Voter ID terrifies Democrats

And the most likely scenario is that someone signed on the wrong line on the roster.

Dead people are on the rolls in every county in every state. Most family members don't think to call the registrar of voters when someone dies.

My office, every two weeks, receives a report of people who have died in the county. If someone doesn't die in the county they reside, it is often months and months before we get notified. What it usually takes is the deceased individual getting sent their ballot or getting a Jury summons.

Thanks to continuous budget cuts, our staffing is so low that death registrations are a low priority compared to new voter registrations, especially as an election draws near.

I'll say it again, there are dead people on the rolls in every county in every state. Having hundreds, even thousands, of dead people on the voter rolls is not an indication of fraud.

It was the fact these dead people actually voted in elections after they died.

And I'm telling you that the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line. I just spent last week going through a report that shows people who potentially "voted twice". Of the half dozen pages I went through, a number of those that showed up on the report (over a score) were from people who had signed on the wrong line of the roster.

Dead people aren't voting.

Clean voter rolls takes money and personnel. Not happening...

Dead people voting comments from a democrat.

County officials say they are investigating the cases pointed out by the P-I. "These are not indications of fraud," said Bill Huennekens, King County's elections supervisor. "Fraud is a concerted effort to change an election.

Read more: Dead voted in governor's race -
It was the fact these dead people actually voted in elections after they died.

And I'm telling you that the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line. I just spent last week going through a report that shows people who potentially "voted twice". Of the half dozen pages I went through, a number of those that showed up on the report (over a score) were from people who had signed on the wrong line of the roster.

Dead people aren't voting.

Clean voter rolls takes money and personnel. Not happening...
You see a link showing dead people voting...and you insist dead people aren't voting.

That is some serious willful ignorance there.

No, the link showed that voting history was applied to someone who was deceased. That is NOT the same thing as someone voting in that dead individuals place. I'm telling you that, in my six years working for a county registrar, the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line.
And I'm telling you that the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line. I just spent last week going through a report that shows people who potentially "voted twice". Of the half dozen pages I went through, a number of those that showed up on the report (over a score) were from people who had signed on the wrong line of the roster.

Dead people aren't voting.

Clean voter rolls takes money and personnel. Not happening...
You see a link showing dead people voting...and you insist dead people aren't voting.

That is some serious willful ignorance there.

No, the link showed that voting history was applied to someone who was deceased. That is NOT the same thing as someone voting in that dead individuals place. I'm telling you that, in my six years working for a county registrar, the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line.
Uh huh. And you certainly have no agenda here.
Wrong, Democrats are angry about typical racist voter suppression as every American should be...
Every American should be concerned about the integrity of the vote.

But as long as the Democrat wins, that means it was a fair election.

But suppressing black and minority votes does not improve the integrity of the vote. And the biggest threat to the credibility of the election was Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004.
And I'm telling you that the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line. I just spent last week going through a report that shows people who potentially "voted twice". Of the half dozen pages I went through, a number of those that showed up on the report (over a score) were from people who had signed on the wrong line of the roster.

Dead people aren't voting.

Clean voter rolls takes money and personnel. Not happening...
You see a link showing dead people voting...and you insist dead people aren't voting.

That is some serious willful ignorance there.

No, the link showed that voting history was applied to someone who was deceased. That is NOT the same thing as someone voting in that dead individuals place. I'm telling you that, in my six years working for a county registrar, the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line.

you keep saying 'most likely', but refuse to come out and say flat out 'dead people have never voted, period'.

Either it is, or is not possible. Either it did, or did not happen.

Which is it?
You see a link showing dead people voting...and you insist dead people aren't voting.

That is some serious willful ignorance there.

No, the link showed that voting history was applied to someone who was deceased. That is NOT the same thing as someone voting in that dead individuals place. I'm telling you that, in my six years working for a county registrar, the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line.

you keep saying 'most likely', but refuse to come out and say flat out 'dead people have never voted, period'.

Either it is, or is not possible. Either it did, or did not happen.

Which is it?

What I have said is that it is unlikely that anyone is voting in place of a dead person. What I have said is that there are hundreds of dead people on ever single voter roll in this country. What I have pointed out is that in my personal experience, dead people aren't voting, but lots of people sign the roster on the wrong line...which applies the voting history to the line they signed, not the one they were supposed to.
You see a link showing dead people voting...and you insist dead people aren't voting.

That is some serious willful ignorance there.

No, the link showed that voting history was applied to someone who was deceased. That is NOT the same thing as someone voting in that dead individuals place. I'm telling you that, in my six years working for a county registrar, the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line.
Uh huh. And you certainly have no agenda here.

Oh, I see...I have an agenda but you don't? What's mine?
No, the link showed that voting history was applied to someone who was deceased. That is NOT the same thing as someone voting in that dead individuals place. I'm telling you that, in my six years working for a county registrar, the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line.

you keep saying 'most likely', but refuse to come out and say flat out 'dead people have never voted, period'.

Either it is, or is not possible. Either it did, or did not happen.

Which is it?

What I have said is that it is unlikely that anyone is voting in place of a dead person. What I have said is that there are hundreds of dead people on ever single voter roll in this country. What I have pointed out is that in my personal experience, dead people aren't voting, but lots of people sign the roster on the wrong line...which applies the voting history to the line they signed, not the one they were supposed to.

