Voter ID Has Not Stopped Fraud

Voter ID proponents tried to implement rules which would have disenfranchised low income voters in Pennsylvania.

A Republican judge reversed himself when he realized this to be a fact and he placed an injunction on the Voter ID requirements until everyone had a chance to get the ID required by the new law. He extended the injunction past the November election.

This was Pennsylvania.

Then Fox News was like all shocked and shit when blacks turned out with a vengeance to vote for Obama in Philadelphia. Fox News could not understand why entire black precincts did not vote for Romney. It was a real mystery to them.

This Voter ID shit is going to splash back on the GOP from multiple directions.

If you want to win, don't be the party known for trying to suppress the vote. Come up with superior ideas.
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Wrong. A lie. A total lie.

I have said it does not stop poll worker fraud. I have said it does not stop people from voting in two precincts. I have said it does not remove invalid registrations.

Over and over and over and over and over. Did you really think you could get away with such a bald faced lie? Seriously?


Just because YOU say it's true, doesn't make it true. Then you call me a liar. Only someone desperate for something or in utter denial will resort to such base tactics. How arrogant can you be? Did you really think you could pull that crap over MY eyes?

Just stop, your argument is dead on its feet.

I provided evidence in the OP to support my claims, moron. Take a reading comprehension course, will you.

You are the textbook example of willful blindness. Voter ID is completely ineffective in stopping the vast majority of fraud which occurs.

This is what you bozos kept claiming Voter ID would do. You said it would stop fraud. Now that it is proven it doesn't, you are moving the goalposts. You want it...because.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stories of absentee ballot fraud. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch absentee ballot fraud.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stories of poll worker fraud. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch poll worker fraud.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stores of people voting in more than one precinct. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch voting in more than one precinct.

In short, no one has provided evidence to justify Voter ID. So why would any sane conservative be demanding more government and more expenditures of tax money without evidence it would accomplish anything?

This is not conservatism. Not by any stretch of the imagination. You sheep are being led by the nose by people far more clever than you. This is about reducing turnout of eligible citizens. The GOP is so intellectually bankrupt, it can no longer win on a level playing field and so is resorting to tactics like this.

We need to start demanding superior ideas from the right, not succumb to underhanded tactics which only give more shelf life to the stupidity infecting the GOP.

Wake up.

Quit running your mouth. The fact you aren't backing your argument up means there isn't one. I am not even part of the GOP so why should I give a damn?

Are you so naive to think that Voter ID laws should be perfect enough to stop ALL voter fraud? No law is perfect. Laws criminalizing murder, theft, and rape do not prevent them from happening completely. What you contend here is like saying gun laws stop gun violence. You really are a piece of work aren't you?

At any rate, I am awake. I woke up three and a half hours ago. Stop telling people to wake up when your own mind's eye is closed to all reality.

You wake up, g5. It's truly sad to see someone flail in so many directions at once.
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I posed a question to those so opposed to voter I.D. a day or so ago on a thread similar to this and got no response so let's try again today. Do those who claim voter I.D.will suppress the minority vote have any facts or evidence to support this claim? Again opinions are not facts or evidence.

I have also asked repeatedly for someone to provide a cut and paste from the Constitution where we are guaranteed a "right to vote" and no one will respond.

Just because YOU say it's true, doesn't make it true. Then you call me a liar. Only someone desperate for something or in utter denial will resort to such base tactics. How arrogant can you be? Did you really think you could pull that crap over MY eyes?

Just stop, your argument is dead on its feet.

I provided evidence in the OP to support my claims, moron. Take a reading comprehension course, will you.

You are the textbook example of willful blindness. Voter ID is completely ineffective in stopping the vast majority of fraud which occurs.

This is what you bozos kept claiming Voter ID would do. You said it would stop fraud. Now that it is proven it doesn't, you are moving the goalposts. You want it...because.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stories of absentee ballot fraud. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch absentee ballot fraud.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stories of poll worker fraud. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch poll worker fraud.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stores of people voting in more than one precinct. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch voting in more than one precinct.

In short, no one has provided evidence to justify Voter ID. So why would any sane conservative be demanding more government and more expenditures of tax money without evidence it would accomplish anything?

This is not conservatism. Not by any stretch of the imagination. You sheep are being led by the nose by people far more clever than you. This is about reducing turnout of eligible citizens. The GOP is so intellectually bankrupt, it can no longer win on a level playing field and so is resorting to tactics like this.

We need to start demanding superior ideas from the right, not succumb to underhanded tactics which only give more shelf life to the stupidity infecting the GOP.

Wake up.

Quit running your mouth. The fact you aren't backing your argument up means there isn't one.

Thank you for proving me correct on the willful blindness. Awesome! It is fascinating to observe.

Are you so naive to think that Voter ID laws should be perfect enough to stop ALL voter fraud?

