Voter ID Has Not Stopped Fraud

What's the matter, stunned into silence, or are you too busy gouging out your eyes to avoid the truth?

What makes you think that Voter ID Laws will stop voter fraud.
What Voter ID Laws will do is enable the prosecution of those that commit voter fraud.
First you say there is no fraud, but the contend that it hasn't stopped it. Which one is it, liberal? Your taunts didn't go unnoticed, g5, but they do make you look childish.

g5 is a troll.

Yesterday, I produced the actual statement from the Supreme Court that there is NO Federally Guaranteed Right to Vote...


“The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States” (Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, 104 [2000]).

And he still wouldn't accept it.

So then I produced a Paper from the 'Constitutional Amendment For the Right To Vote" organization and he refused to accept that while telling me I should read the whole decision because I obviously didn't understand what Scalia (Writing for the majority) was saying when he said, "The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States".

You know, Templar. It's one thing to talk to stupid people. Which G5 certainly is. It's one thing to talk to dishonest people. Which G5 certainly is.

It's another thing to talk to lying, dishonest, stupid, ignorant fucks who refuse to acknowledge the most basic of facts.

G5 is one of the worst trolls on the Board

Creating a Federal Right to Vote | Center for American Progress

Do we have a constitutional right to vote?

The simple answer is no.

A vast majority of Americans believe that their right to vote is one of the most important rights in a democracy. Many Americans, however, might be surprised to know that there is no explicit, affirmative declaration of the right to vote in the U.S. Constitution. The Court has long deferred to state action with regard to voting rights—including the rights of states to disenfranchise specific groups of people—and specifically held in Bush v. Gore that individual citizens have no “federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States.”

Until you can have basic understandings of what an argument is about... In this case, voting. You can't get anywhere.

It is IMPERATIVE that EVERYBODY understand something before we even get started on this.....


If there is a Constitutional Right To Vote, it is from a STATE Constitution.

This is why I get frustrated with dimocrap scum and start calling names.

They're just too stupid to breathe my air
Seriously flawed thinking here. You have to get a license to prove you can handle a motor vehicle. And this requirement can be demonstrated to accomplish that on a large scale.

Voter ID cannot be demonstrated to accomplish anything at all.

And you should get a voter ID to prove you are eligible to vote.. same difference

Nope. I proved I was eligible to vote when I registered.

And you just tell that to the cop when you get pulled over and asked for your license...

You continually have to prove every time you are trying to cast a ballot.... just as you provide ID each time you get a job.. just as you show ID when you cash a check every time...
There are real live cases of fraud with absentee ballots.

Not a peep from the right wing about those..


Exactly my point. I asked a zillion times for Voter ID proponents to explain how Voter ID will stop absentee ballot fraud. No answer.

I asked a zillion times how Voter ID will stop poll workers from altering ballots. No answer.

I asked a zillion times how Voter ID will stop someone from voting in two precincts. No answer.

It is just bizarre they filled their heads with fantasies and never stopped for a single moment to consider the actual kinds of fraud which occur.

Even more bizarre are all the cases of fraud they would cite and then say we need Voter ID, yet all the cases they cited (absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, etc.) would not be stopped by Voter ID!
If you want to eliminate voter ID, eliminate any voter law.. just get it over with and call for what you and others really want.. just allow anyone to vote, regardless of citizenship, being in prison, or whatever else

You left out as often as they want in as many places as they want which is part of the Democrat strategy.
What's the matter, stunned into silence, or are you too busy gouging out your eyes to avoid the truth?

What makes you think that Voter ID Laws will stop voter fraud.
What Voter ID Laws will do is enable the prosecution of those that commit voter fraud.

There are already laws on the books against voter fraud!
First you say there is no fraud,...

Nope. I never said that. I plainly said no one can prove Voter ID is the only way to prevent or stop the kind of fraud which occurs. SEVERAL times. Over and over and over.

You fail right out of the gate.

You affiliate yourself with the same people who insist THERE ISN'T ANY. Or are you too brain dead to realize that?

There Is No Voter Fraud, Unless You Count . . .

During last fall’s campaign, liberal commentators attacking laws combatting voter fraud would frequently claim that the penalties for committing voter fraud were such that no sane person would take the risk.

