Votes must be counted by the end of Election Day.

You can not be counting votes for several weeks or months or more , you know?
No way.
The election night, that's when America will and should know the results of this election.
Ideally, I agree, but we are talking about goobermint borrowcRATS and that means they are lucky to not be using 8track tapes and slide rules.
Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?

A comparable analogy would be saying, other than that one isolated bullet hitting you in the head, your shooting was largely unsubstantiated. LMAO There's fraud that has been documented and no amount of semantics will change that.


Every single voting system has the potential for fraud. But the amount of fraud that occurs at the level of the individual voter is small and if caught, it is a felony. That has to be balanced against disenfranchising legitimate voters. In fact, your analogy could just as easily apply to disenfranchisement.
Some systems are much much easier to do fraud on especially when SOROS has his fingers on them.
There is a lot of evidence that OBVIOUSLY mail in fraud produces more fraud. Absolutely ridiculous to claim it does not when it is even logically a certainty.
But it is a relatively small percent5age, probably less than 1%, but who really knows?
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.
Votes must be returned by Election Day.
No excuses.
My daughter requested a mail-in ballot over a month ago and returned it over a month ago.

As long as its postmarked by election day it will count; as the voter has no control on how long the post office takes to deliver the mail. Three days is sufficient.
I'm dropping this here instead of starting a new thread - we have enough Hunter Biden threads - but this is noticeable because it's from The Daily Caller's investigative reporter:

I hope you realize, that by having a picture of AOC as your avatar, what that actually does to your credibility, dont you ?

You can not be counting votes for several weeks or months or more , you know?
No way.
The election night, that's when America will and should know the results of this election.
Ideally, I agree, but we are talking about goobermint borrowcRATS and that means they are lucky to not be using 8track tapes and slide rules.

Have faith in what's true. Have faith in what is meant to be.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.
It would be nice if we could, though.
It would nice if all votes could be counted by the end of election day, I agree, it’s just never been the case.
Seems strange we haven't fixed that before now, but it's not like lawmakers ever really fix anything.
The fact is no one has to worry about being disenfranchised if they simply follow the rules and not try to excuse incompetence.
But you have to consider the IQ threshold necessary to follow those instructions.

Dimocrats dont have the intelligence needed to get a voter ID, so imposing Voter ID requirements disenfranchises their low IQ voters.
As long as its postmarked by election day it will count; as the voter has no control on how long the post office takes to deliver the mail. Three days is sufficient.

Why should the polls accommodate stupid people that can't mail in their ballot two weeks before the election? It's bad enough they are too damned lazy to vote in person, but now we have to make special considerations for their incompetency as well?
As long as its postmarked by election day it will count; as the voter has no control on how long the post office takes to deliver the mail. Three days is sufficient.

Why should the polls accommodate stupid people that can't mail in their ballot two weeks before the election? It's bad enough they are too damned lazy to vote in person, but now we have to make special considerations for their incompetency as well?

The IRS allows payments to be postmarked by 4/15 without penalty if they arrive 3 days later.
Republicans are melting down!

As long as its postmarked by election day it will count; as the voter has no control on how long the post office takes to deliver the mail. Three days is sufficient.

Why should the polls accommodate stupid people that can't mail in their ballot two weeks before the election? It's bad enough they are too damned lazy to vote in person, but now we have to make special considerations for their incompetency as well?
If the Ds are losing they will go to their houses early in the morning and get the ballots.
To be fair, The Rs do the same thing.
The fact is that some rules were created to suppress the vote and the appointment of a man with no postal experience to run the postal service who immediately started slowing down of the mail should not have been done.

Exactly how did he do that? If you're worried about the mail, get off your lazy ass and vote in person. Problem solved.
If the Ds are losing they will go to their houses early in the morning and get the ballots.
To be fair, The Rs do the same thing.

What we will find at the end of this election is the Republicans will mostly vote in person as always. There won't be nearly as many Republicans at home sitting with their ballot on the table waiting to see the outcome before they send it in as Democrats.
If the Ds are losing they will go to their houses early in the morning and get the ballots.
To be fair, The Rs do the same thing.

What we will find at the end of this election is the Republicans will mostly vote in person as always. There won't be nearly as many Republicans at home sitting with their ballot on the table waiting to see the outcome before they send it in as Democrats.

Confirmation of your post.
Sure. And if you believe that, I have a bridge for sale.

People have had, in most cases, months to get their ballots in on time. Tell the class, how much more time is needed?


As long as it is postmarked by Election Day, so what? All these other measures you guys are pushing? Nothing more than attempting to prevent legitimate votes from being counted.

The ultimate hypocrisy here is the Dems tried something similar in Florida in 2000, and YOU guys cried foul.

Oh FOAD, more excuses for incompetency. A ballot is not a freaking tax return that the government can process at their leisure. And each are governed by different laws. Congress set the 1st Tuesday of Nov. as election day, not the 1st Tuesday plus, plus plus. Like I said in my first post in the POS thread, I don't give a shit who you vote for, it's your responsibility to have you vote in by election day. You commies are the ones trying to make this some kind of partisan issue, it's not, it's about personal responsibility. Or do you subscribe to the commie narrative that the concept of personal responsibility is somehow racist?

It’s UNDEMOCRATIC what is decided in some Republican states, such as TEXAS.
Only ONE (1) ballot drop-off box per county?

In Democratic states, you see 37 drop boxes AND 17 voting sites in a SINGLE county!

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