Voter ID Has Not Stopped Fraud


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
It seems the faux right wing neocon propaganda machine has given the rubes marching orders to create a lot of topics about Voter ID in the past few days.

None of the fools has been able to clear the simplest of hurdles. To wit, prove that Voter ID is the only means to stop or prevent the kind of voter fraud which occurs.

It seems to me a true conservative would not just start clamoring for more government regulations and intrusions into our lives without DEMANDING evidence it is necessary and will work.

In this case, they are really falling down on the job and should turn in their conservative credentials for allowing themselves to be led by the nose to call for bigger government and programs paid for out of the taxpayers pockets.

The goal, ladies and gentlemen, is to reduce voter turnout by whatever means necessary. Whether it is by reducing early voting, or reducing access to the polls by demanding particular forms of ID. This is because the GOP does not do well in elections when there is high voter turnout.

As I stated in most of these Voter ID topics, boy are you guys going to be surprised when voter fraud continues to happen in Voter ID states.

So let's get down to it, shall we?

Florida requires a photo ID to vote. Does that stop fraud? Nope.

FEMA official charged in voter fraud case

According to the charging affidavit, Pawlowski signed a voter registration form in which he reported his legal address in St. Augustine Beach and voted by absentee ballot in the general election in November 2010, the presidential primary in January 2012, and the general election last November.

Voter ID never even slowed this guy down!

Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe

Authorities are investigating a sophisticated scheme to manipulate last year's primary elections by submitting hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests.

I want you to notice that is a Fox News story.

Fox News has been one of the leading propagandists for Voter ID. Isn't it funny they are not pointing out the failure of Voter ID to prevent or stop voter fraud?


Let's go to South Dakota which has one of the strictest Voter ID laws in the country.

Mitchell man arrested on charge of voter fraud

The Daily Republic reports that Craig Guymon was arrested on charges of voter fraud. Police say Guymon voted Tuesday morning at the Mitchell Career and Technical Education Academy and later returned an absentee ballot to the Davison Auditor's Office.

Let's move on to Georgia, which also has some of the oldest and strictest voter ID laws in the country, shall we?

12 former officials indicted for voter fraud

12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.

I could go on all day with more examples from all around the country in states that have photo ID laws.

And the frauds will continue. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see the complete ineffectiveness of Voter ID for the kind of ACTUAL fraud which occurs.

In-person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth. Most fraud is not slowed down in the slightest by Voter ID.

Is Fox News or the Washington Times or Rush Limbaugh or CNS News or Breitbart or the Daily Caller or Glenn Beck or Alex Jones reporting on the catastropic failure of Voter ID to prevent fraud? Are they devoting as much air and print time to this fact as they do to bloviate for Voter ID?

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What's the matter, stunned into silence, or are you too busy gouging out your eyes to avoid the truth?
First you say there is no fraud, but the contend that it hasn't stopped it. Which one is it, liberal? Your taunts didn't go unnoticed, g5, but they do make you look childish.
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Laws against murder do not eliminate murders happening either...

Requiring photo ID drivers licenses does not prevent those without them from driving....

Requiring ID and documentation for work does not prevent illegals from getting jobs either..

BUT.. upon questionable behavior or an illegal event, it makes it easier to determine.. and it helps to reduce the possibility of it happening by not leaving the flood gates wide open
What g5 wants is for unrestricted voting by anyone, regardless of legality. That's the only way Liberals win in elections.
First you say there is no fraud,...

Nope. I never said that. I plainly said no one can prove Voter ID is the only way to prevent or stop the kind of fraud which occurs. SEVERAL times. Over and over and over.

You fail right out of the gate.
What g5 wants is for unrestricted voting by anyone, regardless of legality. That's the only way Liberals win in elections.

That's true. That is what libs need.....the low information voter, and as long as this is true, there will always be voter fraud:

"It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." (Josef Stalin)
Laws against murder do not eliminate murders happening either...

Requiring photo ID drivers licenses does not prevent those without them from driving....

Seriously flawed thinking here. You have to get a license to prove you can handle a motor vehicle. And this requirement can be demonstrated to accomplish that on a large scale.

Getting a driver's license is more analagous to registering to vote. You are proving your eligibility.

Voter ID cannot be demonstrated to accomplish anything at all except to make bigger government and cost taxpayers money.
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What's the matter, stunned into silence, or are you too busy gouging out your eyes to avoid the truth?

Waiting only 20 minutes before calling out people for not responding is poor form.

And yet Voter ID topics are responded to in no time.

Sorry.. I am on vacation killing time while waiting for my eldest to finish getting ready so we can go on our outing for the day... I don't just wait for your posts and jump on responding to them.. and I don't think others do either
It seems the faux right wing neocon propaganda machine has given the rubes marching orders to create a lot of topics about Voter ID in the past few days.

