Voter Fraud? Well, Maybe ...

There were some ethical questions concerning Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but they were minor, and considering that the DNC can legally do anything they want concerning the choice of nominee, those questions are moot anyway.
Fraud is a crime, jackass.

Not fraud if you have the legal right to do what was done.
There is no legal right to rig the election, jackass.

There is no legal requirement to even have a primary election, and any practices used are strictly determined by the DNC and can change at any time. Half way through the primary, they could have decided that the final candidate would be determined by a dance competition, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. They could have chosen someone who wasn't even on the primary ballot for their candidate, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. You're whining about something that didn't even concern your party, and that you know nothing about. Why are you doing that?

For the presidential election, there are very specific rules, and there is an investigation happening right now to see if those rules were broken.
You are wrong. You legally cannot tell investors that the candidates will be chosen in an impartial manner and then do the opposite. That is fraud.

The DNC's argument that the word "impartial" cannot be defined and that the election was done in an "impartial" manner is self-contradictory.

Don't be surprised if the Democratic party ceases to exist in the near future. The centrist Trump victory against extremely corrupt fascists is merely the beginning of the swamp draining process.

You jackasses are doomed.

The fact is that the Democrat rules for allocating delegates is fairer than the Republican rules. In SC, Sanders got only 26% of the vote and got 26% of the delegates. In the Republican primary, Trump got only 32% of the vote and 100% of the delegates. 68% of the voters in the Republican primary were disenfranchised.
There is no legal right to rig the election, jackass.

There is no legal requirement to even have a primary election, and any practices used are strictly determined by the DNC and can change at any time. Half way through the primary, they could have decided that the final candidate would be determined by a dance competition, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. They could have chosen someone who wasn't even on the primary ballot for their candidate, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. You're whining about something that didn't even concern your party, and that you know nothing about. Why are you doing that?

For the presidential election, there are very specific rules, and there is an investigation happening right now to see if those rules were broken.
You are wrong. You legally cannot tell investors that the candidates will be chosen in an impartial manner and then do the opposite. That is fraud.

The DNC's argument that the word "impartial" cannot be defined and that the election was done in an "impartial" manner is self-contradictory.

Don't be surprised if the Democratic party ceases to exist in the near future. The centrist Trump victory against extremely corrupt fascists is merely the beginning of the swamp draining process.

You jackasses are doomed.

Don't be silly. The DNC legally makes and changes their rules as they see fit. Don't like it? Tough.
They broke their own rules instead of changing them, jackass.

I know why I think your vote should not matter. It is because of your obviously low IQ and ignorance. Just as I think a two year old should not be able to vote, I think people like you should not be able to vote.

What I would like to know is why you personally think that your vote should not matter.

My vote certainly counts as much as yours does.
That's doubtful because you are obviously a member of the fascist jackass party of slavery.

Why do you think that your vote should not matter?
Did voter fraud in New Hampshire save ObamaCare from being repealed?

The Presidential Commission on Election Integrity is meeting Tuesday in New Hampshire and may eventually provide an answer.

A debate is raging in the state, home of the first presidential primary, about whether state election laws were violated last November by out-of-state Democrats who entered New Hampshire and took advantage of the same-day voter registration law to falsely claim they were New Hampshire residents.

The election featured a photo-finish race for president – Hillary Clinton won by 2,467 votes – and in the race for the U.S. Senate. Democrat Maggie Hassan narrowly defeated incumbent GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte by only 1,017 votes.

Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

Since all of New Hampshire’s neighboring states are Democratic, it’s likely that if any of their residents crossed into New Hampshire to use the same-day voter registration law to cast ballots most of these people voted Democratic. That could have wound up costing Ayotte and possibly Trump a victory in New Hampshire.

Should that have happened, the implications are huge. Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

mod edit: remainder of article at link

If voter fraud by out-of-state Democrats managed to sway New Hampshire elections the implications are huge
Great, now prove those votes were cast for Democrats.
Fraud is a crime, jackass.

Not fraud if you have the legal right to do what was done.
There is no legal right to rig the election, jackass.