Nope. That has been my WHOLE point. It is the Voter ID proponents who made that claim, not me.

No law is perfect. Laws criminalizing murder, theft and rape do not prevent them from happening completely.

This is the moving of the goalposts of which I just spoke.

There are already rules on the books against voter fraud, so this argument is bogus.

Face it. Voter ID is a catastrophic failure. It does not stop all that fraud Voter ID proponents keep saying it will.
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I posed a question to those so opposed to voter I.D. a day or so ago on a thread similar to this and got no response so let's try again today. Do those who claim voter I.D.will suppress the minority vote have any facts or evidence to support this claim? Again opinions are not facts or evidence.

I have also asked repeatedly for someone to provide a cut and paste from the Constitution where we are guaranteed a "right to vote" and no one will respond.

There isn't. It just says that any AMERICAN CITIZEN shall be granted the right to vote, the 14th and 15th Amendments make sure of that.
G5000 is sooo far left he makes CHRISSY BOY Matthews look mainstream.. He tries to post BS flowery crap in the general section as if we're all dumb enough to buy in to his charade..
G5000 is sooo far left he makes CHRISSY BOY Matthews look mainstream.. He tries to post BS flowery crap in the general section as if we're all dumb enough to buy in to his charade..

This is all you are capable of contributing. Nothing on point. As usual.

Voter ID failed. It did not stop all that absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, or multiple precinct voting fraud Voter ID proponents continuously cite as evidence we need Voter ID. It did not stop any of that fraud which they continue to claim it will.

Catastrophic failure.

The party is infected with airheads like yourself. No longer the party of big ideas, it is the party of failure.
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There's an easy way to stop Voter fraud. Make the vote online, and ensure that there's access via normal polling places for those without internet, and make it so each ss# can only vote ONCE, and allow grievances for claims that someone's social was stolen and used fraudulently.

Too easy?

There's an easy way to stop Voter fraud. Make the vote online, and ensure that there's access via normal polling places for those without internet, and make it so each ss# can only vote ONCE, and allow grievances for claims that someone's social was stolen and used fraudulently.

Too easy?


Voting online would just be another form of absentee voting, and prone to the identical fraud we see with absentee voting fraud.
There's an easy way to stop Voter fraud. Make the vote online, and ensure that there's access via normal polling places for those without internet, and make it so each ss# can only vote ONCE, and allow grievances for claims that someone's social was stolen and used fraudulently.

Too easy?


Voting online would just be another form of absentee voting, and prone to the identical fraud.

Theyd have t know that the person didn't already vote, theyd have to steal the social security number, and then theyd have to elude an investigation when the actual social holder files complaint, and the vote is traced.
G5000 is sooo far left he makes CHRISSY BOY Matthews look mainstream.. He tries to post BS flowery crap in the general section as if we're all dumb enough to buy in to his charade..

This is all you are capable of contributing. Nothing on point. As usual.

Voter ID failed. It did not stop all that absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, or multiple precinct voting fraud Voter ID proponents continuously cite as evidence we need Voter ID. It did not stop any of that fraud which they continue to claim it will.

Catastrophic failure.

The party is infected with airheads like yourself. No longer the party of big ideas, it is the party of failure.

Your constant cheerleading on command from your DNC Talking Points is doing nothing here.. None of us are naive enough to fall for your crap.. so stuff it. Everyone with a brain in their head knows precisely why you leftists are pushing for no ID to vote..

The entire argument is moot based upon this single fact: VOTING IS NOT A RIGHT and not guaranteed.. so go whine some place else, pump your weenie to your Zombie crowds of mushed brain feces..
If you can't get your fat ass out to vote, get a ride from someone and have an ID - then guess what?? YOU DON'T GET TO VOTE.
I provided evidence in the OP to support my claims, moron. Take a reading comprehension course, will you.

You are the textbook example of willful blindness. Voter ID is completely ineffective in stopping the vast majority of fraud which occurs.

This is what you bozos kept claiming Voter ID would do. You said it would stop fraud. Now that it is proven it doesn't, you are moving the goalposts. You want it...because.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stories of absentee ballot fraud. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch absentee ballot fraud.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stories of poll worker fraud. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch poll worker fraud.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stores of people voting in more than one precinct. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch voting in more than one precinct.

In short, no one has provided evidence to justify Voter ID. So why would any sane conservative be demanding more government and more expenditures of tax money without evidence it would accomplish anything?

This is not conservatism. Not by any stretch of the imagination. You sheep are being led by the nose by people far more clever than you. This is about reducing turnout of eligible citizens. The GOP is so intellectually bankrupt, it can no longer win on a level playing field and so is resorting to tactics like this.

We need to start demanding superior ideas from the right, not succumb to underhanded tactics which only give more shelf life to the stupidity infecting the GOP.

Wake up.

Quit running your mouth. The fact you aren't backing your argument up means there isn't one.

