Voters pan both candidates on economy


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2011
Poll shows swing voters down on Obama economic policy | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

On the eve of a high-stakes speech to defend his handling of the weak economy and attack Mitt Romney, President Barack Obama got another dose of bad news on Wednesday in the form of a new ABC News/Washington Post poll that found independent swing voters decidedly bearish on his approach.

Only 38 percent of those up-for-grabs Americans have favorable views of Obama's economic plans, with a majority (54 percent) disapproving. The good news for the embattled president? They aren't much more impressed by Romney's economic ideas—47 percent rate his approach unfavorably, with just 35 percent in favor.

Maybe there is hope for this country after all
I've said it before, I'll say it again. The new paradigm is that elections are no longer decided by how many votes a candidate gets. They are decided by how many voters the other guy causes to stay home.

Choosing the lesser of two evils over time results in more and more evil choices. So evil that half the voters are turned off and stay home.

So the birthers and foaming at the mouth UnConservatives will cause Romney voters to stay home and give Obama a win, or the OWS and nanny-state liberals who are disappointed that Obama did not turn out to be the socialist Rush Limbaugh promised them he would be will stay home and give Romney a win. It just comes down to how sick people are of their own kind who claim to speak for them.

As for polling Americans on Obama's or Romney's economic plan, that's purely an emotional response you are seeing. I seriously doubt five percent of the people polled could even tell you what the candidates' economic plans are.
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