Voter ID Has Not Stopped Fraud

It's really simple, voter fraud exist, voter ID is one tool of many to aid in the detection and prevention of fraud. Anyone who disputes that fact is just ignorant.

I ask, for the millionth time, how will voter ID detect or prevent absentee voter fraud? How will Voter ID detect or prevent poll worker fraud? How will Voter ID detect or prevent mulitple precinct voting fraud?

Those are the types of fraud constantly hauled up as examples of why we need Voter ID.

So go ahead. Tell me how it will stop or prevent those frauds.

It isn't. See my opening post.

You are so ignorant you can't even comprehend the simple fact that all the frauds you people cite cannot and are not being stopped by Voter ID!!!
I think Voter ID proponents who have read this are so stupid they will continue to cite examples of absentee voter fraud, poll worker fraud, and fraud involving voting in multiple precincts as evidence we need Voter ID in future Voter ID topics.

Watch and see.
Look up the term, "Jumped the Shark" because.......

You have.

And bumping your own thread with three posts in a row?

That's what we stable people call "needy". :cuckoo:
Laws against murder don't do a lot to prevent murders. They're still a pretty good idea, though.

False analogy. No one claims laws against murder will stop murder. The Voter ID schizos claim Voter ID WILL stop absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, and voting in multiple precincts.

It won't and isn't.

Whose ass did you pull your information from? Voter ID is for the purpose of one person, one vote. Remember the purple ink on the thumb? Same concept. Kept people from committing fraud and gaming the system for the sake of political power. Why are liberals sooooo frightened by this?
Laws against murder don't do a lot to prevent murders. They're still a pretty good idea, though.

False analogy. No one claims laws against murder will stop murder. The Voter ID schizos claim Voter ID WILL stop absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, and voting in multiple precincts.

It won't and isn't.

Whose ass did you pull your information from? Voter ID is for the purpose of one person, one vote. Remember the purple ink on the thumb? Same concept. Kept people from committing fraud and gaming the system for the sake of political power. Why are liberals sooooo frightened by this?

I want to ask our ignorant liberal friends how many fraudulent votes do we need to stop for the effort to be worthwhile................

A Million?

Ten Million?



If you answered anything other than ONE (1) your whole argument is invalid.

Allowing One fraudulent vote goes against the grain of democratic Republic.

We, our society, is based on law and when you start excusing fraud in what determines the very fabric, the undeniable future of our Country and our Children then it's all for nothing.

Even if all we stop is one fraudulent vote, it's worth it.

People of all political philosophies, backgrounds, social structure and age group DIED to give you that Privilege and if you don't respect their sacrifice enough to go and get a Free ID sometime in the next Fifteen Months.....

Then I don't need you to vote anyway.
It's really simple, voter fraud exist, voter ID is one tool of many to aid in the detection and prevention of fraud. Anyone who disputes that fact is just ignorant.

I ask, for the millionth time, how will voter ID detect or prevent absentee voter fraud? How will Voter ID detect or prevent poll worker fraud? How will Voter ID detect or prevent mulitple precinct voting fraud?

Those are the types of fraud constantly hauled up as examples of why we need Voter ID.

So go ahead. Tell me how it will stop or prevent those frauds.

It isn't. See my opening post.

You are so ignorant you can't even comprehend the simple fact that all the frauds you people cite cannot and are not being stopped by Voter ID!!!

Hey dip, if a person is caught voting in multiple precincts having provided ID at all of them will confirm that another person didn't cast the other votes. So yes, ID will aid in these prosecutions.
It seems the faux right wing neocon propaganda machine has given the rubes marching orders to create a lot of topics about Voter ID in the past few days.

Regardless of what has happened in the past, you still lock your doors at night (I lock mine in a secure building and I'm more than a dozen floors off the ground). Why?

Because of what might happen.

