Voter ID terrifies Democrats

The right to vote should be impeded as little as possible. Any impediment to voting requires unimpeachable evidence that such an impediment is necessary.

So if you want voters to have to present proof of residence and citizenship in order to register to vote, that is an impediment to voting. Therefore, you must show such a requirement is necessary. Such as rampant voter fraud.

If there is voter fraud, then residency and citizenship requirements can mitigate that.

If you then wish to put an additional impediment to voting in the form of requiring an ID at the voting booth, you must once again show this is necessary.

I have yet to see anyone anywhere prove the necessity of this requirement. No one. Anywhere.

The voter ID requirement is political pandering to the paranoid who imagine illegal aliens or somesuch swaying elections and putting a negro in the White House.

So, prove there is fraud. And then prove that a voter ID will stop it and that improving the existing registration process won't stop it.

I would wager that most instances of fraud you can produce can be fixed by repairing the registration process.

Also, the courts have NOT held up every voter ID law. Claiming they have is false. Missouri's voter ID law was overturned because the ID requirement was too narrow. This is also why the Department of Justice just threw out the ID requirements in Texas and South Carolina.

To register to vote in South Carolina or Texas, you are allowed to produce many kinds of ID which prove your residency. But to actually vote, they wanted the voters to produce a DMV-issued ID. So that is too narrow restriction and it had the effect of disenfranchising many voters.

This is not an imaginary effect, it is a real one. And so if you are going to disenfranchise REAL voters, you need to show that not doing so does even more harm.

So prove it.

Missouri had to broaden their voter ID requirement, and they did. And that is all South Carolina and Texas need to do.

Not everyone has a DMV ID. But they do have other forms of ID which prove they have the right to vote.

This really isn't complicated.

..... "If there is voter fraud, then residency and citizenship requirements can mitigate that." ....

How do you prove residency or citizenship??????????????????? Could it be.... with ID??????
Who said it never happened? We're just saying that it happens so rarely and has such little impact, that it's not worth disenfranchising millions of UNITED STATES CITIZENS.

Where is the evidence that having to show ID at the polls (I have had to show ID at the polls for over 10 years) will disenfranchise "millions of UNITED STATES CITIZENS"?
Here's a pop quiz people...

Which of these is the truth, and which is merely a talking point of the partisan hack type.

Statement A:
it's to ensure that elderly and poor people and young people have a difficult time voting.

Statement B:
The whole point of an ID is to ensure that you are legally entitled to vote.

Considering that voter fraud is mostly a myth, the correct "truth" answer must be Statement A. Statement B falls under birther stuff.

Birther stuff? Is that what my anti-abortion stance is called nowadays? You young'ns and your slang...... cool. Or is it hot?:eusa_whistle:
Who said it never happened? We're just saying that it happens so rarely and has such little impact, that it's not worth disenfranchising millions of UNITED STATES CITIZENS.

A poster neamed g5000 which can be seen four posts back. If the voter ID is not in place, it invites abuse. Being in place reduces the possibility of abuse. Please show me how an ID disenfranchises millions. Source, not your say so.

First show me where "voter fraud" is a rampant problem that needs an extreme measure such as forcing the poor to travel to DMV's(especially in Wisconsin... where they are closing the ones in poor, Democratic voting areas...Coincidence?).
You people are SO silly.

I'm not sure how many more times I can type "you proceed from a false premise", but I'll keep doing it for as long as I can.

You proceed from a false premise.

There need not be -one- example of such a thing for to legitimize the requirement - the natuure of the right itself creates a compelling state interest in making sure a prospective voter is who he says he is, as if this cannot be ascertained, then no one can meaningfully exercise their right to vote.

This should clear things up - but I am sure that -some- people here will continue to refuse to understand this.
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How does anyone stop computerized voting machines from lying?

Voter ID cannot control a computer...
A Washington Times opinion piece, how compelling…

The oped writer does a good job of cherry-picking facts but fails to address the overriding issue: there’s no compelling evidence in support of voter ID laws.

He also cites the following:

In Chicago, a federal investigation of the 1982 gubernatorial election estimated that at least 100,000 illegal votes had been cast and that voter fraud had been routine for many years.


It was an estimate, was the actual number ever determined? Was anyone prosecuted and convicted of voter fraud? Did the alleged ‘fraud’ change the outcome of the election? What Federal investigation is the author referring to?

An ‘estimate’ of voter fraud and that it had been ‘routine for many years’ is not sufficient evidence to justify voter ID laws.
Remarkable how each time the facts do not fall in the favor of the liberal agenda those facts are dismissed as 'cherry picking'...
You lose!
How does anyone stop computerized voting machines from lying?

Voter ID cannot control a computer...

that is legit atleast, just as hand counts cant be trusted either but by arguement you can vet a human where a computer can be hacked. Humans to can be hacked, kidnapped family member, debt needed paying, or any other number of weakness humans have.

The only constant is the voter themselves(who also can be hacked by the same above methods and many more). I get laughed at everytime I say it but I will say it again, votes should be cast on your tax return.

