Voter ID Fraud


Gold Member
Jun 17, 2014
Since almost every case of voter fraud has come through absentee ballots how do the new voter ID laws prevent any voter fraud at all? Those laws were evidently designed for some other purpose. I wonder if we can guess what that purpose might be?
Voter fraud is completely blown out of proportion and does not justify laws that would possibly disenfranchise eligible voters.
According to the far left Voter Fraud does not exist!

So Congratulations for defeating that far left programmed talking point..
Since almost every case of voter fraud has come through absentee ballots how do the new voter ID laws prevent any voter fraud at all? Those laws were evidently designed for some other purpose. I wonder if we can guess what that purpose might be?
I think on the level of the rubes, Voter ID provides a false sense of security. Their motives may be pure, and it makes them feel like something has been done to improve the security of the electoral process.

However, this false sense of security actually helps to aid and abet fraud, because Voter ID wastes taxpayer money that could have been better spent on things which have a greater ability to improve the security of the electoral process.

There are far better programs which actually reduce the kinds of voter fraud which occur.

What the motives are for the people who manipulate the rubes can only be guessed at.

Despite everything we write about Voter ID, the rubes will not see these words. I can write all the live long day and what I am saying right now is completely invisible to them.

Don't believe me?

Just wait. Any moment now, one of them will be along to say that Voter ID opponents say there is no fraud.
Voter fraud is completely blown out of proportion and does not justify laws that would possibly disenfranchise eligible voters.

Not just blown out of proportion.....the new voter ID laws are complete bull shit enacted under false pretenses.
Ah. I see Kosh has already beat me to it while I was writing my previous post.

According to the far left Voter Fraud does not exist!

Well done, Kosh! Thank you for proving Voter ID proponents see and hear things which are not said!
It's like being part of a secret society operating out in the open. Start your post in opposition to Voter ID, and the rubes will be struck blind. You can then say whatever you wish and they won't see it!

Voter ID sucks!

So the other day, I gave the teller at Bank of America my account number (945482311131) and my PIN (4355) and my routing number (3434198938) and asked her to deposit the $10,000 I had found in my couch cushions and she did. It's nice to know my money is safe now.
Hey let the world know that you thought Mandela was full of shit.

Hey let the world know that you thought Mandela was full of shit.

Still going with the "because South Africa" meme, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

We should have ObamaCare...because France!

We should control guns...because Mexico!

You are completely clueless about the electoral process in South Africa, but you seem to have just enough mental wattage to copy and paste a picture. Good for you! Tomorrow, we will learn how to type in boldface and in color!
According to the far left Voter Fraud does not exist!

So Congratulations for defeating that far left programmed talking point..
According to proponents of Voter ID every citizen has a valid ID that will prevent them from being turned away from their RIGHT to vote. Voting is a right, not a privilege unlike the false equivalencies voting is compared to by proponents of Voter ID.
Better yet. Keep insulting American minorities. Keep telling them they are the dumbest fucks on the planet because they can't figure out how to get identification.
the only thing left to say about voter fraud is simple.

Better yet. Keep insulting American minorities. Keep telling them they are the dumbest fucks on the planet because they can't figure out how to get identification.
Keep telling yourself that everyone has it as easy as you and are able to afford the time and resources to obtain something unnecessary in order to practice one of their RIGHTS.
Better yet. Keep insulting American minorities. Keep telling them they are the dumbest fucks on the planet because they can't figure out how to get identification.
No one is telling them they are too stupid to get ID. The problem is that no Voter ID proponent has ever proven anyone should have to.

Colorado is voting today by mail ... how are those cards working for the postman ?

It stops me from showing up at your precinct and voting under your name.
You used the wrong tag. Your post is evidence of /thinking.

Your scenario is the imaginary fantasy that retards have about Voter ID.

But you never spent the five seconds of thinking it takes to figure out the giant hole in your plan which explains why that type of fraud is extremely rare.

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