Voter ID: How about this?

Here's the complete list of What We Should Do to ensure Voting Integrity:

Federal Policy

  • Require all voters in federal elections to present photographic identification, issued by the federal, state, local, or tribal government, when they vote at their polling place and to send copies of such identification when submitting an absentee ballot. Such ID should be provided free of charge to those who request it for voting purposes.
As I have empirically proven many times, this would have zero effect. It is a waste of money.

Make all federal databases at the Social Security Administration and the immigration and customs divisions of the Department of Homeland Security available to state election officials to verify the citizenship of registered voters.

No problem there.

Require all federal courts to notify state election officials when individuals whose names are drawn from their voter registration rolls are excused from jury duty because they claim they are not U.S. citizens.
How often does this happen?

Amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to allow states to purge individuals who have not voted in two federal elections as long as they have been sent written notice that they will be removed unless they contact election officials within a certain period of time.

This is naked disenfranchisement. Unconstitutional.

Sunset the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, a federal agency created in 2002 to administer a one-time grant of federal funds to the states. Having this unneeded federal agency in place will tempt Congress to give it expanded authority to impose federal mandates through federal regulations, which could lead eventually to the complete takeover of the election process by the federal government.

This is funny coming from the guy who just demanded more federal involvement in the states voter registration!

Direct the Department of Defense to create voter registration offices on all military installations to provide voting assistance to military personnel and their families, and allow nonpartisan veterans groups to conduct voter registration drives at base commissaries or other public locations on bases.

This is already in place. And it was during my entire 20+ years of service.

Require individuals who register by mail to vote in person the first time they vote. Section 6 of the National Voter Registration Act allows states to implement such a requirement, although it cannot apply to any voter entitled to vote by absentee ballot or other than in person under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act or the Voting Accessibility of the Elderly and Handicapped Act.

I voted for 20 years by mail before I ever cast a vote in person. And that is because I was active duty military.
I will give you a hint. Every case of impersonation fraud the Voter ID tards have posted on this forum as evidence we need Voter ID has been absentee ballot fraud. Every single one!.

I don't think so. This doesn't look like absentee ballot fraud to me:

  • In 1970, the witness voted at least 10 times, at 10 different polling places, using bogus registration cards. He was part of a crew of five persons, each of whom was paid $40 for the day's activities.
  • In the 1972 Democratic primary election, he received a promotion to crew chief, running a crew of five members.
  • By 1974, his crew had grown to eight members, each of whom voted in excess of 20 times, and there were approximately 20 other crews operating during that election.
  • In 1976, the grand jury witness led a crew of five people who cast at least 100 fraudulent votes.
  • Moreover, the same witness had been present at a meeting prior to election day that was "attended by twenty crew chiefs."[21] If the other crews averaged as many fraudulent votes, then there would have been at least 2,000 phony votes cast in that election without detection by precinct poll workers or election officials.
  • By 1982, the witness "was to have provided twenty-five workers to vote in a Congressional primary election again using bogus voter registration cards."[22]
Here are the ways we can prevent fraud, which I have advocated on this forum many times:

1. Tighten up voter registration. Our entire system hinges on voter registration being done properly.

2. Purge dead and relocated voters from voter registration rolls. This process needs to be done properly. Some attempts in the past have fucked this up and disenrolled eligible citizens.

3. Use the voting monitoring system being used in several states already. This computerized system monitors for someone voting twice in different precincts and even in different states.

All of these would do far more to prevent fraud than Voter ID. The example you gave would have not happened if voter registration was being done properly.

Voter ID is not necessary. Tightening up the existing system will be far more effective.

You of course realize that Voter ID would negate the need to register right? I mean you show up, you show your ID, if the address says you live in that district and you're eligible to vote . Boom, ,you're registered and can vote.

assuming your ID isn't counterfeit ? or do you trust everyone carrying a card?

Give me a break..
Here's the complete list of What We Should Do to ensure Voting Integrity:

Federal Policy

    • Require all voters in federal elections to present photographic identification, issued by the federal, state, local, or tribal government, when they vote at their polling place and to send copies of such identification when submitting an absentee ballot. Such ID should be provided free of charge to those who request it for voting purposes.
As I have empirically proven many times, this would have zero effect. It is a waste of money.

Make all federal databases at the Social Security Administration and the immigration and customs divisions of the Department of Homeland Security available to state election officials to verify the citizenship of registered voters.

No problem there.

Require all federal courts to notify state election officials when individuals whose names are drawn from their voter registration rolls are excused from jury duty because they claim they are not U.S. citizens.
How often does this happen?

Amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to allow states to purge individuals who have not voted in two federal elections as long as they have been sent written notice that they will be removed unless they contact election officials within a certain period of time.

This is naked disenfranchisement. Unconstitutional.

Sunset the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, a federal agency created in 2002 to administer a one-time grant of federal funds to the states. Having this unneeded federal agency in place will tempt Congress to give it expanded authority to impose federal mandates through federal regulations, which could lead eventually to the complete takeover of the election process by the federal government.

This is funny coming from the guy who just demanded more federal involvement in the states voter registration!

Direct the Department of Defense to create voter registration offices on all military installations to provide voting assistance to military personnel and their families, and allow nonpartisan veterans groups to conduct voter registration drives at base commissaries or other public locations on bases.

This is already in place. And it was during my entire 20+ years of service.

Require individuals who register by mail to vote in person the first time they vote. Section 6 of the National Voter Registration Act allows states to implement such a requirement, although it cannot apply to any voter entitled to vote by absentee ballot or other than in person under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act or the Voting Accessibility of the Elderly and Handicapped Act.

I voted for 20 years by mail before I ever cast a vote in person. And that is because I was active duty military.

All you've done is proven that you are a moronic HACK.
So it is 100 percent FACT that Voter ID does not stop fraud, and you are wasting time and money.

Scuze me. We see frequent reports that people voted twice, dead people voted, illegal aliens voted....proper ID checking at polling places would stop a great deal of this.

g5000 has come up with the insight that if he covers his eyes he doesn't see anything...
I voted for 20 years by mail before I ever cast a vote in person. And that is because I was active duty military.

You think that your chain of command doesn't know WHO YOU are and can't attest to your identity?
So it is 100 percent FACT that Voter ID does not stop fraud, and you are wasting time and money.

Scuze me. We see frequent reports that people voted twice, dead people voted, illegal aliens voted....proper ID checking at polling places would stop a great deal of this.

g5000 has come up with the insight that if he covers his eyes he doesn't see anything...

I love how G5000 would have us believe that poor blacks who are collecting welfare don't have ID. Um to my knowledge they won't let you sign up for welfare , without ID.
None of that equates to you having supported your assertion that anyone wants to suppress votes. People proving who they are doesn't stop anyone legitimate from voting. No one. And every State that requires ID offers a free ID to vote, so there is no cost. You haven't established anything, you just make a blind accusation.
Are Voter IDs made by elves? Because that is the only possible way they could be "no cost."

Taxpayers pay for "free" Voter IDs, the same way taxpayers pay for "free" roads.

Voter ID costs the taxpayers money. A lot of money. Therefore, you must demonstrate the need to spend that money.

Since Voter ID does not stop fraud, you are wasting taxpayer money. And a lot of time.

That is a lie.
It's a fact. No one has ever provided evidence it stops fraud.

You tards have posted many, many, many examples of voter fraud over the years, and yet NOT ONE of them is able to be stopped or prevented by Voter ID. But for some unfathomable reason, you keep posting examples of poll worker fraud and absentee ballot fraud thinking you are proving we need Voter ID!

It is amazing.

So it is 100 percent FACT that Voter ID does not stop fraud, and you are wasting time and money.

Scuze me. We see frequent reports that people voted twice, dead people voted, illegal aliens voted....proper ID checking at polling places would stop a great deal of this.
Post those "frequent reports." In all the years I have been asking for evidence, no one has ever presented an actual case of fraud that can only be prevented by Voter ID.

Dead people voting? Voter ID does not purge dead people from voter registration rolls. You should solve the SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM, not the symptom.

People voting twice? You mean like that woman in Ohio that voted SIX TIMES for Obama, even though Ohio HAS VOTER ID?

Illegal aliens voted? Show me. How did they register to vote? You should solve the SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM, not the symptom.

Let's not have any more imaginary examples. Provide actual ones.
Needing to present ID is not voter suppression. How stupid do you think black people are?

They are smarter than you.

It has nothing to do with stupidity. It has to do with the fact that not everyone has the type of ID required.

In this day and age , anyone who does not have a valid state ID is a loser. PERIOD
Does that include the WWII vet who was not allowed to vote because he did not have the right kind of ID?

So it is 100 percent FACT that Voter ID does not stop fraud, and you are wasting time and money.

Scuze me. We see frequent reports that people voted twice, dead people voted, illegal aliens voted....proper ID checking at polling places would stop a great deal of this.

g5000 has come up with the insight that if he covers his eyes he doesn't see anything...