There is no legal requirement to even have a primary election, and any practices used are strictly determined by the DNC and can change at any time. Half way through the primary, they could have decided that the final candidate would be determined by a dance competition, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. They could have chosen someone who wasn't even on the primary ballot for their candidate, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. You're whining about something that didn't even concern your party, and that you know nothing about. Why are you doing that?

For the presidential election, there are very specific rules, and there is an investigation happening right now to see if those rules were broken.
You are wrong. You legally cannot tell investors that the candidates will be chosen in an impartial manner and then do the opposite. That is fraud.

The DNC's argument that the word "impartial" cannot be defined and that the election was done in an "impartial" manner is self-contradictory.

Don't be surprised if the Democratic party ceases to exist in the near future. The centrist Trump victory against extremely corrupt fascists is merely the beginning of the swamp draining process.

You jackasses are doomed.

The fact is that the Democrat rules for allocating delegates is fairer than the Republican rules. In SC, Sanders got only 26% of the vote and got 26% of the delegates. In the Republican primary, Trump got only 32% of the vote and 100% of the delegates. 68% of the voters in the Republican primary were disenfranchised.
You are a naive fool. The pantsuit mafia rigged the election for Clinton. The emails prove that. And the DNC argues in court that they are allowed to do that.

Why the fuck are you trying to defend the party of slavery and fascism in the first place?
Did voter fraud in New Hampshire save ObamaCare from being repealed?

The Presidential Commission on Election Integrity is meeting Tuesday in New Hampshire and may eventually provide an answer.

A debate is raging in the state, home of the first presidential primary, about whether state election laws were violated last November by out-of-state Democrats who entered New Hampshire and took advantage of the same-day voter registration law to falsely claim they were New Hampshire residents.

The election featured a photo-finish race for president – Hillary Clinton won by 2,467 votes – and in the race for the U.S. Senate. Democrat Maggie Hassan narrowly defeated incumbent GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte by only 1,017 votes.

Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

Since all of New Hampshire’s neighboring states are Democratic, it’s likely that if any of their residents crossed into New Hampshire to use the same-day voter registration law to cast ballots most of these people voted Democratic. That could have wound up costing Ayotte and possibly Trump a victory in New Hampshire.

Should that have happened, the implications are huge. Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

mod edit: remainder of article at link

If voter fraud by out-of-state Democrats managed to sway New Hampshire elections the implications are huge
Great, now prove those votes were cast for Democrats.
You know damn well the Democrats are much more dishonest than other people.
Did voter fraud in New Hampshire save ObamaCare from being repealed?

The Presidential Commission on Election Integrity is meeting Tuesday in New Hampshire and may eventually provide an answer.

A debate is raging in the state, home of the first presidential primary, about whether state election laws were violated last November by out-of-state Democrats who entered New Hampshire and took advantage of the same-day voter registration law to falsely claim they were New Hampshire residents.

The election featured a photo-finish race for president – Hillary Clinton won by 2,467 votes – and in the race for the U.S. Senate. Democrat Maggie Hassan narrowly defeated incumbent GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte by only 1,017 votes.

Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

Since all of New Hampshire’s neighboring states are Democratic, it’s likely that if any of their residents crossed into New Hampshire to use the same-day voter registration law to cast ballots most of these people voted Democratic. That could have wound up costing Ayotte and possibly Trump a victory in New Hampshire.

Should that have happened, the implications are huge. Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

mod edit: remainder of article at link

If voter fraud by out-of-state Democrats managed to sway New Hampshire elections the implications are huge
Great, now prove those votes were cast for Democrats.
You know damn well the Democrats are much more dishonest than other people.
I know righties are the biggest liars.
Did voter fraud in New Hampshire save ObamaCare from being repealed?

The Presidential Commission on Election Integrity is meeting Tuesday in New Hampshire and may eventually provide an answer.

A debate is raging in the state, home of the first presidential primary, about whether state election laws were violated last November by out-of-state Democrats who entered New Hampshire and took advantage of the same-day voter registration law to falsely claim they were New Hampshire residents.