Thank you for proving me correct on the willful blindness. Awesome! It is fascinating to observe.

Are you so naive to think that Voter ID laws should be perfect enough to stop ALL voter fraud?

Nope. That has been my WHOLE point. It is the Voter ID proponents who made that claim, not me.

No law is perfect. Laws criminalizing murder, theft and rape do not prevent them from happening completely.

This is the moving of the goalposts of which I just spoke.

There are already rules on the books against voter fraud, so this argument is bogus.

Face it. Voter ID is a catastrophic failure. It does not stop all that fraud Voter ID proponents keep said it would.

Voter ID is not a catastrophic failure. I don't need a reading comprehension class to see through your arguments. For instance, out of almost 9 million people in Georgia, there have been only 80 known cases of so-called voter fraud since the year 2000. That covers the 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012 presidential and midterm elections. In South Dakota, there are no known cases of voter fraud that have been reported in 13 years. In Florida there have been only 17 such cases in the past decade or so. See where I'm going with this?

You're lying through your teeth. While you may be right that Voter ID is pointless to some degree, it is a necessary precaution. And come to think of it, if it were such a failure, then you would see more cases of voter fraud than less.

Voter ID laws: A state-by-state map reveals how much voter fraud there is in the United States?almost none. - Slate Magazine

Shut the fuck up, g5. We are well past your attempts to spin the issue.
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The people who commit voter fraud are not too bright. Voting twice for a candidate is not going to swing the election. It is a stupid risk, which is why it does not happen that often. Most people are smart enough to figure that out.

The biggest problems we have in our electoral system right now is a lack of a mechanism to clear a voter's registration when they move or die. This is what we should be focusing on. Voter ID does not provide that mechanism.

If we clear out the chaff, we make the management of our registration rolls more effective.

The registration process should ensure only eligible citizens are registered. Everything hinges on this. Once your eligibility is established, and your name is on the list, fraud is about as difficult to perpetrate as it can be. It is not necessary for me to produce my ID at the voting booth as long as the registration process is secure.

If the registration process is not secure, Voter ID will not make it so. Voter ID is closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.
Quit running your mouth. The fact you aren't backing your argument up means there isn't one.

Thank you for proving me correct on the willful blindness. Awesome! It is fascinating to observe.

Nope. That has been my WHOLE point. It is the Voter ID proponents who made that claim, not me.

No law is perfect. Laws criminalizing murder, theft and rape do not prevent them from happening completely.

This is the moving of the goalposts of which I just spoke.

There are already rules on the books against voter fraud, so this argument is bogus.

Face it. Voter ID is a catastrophic failure. It does not stop all that fraud Voter ID proponents keep said it would.

Voter ID is not a catastrophic failure. I don't need a reading comprehension class to see through your arguments. For instance, out of almost 9 million people in Georgia, there have been only 80 known cases of so-called voter fraud since the year 2000. That covers the 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012 presidential and midterm elections. In South Dakota, there are no known cases of voter fraud that have been reported in 13 years. In Florida there have been only 17 such cases in the past decade or so. See where I'm going with this?

You're lying through your teeth. While you may be right that Voter ID is pointless to some degree, it is a necessary precaution. And come to think of it, if it were such a failure, then you would see more cases of voter fraud than less.

Voter ID laws: A state-by-state map reveals how much voter fraud there is in the United States?almost none. - Slate Magazine

Shut the fuck up, g5. We are well past your attempts to spin the issue.
Wow. You are making my case for me, and you don't even know it.

As I frequently say, Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem. Thanks for showing Voter ID is not justified by the small amount of fraud which occurs.

What you seem to be missing is that Voter ID proponents claim the fraud which does exist would be STOPPED by Voter ID.

It isn't.
There's an easy way to stop Voter fraud. Make the vote online, and ensure that there's access via normal polling places for those without internet, and make it so each ss# can only vote ONCE, and allow grievances for claims that someone's social was stolen and used fraudulently.

Too easy?


Voting online would just be another form of absentee voting, and prone to the identical fraud.

Theyd have t know that the person didn't already vote, theyd have to steal the social security number, and then theyd have to elude an investigation when the actual social holder files complaint, and the vote is traced.

Exactly the same hurdles an absentee voter fraudster faces.
G5000 is sooo far left he makes CHRISSY BOY Matthews look mainstream.. He tries to post BS flowery crap in the general section as if we're all dumb enough to buy in to his charade..

This is all you are capable of contributing. Nothing on point. As usual.

Voter ID failed. It did not stop all that absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, or multiple precinct voting fraud Voter ID proponents continuously cite as evidence we need Voter ID. It did not stop any of that fraud which they continue to claim it will.

Catastrophic failure.

The party is infected with airheads like yourself. No longer the party of big ideas, it is the party of failure.

The Good Sense of Voter ID | National Review Online

Yeah sure what ever you say

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