I love how G5000 would have us believe that poor blacks who are collecting welfare don't have ID. Um to my knowledge they won't let you sign up for welfare , without ID.
G5000 just wants to win elections. Nothing else matters.
If you want to spend taxpayer dollars, the burden of proof that it is necessary is on those who want my tax dollars spent on their government program.

So far, the Voter ID proponents have failed that simple test.
None of that equates to you having supported your assertion that anyone wants to suppress votes. People proving who they are doesn't stop anyone legitimate from voting. No one. And every State that requires ID offers a free ID to vote, so there is no cost. You haven't established anything, you just make a blind accusation.
Are Voter IDs made by elves? Because that is the only possible way they could be "no cost."

Taxpayers pay for "free" Voter IDs, the same way taxpayers pay for "free" roads.

Voter ID costs the taxpayers money. A lot of money. Therefore, you must demonstrate the need to spend that money.

Since Voter ID does not stop fraud, you are wasting taxpayer money. And a lot of time.

That is a lie.
It's a fact. No one has ever provided evidence it stops fraud.

You tards have posted many, many, many examples of voter fraud over the years, and yet NOT ONE of them is able to be stopped or prevented by Voter ID. But for some unfathomable reason, you keep posting examples of poll worker fraud and absentee ballot fraud thinking you are proving we need Voter ID!

It is amazing.

So it is 100 percent FACT that Voter ID does not stop fraud, and you are wasting time and money.

Scuze me. We see frequent reports that people voted twice, dead people voted, illegal aliens voted....proper ID checking at polling places would stop a great deal of this.
Post those "frequent reports." In all the years I have been asking for evidence, no one has ever presented an actual case of fraud that can only be prevented by Voter ID.

Dead people voting? Voter ID does not purge dead people from voter registration rolls. You should solve the SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM, not the symptom.

People voting twice? You mean like that woman in Ohio that voted SIX TIMES for Obama, even though Ohio HAS VOTER ID?

Illegal aliens voted? Show me. How did they register to vote? You should solve the SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM, not the symptom.

Let's not have any more imaginary examples. Provide actual ones.

It's not my fault that you pay no attention to the news.

A search engine, if you were capable of Critical Thinking, would be your friend.
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If you want to spend taxpayer dollars, the burden of proof that it is necessary is on those who want my tax dollars spent on their government program.

So far, the Voter ID proponents have failed that simple test.

Too bad you Progs didn't apply that type of thinking to OBAMACARE.
  • Thanks
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Voter ID proponents often whine that you have to show ID to get food stamps, therefore you should have to show ID to vote.

It is one of the dumber arguments.

So I asked that since you have to show ID to get food stamps, why not register people to vote when they get food stamps.

M14 said the process is different for getting food stamps than it is registering to vote, thus once again PROVING MY POINT that these are apples and oranges fallacies.

As I noted earlier in the thread: signing people up to vote when they receive transfer payment is COERCION.

No it isn't. You simply ask them, "Would you like to be registered to vote as long as you are here getting your food stamps?"

That is not coercion.
Too bad you Progs didn't apply that type of thinking to OBAMACARE.
It is well known that I am opposed to ObamaCare, dipshit. Thanks for tossing out ANOTHER straw man.

How many do you have? They make nice bonfires in the cold months.
  • Require individuals who register by mail to vote in person the first time they vote. Section 6 of the National Voter Registration Act allows states to implement such a requirement, although it cannot apply to any voter entitled to vote by absentee ballot or other than in person under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act or the Voting Accessibility of the Elderly and Handicapped Act.

And what do you do with mail in votes, early votes and absentee votes?

Here's the complete list of What We Should Do to ensure Voting Integrity:

Federal Policy

    • Require all voters in federal elections to present photographic identification, issued by the federal, state, local, or tribal government, when they vote at their polling place and to send copies of such identification when submitting an absentee ballot. Such ID should be provided free of charge to those who request it for voting purposes.
    • Make all federal databases at the Social Security Administration and the immigration and customs divisions of the Department of Homeland Security available to state election officials to verify the citizenship of registered voters.
    • Require all federal courts to notify state election officials when individuals whose names are drawn from their voter registration rolls are excused from jury duty because they claim they are not U.S. citizens.
    • Amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to allow states to purge individuals who have not voted in two federal elections as long as they have been sent written notice that they will be removed unless they contact election officials within a certain period of time.
    • Sunset the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, a federal agency created in 2002 to administer a one-time grant of federal funds to the states. Having this unneeded federal agency in place will tempt Congress to give it expanded authority to impose federal mandates through federal regulations, which could lead eventually to the complete takeover of the election process by the federal government.
    • Direct the Department of Defense to create voter registration offices on all military installations to provide voting assistance to military personnel and their families, and allow nonpartisan veterans groups to conduct voter registration drives at base commissaries or other public locations on bases.
State Policy