The election featured a photo-finish race for president – Hillary Clinton won by 2,467 votes – and in the race for the U.S. Senate. Democrat Maggie Hassan narrowly defeated incumbent GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte by only 1,017 votes.

Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

Since all of New Hampshire’s neighboring states are Democratic, it’s likely that if any of their residents crossed into New Hampshire to use the same-day voter registration law to cast ballots most of these people voted Democratic. That could have wound up costing Ayotte and possibly Trump a victory in New Hampshire.

Should that have happened, the implications are huge. Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

mod edit: remainder of article at link

If voter fraud by out-of-state Democrats managed to sway New Hampshire elections the implications are huge
Great, now prove those votes were cast for Democrats.
You know damn well the Democrats are much more dishonest than other people.
I know righties are the biggest liars.
Now you are lying to yourself.

Wake up, fool.

There is no legal requirement to even have a primary election, and any practices used are strictly determined by the DNC and can change at any time. Half way through the primary, they could have decided that the final candidate would be determined by a dance competition, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. They could have chosen someone who wasn't even on the primary ballot for their candidate, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. You're whining about something that didn't even concern your party, and that you know nothing about. Why are you doing that?

For the presidential election, there are very specific rules, and there is an investigation happening right now to see if those rules were broken.
You are wrong. You legally cannot tell investors that the candidates will be chosen in an impartial manner and then do the opposite. That is fraud.

The DNC's argument that the word "impartial" cannot be defined and that the election was done in an "impartial" manner is self-contradictory.

Don't be surprised if the Democratic party ceases to exist in the near future. The centrist Trump victory against extremely corrupt fascists is merely the beginning of the swamp draining process.

You jackasses are doomed.

Don't be silly. The DNC legally makes and changes their rules as they see fit. Don't like it? Tough.
They broke their own rules instead of changing them, jackass.

I know why I think your vote should not matter. It is because of your obviously low IQ and ignorance. Just as I think a two year old should not be able to vote, I think people like you should not be able to vote.

What I would like to know is why you personally think that your vote should not matter.

My vote certainly counts as much as yours does.
That's doubtful because you are obviously a member of the fascist jackass party of slavery.

Why do you think that your vote should not matter?

Why do you think my vote didn't matter? Some of the DNC weren't thrilled with Bernie. So what? Lots in the RNC hated the idea of Trump even participating. What exactly do you think the DNC did that was illegal, or unethical? Be specific.
I already read about this and there is a HUGE flaw in the argument. New Hampshire doesn't require out of state college students, nor people of professions that are simply there to work short term like doctors doing residency, to get a New Hampshire driver's license in order to vote.
One of two things is true:

1) You didn't read the article, or:
2) You failed to grasp the argument put forth.

The article is based on a simple set of facts: only 7% of those "same day" voters obtained a driver's license, and only 3% registered a vehicle in New Hampshire. While that, in itself, does not prove voter fraud, it does call into question the same day arrival/vote of over 6,000 voters.

As for the add-on comment, there is a single military base (New Boston AFS) in New Hampshire. It houses about 300 people. Given that most military maintain, and vote, in their original home of record, it would have minimal-to-no influence.

By no means, does the article claim this is proof of voter fraud. But even a committed liberal such as yourself must admit that it does bear scrutiny. - unless, of course, you DON'T want to know the answer.

The article was from Breitbart - hardly an unbiased source, based on information from the voter suppression king, who has made a career of seeing voter fraud at every turn. You need better sources before anyone other than the Russian troll farm posters will take this seriously.
There were some ethical questions concerning Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but they were minor, and considering that the DNC can legally do anything they want concerning the choice of nominee, those questions are moot anyway.
Fraud is a crime, jackass.

Not fraud if you have the legal right to do what was done.
There is no legal right to rig the election, jackass.

They did not rig an election, moron. The DNC has the right to choose their candidate any way they choose. There is no law that says they have to follow the will of the people that voted. They can give one candidate 1000 extra votes starting off if they want, and it would not be illegal or fraud.

Please learn a little history so you do not so so moronic.
You are fucked in the head. The DNC is going to lose in court. The only question is how seriously they will be punished.

