate of any in the past five presidential elections as procedural problems compounded by the refusal of large numbers of Republican voters to be surveyed led to inflated estimates of support for John F. Kerry, according to a report released yesterday by the research firms responsible for the flawed surveys.

Occam's Razor. Flawed exit polls...or a nationwide army of secret operatives rigging voting machines without a single one getting caught or talking after all these years?
so you have NOTHING to say about the republican party cheating their asses off for decades?

I don't see it as Republican Vs Democrat issue except for the fact that Democrats seem to want to refuse to do anything to stop it from happening.

the republican party has won elections by cheating.

its what all the evidence shows.

you dont care about democracy you just want your team to win

Sowers guilty on ten voter fraud counts News Forum - Thread
Obama supporters convicted of voter fraud in Ohio ? an update
Voter fraud conviction upheld
Van Hollen announces voting fraud conviction : The Bay View Compass
News Room

Adlai Stevenson III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A grand jury later determined that Adlai Stevenson had unwittingly benefited from some 100,000 illegal ballots that had been cast in Chicago in the 1982 gubernatorial election.

Felon voters in Hennepin County: 7 convictions, 40 cases pending | MinnPost
Was Al Franken elected by 1000 felons? ab...nd Voter Fraud in Minnesota_with appendix.pdf
Voter fraud all too real; ID laws will help - Opinion - Letters to the editor -
Republican National Lawyers Association | (RNLA)
did you know it was found in one county in CA for a US COngressional seat, over 700 illegal votes were cast? Don't tell me this isn't a problem that doesn't need to be dealt with.
[Footnote] In total, the Task Force found clear and convincing evidence that 748 invalid votes were cast in this election.
Committee Reports)

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