    • Require all voters to present photographic identification, issued by the federal, state, or local government, when they vote at their polling place and to send copies of such identification or their driver’s license number when submitting an absentee ballot. Any individual who does not have identification should be entitled to receive it free from state authorities. Both academic studies and election results show that identification requirements do not depress the turnout of voters, including eligible minority voters. The vast majority of voters of all parties, races, and ethnic backgrounds support such a requirement, which increases public confidence in the integrity of elections.
    • Require all individuals who register to vote to provide documentation establishing that they are U.S. citizens. States have an interest in preventing dilution of the votes of their citizens at the state level and must maintain citizen-only voting rolls for federal elections. When a state issues a driver’s license to a noncitizen who is in the country legally, the license should indicate on its face that the holder is not a U.S. citizen.
    • Require state and local election officials to verify the accuracy of new voter registration information against other available state and federal databases. Section 303 of the Help America Vote Act of 2001 (HAVA) requires states to coordinate their voter registration lists with “other agency databases” and to “verify the accuracy of the information provided on applications for voter registration.” Some election officials are not complying with this law and not verifying new voter registration information against other available databases such as Department of Motor Vehicles driver’s license records and Social Security Administration records. Only by implementing this requirement as a state law can legislators ensure that their state election officials will follow this common-sense requirement.
    • Require individuals who register by mail to vote in person the first time they vote. Section 6 of the National Voter Registration Act allows states to implement such a requirement, although it cannot apply to any voter entitled to vote by absentee ballot or other than in person under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act or the Voting Accessibility of the Elderly and Handicapped Act.
    • Require all individuals who register to vote by mail-in forms, whether mailed back to election officials or hand-delivered by the individual or third-party organizations, to comply with the applicable HAVA provision. HAVA requires persons who register to vote by mail and who have not previously voted in a federal election to provide a copy of certain identification documents when they register or the first time they vote, but some states have interpreted this to apply only to voter registration forms received through the mail and not to such forms delivered through other means.
    • Require that all third-party organizations that conduct voter registration drives put the name of their organization and the volunteer or employee handling each registration on the voter registration form, and require that all completed forms be returned to election officials within 10 days of the date the forms are executed by the voter. This would allow election officials to identify which organization and individual handled voter registration forms that are found to be incomplete or fraudulent and to ensure that completed registration forms are provided to election officials on a timely basis so that they can be properly processed before the state’s pre-election registration deadline.
    • Require all state courts to notify election officials when individuals whose names are drawn from the registration rolls are excused from jury duty because they claim they are not U.S. citizens or no longer live in the jurisdiction. This would allow local election officials to remove ineligible voters and refer them for possible prosecution. Running data comparisons between voter registration addresses and property tax rolls is also recommended to detect individuals who are registering illegally at commercial addresses or vacant lots.
    • Require that each state enter into agreements with other states, especially neighboring states, to compare voter registration lists to find voters who are registered in more than one state. Because there is no national voter registration list, it is relatively easy for individuals to register in more than one state without detection. Such agreements are critical to detecting and deterring double registration and possible double voting.
What is Voter Integrity Policy Facts Recommendations Solutions 2014
Hmmm...G5000 says he opposes the waste of taxpayer dollars. He must be a liberal!

Hmmm...G5000 says he opposes the waste of taxpayer dollars. He must support ObamaCare.

I don't understand the case against having voter ID in America. It's sheer lunacy.

Having the ability to vote in an election is the greatest civic honor.

To obtain a voter identification card to be able to take part in the most wonderous action one can take as a citizen should be embraced with enthusiasm.

"What the U.S. lacks is any sort of standard ID law at the federal level. But beyond our borders, such ID laws are the norm rather than the exception. Canada, Germany, Argentina, Colombia, and the Netherlands (to name a few) all require ID at the polls.

In Mexico, our neighbor to the south, allresidents need to have a photo ID issued by the Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) in order to vote. In 2010, fully 70 percent of the voting age population had a photo ID issued by the IFE. (This ID is also used for transaction other than voting, acting as an official standard ID across the entire country.)"

The economic case for voter ID laws TheHill

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