You are one seriously misinformed person. Where do you get your "news and information" from? Alex Jones?
Did voter fraud in New Hampshire save ObamaCare from being repealed?

The Presidential Commission on Election Integrity is meeting Tuesday in New Hampshire and may eventually provide an answer.

A debate is raging in the state, home of the first presidential primary, about whether state election laws were violated last November by out-of-state Democrats who entered New Hampshire and took advantage of the same-day voter registration law to falsely claim they were New Hampshire residents.

The election featured a photo-finish race for president – Hillary Clinton won by 2,467 votes – and in the race for the U.S. Senate. Democrat Maggie Hassan narrowly defeated incumbent GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte by only 1,017 votes.

Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

Since all of New Hampshire’s neighboring states are Democratic, it’s likely that if any of their residents crossed into New Hampshire to use the same-day voter registration law to cast ballots most of these people voted Democratic. That could have wound up costing Ayotte and possibly Trump a victory in New Hampshire.

Should that have happened, the implications are huge. Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

mod edit: remainder of article at link

If voter fraud by out-of-state Democrats managed to sway New Hampshire elections the implications are huge
Great, now prove those votes were cast for Democrats.
You know damn well the Democrats are much more dishonest than other people.
I know righties are the biggest liars.

When did you far left drones become "righties"?
Fraud is a crime, jackass.

Not fraud if you have the legal right to do what was done.
There is no legal right to rig the election, jackass.

They did not rig an election, moron. The DNC has the right to choose their candidate any way they choose. There is no law that says they have to follow the will of the people that voted. They can give one candidate 1000 extra votes starting off if they want, and it would not be illegal or fraud.

Please learn a little history so you do not so so moronic.
You are fucked in the head. The DNC is going to lose in court. The only question is how seriously they will be punished.

You are one seriously misinformed person. Where do you get your "news and information" from? Alex Jones?

I got it from the court records.

Where did you get your "information", jackass?
Not fraud if you have the legal right to do what was done.
There is no legal right to rig the election, jackass.

They did not rig an election, moron. The DNC has the right to choose their candidate any way they choose. There is no law that says they have to follow the will of the people that voted. They can give one candidate 1000 extra votes starting off if they want, and it would not be illegal or fraud.

Please learn a little history so you do not so so moronic.
You are fucked in the head. The DNC is going to lose in court. The only question is how seriously they will be punished.

You are one seriously misinformed person. Where do you get your "news and information" from? Alex Jones?

I got it from the court records.

Where did you get your "information", jackass?

Not gonna effect the outcome either way discussing it here. Wait and see how the court case turns out. I guess there is always the possibility you could be right, but I don't see how.
There is no legal right to rig the election, jackass.

They did not rig an election, moron. The DNC has the right to choose their candidate any way they choose. There is no law that says they have to follow the will of the people that voted. They can give one candidate 1000 extra votes starting off if they want, and it would not be illegal or fraud.

Please learn a little history so you do not so so moronic.
You are fucked in the head. The DNC is going to lose in court. The only question is how seriously they will be punished.

You are one seriously misinformed person. Where do you get your "news and information" from? Alex Jones?

I got it from the court records.

Where did you get your "information", jackass?

Not gonna effect the outcome either way discussing it here. Wait and see how the court case turns out. I guess there is always the possibility you could be right, but I don't see how.
Well, the DNC's argument is that the word "impartial" cannot be defined even though they insist that they were impartial.

Are you intelligent enough to comprehend why that is not a good argument?

I don't think many of you Democrat voters comprehend how much good you could do by throwing the ultra-corrupt two party system into the dustbin of history simply by refusing to vote for any Democrat on the ballot.

The Democrat party reinstituted slavery in the USA several times (WW, FDR, LBJ). Are you pro-slavery? Are you pro fascism? If not you would NEVER vote for a Democrat.
Did voter fraud in New Hampshire save ObamaCare from being repealed?

The Presidential Commission on Election Integrity is meeting Tuesday in New Hampshire and may eventually provide an answer.

