voters are ready to go to the polls

What a Bull Shit Headline.

The body of this Democrat/Socialist Propaganda piece says:

1) Lots of the Democrat/Socialist Voter bloc SAID they were going to show up to vote in 2014 but DIDN'T;

2) Voter turnout was LOW in 2014 and the Republicans won;

3) Voter turnout was HIGH in 2016 and the Republicans STILL won--including The Donald!

4) It says Trump rating is low and will hurt Republicans, but his rating is higher than Turd Obama's rating at the same time in his presidency, according to the most reliable Daily Presidential Tracker--Rasmussen--49%--NOT SO LOW.

5) It admits that the Democrat/Socialists have almost NO chance to win the Senate;

6) It admits that other recent polls find that Republican enthusiasm is just as high as Democrat/Socialist enthusiasm.

7) The Poll was done by the Washington Post and ABC News!! Two crown jewels of Fake News.

It is more Propaganda than Polling. When Assholes who feed you Fake News as subsidiaries of the Democrat/Socialist Party.....when those Assholes go out and do a Poll.....why in the Hell do you expect it to be anything but Fake too?

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As long as the Regressive Left hasn't turned off too many people with its illiberal, hateful bullshit - again - the Dems should make some nice gains. At least in the House.
and its not looking so good for Trumps Cartel -

Midterm elections: Voter enthusiasm soars among young people, Democrats and minorities, says new poll

not the demographics that the GOP was looking forward to.

Rather I think the Democratic Party propaganda MSM and polling mill wonder twins will activate their powers in tandem to make potential fence sitting voters believe, by lying to them of course, that a blue wave is imminent. When in reality, nothing could be farther from the truth. Won't work. Didn't work in '16. Time to teach old puppy Democrats some new tricks, so they'll stop "going" in the House.
and its not looking so good for Trumps Cartel -

Midterm elections: Voter enthusiasm soars among young people, Democrats and minorities, says new poll

not the demographics that the GOP was looking forward to.

Yet, you have no clue what the new Congress will be.

neither do RW morons.
We know that our collective IQ is FAR higher than the extremist, inbred yokels of your ilk.

Liberals are smarter than you, that’s why they knew HIllary was going to lose.

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