Voter ID Has Not Stopped Fraud

What makes you think that Voter ID Laws will stop voter fraud.
What Voter ID Laws will do is enable the prosecution of those that commit voter fraud.

There are already laws on the books against voter fraud!

We also already have laws on the books for things like immigration.....but this admin seems to think it can pick and choose what it wants to enforce. Your guy thinks he is above the law.

My guy?

Another strawman fallacy.

Another lack of rebuttal.

You manufactured bullshit. Simple fact.

Pointing out you committed a strawman fallacy IS a rebuttal, moron.

No, your anger and ad hominem fallacies show the feebleness of your stance. Rage much? Please spare me your technical bullshit. It's not even noon where I am, and it seems I'm already kicking your butt all over your own thread.

You are entitled to your own opinions, g5, not your own facts.
As a matter of Constitutional principle, Voter ID is needed and should be quickly implemented everywhere. Common sense says it will work to make sure only legally eligible citizens vote.


We have managed to vote without Voter ID for over two centuries.

How will Voter ID stop absentee ballot fraud? It doesn't.

How will Voter ID stop poll worker fraud? It doesn't.

How will Voter ID stop people from voting in more than one precinct? It doesn't.

How will Voter ID remove invalid registrations? It doesn't.

Fix what is broken.
As a matter of Constitutional principle, Voter ID is needed and should be quickly implemented everywhere. Common sense says it will work to make sure only legally eligible citizens vote.

It is absolutely a very important step in the right direction.
There are already laws on the books against voter fraud!

We also already have laws on the books for things like immigration.....but this admin seems to think it can pick and choose what it wants to enforce. Your guy thinks he is above the law.

My guy?


But here you are making arguments only liberals would dare make. Why raise the issue of voter fraud in a down year for elections? Lie much?
If you want to eliminate voter ID, eliminate any voter law.. just get it over with and call for what you and others really want.. just allow anyone to vote, regardless of citizenship, being in prison, or whatever else

Another strawman fallacy.

g5000 defined

$one trick pony.JPG
You see?

Willful blindness. When confronted with evidence Voter ID is ineffective, the liberals who think they are conservatives still demand more government, more taxpayer expense!
We also already have laws on the books for things like immigration.....but this admin seems to think it can pick and choose what it wants to enforce. Your guy thinks he is above the law.

My guy?


But here you are making arguments only liberals would dare make. Why raise the issue of voter fraud in a down year for elections? Lie much?

You invent in your head that only a liberal could be against Voter ID. That does not make it true.

I simply defend logic and the truth. If some idiot lies about Obama, the truth comes first. If some idiot wants to make government bigger without evidence of its efficacy, I will fight it.

Voter ID has virtually no effectiveness against fraud at all.
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There are already laws on the books against voter fraud!

We also already have laws on the books for things like immigration.....but this admin seems to think it can pick and choose what it wants to enforce. Your guy thinks he is above the law.

My guy?


Sure you do Jake. $emot-jerkit.gif

I used to work with a gay guy and he was the only one who was convinced he wasn't gay. Reminds me of your denials.
Yes, you fools have cited absentee ballot fraud as proof we need Voter ID!

As I have said time and time again, and just proved in the OP, Voter ID does not prevent absentee ballot fraud.

Wake up!

You wake up, tool.

First you insist it doesn't stop voter fraud period, but then move to a stance that it just doesn't stop absentee ballot fraud.

Wrong. A lie. A total lie.

I have said it does not stop poll worker fraud. I have said it does not stop people from voting in two precincts. I have said it does not remove invalid registrations.

Over and over and over and over and over. Did you really think you could get away with such a bald faced lie? Seriously?


Just because YOU say it's true, doesn't make it true. Then you call me a liar. Only someone desperate for something or in utter denial will resort to such base tactics. How arrogant can you be? Did you really think you could pull that crap over MY eyes?

Just stop, your argument is dead on its feet.
We also already have laws on the books for things like immigration.....but this admin seems to think it can pick and choose what it wants to enforce. Your guy thinks he is above the law.

My guy?


Sure you do Jake. View attachment 27211

I used to work with a gay guy and he was the only one who was convinced he wasn't gay. Reminds me of your denials.

I can't help it if you listen to the lying voices in your head.
My guy?


But here you are making arguments only liberals would dare make. Why raise the issue of voter fraud in a down year for elections? Lie much?

You invent in your head that only a liberal could be against Voter ID. That does not make it true.

I simply defend logic and the truth. If some idiot lies about Obama, the truth comes first. If some idiot wants to make government bigger without evidence of its efficacy, I will fight it.

Voter ID has virtually no effectiveness against fraud at all.

That is is purely laughable. The fact you brag about it only tells me there is no logic or truth in your argument. If some idiot "lies" about Obama, the first word out your mouth would be "racist!" You delude yourself into thinking you have the answer for everything.

Keep saying it. It won't make it any more truer that it was the first time you said it.
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As a matter of Constitutional principle, Voter ID is needed and should be quickly implemented everywhere. Common sense says it will work to make sure only legally eligible citizens vote.


We have managed to vote without Voter ID for over two centuries.

How will Voter ID stop absentee ballot fraud? It doesn't.

How will Voter ID stop poll worker fraud? It doesn't.

How will Voter ID stop people from voting in more than one precinct? It doesn't.

How will Voter ID remove invalid registrations? It doesn't.

Fix what is broken.

You do realize that over half the states already have photo ID required to vote don't you?

Voter ID laws in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You wake up, tool.

First you insist it doesn't stop voter fraud period, but then move to a stance that it just doesn't stop absentee ballot fraud.

Wrong. A lie. A total lie.

I have said it does not stop poll worker fraud. I have said it does not stop people from voting in two precincts. I have said it does not remove invalid registrations.

Over and over and over and over and over. Did you really think you could get away with such a bald faced lie? Seriously?


Just because YOU say it's true, doesn't make it true. Then you call me a liar. Only someone desperate for something or in utter denial will resort to such base tactics. How arrogant can you be? Did you really think you could pull that crap over MY eyes?

Just stop, your argument is dead on its feet.

I provided evidence in the OP to support my claims, moron. Take a reading comprehension course, will you.

You are the textbook example of willful blindness. Voter ID is completely ineffective in stopping the vast majority of fraud which occurs.

This is what you bozos kept claiming Voter ID would do. You said it would stop fraud. Now that it is proven it doesn't, you are moving the goalposts. You want it...because.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stories of absentee ballot fraud. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch absentee ballot fraud.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stories of poll worker fraud. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch poll worker fraud.

To support the case for Voter ID, supporters post news stores of people voting in more than one precinct. They are too stupid to realize Voter ID will not prevent or catch voting in more than one precinct.

In short, no one has provided evidence to justify Voter ID. So why would any sane conservative be demanding more government and more expenditures of tax money without evidence it would accomplish anything?

This is not conservatism. Not by any stretch of the imagination. You sheep are being led by the nose by people far more clever than you. This is about reducing turnout of eligible citizens. The GOP is so intellectually bankrupt, it can no longer win on a level playing field and so is resorting to tactics like this.

We need to start demanding superior ideas from the right, not succumb to underhanded tactics which only give more shelf life to the stupidity infecting the GOP.

Wake up.
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I posed a question to those so opposed to voter I.D. a day or so ago on a thread similar to this and got no response so let's try again today. Do those who claim voter I.D.will suppress the minority vote have any facts or evidence to support this claim? Again opinions are not facts or evidence.

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