But they fell silent this year whenever someone prominent was charged with voter fraud, including the election supervisors in Madison County, Fla. or Troy, N.Y., and a leading candidate for mayor of New Albany, Ind. In Lincoln County, W. Va., the sheriff, county clerk, and a local commissioner were all sentenced to prison for an election-fraud scheme.

There Is No Voter Fraud, Unless You Count . . . | National Review Online
If you want to eliminate voter ID, eliminate any voter law.. just get it over with and call for what you and others really want.. just allow anyone to vote, regardless of citizenship, being in prison, or whatever else

Another strawman fallacy.
Seriously flawed thinking here. You have to get a license to prove you can handle a motor vehicle. And this requirement can be demonstrated to accomplish that on a large scale.

Voter ID cannot be demonstrated to accomplish anything at all.

And you should get a voter ID to prove you are eligible to vote.. same difference

Nope. I proved I was eligible to vote when I registered.

Why even bother to register? Votes for everybody! Just show up at a polling place.
What's the matter, stunned into silence, or are you too busy gouging out your eyes to avoid the truth?

What makes you think that Voter ID Laws will stop voter fraud.
What Voter ID Laws will do is enable the prosecution of those that commit voter fraud.

There are already laws on the books against voter fraud!

That only work if you are a Liberal. See how that stuff works?
There are real live cases of fraud with absentee ballots.

Not a peep from the right wing about those..


Really.. there have been PLENTY of us with concerns about the misuse of absentee ballots..

But nice try, idiot

Yes, you fools have cited absentee ballot fraud as proof we need Voter ID!

As I have said time and time again, and just proved in the OP, Voter ID does not prevent absentee ballot fraud.

Wake up!
Seriously flawed thinking here. You have to get a license to prove you can handle a motor vehicle. And this requirement can be demonstrated to accomplish that on a large scale.

Voter ID cannot be demonstrated to accomplish anything at all.

And you should get a voter ID to prove you are eligible to vote.. same difference

Nope. I proved I was eligible to vote when I registered.

Yeah, and so can an illegal immigrant. Your point?
There are real live cases of fraud with absentee ballots.

Not a peep from the right wing about those..


Really.. there have been PLENTY of us with concerns about the misuse of absentee ballots..

But nice try, idiot

Yes, you fools have cited absentee ballot fraud as proof we need Voter ID!

As I have said time and time again, and just proved in the OP, Voter ID does not prevent absentee ballot fraud.

Wake up!

You wake up, tool.

First you insist it doesn't stop voter fraud period, but then move to a stance that it just doesn't stop absentee ballot fraud. Now, you are all over the place, g5. Thanks for rendering your own argument invalid. Any further attempts at self flagellation on your part will be ignored.

Good day.
Voter ID does not stop the kind of fraud which occurs.

Overwhelming evidence just provided. I have more if you need it, but I suspect there is mass willful blindness going into effect as I write this. I already see it happening. :lol:
What's the matter, stunned into silence, or are you too busy gouging out your eyes to avoid the truth?

What makes you think that Voter ID Laws will stop voter fraud.
What Voter ID Laws will do is enable the prosecution of those that commit voter fraud.

There are already laws on the books against voter fraud!

We also already have laws on the books for things like immigration.....but this admin seems to think it can pick and choose what it wants to enforce. Your guy thinks he is above the law.
Really.. there have been PLENTY of us with concerns about the misuse of absentee ballots..

But nice try, idiot

Yes, you fools have cited absentee ballot fraud as proof we need Voter ID!

As I have said time and time again, and just proved in the OP, Voter ID does not prevent absentee ballot fraud.

Wake up!

You wake up, tool.

First you insist it doesn't stop voter fraud period, but then move to a stance that it just doesn't stop absentee ballot fraud.

Wrong. A lie. A total lie.

I have said it does not stop poll worker fraud. I have said it does not stop people from voting in two precincts. I have said it does not remove invalid registrations.

Over and over and over and over and over. Did you really think you could get away with such a bald faced lie? Seriously?
As a matter of Constitutional principle, Voter ID is needed and should be quickly implemented everywhere. Common sense says it will work to make sure only legally eligible citizens vote.

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