Voter fraud.


You're out of ammo son. Give it up.
Of course it is.
I should have known you would have piles of evidence to support that.
Google's your friend, but cult members don't want anything but Kult KoolAid.
Have you bothered to tell the authorities you have that evidence?
The authorities are keenly aware; cult members refuse to see it.
They would love to access what you have
They have no interest in doing the right thing.
except the bitterness.
You support voter fraud/suppression?

Thanks for being honest! :)
we cannot allow these crooks on the left (that's what they are) to steal the vote from we the people, my friends
How do you think all those people that enabled the fraud, from the crooked poll workers to the crooked vote counters to these that actually operated dominion voting machines feel about the changes in our country in the last six months. Do they realize they are responsible for the 10-15000 Americans we abandoned in Afghanistan.

Google's your friend, but cult members don't want anything but Kult KoolAid.

The authorities are keenly aware; cult members refuse to see it.

They have no interest in doing the right thing.

You support voter fraud/suppression?

Thanks for being honest! :)

You have nothing but immature replies.
You opened your big mouth and it got filled. Go away You idiot.

And they blame Democrats! We should demand a forensic audit of every state Trump "won" in 2020! Bigly!!!

And they blame Democrats! We should demand a forensic audit of every state Trump "won" in 2020! Bigly!!!
You are right about needing forensic audits in many, many states. I'd start with Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
Here's a bit about voter fraud.
Note it has never been "massive" as you guys suggested until trumps gets booted.
Make you of it what you will.

There is one thing the Heritage Foundation did not tally:
How much of the fraud was committed by Trump vs. Biden voters. What are they hiding? I have read more than one account of Trump voters double voting.

All of the major swing state votes suddenly shifted from Trump to Biden between the hours of midnight and 5 am when everyone was asleep. That is when the Democrats do their best work. They dumped hundreds of thousands of bogus mail in ballots and swayed the election to Biden. Do you have any questions Colin?
And the Dems did all this with Republicans in power? If you believe that, why won't you believe that Dems will do it again? And this time, we are in power!!!

So, advice to Republicans... no use voting. Stay home and rest. We (the Dems) Got This!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Here's a bit about voter fraud.
Note it has never been "massive" as you guys suggested until trumps gets booted.
Make you of it what you will.

Do you know how many mail in ballots were fraudulent? Of course you dont. No one does, but thats where the vast majority of the fraud takes place and its virtually impossible to catch.
Do you know how many mail in ballots were fraudulent? Of course you dont. No one does, but thats where the vast majority of the fraud takes place and its virtually impossible to catch.
If no one knows, how do you know there are any?

You're still bleating about trump getting democratically beaten.
Why didn't you say something when trump won? Was there no fraud then or only when republicans get beaten?
You're argument is pathetic and baseless and proven to be so. 12 months after election and nothing has happened after several audits.
When will you ever wake up, nothing happened. Trumps a loser and dickhead and the people told him so.
If no one knows, how do you know there are any?
Its called logic. In a country of 300,000,000+ million people, for you to suggest that its even possible that no one is committing fraud like this, is preposterous. You are being intellectually dishonest, which bores me.
Its called logic. In a country of 300,000,000+ million people, for you to suggest that its even possible that no one is committing fraud like this, is preposterous. You are being intellectually dishonest, which bores me.

You've had your chance to prove it and found nothing. You're merely repeating the trump propaganda. You gave no evidence whatsoever.
Why didn't you mention about fraud when trump won? Any fraud then or did it only happen when Lord trump was defeated.
How coincidental?
And you think people will both our shit.

But the irony of you suggesting iintellectual dishonesty when you won't accept defeat when it's bleeding obviously.
And boring, you could bore an arsehole in a wooden horse.
Stick with your bible and see if God helps you.
You've had your chance to prove it and found nothing. You're merely repeating the trump propaganda. You gave no evidence whatsoever.
Why didn't you mention about fraud when trump won? Any fraud then or did it only happen when Lord trump was defeated.
How coincidental?
And you think people will both our shit.

But the irony of you suggesting iintellectual dishonesty when you won't accept defeat when it's bleeding obviously.
And boring, you could bore an arsehole in a wooden horse.
Stick with your bible and see if God helps you.
What makes you think ive found "nothing"? How stupid are you to think that no one has ever been busted for this? Its extremely hard to catch, but of course many have been busted. You must be a fucking moron if you are this uninformed.

Maybe there were fraudulent votes for Hillary in 2016, but there weren't enough of them.

Maybe but don't you find it coincidental all the problems happened when trump lost?
There was not enough enoughfraud to swing a seat let alone a president and you know it.
It's the same bellowing about lord trump going down when you all annointed him before he lost. Joe was supposed to be an easy target. The silent majority voted trump out.

That's the problem son. The fraud accusation is to shift the blame to democrats and like trump, it failed.

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