Now the left are the first to assualt it since a large base of their voters dont need to bother paying taxes, but voting will be their tax input even if they arent paying any taxes.
How does anyone stop computerized voting machines from lying?

Voter ID cannot control a computer...

that is legit atleast, just as hand counts cant be trusted either but by arguement you can vet a human where a computer can be hacked. Humans to can be hacked, kidnapped family member, debt needed paying, or any other number of weakness humans have.

The only constant is the voter themselves(who also can be hacked by the same above methods and many more). I get laughed at everytime I say it but I will say it again, votes should be cast on your tax return.

Now the left are the first to assualt it since a large base of their voters dont need to bother paying taxes, but voting will be their tax input even if they arent paying any taxes.

I believe everyone pays taxes - just not all pay "income" taxes.
How does anyone stop computerized voting machines from lying?

Voter ID cannot control a computer...

that is legit atleast, just as hand counts cant be trusted either but by arguement you can vet a human where a computer can be hacked. Humans to can be hacked, kidnapped family member, debt needed paying, or any other number of weakness humans have.

The only constant is the voter themselves(who also can be hacked by the same above methods and many more). I get laughed at everytime I say it but I will say it again, votes should be cast on your tax return.

Now the left are the first to assualt it since a large base of their voters dont need to bother paying taxes, but voting will be their tax input even if they arent paying any taxes.

Not as easy to hack the human system. Everything is monitored, counted, tracked & transported by a group of vetted & opposing party election judges. We can always check our precinct, ward & board totals to see if they were changed at any point.

The electronic vote machine is a complete mystery.
How does anyone stop computerized voting machines from lying?

Voter ID cannot control a computer...

that is legit atleast, just as hand counts cant be trusted either but by arguement you can vet a human where a computer can be hacked. Humans to can be hacked, kidnapped family member, debt needed paying, or any other number of weakness humans have.

The only constant is the voter themselves(who also can be hacked by the same above methods and many more). I get laughed at everytime I say it but I will say it again, votes should be cast on your tax return.

Now the left are the first to assualt it since a large base of their voters dont need to bother paying taxes, but voting will be their tax input even if they arent paying any taxes.

Not as easy to hack the human system. Everything is monitored, counted, tracked & transported by a group of vetted & opposing party election judges. We can always check our precinct, ward & board totals to see if they were changed at any point.

The electronic vote machine is a complete mystery.

Yet neither party disputes the results in many elections in my city.

This link does not provide ANY evidence of fraud.

Bullshit - You Lie!

From the link - "McDaniel’s voting history said she cast a ballot on 11/4/2008 even though she died on 9/13/2008."

And the most likely scenario is that someone signed on the wrong line on the roster.

Dead people are on the rolls in every county in every state. Most family members don't think to call the registrar of voters when someone dies.

My office, every two weeks, receives a report of people who have died in the county. If someone doesn't die in the county they reside, it is often months and months before we get notified. What it usually takes is the deceased individual getting sent their ballot or getting a Jury summons.

Thanks to continuous budget cuts, our staffing is so low that death registrations are a low priority compared to new voter registrations, especially as an election draws near.

I'll say it again, there are dead people on the rolls in every county in every state. Having hundreds, even thousands, of dead people on the voter rolls is not an indication of fraud.
This link does not provide ANY evidence of fraud.

Bullshit - You Lie!

From the link - "McDaniel’s voting history said she cast a ballot on 11/4/2008 even though she died on 9/13/2008."

And the most likely scenario is that someone signed on the wrong line on the roster.

Dead people are on the rolls in every county in every state. Most family members don't think to call the registrar of voters when someone dies.

My office, every two weeks, receives a report of people who have died in the county. If someone doesn't die in the county they reside, it is often months and months before we get notified. What it usually takes is the deceased individual getting sent their ballot or getting a Jury summons.

Thanks to continuous budget cuts, our staffing is so low that death registrations are a low priority compared to new voter registrations, especially as an election draws near.

I'll say it again, there are dead people on the rolls in every county in every state. Having hundreds, even thousands, of dead people on the voter rolls is not an indication of fraud.

so, it's not even remotely possible that someone voted 'for' the dead person, right? It HAD to be a screw up.
This link does not provide ANY evidence of fraud.

Bullshit - You Lie!

From the link - "McDaniel’s voting history said she cast a ballot on 11/4/2008 even though she died on 9/13/2008."

And the most likely scenario is that someone signed on the wrong line on the roster.

Dead people are on the rolls in every county in every state. Most family members don't think to call the registrar of voters when someone dies.

My office, every two weeks, receives a report of people who have died in the county. If someone doesn't die in the county they reside, it is often months and months before we get notified. What it usually takes is the deceased individual getting sent their ballot or getting a Jury summons.

Thanks to continuous budget cuts, our staffing is so low that death registrations are a low priority compared to new voter registrations, especially as an election draws near.

I'll say it again, there are dead people on the rolls in every county in every state. Having hundreds, even thousands, of dead people on the voter rolls is not an indication of fraud.

