Voters of color are backing the GOP at historic levels

I don’t see how their current domestic agenda has anything to do with that.

Excuse the hell out of me, but the only "right-wing extremism" I'm aware of the last few years, and been over COVID lockdowns and mandates, the murdering of unborn children, gun confiscation, illegal searches and seizures, high taxes, teaching school children about sexual perversion, and an unverifiable election.

Do you have some kind of weird fantasy about white people coming out of the woods carrying Tiki torches with grimaced faces, their veins bulging?

I don't even own a damned Tiki torch, fer Christ's sake.
Dems can’t seem to form a coherent message. Running around like chickens. Not good in the face of the rightwing extremism that now characterizes the GOP.
That, and more importantly, not pushing back forcefully against the bullshit and letting the Bullshitters control the narrative. Essentially, not using an effective and disciplined pushback.

Look at the CRT crap. Chris Rufo pretty much said it was BS, and yet, Dems are yammering about graduate school programs, etc.

And as for the recent Dobbs decision, they should emphasize what Thomas clearly laid out. Griswold is next. National abortion bans are next. GOP agenda - let everyone buy and carry guns, and ban abortion, contraceptives, gay marriage... (Not a surprise that Thomas didn't mention Loving v Virgina). Weyrich was the one who decided to use abortion as THE issue to woo Evangelicals, and five decades of effort are paying off.

Logic does not count when it comes to decisions key for the Catholics on the court. Look at Kavanaugh. Claiming abortion is not protected by the Constitution, yet saying that women will be allowed to cross state lines to get one because of constitutionally protected travel. As if travel is mentioned...
Butchering full grown babies is lunacy as well, don’t see it stopping you. Frankly, both parties are disfunctional right now. Wish we had ranked choice.
Glad to see you oppose abortion on demand & partial birth abortion, because that's exactly what they do.
Maybe you're not the completely cognitively impaired proglodyte I always assumed you were from the nonsense you constantly post.

Who knows? In a few years you might actually wake up & find out what "woke" really means
That, and more importantly, not pushing back forcefully against the bullshit and letting the Bullshitters control the narrative. Essentially, not using an effective and disciplined pushback.

Look at the CRT crap. Chris Rufo pretty much said it was BS, and yet, Dems are yammering about graduate school programs, etc.

And as for the recent Dobbs decision, they should emphasize what Thomas clearly laid out. Griswold is next. National abortion bans are next. GOP agenda - let everyone buy and carry guns, and ban abortion, contraceptives, gay marriage... (Not a surprise that Thomas didn't mention Loving v Virgina). Weyrich was the one who decided to use abortion as THE issue to woo Evangelicals, and five decades of effort are paying off.

Logic does not count when it comes to decisions key for the Catholics on the court. Look at Kavanaugh. Claiming abortion is not protected by the Constitution, yet saying that women will be allowed to cross state lines to get one because of constitutionally protected travel. As if travel is mentioned...
The fact you believe travel has to be mentioned by the Constitution reveals the type of totalitarian type thinking of typical progbots.

We have natural, God given rights & they don't have to be "mentioned" to exercise them no matter what a court may say.
They are inalienable & cannot be taken away, they can only be surrendered by those willing to bend the knee
The Dem party is doomed because the left have no self control. The left will continue pushing crazy left no matter how many elections they lose or how much damage they do to the Dem party.
The fact you believe travel has to be mentioned by the Constitution reveals the type of totalitarian type thinking of typical progbots.

We have natural, God given rights & they don't have to be "mentioned" to exercise them no matter what a court may say.
They are inalienable & cannot be taken away, they can only be surrendered by those willing to bend the knee
I'm not Kavanaugh, although I do like beer, too.
None of this should be surprising, but there will certainly be denial and doubt among the Democratic faithful. The Democratic Party has done nothing for these voters other than pay lip service. For years they have thought they can just dangle the "racism" carrot in front of brown people and they'll just keep on following along loyally and completely forget about the real issues that affecting their lives. The bottom line is like anyone else, minority voters are interested in kitchen table issues, just like the white folks. They are concerned about inflation, transportation costs, housing costs, the deterioration of our education system, and instead of addressing these issues the left seems more concerned with trans gender people, proper pronouns, insisting men can have babies, environmental alarmism, and Critical Race Theory in education. These are things that the mainstream America perceives as radical and do not support and minority voters are no different.

And worse for the Dems, the PC/Identity Politics crap isn’t a stigma that can be wiped away quickly. People don’t forget decades of that stuff overnight.
Dems can’t seem to form a coherent message. Running around like chickens. Not good in the face of the rightwing extremism that now characterizes the GOP.
The reason they can't form a coherent message? They are obsessed with identity politics. And they are letting themselves be controlled by a radical, small minority of their coalition.

Just as critical theorist taught them, was the key to remaking America.

A good portion of America, has no higher education, nor do they agree with that agenda.

Even one of their intellectual thinkers, told them, this agenda, needs to be put on the back burner, and other priorities need to be emphasized, if they wish to retain power. It was censored.

Talk about irony.

Washington Post Changes Fareed Zakaria Headline Instructing Democrats to ‘Forget Pronouns’ after Twitter Backlash​

Dems can’t seem to form a coherent message. Running around like chickens. Not good in the face of the rightwing extremism that now characterizes the GOP.
Extremism? Maybe since the Democrats have veered so far Left that Center-Right looks like extremism.
Extremism? Maybe since the Democrats have veered so far Left that Center-Right looks like extremism.
Nope. What’s happened is the Republicans have taken a sharp right turn. Case in point: the number of credentialed conservatives (based on their voting record) that are now RINOS. There is no room for moderates anymore. I don’t think the Dems are there yet, but they are facing their own “Tea Party” that wants to go further left. Will there be room for moderates :dunno:
Dems can’t seem to form a coherent message. Running around like chickens. Not good in the face of the rightwing extremism that now characterizes the GOP.
WTF is "extreme" about demanding the federal government remain bound by constitutional restraints?

WTF is "extreme" about defending the 2A as it is written, rather than "interpreted" by hoplophobic bed wetters that have armed security?

WTF is "extreme" about demanding elections are legit?

WTF is "extreme" about questioning "scientists" who get government grants to terrify the world with weather predictions that half the time at least prove to be utterly false?

WTF is "extreme" about wanting a secure border?

Maybe it's your side that has gone off the extreme end, demanding gun restrictions on the law abiding while letting violent criminal sociopaths run amok and defunding law enforcement. Maybe it's your asshole potatohead former vice puppet attempting to ruin the petroleum industry and continuing to spend money like a drunk obozo at a chicago bath house.


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