It makes perfect sense to take the same steps to secure the most crucial aspect of our Republic; the vote and the rule of one man=one vote.
Laws against murder don't do a lot to prevent murders. They're still a pretty good idea, though.

False analogy. No one claims laws against murder will stop murder. The Voter ID schizos claim Voter ID WILL stop absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, and voting in multiple precincts.

It won't and isn't.

Whose ass did you pull your information from? Voter ID is for the purpose of one person, one vote. Remember the purple ink on the thumb? Same concept. Kept people from committing fraud and gaming the system for the sake of political power. Why are liberals sooooo frightened by this?

I think you have some kind of fantasy in your head of the kind of fraud which Voter ID is stopping.

That fantasy is wrong. All those examples of absentee voter fraud, poll worker fraud, and multiple precinct voting fraud you Voter ID proponents have been citing all this time cannot and are not stopped by Voter ID.

It is astonishing this has not penetrated your thick skulls. You are so heavily invested in a bogus fantasy that you have become literally deluded!
It seems the faux right wing neocon propaganda machine has given the rubes marching orders to create a lot of topics about Voter ID in the past few days.

Regardless of what has happened in the past, you still lock your doors at night (I lock mine in a secure building and I'm more than a dozen floors off the ground). Why?

Because of what might happen.

It makes perfect sense to take the same steps to secure the most crucial aspect of our Republic; the vote and the rule of one man=one vote.

Another false analogy.

Please explain how Voter ID is any way affects absentee voter fraud, or poll worker fraud, or someone voting in more than one precinct. These are the examples you fools have posted time and time and time and time and time again as "evidence" we need Voter ID.

It is a very simple fact that Voter ID does not apply to any of these frauds.

"Um. He didn't show his ID to the mailman when he mailed in his fraudulent ballot, Your Honor."

"Duhhhh, the poll worker didn't show her ID to herself when she altered ballots, Your Honor."

"Duhhhh, the guy showed his ID both times when he voted in two precincts, Your Honor."

Figure it out, idiots. You have been totally pwned.
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False analogy. No one claims laws against murder will stop murder. The Voter ID schizos claim Voter ID WILL stop absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, and voting in multiple precincts.

It won't and isn't.

Whose ass did you pull your information from? Voter ID is for the purpose of one person, one vote. Remember the purple ink on the thumb? Same concept. Kept people from committing fraud and gaming the system for the sake of political power. Why are liberals sooooo frightened by this?

I want to ask our ignorant liberal friends how many fraudulent votes do we need to stop for the effort to be worthwhile................

What you don't get is that Voter ID will not stop, catch, or prevent almost all of them.

You dipshits are spending all your energy on something that is completely ineffective against all the cases of fraud you keep citing.

You should be spending your energy fixing what is actually broken. And it isn't a lack of Voter ID!
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Look up the term, "Jumped the Shark" because.......

You have.

And bumping your own thread with three posts in a row?

That's what we stable people call "needy". :cuckoo:

It's called responding to everyone who is talking to me. What's the matter, embarrassed one person is kicking all of your asses and want me to stop?
Remember the purple ink on the thumb? Same concept.

No. That is the equivalent of checking your name on the voter registration list when you have voted, actually. A purple thumb is not an ID. Holy shit, how did you get that idea?

A purple thumb will prevent someone from voting twice, but Voter ID will not prevent someone from voting twice who is registered in two different precincts.

Voter ID is another virtually useless expensive government expansion. We call those "liberal programs".
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So let's review some of the types of fraud cited right here on this forum as "proving" we need Voter ID:

But there is no voter fraud......So many have told us so........

Never mind the poll worker who admitted that she cast 5 votes for Obama....

This next poster recently started a topic about "liberal logic", but check out hers here:
Well, it seems she really voted 6 times for him with different names. And you know she cant be the only one since she worked for the election and signed up thousands of people to vote. YOu think for one minute she didnt tell friends to do the same thing..Did Obama supporter vote 6 times in 2012? Ohio poll worker target of investigation | Fox News

They are investigating 19 others as well
Richardson is one of 19 people suspected of illegal voting by the Hamilton County Board of Elections in the last election.