It was the fact these dead people actually voted in elections after they died.
Does anyone have any proof of dead people voting?
Dead People Voting Throughout Florida |
Thousands of dead Floridians are registered to vote and some in Central Florida had ballots cast in their names long after their deaths.

"That is scary," said Jim Branch.

Branch's mother Marjorie died in 2004 but someone voted for her in 2006. Branch had tried to get his mother removed from the voter rolls.

"It was much easier for me calling Social Security and taking her off not getting any more checks here, than it was that (voter registration)," he sid.

County records show James Santiago voted in the 2006 general election. He too, was dead. His wife, Joann, sees this as an open invitation for voter fraud.

quick, Shitting Bull... spin this away! :rofl:

Looks like Shitting Bull is full of shit. As always.

No spin attempt here? I'm surprised.
Bullshit - You Lie!

From the link - "McDaniel’s voting history said she cast a ballot on 11/4/2008 even though she died on 9/13/2008."

And the most likely scenario is that someone signed on the wrong line on the roster.

Dead people are on the rolls in every county in every state. Most family members don't think to call the registrar of voters when someone dies.

My office, every two weeks, receives a report of people who have died in the county. If someone doesn't die in the county they reside, it is often months and months before we get notified. What it usually takes is the deceased individual getting sent their ballot or getting a Jury summons.

Thanks to continuous budget cuts, our staffing is so low that death registrations are a low priority compared to new voter registrations, especially as an election draws near.

I'll say it again, there are dead people on the rolls in every county in every state. Having hundreds, even thousands, of dead people on the voter rolls is not an indication of fraud.

It was the fact these dead people actually voted in elections after they died.

And I'm telling you that the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line. I just spent last week going through a report that shows people who potentially "voted twice". Of the half dozen pages I went through, a number of those that showed up on the report (over a score) were from people who had signed on the wrong line of the roster.

Dead people aren't voting.

Clean voter rolls takes money and personnel. Not happening...
And the most likely scenario is that someone signed on the wrong line on the roster.

Dead people are on the rolls in every county in every state. Most family members don't think to call the registrar of voters when someone dies.

My office, every two weeks, receives a report of people who have died in the county. If someone doesn't die in the county they reside, it is often months and months before we get notified. What it usually takes is the deceased individual getting sent their ballot or getting a Jury summons.

Thanks to continuous budget cuts, our staffing is so low that death registrations are a low priority compared to new voter registrations, especially as an election draws near.

I'll say it again, there are dead people on the rolls in every county in every state. Having hundreds, even thousands, of dead people on the voter rolls is not an indication of fraud.

It was the fact these dead people actually voted in elections after they died.

And I'm telling you that the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line. I just spent last week going through a report that shows people who potentially "voted twice". Of the half dozen pages I went through, a number of those that showed up on the report (over a score) were from people who had signed on the wrong line of the roster.

Dead people aren't voting.

Clean voter rolls takes money and personnel. Not happening...
and we should simple take your word over the evidence... why?
And the most likely scenario is that someone signed on the wrong line on the roster.

Dead people are on the rolls in every county in every state. Most family members don't think to call the registrar of voters when someone dies.

My office, every two weeks, receives a report of people who have died in the county. If someone doesn't die in the county they reside, it is often months and months before we get notified. What it usually takes is the deceased individual getting sent their ballot or getting a Jury summons.

Thanks to continuous budget cuts, our staffing is so low that death registrations are a low priority compared to new voter registrations, especially as an election draws near.

I'll say it again, there are dead people on the rolls in every county in every state. Having hundreds, even thousands, of dead people on the voter rolls is not an indication of fraud.

It was the fact these dead people actually voted in elections after they died.

And I'm telling you that the most likely scenario is that someone signed the roster on the wrong line. I just spent last week going through a report that shows people who potentially "voted twice". Of the half dozen pages I went through, a number of those that showed up on the report (over a score) were from people who had signed on the wrong line of the roster.

Dead people aren't voting.

Clean voter rolls takes money and personnel. Not happening...
You see a link showing dead people voting...and you insist dead people aren't voting.

That is some serious willful ignorance there.
Bullshit - You Lie!

From the link - "McDaniel’s voting history said she cast a ballot on 11/4/2008 even though she died on 9/13/2008."

And the most likely scenario is that someone signed on the wrong line on the roster.

Dead people are on the rolls in every county in every state. Most family members don't think to call the registrar of voters when someone dies.

My office, every two weeks, receives a report of people who have died in the county. If someone doesn't die in the county they reside, it is often months and months before we get notified. What it usually takes is the deceased individual getting sent their ballot or getting a Jury summons.

Thanks to continuous budget cuts, our staffing is so low that death registrations are a low priority compared to new voter registrations, especially as an election draws near.

I'll say it again, there are dead people on the rolls in every county in every state. Having hundreds, even thousands, of dead people on the voter rolls is not an indication of fraud.

so, it's not even remotely possible that someone voted 'for' the dead person, right? It HAD to be a screw up.

No, it didn't "have to be" a screwup, it is just the most likely scenario (based on my six years of ACTUAL experience). Occam's razor.

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