A debate is raging in the state, home of the first presidential primary, about whether state election laws were violated last November by out-of-state Democrats who entered New Hampshire and took advantage of the same-day voter registration law to falsely claim they were New Hampshire residents.

The election featured a photo-finish race for president – Hillary Clinton won by 2,467 votes – and in the race for the U.S. Senate. Democrat Maggie Hassan narrowly defeated incumbent GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte by only 1,017 votes.

Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

Since all of New Hampshire’s neighboring states are Democratic, it’s likely that if any of their residents crossed into New Hampshire to use the same-day voter registration law to cast ballots most of these people voted Democratic. That could have wound up costing Ayotte and possibly Trump a victory in New Hampshire.

Should that have happened, the implications are huge. Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

mod edit: remainder of article at link

If voter fraud by out-of-state Democrats managed to sway New Hampshire elections the implications are huge
Great, now prove those votes were cast for Democrats.
You know damn well the Democrats are much more dishonest than other people.
I know righties are the biggest liars.
Now you are lying to yourself.

Wake up, fool.

Did voter fraud in New Hampshire save ObamaCare from being repealed?

The Presidential Commission on Election Integrity is meeting Tuesday in New Hampshire and may eventually provide an answer.

A debate is raging in the state, home of the first presidential primary, about whether state election laws were violated last November by out-of-state Democrats who entered New Hampshire and took advantage of the same-day voter registration law to falsely claim they were New Hampshire residents.

The election featured a photo-finish race for president – Hillary Clinton won by 2,467 votes – and in the race for the U.S. Senate. Democrat Maggie Hassan narrowly defeated incumbent GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte by only 1,017 votes.

Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

Since all of New Hampshire’s neighboring states are Democratic, it’s likely that if any of their residents crossed into New Hampshire to use the same-day voter registration law to cast ballots most of these people voted Democratic. That could have wound up costing Ayotte and possibly Trump a victory in New Hampshire.

Should that have happened, the implications are huge. Trump won the Electoral College comfortably, but he could easily have been in a position where the Granite State’s four electoral votes would have determined the outcome of the presidential race.

mod edit: remainder of article at link

If voter fraud by out-of-state Democrats managed to sway New Hampshire elections the implications are huge
Great, now prove those votes were cast for Democrats.
You know damn well the Democrats are much more dishonest than other people.
I know righties are the biggest liars.
Now you are lying to yourself.

Wake up, fool.

Your concession is respectfully accepted.
You know damn well the Democrats are much more dishonest than other people.
I know righties are the biggest liars.
Now you are lying to yourself.

Wake up, fool.

Your concession is respectfully accepted.


Your lack of argument along with your speechlessness is revealing and telling.

BTW you are welcome, you don't have to thank me for teaching you a lesson.~:whip:
Fraud is a crime, jackass.

Not fraud if you have the legal right to do what was done.
There is no legal right to rig the election, jackass.

There is no legal requirement to even have a primary election, and any practices used are strictly determined by the DNC and can change at any time. Half way through the primary, they could have decided that the final candidate would be determined by a dance competition, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. They could have chosen someone who wasn't even on the primary ballot for their candidate, and they would be perfectly legal to do that. You're whining about something that didn't even concern your party, and that you know nothing about. Why are you doing that?

For the presidential election, there are very specific rules, and there is an investigation happening right now to see if those rules were broken.
You are wrong. You legally cannot tell investors that the candidates will be chosen in an impartial manner and then do the opposite. That is fraud.

The DNC's argument that the word "impartial" cannot be defined and that the election was done in an "impartial" manner is self-contradictory.

Don't be surprised if the Democratic party ceases to exist in the near future. The centrist Trump victory against extremely corrupt fascists is merely the beginning of the swamp draining process.

You jackasses are doomed.

The fact is that the Democrat rules for allocating delegates is fairer than the Republican rules. In SC, Sanders got only 26% of the vote and got 26% of the delegates. In the Republican primary, Trump got only 32% of the vote and 100% of the delegates. 68% of the voters in the Republican primary were disenfranchised.

What about the Super Delegates? How many of those went to Bernie?

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