The very first response to her post:

But we dont need voter I.D. ........
Libs dont care how they win,as long as they win. Blacks and hispanics commit most violent crime and they obviously dont have a problem with voter fraud either. It's all about who's willing to be a criminal.
Just read a newspaper everyday and it will become pretty clear even to the most dedicated lib......not that would change their minds.

Guess what?

Ohio has Voter ID.

It did not stop this fraud!

It just HAS to hurt when you post what you think is evidence for Voter ID only to actually make the case Voter ID doesn't stop fraud. :lol:

That Ohio poll worker has been the subject of many a Voter ID proponent. ;)

But they never mention the Oregon poll worker who altered ballots to be straight Republican tickets.

And for those who continue to delude yourselves I am biased toward the Left, take a gander:

I think some Republicans are so convinced Democrats are cheating, they'll cheat to get even. Every time I see someone arrested or convicted of election fraud, it's always a Republican. Explain that.

The explanation is very simple.

The reason you did not see any Democratic fraud is because you did not look for it. You only look for what confirms your bias. You are willfully blind.


More Democrats who have been arrested for voter fraud:

Vote-probe arrests include councilmen - Times Union

The City Council president, a councilman and two others were arrested Tuesday and charged with felonies for allegedly forging absentee ballots in the 2009 primary to benefit Democratic candidates.
Those arrested early Tuesday included City Council President Clement Campana, Councilman John Brown and political operatives Anthony Renna and Anthony DeFiglio.
So far seven elected or appointed officials and operatives have been charged in the two-year probe into allegations that scores of absentee ballots were forged to benefit Democratic candidates in the 2009 Working Families Party primary.

It really isn't hard to find voter fraud by Democrats or Republicans IF YOU LOOK.


The only bias I try to maintain is toward FACTS and the TRUTH.
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Infidel started a topic about an NAACP leader convicted of fraud:

Here's the gist of the fraud:

In a story ignored by the national media, in April a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots.

Here is the conclusion Infidel drew from that fraud:

This is just one individual that got caught.... this is a very hard crime to prove due to the fact that our vote is kept relatively private.

Cleaning the voter rolls is the best way to clean it up, and we MUST require an ID.... we just have to.

It seems the faux right wing neocon propaganda machine has given the rubes marching orders to create a lot of topics about Voter ID in the past few days.

None of the fools has been able to clear the simplest of hurdles. To wit, prove that Voter ID is the only means to stop or prevent the kind of voter fraud which occurs.

It seems to me a true conservative would not just start clamoring for more government regulations and intrusions into our lives without DEMANDING evidence it is necessary and will work.

In this case, they are really falling down on the job and should turn in their conservative credentials for allowing themselves to be led by the nose to call for bigger government and programs paid for out of the taxpayers pockets.

The goal, ladies and gentlemen, is to reduce voter turnout by whatever means necessary. Whether it is by reducing early voting, or reducing access to the polls by demanding particular forms of ID. This is because the GOP does not do well in elections when there is high voter turnout.

As I stated in most of these Voter ID topics, boy are you guys going to be surprised when voter fraud continues to happen in Voter ID states.

So let's get down to it, shall we?

Florida requires a photo ID to vote. Does that stop fraud? Nope.

FEMA official charged in voter fraud case

According to the charging affidavit, Pawlowski signed a voter registration form in which he reported his legal address in St. Augustine Beach and voted by absentee ballot in the general election in November 2010, the presidential primary in January 2012, and the general election last November.

Voter ID never even slowed this guy down!

Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe

Authorities are investigating a sophisticated scheme to manipulate last year's primary elections by submitting hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests.

I want you to notice that is a Fox News story.