None of the fools has been able to clear the simplest of hurdles. To wit, prove that Voter ID is the only means to stop or prevent the kind of voter fraud which occurs.

It seems to me a true conservative would not just start clamoring for more government regulations and intrusions into our lives without DEMANDING evidence it is necessary and will work.

In this case, they are really falling down on the job and should turn in their conservative credentials for allowing themselves to be led by the nose to call for bigger government and programs paid for out of the taxpayers pockets.

The goal, ladies and gentlemen, is to reduce voter turnout by whatever means necessary. Whether it is by reducing early voting, or reducing access to the polls by demanding particular forms of ID. This is because the GOP does not do well in elections when there is high voter turnout.

As I stated in most of these Voter ID topics, boy are you guys going to be surprised when voter fraud continues to happen in Voter ID states.

So let's get down to it, shall we?

Florida requires a photo ID to vote. Does that stop fraud? Nope.

FEMA official charged in voter fraud case

According to the charging affidavit, Pawlowski signed a voter registration form in which he reported his legal address in St. Augustine Beach and voted by absentee ballot in the general election in November 2010, the presidential primary in January 2012, and the general election last November.

Voter ID never even slowed this guy down!

Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe

Authorities are investigating a sophisticated scheme to manipulate last year's primary elections by submitting hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests.

I want you to notice that is a Fox News story.

Fox News has been one of the leading propagandists for Voter ID. Isn't it funny they are not pointing out the failure of Voter ID to prevent or stop voter fraud?


Let's go to South Dakota which has one of the strictest Voter ID laws in the country.

Mitchell man arrested on charge of voter fraud

The Daily Republic reports that Craig Guymon was arrested on charges of voter fraud. Police say Guymon voted Tuesday morning at the Mitchell Career and Technical Education Academy and later returned an absentee ballot to the Davison Auditor's Office.

Let's move on to Georgia, which also has some of the oldest and strictest voter ID laws in the country, shall we?

12 former officials indicted for voter fraud

12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.

I could go on all day with more examples from all around the country in states that have photo ID laws.

And the frauds will continue. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see the complete ineffectiveness of Voter ID for the kind of ACTUAL fraud which occurs.

In-person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth. Most fraud is not slowed down in the slightest by Voter ID.

Is Fox News or the Washington Times or Rush Limbaugh or CNS News or Breitbart or the Daily Caller or Glenn Beck or Alex Jones reporting on the catastropic failure of Voter ID to prevent fraud? Are they devoting as much air and print time to this fact as they do to bloviate for Voter ID?


Bovine Scatology!:eek:
What g5 wants is for unrestricted voting by anyone, regardless of legality. That's the only way Liberals win in elections.

If all you have is strawman fallacies, you probably should stop making an ass of yourself. You aren't helping your cause.
Laws against murder do not eliminate murders happening either...

Requiring photo ID drivers licenses does not prevent those without them from driving....

Seriously flawed thinking here. You have to get a license to prove you can handle a motor vehicle. And this requirement can be demonstrated to accomplish that on a large scale.

Voter ID cannot be demonstrated to accomplish anything at all.

And you should get a voter ID to prove you are eligible to vote.. same difference

And oh.. my grandmother has a license still and she never had to take any test when she first got hers.. so there was never, and is still no proof in her ability to handle a motor vehicle
What's the matter, stunned into silence, or are you too busy gouging out your eyes to avoid the truth?

No, just tired of your one trick pony show. Move along comrade, you've done your service to the "people's" cause. Extra bread for you this week.
Bovine Scatology!:eek:

And now the inevitable willful blindness phase will begin now that the rubes are confronted with the catastrophic collapse of the justification for Voter ID.

Their masters who poured their piss for them will be strangely silent on this failure of Voter ID.

And we will be one rung higher on the ladder to acceptance of national identity papers to make the job of the national security apparatus easier.
There are real live cases of fraud with absentee ballots.

Not a peep from the right wing about those..

Laws against murder do not eliminate murders happening either...

Requiring photo ID drivers licenses does not prevent those without them from driving....

Seriously flawed thinking here. You have to get a license to prove you can handle a motor vehicle. And this requirement can be demonstrated to accomplish that on a large scale.

Voter ID cannot be demonstrated to accomplish anything at all.

And you should get a voter ID to prove you are eligible to vote.. same difference

Nope. I proved I was eligible to vote when I registered.
If you want to eliminate voter ID, eliminate any voter law.. just get it over with and call for what you and others really want.. just allow anyone to vote, regardless of citizenship, being in prison, or whatever else
There are real live cases of fraud with absentee ballots.

Not a peep from the right wing about those..


Really.. there have been PLENTY of us with concerns about the misuse of absentee ballots..

But nice try, idiot

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