You're avoiding my question.

IS IT POSSIBLE that people have voted for dead people, or not?

It's a simple yes or no question, Sea.
yes it has happened.

The FACT you are ignoring is that the levels of this type of fraud is miniscule.

Disenfracnhising legal American voters by the thousands does more harm to democracy than this miniscule problem.
Wrong, Democrats are angry about typical racist voter suppression as every American should be...
Every American should be concerned about the integrity of the vote.

But as long as the Democrat wins, that means it was a fair election.

But suppressing black and minority votes does not improve the integrity of the vote. And the biggest threat to the credibility of the election was Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004.
Your username is misleading. Please change it to "Leftisthorseshitseeker".
No, the link showed that voting history was applied to someone who was deceased. That is NOT the same thing as someone voting in that dead individuals place. I'm telling you that, in my six years working for a county registrar, the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line.
Uh huh. And you certainly have no agenda here.

Oh, I see...I have an agenda but you don't? What's mine?
Support of Democrat voter fraud.

And you're certainly not alone.
Every American should be concerned about the integrity of the vote.

But as long as the Democrat wins, that means it was a fair election.

But suppressing black and minority votes does not improve the integrity of the vote. And the biggest threat to the credibility of the election was Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004.
Your username is misleading. Please change it to "Leftisthorseshitseeker".

GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times
[ame=]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]
When the RINO dominated repub party wants to present the facade that they are concerned about a matter beware.

Remember the voting fraud is in computerized voting by machines such as Diebold.

No, nor do you. We can't "remember" what never happened.

I remember a campaign of lies by the scumbag left claiming that little blue haired ladies were taking Diebold machines with no keyboard, hard drive, USB port or other peripheral and somehow altering BIOS code on the EPROM. Just tap the right leads to create a binary stream that conforms to Diebold proprietary machine language and it's a snap - or so claimed some leftist fucknut in Wired.

Diebold is a major investor in the RINO dominated repub party. Why should the USA be using Diebold machines?

Because you fucknut leftists couldn't successfully operate a paper ballot - remember Florida?

Computers can be directed to vote wrong and you would not know the difference.


Let's put you in front of a Diebold machine and you show us how it's done. You can tap the frequency of 1's and 0's and rewrite the BIOS without breaking a sweat, right?

I mean, you're not just some blowhard fucknut leftist lying like a fucking fool, are you?

This same party wants to give Wall Street trillions of Social Security Insurance tax dollars
so they proceed to paint Social Security Insurance as this evil object that grows the deficit which is a complete lie. Social Security adds nothing to the deficit. Wall Street is a tax dollar moocher.

Yeah, those dollars need to be given to public employee unions so that government hacks can retire at 50 with 90% of their highest salary. Allowing the public to get a return on the SS dollars is an outrage to a leach like you.

Medicare Insurance is the most efficient insurance program on the planet and is not free no way jose'.


Going with the "big lie" approach, huh?

The medical insurance industry sees trillions of tax dollars in the Medicare Insurance program and they want it. Yes the medical insurance industry is a tax dollar moocher.

The Iraq war is based on lies which makes war profiteers and their investors plenty of money. The Bush family are investors in weapons systems and set up deals. Iraq is painted as the evil empire over and over and over again. Trillions of dollars go into war aka one big money hole.

Americans should learn to ask questions and a lot of them when politicians begin selling the taxpayers a line of crap which could be most of the time. Politicians need to be looked upon as uninformed used car sales people until some hard evidence is presented
to substantiate their positions. Talk show hosts do not represent hard evidence across the board.

The fraud is in Diebold voting machines. BS ID cards cannot stop that which the RINO dominated party is well aware. There is no voting fraud of any significance anywhere in the USA except in computers.

Dump the computers!!!

Son, you're a fucking moron, which is why you are a leftist.

You once again prove, the lower the IQ, the further to the left.
I gave up on our voting system back in 2000 when Carol Roberts of Palm Beach County said on live TV "We're not going home until Gore wins" and nobody did one damn thing about it. In fact, other than that live snippet on CNN it was never shown or spoken of again.

She should have lost her job that second, but that fact is that nobody cares.

When an illegal was interviewed on live television and said "We vote too!" and nobody did anything about it, I again lost my faith in our election process. In fact, I've pretty much given up on our contry as a whole. The dems and reps have both sold us out to the highest bidder. We've lost. America, has ceased to exist.

Examples are rampant

New Orleans after Katrina, it took 5 days for our military to get there after a disaster we knew was gonna happen 5 days before it happened. During the same year, we were on the scene of a tusnami 1/2 world away that nobody knew was gonna happen and in only 2 days time. Plus, when our soldiers got to New Orleans, the went door to door taken away peoples guns and Americans did NOTHING!!!

FEMA turned back trucks filled with aid and again America did NOTHING!

I'm glad I'm old. The country I grew up in has ceased to exist. At least I don't have to live under this facsim much longer.
you live by lies daveman

that comment? from YOU?

The republican party has cheated in elections for decades yet you people jsut ignore the cold hard facts the exsist.

You who deny this deny democracy

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