Fox News has been one of the leading propagandists for Voter ID. Isn't it funny they are not pointing out the failure of Voter ID to prevent or stop voter fraud?


Let's go to South Dakota which has one of the strictest Voter ID laws in the country.

Mitchell man arrested on charge of voter fraud

The Daily Republic reports that Craig Guymon was arrested on charges of voter fraud. Police say Guymon voted Tuesday morning at the Mitchell Career and Technical Education Academy and later returned an absentee ballot to the Davison Auditor's Office.

Let's move on to Georgia, which also has some of the oldest and strictest voter ID laws in the country, shall we?

12 former officials indicted for voter fraud

12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.

I could go on all day with more examples from all around the country in states that have photo ID laws.

And the frauds will continue. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see the complete ineffectiveness of Voter ID for the kind of ACTUAL fraud which occurs.

In-person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth. Most fraud is not slowed down in the slightest by Voter ID.

Is Fox News or the Washington Times or Rush Limbaugh or CNS News or Breitbart or the Daily Caller or Glenn Beck or Alex Jones reporting on the catastropic failure of Voter ID to prevent fraud? Are they devoting as much air and print time to this fact as they do to bloviate for Voter ID?


Dear g5000
Thanks for bringing up issues regarding Voter ID, Voting Rights, and other means of addressing fraud.

Currently I am exploring the strategy of comparing the Voter ID restrictions
with the health care mandates that Conservatives DO agree is taking liberty from people not shown to commit a crime yet.

A friend of mine pointed out, that if the health care mandates collectively restrict the public's freedoms exercised previously
by punishing them for the fraud of others they aren't shown to have committed,
then why doesn't this logic apply to restriction on voting rights? Why treat all people as criminals in advance,
especially if Republicans oppose this for health care mandates that add taxes if you don't PROVE you have insurance
as the ONLY MEANS of showing you are paying for health care?

I think that is a useful analogy to make a point indirectly.

May I ask your help to comment on the similarities
and foster intelligent discussion on why people respond in one case but not the other.
CDZ - Great debate point on restrictions Voting Rights vs. Health Care Mandates US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And why can't we respect the rights people believe are "inalienable"
and should not have restrictions added that we DON'T consent to as solving the problems.

Thank you, g5000, and I hope you are having great year so far!
Here's what leftists refuse to understand......

We don't want Voter ID in order to stop Voter Fraud. We know that is an illusive goal that will never be fully accomplished.

We want Voter ID in order to PROSECUTE Voter Fraud.

If dimocrap dirtbag #1 takes her mama's voter ID to the poll station and votes in her stead because she's in prison and she gets caught?

All she has to do is say, "I didn't know! My mama axed me to vote for her while she away!!"

And guess what, MORONS...... No DA in the Country will take that case. Know why?

A conviction would be impossible. Can't be done. Getting a fraud conviction on that person just ain't gonna happen.

And believe me I tell you, that is the basis for virtually all the Voter Fraud going on in this Country.

They know that if they get caught, all they gotta do is say some shit like the excuse I gave you above and -- pfft. No case.

Now, if we insist on a Voter ID, and a person shows an ID claiming to be that Individual and she gets caught?

That's a slam dunk fraud conviction. Party's over, clean out your room, you be going bye-bye.


Bottom line is this.... There is MASSIVE Voter Fraud in this Country EVERY SINGLE ELECTION. And the vast majority of it is from dimocrap scum. Because....... Well, that's what they are.

They don't what mandatory Voter ID because it would cut their votes down by millions.

I don't care if you believe me or not. It's just a fact.
Liberals continually tell US that state issued ID voting requirements would be unfair to minorities and elderly since these groups do not have IDs. However, Liberals don't address the problem that because a large number of minorities and elderly do not possess IDs, these citizens do not have access to government buildings, air transportation, prescription drugs, government programs, or even the Democrat National Convention. What is their plan to break down these barriers?

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