Voter ID terrifies Democrats

He founded the Heritage foundation

So? Doesn't make him 'my' leader. unlike you, I have free will and a mind of my own.

Are you going to pretend the Heritage foundation is not a right wing think tank that the right has depended on greatly for their thinking process and talking points?

You guys said the same thing about Grover Norqist

I am pretending nothing. I am making no blanket statement regarding the GOP or Republicans in general.

YOU, on the other hand, are presuming to tell me who 'my' leader is. I have my own mind, and make it up as 'I' see fit. I have no 'leader'.
Voter ID is not about voter suppression. I can remember busloads of people being picked up to go vote, they can't do that to help those people obtain Voter IDs?? Sound like an excuse instead of a reason. But again, why would the left want to make sure every vote counted and was legal??
The truth of the matter is, an American is more likely to get struck by lightning than there is voter fraud.

research is your friend...
2011 Statistics: 26 killed, 245 injured

Minnesota Leads the Nation in Voter Fraud Convictions -- ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --
The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, "ineligible voter knowingly votes" under Minnesota Statute 201.014.

Yes, Virginia, There Really Is Voter Fraud - By Hans A. von Spakovsky - The Corner - National Review Online
two Troy city officials, the city clerk and a councilman, along with two Democratic political operatives, have pled guilty to forging absentee-ballot signatures and casting fraudulent ballots in the 2009 Working Families Party primary. The WFP is the political party associated with ACORN.
one of the Democratic operatives who pled guilty, Anthony DeFiglio, told New York State police investigators “that faking absentee ballots was a commonplace and accepted practice in political circles, all intended to swing an election.” And whose votes do they steal? DeFiglio was very plain about that: “The people who are targeted live in low-income housing, and there is a sense that they are a lot less likely to ask any questions.”

voter fraud | voter ID | Brooks County | The Daily Caller
Law enforcement officials have charged 12 people with using absentee ballots to skew an election in Georgia.

shall I continue???

MCAA’s Kingrey said that Minnesota Majority sent county attorneys’ offices information last year alleging widespread fraud in the 2008 election. He said the “the drumbeat continued” when the Republican Party of Minnesota backed up Minnesota Majority’s claims and then counties were served with an order by KSTP-TV to retain absentee ballots from the 2008 election.

“County attorneys take voter fraud very seriously; there is no discretion for county attorneys in this manner,” Kingrey said. Minnesota Majority produced a list of more than 1,000 names of Minnesotans that they suspected of illegal voting.

“The list generated wildly overstated the number of felons that voted,” said Kingrey. “Many actually were legal voters; they were allowed to vote under Minnesota statute.”
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Why do you all pretend the vast studies which show voters will be disenfrachised dont exsist?
So you just ignore them for partisan reasons.

Thanks for admitting your duplicity
New Study Finds Voter ID Laws Reduce Political Participation - Yahoo! Voices -

Voter identification laws reduce reduce participation in the political process, according to new research released this week by faculty at the Brown University.
The study, which examined voter registration, voter turnout, and the decision to become a citizen, found that in the 2004 elections, minority turnout in the 19 states that had voter ID laws on the books was suppressed by more than 400,000 votes. Sociology professor John Logan and graduate student Jennifer Darrah authored the study, which was published on the web site of Brown University's Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences.
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